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Everything posted by Pramit

  1. you first have to define what you seek. What is innate value?
  2. you cannot call a poet a scientist. What you described would be regressive to the field of science. You can also read an article on karl popper, to understand why science is different from psuedoscience. Typically when an experiment fails to obtain the result that a scientist wants/desires (lets say for the advancement of his career) then the scientist might do one of two things : Modify the experiment, modify the theory/hypothesis. If none of the approaches work, its a null result, which can be difficult to publish (but steps are being taken to remove this problem). Sometimes a scientist modifies the experiment in such a way so as to create a self validating experiment. That is why old science is getting harder to replicate, they did not have tight controls and their old equipments sometimes gave erroneous readings. Science that cannot be replicated goes to trash. Whether it takes 10 years, 20 years, doesn't matter. If you do bad science, eventually you will get caught. This is why science works or is successful. Because sometimes things just happen by chance, sometimes these are weird things, and we explain these things as paranormal. Our brains are not hardwired for science, we are hardwired for intuitive thinking. Humans can see patterns everywhere. Science is just a way to make sure that the pattern we see actually exists.
  3. this is a good summary:
  4. Its your life, do whatever you want to do, don't seek other's opinion like this. Go make mistakes if it makes you happy. Although, my personal opinion is that the magnitude of the mistakes seems to be rather large. But hey, its your decision at the way, and may be this is supposed to be your way.
  5. try different things and see what works for you. I just sit.
  6. simple: you can't. the whole thing is just people who can "resonate" with you. there is no objective or experimental way to distiguish that. So if you seek a psychic, and he/she helps you (doesn't matter weather its real or fake) , that's good for you
  7. on the surfce level ur right, the interpretation plays a big role, and scientists are ideally meant to actively be aware of it, and have tight controls and other measures to reduce it. However, just because the current scientific method has real problems, it doesn't make sense to deny science, or propose that alternative explanations are somehow valid. thats a leap of logic
  8. all I can say is : keep an open mind and judge for yourself.
  9. Just use Dark Reader app for google chrome. It gives you a dark theme for everything.
  10. Thanks for giving me an excuse to browse through the art that I've saved in my pc. I won't give any description of the things I am attaching here, but I do recommend reading up on the art in wikipedia. There is also a limit of 4.88mb so I'll stop here.
  11. Boredom, curiosity about what people post here, sometimes updating or reading my journal
  12. I consume a lot of tea every month and I recently bought this "whole leaf" tea. It came with pyramid shaped tea bags, made of plastic. Unlike paper tea bags they don't get soggy, and are better at imparting flavour into the tea (better "flavour profile" or something). So I decided to write a review on amazon, which is where I found a reviewer that said these bags release a large dose of microplastics into the cup when they are steeped. I searched and found the original paper where they published this finding - and it was true. The plastic tea bags, when steeped in water for making tea, release billions of plastic microparticles, several orders more than in other food products (all food contains some small quantity of micro plastics these days). This is alarming news. Even though we don't know the health risks associated with ingesting this much plastic, it is better to have precaution and not consume tea in plastic tea bags. Stick to loose tea, or paper tea bags. These triangle shaped tea bags cost more anyway. Link to original study : (read the intro and discussion section if you are interested but feel intimidated by the technical stuff like I was). Anyway, I am really enjoying green tea, especially the lemongrass flavour, or if it has lemon/mint/honey. I don't like herbal tea's though, it feels like a gimmick (all those claims about the tea containing X which helps in X are guranteed to be bullshit) and the tea feels like hot water with aroma. I like black tea with milk too, bought some peach black tea and I kind of enjoy that. And I tried red tea recently (vanilla flavoured), it was good too, though my mother said it tasted like medicine(!). Media I have consumed recently: Multiple visual novels with gameplay, Watchmen TV series(2019). I should not start anything now. Current project: 1) PhD applications 2) Continuing my japanese learning One interesting project that I want to take on is to address a question in my mind : Why do I know some things well and some things vaguely? For example, even though I never worked in the field of magnetoreception, I have a good understanding of the current state of that field. One thing I can do about this is to go into something deeply, pursue it till it occupies your entire day for at least a few weeks or may be 2 months. The easiest topic would be statistics, or something related to computation - because its something I can do without requiring any specialized equipment. Can I really do it though? I don't know. Self-motivation is something that I have some success with, but there are a large number of failures as well.
  13. Good post OP. Thanks for sharing this. Hope you have the best time of your life now! That's very interesting, both her behaviour and your association.
  14. You have to try and think from the other person's perspective. What are his values? What outcome does he want? Then you say whatever you want to say. Otherwise, like most people, you will say your piece and not help at all. And try to emphasize. South park had a really good episode on this.
  15. Telling someone to go through practices gurantees repeat customers
  16. It might also help that simulation theory is based on probabilities. I personally believe that the human brain is a simulation machine. So simulation is true by default. The brain recreates the stimuli in the form of an electrical signal. This is the inverse optics problem generalized to all stimuli. Now you just have to ask yourself : is it a faithful recreation? For which, I will agree with Daniel Hoffman in saying that, no, it is not.
  17. read Emil Cioran. Or if you hanve't read it yet, read Albert Camus's "The stranger". But to answer your question, no. Medication might help if this is clinical depression, so you should find a psychiatrist in that case.
  18. I don't know, but I don't think its that odd. What is truly odd though, is the fact that I got three 7's in my quantum random number generator. See, I wanted to take a decision but both decisions were equally valid. So I used my trusty random number generator that takes its number from a quantum generator(whatever that means). I selected only the last digit from the 5 or so digit numbers, so getting three 7's is a 1/1000 chance! Amazing right?! That's practically like winning the lottery..if there were only 1000 tickets in circulation and each person had 1 ticket. You know how strange it is that even though the chances of winning a lottery are super duper low, someone still wins a lottery anyway? Weird. Don't they understand basic maths? There's no way they should be able to win. And yet, even at those odds, someone wins, and someone wins not just once but a few times in a row.
  19. Perhaps you should see a doctor? Could be a medical condition. Sounds like your eyes have difficulty focusing.
  20. Indian here. Where in India do you plan to move to? I would suggest going to the reddit subforums of that place and ask people there. Be objective in your questioning, don't ask questions like "What's it like to live in India?", ask specific questions such as "how good is the internet service?", "Is the police reliable?"
  21. "What is it that you are chasing?" "I am not chasing anything." "No, you are clearly chasing something." "Who is chasing what again?" "..." I find it harder and harder to update this journal. Nothing new to add. All I am doing is waking up and going back to sleep. Which state am I in when I update this journal? I find it harder and harder to distinguish between those two. Have I been sleeping all this time? I am enjoying this. And, I am despairing this. My small part of the dance. Everything, a kind song. For me this journal must serve a purpose. Therefore, unnecessary repetition is not good. A hundred posts of "I awoke at 8 and had breakfast" is not needed. Neither is "I turned 25 tomorrow and shit in the toilet like I was 24". Perhaps its time to say farewells, if such a thing is possible. Why on earth did I try to seek refuge in my journal? My words cannot possibly save ME. I am applying for PhD. Why? I am perfectly content where I am. Do I desire change? No. Do I desire stagnation? No. Then what did I desire? Ah..I see. What I wanted was this moment. It may change form, but this moment will be mine forever. It is the one thing I have Advice to myself applying for PhD: If an advisor posts a "Things I expect from my student" and puts "excellence" in that list, she expects too much or has an inflated sense of self worth, lab is likely to have issues. At the very least, not a good place to learn science from. Late edit: South park season 15 episode 8 "Ass burgers" is really good and says something really important about change.
  22. Excuse me, but I don't know if you understood my position, or if I understood you reply. I am talking about the phenomenal experience of time. Yes, death is inevitable, but that was not the main point of my post (I don't want to repeat it here again so you can go back to read it if you are confused). What assumptions do you want to validate? Why do I have to cut my arms?
  23. Even if this suffering leads to people tormenting others, for example, nazi death camps? Even if this suffering leads to some people commiting suicide? Even if the person who is suffering argues against what you just said? Good words, but I think in practice its impossible to achieve. Trauma therapy and self redemption are nice to hear, but do you know the statistics on how many addicts relapse, even 1-2 years after treatment? How many people fuck up even with all the wisdom in the world on their side? All the gurus who meditated for decades now seem to come out and commit horrible acts of depravity. Sometimes perspective is delusion.