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Everything posted by remember

  1. @Schahin zeolite can probably help to cleanse the gut a lot. although if you want to get rid of specific toxins you would probably need to do some more research about how to cleanse the specific tissues from the toxin. if it`s about a specific disease or problem you are trying to fight, prepare for a lot of different approaches to do so. try to see it more wholistically as of course the zeolite might carry out some toxins of the gut that are already located there but it can not in all cases, only to a certain degree do an exchange on a molecular level - that is in zeolite still a lot. generally speaking i`d try it. but for deeper cleansings you would need to be more specific about what the problems are. for what i had it was not sufficient, i had to do other cleansings that finally had an effect. really depends on what issues you have - it`s still probably a very good cure for some time. i would pause after some weeks. as it also can take up nutritients off the gut, wait some time between food or supplement intake and zeolite intake.
  2. do they even have rabbits in the savane? also i heard lions don`t hunt they let the girls do all the work.
  3. you all just don`t get it god/ess is not just a gamer s/he is all players... just immagine there are more than six eyes on the dice, infact there are infinitely numbers of eyes on the dice. and no one realizes it`s a card game.
  4. it`s a phenomenon we can see in a lot of casestudies especially in business. the "theranos" blogpost on leo`s blog is a very good example to have a taste on that. it`s a complete cascade of downfalls. and also shows how powerfull spiral dynamics can get to unravel devilish and criminal activities connected to powerposition. what we see as regressing back is always regress into the toxicity of that stage still holding a powerposition, not into the healthy aspects that would be learning process without powerposition. storyline: a yellow to turquoise thinker has an idea to help the world with a product that should simplify medical processes, the aim is very selfless and overall good and lovable in the classical sense. first fall: she starts a yellow business that aims to reach as many people as possible, liberal profit oriented, though. second fall: she falls from yellow right into orange because it get`s more important to maintain the idea/money (can`t say which one of it it is, as i don`t believe she was heartless) and then falls right into blue by holding everything together through the pyramid structure of the business which was probably even red. so what`s the problem here? does anybody see this? what happened to turquoise, where is green? why does powerposition lead to regress?
  5. @Aakash you are confusing me a little bit. but that`s probably my own interpretation of other projections that start to take place. i`m trying to return to more simple magic at the moment. the one that is graspable. there is still a long way to figure out where the travel really will go. for now i`m still here, it means i`m not yet done or over with whatever brought me here.
  6. don`t know if i get what you are pointing at exactly. but maybe you tell me not to overthink what i can`t figure out by myself?
  7. heads is what brought us where we are now. you can see that in a positive way but also see the other side of the medal. it`s not about choosing one alone but to find out what is serving the situation, if your answer is heads it`s serving itself.
  8. people, health, creation, suffering, now, finding a way, understanding, nothing, everything, life, experience, intuition never just one thing, mostly it was trust that time will reveal a path. i`ve never been dogmatic to anything in particular, i`ve always tried to eskape dogma. even what you try to push on me here i won`t allow to feed me up. it´s the problem of it all, that we can`t admit what is truely guiding us. self bias, we cannot overcome that completely except if we accept everything that is given might contain truth.
  9. it`s the same for them, we are all on a karmik journey even the spiritual seekers. karma doesn`t stop, not in this life. but karma can be changed, already in this life.
  10. it shouldn`t, it`s the moment where you can`t discern the trash from the bin anymore.
  11. mostly because their hands are too full or too empty probably. disconnection from themselfs and others, disconnection from the body, disconnection from the source, our "programms" are not running in a natural way, influence of maya/matrix since we are supposed to live in the "information age" there is too much toxic maya surrounding us everywhere. too much trash not enough food for the formless, the formless becomes trash.
  12. a path is formed through the roads you take it´s a pathless path, choose the roads wisely and it will always lead you to what is the core of any teaching. but it`s about the emptiness of hands what formed all minds.
  13. do you think there is so much separation? buddha took the path through yoga and meditation he was a hindu not a buddhist. also the hands are roughly part of buddhism we have to look for other schools there, for example what is the emptiness of hands?
  14. no - the heart was created by love and interaction in my case. where does the mind actually begin or end, you could also say: where does the heart begin or end.
  15. the mind is the formless untill it takes form. you could also say conciousness is the formless untill it takes form. the heart can be formed much to easy to be formlessness.
  16. the mistake you are making here is that you say, that it is interpreted by a mind. wherease i say a mind is interpreted by a heart.
  17. i thought you where talking about the truth of the last video. it`s an assumption about what made you discover the pointlessness of truth. for me it was about the brutality of what love is. so i figured pointlessness is brutal, because thats not what life is about, it`s about itself. to find itself in itself.
  18. aakash it`s not like everyone else thinks the same about truth as leo presented it in the last video. what do you think is one of the most brutal situations in life? you already managed to overcome that, if you wouldn`t have you wouldn`t be here!
  19. ok, misunderstanding. yes i guess you are right - i sometimes feel i`m not even solid in beige do you think someone needs to transcend all stages beyond first? or can we be in different stages, not really solid in any of them? because if i start to learn a little bit here and a little bit there, i sometimes am blue (what is a real struggle) or sometimes feel green, then i think i touch orange or yellow from time to time - also when strong stages are projected on me, i learn in that stage, and get lost in that stage sometimes by trying to fit into the stage to a certain degree. it`s the same with expression. the language i use starts to change after a while, when i encounter the stage in someone else. i mean on a personal level now, not on a business level. i have more an atomic model of spiral dynamics than the spiral. i used to push and feel responsible for what i identified with or what i was pushed to identify with, now i only try to take responsibility for what i am pushed to identify with. it`s a little unfocused situation learning. not really selfdetermined. that`s why i said it feels pretty beige or maybe i`m in denial about beige.
  20. @Yog create a day to day scedule, work outside, maybe in your favourite cafe or library or whatever you can afford. at least leave the house in the morning, reconnect with life outside - it`s possible to stay at home for half a day very fast, as your home doesn`t give you the right signals it might feel too much like relaxation, every space is connected to habits, throw out all your games and gaming utensils. work on manipura not only the solarplexus part but also the navel part. work yourself through the chakras.