Grateful Dead

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Everything posted by Grateful Dead

  1. The best would be to go to a psychotherapist and in combination do psychedelics at home. The hard part is to really go into your nightmares when you do psychedelics at home, as I said, your intention has to be very clear. My perfect dose for LSD is around 200ug but sometimes I do 400-500ug. And I noticed that only on those high doses, the deep unconscious trauma will come to surface. If she is ready to go there, then she should slowly up her dose. So if she did 100ug last trip, do 150ug next trip until it shows. Set and setting is key so as I already said, get the intention very clear and create an environment with as little distractions as possible. So just lay down in darkness accompanied by music.
  2. Have you tried exercise? I sleep best when I worked out hard if it's an option for you, cannabis is amazing for sleep but also very addictive..
  3. @Mu_ I already kind of knew that but still the video really hit home... thanks man ?
  4. We need a book on psychedelics, please ?
  5. we all just stardust? this is amazing leo you could blow joe rogans mind e: now my mind is blown lol
  6. Classic always go straight into to the light if you see it
  7. @Preety_India You could practice self-acceptance. What I mean by that is that when you read a comment that hurts you or affects you in any other negative way, you recognize the part in yourself which is hurt and you give it your unconditional love. Once you accept and love that part in you, it will disappear.
  8. @OBEler very interesting! you have said before that your girlfriend has deep trauma and other problems, do this spirits help her heal and does it have significant impact in her daily life?
  9. ? How does she meet these spirit guides? Is she doing something particular to channel them or it just happens? Would be cool to have a spirit guide myself ?
  10. One time I was in a trance like state while dancing on ketamine and the exact same question came to my mind. So I took my glasses off, everything got blurry and morphed into oneness ?
  11. I know for some people it can last years but usually as a result from high doses or powerful psychedelics, for me it never lasted longer then 6 months. How was your trip? Go for the next trip 2 years is enough already ?
  12. gotta try this ? I think that's normal, at least for me it's also the case... dont worry to much about it, when you are in a high pressure situation you will have much more focus power then usual. great tips by @Michael569 !! Diet is definitely a key point to stay focused for long periods, I eat very little if I have to do something like that. Adderall or Amphetamines in general are great for studying for me but not so good for the actual exam since you have to be creative and your mind should be kind of fluid. When I take stimulants my mind becomes very mechanical and I can't access everything I know.
  13. The 'Power of Now' was definitely life changing.. also 'LSD and the Mind of the Universe', 'Entheogenic Liberation', 'The Book of Not Knowing' and 'The Mind Illuminated' had a huge impact on me. And I really enjoyed all books from JedMcKenna but I am not sure how much they actually influenced me. I would recommend 'LSD and the Mind of the Universe' even to people who don't intend to take psychedelics, it's a very unique book.
  14. being kind is not a character trait it is a choice you make
  15. Hey all I would like to learn more about politics and the system generally in germany. I know there are lots of Germans in this forum so I hope someone maybe has a good youtube channel, blog or podcast to get a better understanding about politics in germany.
  16. Leo Gura
  17. So I've decided to share my breakthrough N-N DMT experience I had a few years back. At this time I didn't know anything about spirituality etc. I just took psychedelics out of curiosity and fun. The experience happened at a beautiful place in my village right beside a river. It was only me and my best friend Matthew, we both smoked DMT about 15 times before but never enough to breakthrough. We both were determined to do it this time. There was so much rest DMT in the oil pipe that you could have had a breakthrough experience without adding anything. Anyway I added about 40mg to be sure and started to heat up the pipe. I remember looking at the pipe while moving it to my mouth, it reminded me at a cauldron and in it the DMT was literally boiling. I thought "oh boy" and took a hit as deep and long as I could. Immediately I knew that this time it was enough and instantly I blasted off. My friend told me I fell back on the ground as if I had died. The first thought I had was "Am I dead?" I moved my hand to my heart and felt that it was still beating (my friend told me later this happened for real). Because I felt my heartbeat I knew all is good and calmed down. So I began to explore this new reality. It felt so real that in comparison the reality I am in right now could be considered "unreal". The main colour of this place was gold and between the gold was black but not normal black more like infinite blackness. Everything was moving so fucking fast, I remember thinking "this is way to fast, I can't grasp whats going on". The golden colours were always moving and formed symbols that were similar to these: Somehow I had the feeling that I was inside a Pyramid or somewhere deep down. Then in the corner of my eye I saw something and felt a presence. I thought "how did matthew get here wtf?". So I turned to the right to see whats going on and there was this being. It was black and looked like a sphinx and when I looked right into her/his face it was both feminine and masculine, the face was changing all the time. The being didn't have extremities it was just the head and the body but the body didn't have an end, like it was getting smaller so it looked like a tail but never ended. I looked back in the middle and suddenly these beings were everywhere. There were dozens of them, some were black and others golden. They had this incredible loving vibe to them, I can't compare it to anything. And they were telepathically communicating with me, all of them. This is what they said: Welcome... Finally you made it. We have been waiting for you, where have you been so long? WE LOVE YOU. WE LOVE YOU, WE LOVE YOU, WE LOVE YOU. Welcome we are so happy you are finally back, we love you. Never in my life I have felt so welcome and loved. It was almost overwhelming but it wasn't because I felt loved like never before. Then I thought "wait how did I get here? what am I doing here? how do I come back?" At this moment I kind of whirled out of there and came back to my body. I was filled with love and the world was shining like it never had.