Grateful Dead

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Everything posted by Grateful Dead

  1. What's interesting is that my meditations are much better when I'm angry or in a really bad mood. When I'm in a good mood my thoughts get philosophical and have this sparkling energy and therefore I get easily distracted by them. And when I'm in a bad mood I don't want to think at all, I just want to focus on my breath because it feels a lot better.
  2. What you are describing is exactly what the Grateful Dead are known for. You should check them out, they never played a song the same way twice. It's always fresh and new. Someday when I have the time and I'm bored enough I'm going to make a huge Grateful Dead topic and hopefully some of you guys will check them out because you're all missing out
  3. Did 5-MeO yesterday and realized my limitless nature pretty quickly this time, also there was very little fear to begin with so I see some progress being made here. Every time I do 5-MeO, I have no idea how Leo could do it 30 days straight. I can't imagine how hard he had to push himself.
  4. I'm looking for a beginner's cookbook that at best has dishes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Of course, the dishes should be healthy and balanced so that everything is covered. I'm open to everything vegetarian, vegan, meat, whatever, the main thing is healthy and not too expensive to make. I mostly cook for myself and I don't mind eating the same thing for several days. You could also recommend one in German if possible but English is good too!
  5. My heart is free and it knows the way to truth
  6. Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose
  7. I shouldn't have had the 3rd espresso yesterday... really love caffeine but it disturbs my sleep too much. I underestimated the effects after two weeks without it. Yesterday I was super productive, but today I didn't get anything done... is it even worth it then? I want to do coffee only on special occasion now like when I don't want to sleep early anyway. It felt great to help a friend out today.
  8. None at all and I ate a good amount of it.
  9. I tried it when I was younger and it don't recommend it. It was a bit euphoric but not really worth it for me.
  10. I need to connect more often with that wild, hairy, ape-like man in me who's ready to kill and doesn't give a fuck about others.
  11. I have done many trips while my parents were also at home. Do it at night when everyone is asleep anyway. How is your access to the toilet? Do you have your own bath?
  12. It's good to be a little nervous before taking psychedelics, imo. Start with a very small amount.
  13. Sorry that you did have to go through this but don't just dismiss it as delusion. Analyze what happened and try to understand, this is part of the process.
  14. Well yes, there is always something hidden, but it will come out when you go for the obvious, imo. @Blackhawk better don’t use the internet until the peak is over, it will disturb the trip.
  15. @Blackhawk Yes, your intention should be what you want most in that moment, so you can't fake it. If you want the truth then go for it, it will also be very healing when you recognize it.
  16. Yeah that should be fine. The Grateful Dead for example: before the trip set your intention, best write it down like this: Intention: Healing other than that just lay down and let it work on you, try to let go in every moment
  17. @Juan There is a huge difference between to much aya and to much 5-MeO
  18. Then 250ug would be more than double the dose you have been taking. You'll probably still be fine, but I'd recommend increasing your dosage by 50ug until you hit your sweet spot. The safe and optimal dosage for any "medicine" falls somewhere between "not enough" and "too much".
  19. If you got it from a certain dark place, the dose is probably accurate. 250ug is pretty normal in Europe these days..
  20. @Ash55 check out this channel: what book are you using?
  21. Very true! Once, when I was in deep suffering, I prayed to the Divine Mother and asked her what to do, and she immediately replied: Recognize it as Love that was the most beautiful recontextualization I've ever experienced
  22. Yes, I take regular caffeine breaks to compensate.