Grateful Dead

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Everything posted by Grateful Dead

  1. that would be great I think we should allow some level of sourcing, but we need to test it a bit
  2. Once I was able to choose on a screen which of my past lives I would like to see. When I chose one, I lived as a princess in a beautiful palace and lay in my husband's arms. The love I felt for this man surpasses anything imaginable. Then someone came into our room and discussed something with my husband for a while, when the man left my husband came back to me. We looked into each other's eyes and I realized something wasn't quite right and a few moments later he started gasping and blood was coming out of his mouth. He stayed totally calm, calmed me down and told me what to do to save our child. He died in my arms and I woke up crying and cried my eyes out for a while afterwards. That was my most beautiful dream. It showed me that no matter how much suffering I experience, it's all worth it to experience this. I think the worst was when I had sleep paralysis and a demon came into my room to rape me or whatever...
  3. Mushrooms and N-N DMT work best for me to access these realms, but only in high doses. I have experienced things related to Christianity, Ancient Egypt, Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism and it has never been in a sacred place. I guess that's not that important, but what's important to me is that I consume DMT in nature. For some reason I can't get there indoors on DMT.
  4. I had a similar experience when a teacher told me that I'm just different from the others and that's okay too. She always let me be who I am and didn't bother me like the other teachers. It had a huge impact on my whole life because it was the first time I really felt understood and I often revisited that moment until I didn't need to anymore.
  5. doesn’t seem like there is anything wrong with your texts to me
  6. Same... Also read his Autobiography 10/10
  7. Germany ? People here are saying they are going to boycott the WM because all the shit thats going down in Qatar. Supposeably more than 6000 workers have died because they had to work so hard to finish the Stadiums. lol
  8. I think that was one of Leo's best videos. It put me in a meditative state for a while and connected many dots. Good move putting that out ?
  9. I think you should get a therapist sounds like you may have psychosis or something is out of whack.
  10. I also think there's no need to tell her, especially if you don't want to do it now. Maybe one day you will feel that now is the right moment and then you will tell her. Thanks for sharing and great work with the floating tank! It seems like meditation is effective for you, do you still practice it?
  11. Yeah, sadly it's not legal anymore in Germany.
  12. Diablo 2 loved that game
  13. Everything we wished for, thank you Leo ?
  14. Basically, weed works like any other psychedelic. Of course it has its own flavor, for me it's kind of similar to LSD.
  15. Psychedelics are the most powerful tool I know to release stuck energy. You have to suffer through it over and over again until you learn how to let go, that's all psychedelics want to teach you. You might have to take 400-500ug a few times to breakthrough, but usually doses around 50-250ug work best for this type of work, at least if you do it alone it's much safer. Therapy can then be used to integrate your experiences. You might want to check out Stan Grof's work, he is the master in this field.
  16. This person is becoming more conscious and the effects he describes are quite normal... if you don't want to become more conscious then don't meditate. Meditation is no magic pill, there is a lot of shit to overcome and that means you gonna struggle. However, I do agree that it's sometimes advertised as that risk-free, cure-all blanket solution and that can be dangerous, especially if you're not serious about it.
  17. I like the idea! Would be cool to have a place to talk about movies, series, music etc.
  18. Has happened to me a few times while doing yoga I don't think it's anything to worry about.
  19. let it run when you're trying to fall asleep
  20. Go to a psy trance festival, that might be the closest thing to it
  21. You are definitely heading in the right direction imo but sounds like a little glimpse of enlightenment to me don't worry about those labels, just keep going and search for the truth
  22. Stream entry was a very noticeable shift as everything started to work much more smoothly. I felt the energy in my body had shifted and meditation became much deeper and almost effortless. Less fear and resistance to life in general and since then psychedelics are also much more effective. After God Realization I also noticed an energetic shift and it was like salvation from all sins, since then I know I can't do anything wrong. This removed the general confusion and uncertainty. It didn't affect other areas of my life as much because it was already connected to this process. Much more could be said, but also in another way nothing has changed. I am still me. The biggest challenge for me is when I lose the connection with God/Love.
  23. @StarStruck Sadhguru has never tried psychedelics, how should he know? There are a lot of old hippies now that have been taking tons of psychedelics and I have never heard of anyone getting physical problems or premature aging from it as you say.
  24. @StarStruck Have you seen Michael Thaft? He has beautiful hair and claims to have done over 1000 LSD trips