Grateful Dead

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Everything posted by Grateful Dead

  1. Jordan Peterson is an example for very low Integrity ^^
  2. @OBEler that's amazing man! it's sad and happy for me to read stories like that because there are so many people suffering who don't know about psychedelics or don't have access to them..but it makes me so happy it worked for your girlfriend I think it could be the case that the migraine comes back after a month or so and if she is not ready for a full dose again, she could try micro dosing right when the migraine begins. You have to test out some stuff.
  3. great video adeptus! will be interesting to see how psymposia will react to this or if they even react to it and finally show some proof to their claim it sounded like they already have proof
  4. wow I watched it and it's mind blowing thanks for the recommendation!
  5. You know when your being is filled with joy and you love everything there is. You wont get there if you can't get out of your mind you need to loosen up and have fun. It's good to feel into the electric waves rushing trough your body or you get up and start dancing to get into the flow of your movements. Set and Setting is crucial with MDMA, for example the right music will change everything. For me it's extremely helpful to take a few puffs weed when the effects settled in, like I rather take a smaller dose but then smoke some weed. Doesn't matter to me if eyes opened or closed.
  6. I would start with 80mg and if that's not enough add more in 20mg steps until you get there. No but there is a limit where the effects wont be enjoyable anymore and it just becomes overwhelming.
  7. wow wtf I have pretty much taken all the popular psychedelics and never had a comedown on any of them for me it's only hard to deal with the heartbreak that comes from losing the connection again and again
  8. The MDMA comedown isn't to bad for me if I eat healthy food after the experience. The problem with MDMA is that I will be in such joyful and loving states that I don't care about trauma or negative stuff anymore. I am just enjoying myself and love everything lol
  9. Great video man! Really appreciated Also you have a very calming energy and magical eyes ? Could you tell me what song you use in the beginning?
  10. If you want to use psychedelics for spiritual purposes or personal development you have to find out a long the way what it is about. Of course it's never bad to read some books on the subject but you could find better informations here in the forum. My favorite books are: 'The Way of the Psychonaut' by Stanislav Grof and 'ALLIES for AWAKENING Guidelines for productive and safe experiences with entheogens' by Ralph Metzner. If you only want to read one buy the secone one. But as I said dont just follow the advice from other people with psychedelics I think it's very important to find your own way and to question everything for yourself. Psychedelics can teach you everything you need to know about them if you ask them, use them as your Guru.
  11. "Seeking is the worst trap there is, except for not-seeking." -Leo Gura
  12. I’ve found ketamine to be the best substance to heal traumas.
  13. Culadasa is a buddhist meditation teacher who has done many psychedelics and acknowledges their potential
  14. start with 100ug and work your way up with 50ug steps until you are satisfied do like 30 minutes of meditation before you take it and try to relaxe once you notice a shift in consciousness and you feel this light headed clarity start contemplating and from there on normally it will take it’s natural course if you still have lots of trauma and personal shit to work on I recommend to take high doses with psychedelic music to feel into what’s coming up and then let it go keep the body open and try to relax both body and mind be gentle with yourself and accept the moment It's much easier to break through on LSD if you smoke weed on the peak but you have to be ready to let go and better start with a very small amount
  15. Enjoy the ride brother ?
  16. I have been following Martin very closely on this issue because I am also a light sleeper for all my life and I've noticed that 5-MeO fucks alot with my sleep. Like I am sleeping significantly less then normal and it takes much more time to fall asleep but usually I go back to normal after a few days. But I only dipped in my toes so far with this substance. I've have over a hundred trips with other psychedelics like lsd and shrooms and they never interfered with my sleep.
  17. I can relate very much brother ? Although it's very terrfiying I also find it interesting and kind of funny in a way. But I also haven't been able to fully let go on 5-MeO, as you say I think it has a lot to do with the right dose. How much have you been smoking? The only advice I can give you is to laugh about whats happening^^... I am going to try plugging today for the first time.
  18. Focus on one question and stay with it until you have a direct insight into truth. Dont fantasies about stuff or use old memories, only work with whats present. It's not about believing yourself, it's about direct experience so there is no more doubt in the end. But of course you have to start somewhere and kind of narrow the question down. Peter Raltson teaches it in depth in his book of not knowing.
  19. I think that I experienced past lifes on lsd but as you say I don't think you can ever be 100% sure that it's legit. But nonetheless these experiences have helped me alot in many different ways.
  20. Do you mean that he said he is a light sleeper?
  21. I got a veggie friend who is really into fitness and he says lupinus are the best never tried them myself