Grateful Dead

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Everything posted by Grateful Dead

  1. Yes I have experienced it once. I faced absolute truth and couldn't accept it... so I just kept repeating "no this can't be true" and at some point I think my mind just shut off. When I came back I was in a totalay different location and I didn't know how I got there.
  2. Just listend to the Podcast... highly recommended Incredibly great conversation that gives you a deep insight into human nature and society in general. To be honest, I had no idea how bad it really is in North Korea.
  3. Beautiful, thank you for sharing Do you think it would have been better for you if you hadn't come to psychiatry?
  4. @LambChop Thanks for sharing! You have taken the most important first step and you definitely have the right mindset. Now take one step at a time and don't look back I wish you all the best!
  5. There are several methods you can try, such as breathwork, mindfulness meditation, psychedelics etc... But it is always a long process and ideally the methods are used in conjunction with therapy. That would be good to start with
  6. @Ananta No, I am not a Doctor and maybe you are right, I don't know him well enough. But it's also obivous that I don't give medical adive here.. I only have the information shared on this thread and what I am suggesting is what I would do if I were him.
  7. I wouldn't recommend it for every mental illness either, but they seem very effective for major depression and OP has suffered all his life. If you do a little research you will find that psychedelics are increasingly being used to treat mental illnesses. The problem is in Europe it will probably be many years before it can be legally done under medical supervision. You can reduce the risk to a minimum, even if you are alone or only have a untrained tripsitter. In general, you should always be very careful with psychedelics, I hardly recommend them to normal people these days.
  8. It is not uncommon for people with mental disorders to have to go through Hell and experience a mental breakdown before they can begin healing. I have a friend who was depressed all his life and tried to kill himself twice (once on psychedelics) before I met him. He was in closed psychiatric treatment for almost a year and other than being sedated with medication it had no effect. I talked to him a lot about psychedelics and after a while he was ready to take mushrooms again. One experience completely changed his life so that he could start studying again, found a girlfriend and even now about 5 years later he no longer suffers from depression. It can be a miracle cure if you know what to do but it can also make things a lot worse. Oke 2-CB is already considered a mild psychedelic. How did you do it? Like how was Set and Setting?
  9. @Raptorsin7@Gneh Onebar Thanks guys Hopefully this week I'll have some time to write more... 'LSD and the Mind of the Universe' is also my favorite book about psychedelics. I am re-reading it for the 3th time right now and am still finding more and more golden nuggets . It's very similar to what Leo experienced. Both use different vocabulary and have sometimes taken different paths, but basically both tell the same story.
  10. In this journal I am going to share everything I have learned and am still learning about and from psychedelics. For the past eight years I have used psychedelic drugs to shape my life. With every big decision or event that happened in my life, I used psychedelic drugs to point me in the right direction. I have built everything up around the insights that I have gained from the experiences and also examined most of my past, in order to better understand it. At this point I have 150+ psychedelic experiences and have read many books/articles on the subject. For the first years I always tripped with my two best friends, spending most of the time in nature. After a few years my friends lost interest in psychedelics and I started doing solo sessions. From the beginning I knew that psychedelics, for me are the key to explore life. Naturally I contemplated all the questions I had on my mind since I was very young, like "who am I?", or "what is the purpose of life?". And for a while I thought I had the answers... until I discovered spirituality and came across, what opened a whole new world for me. So what I will share here will be like a guide to sustainable psychedelic experiences mixed with and insights about life which I got from those experiences. Hopefully this will give me more clarity and maybe some people even benefit from it.
  11. @intotheblack Thanks for sharing! Looking foward to watch it
  12. It depends, what psychedelics have you tried and at what dose? I think in your case it would be best to start with milder substances like mdma, ketamine or low doses of shrooms. But it would be best if you do it in combination with therapy and you have to be very careful.
  13. @Someone here You are Welcome! There are some good youtube videos out there explaining the technique if you don't want to read the whole book
  14. Feel it to the fullest and then let it go. This is described in detail in David Hawkins' book Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender
  15. @Blackhawk Oh, sounds like dark may seem like there is no hope right now but in 5 or 10 years everything could be completely different. I think I read that you are already in therapy, right? Have you tried psychedelics? They could give you a new perspective on life.
  16. I give a fuck What's your situation like? And what kind of help would you need?
  17. Of all the drugs I've tried, I like the effects of alcohol the least. When I use drugs I want to be more conscious than normal and not the other way around. I live in Bavaria, where beer is a staple food. For most of the people here, it is very strange not to drink. I don't judge people for drinking, but they judge me for not drinking . It takes a while to adapt socially to it...when everyone is drinking and I would also like to change my state, I take psychedelics/mdma/weed in small doses.
  18. If depersonalization occurs after trauma usually it stops after you find the root of your trauma and face it. To do this you should be as stable as possible, otherwise it could get worse. So working with a psychotherapist is a good start to find some balance and investigate your emotions deeper.
  19. Recently watched 'Uncut Gems' as suggested by @Heart of Space in another thread. Great message, really well done!
  20. @Tech36363
  21. There's a natural mystic Blowing through the air If you listen carefully now you will hear
  22. Normally it's caused by lots of stress or a traumatic event, so in your case I would slow down with psychedelics and spirituality. Try to ground yourself like @EmptyVase suggested. Learn to identify the symptoms and listen to your emotions, maybe start a journal to find some clarity. It really depends on how strong your symptoms are, if it's a weak case, usually after a short time it will fade away. But if you have strong symptoms over longer periods, you should seek professional help to deal with it.
  23. Could be de-realization / depersonalization. Did something trigger it? How and when did it start?
  24. Hey everyone Glad to help the community ?