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Everything posted by remember

  1. she would burn the hero with her fire breath but you see it`s the problem of pushing a narrative like that onto people while they might not be able to coap with the pictures, and even then it`s not constructive for females, but destroys a lot because they get enwrapped in coaping with the attack. and guys just meet a dead end. am i the only one who feels like i had this exact conversation before? i think, feel and see that it´s not healthy! read the books i recommended, there are plenty of examples in them.
  2. the narrative - especially that you assume the perspective of the watcher from an ego perspective as a man. it`s dark magic leo. people who are not used to white magic will bleed out and even white magicians have struggle with it if they can`t coap with it adequatly. with black magic i`m not referring to a concept like the devil or the cocketery of devilry but to its destructive and disruptive and intrusive energy.
  3. @mandyjw no mandy, you can only say that because you are strong. and because you are still in denial about some aspects of yourself.
  4. @Leo Gura you maybe don`t understand how self biased and irresponsible the projection is. or you do.
  5. @Flowerfaeiry if you are a female don´t watch it. if you don`t want to end as a fried fish. instead get connected to your femininity and your dark side, that will save you of some of the additional pains this video would make you go through. you don`t need that. read books like women who run with the wolves or shadow dance or red moon by miranda grey. this video will just mess up your metaphysics and if you are not strong enough it will stay like that. even guys who awaken to that get stuck in panik attacks or think rape is ok in addition with some other videos. i don`t recommend you deconstruction work if you didn`t work on a healthy painbody yet.
  6. i tried to. maybe you are not able to apreciate that. she who smelled it delt it. now deal with the wisdom it created.
  7. @Leo Gura the highest heros journey is false and the worst video you ever released. it`s worse than devilry. it`s full of self deception and male ego. the symbolism is so off and full of your own karma that it`s an impertinence.
  8. @Flowerfaeiry some things we won`t overcome, like this inherent feeling of being alone, it will never pass completely. it`s about finding a way to overcome it`s constant presence in this vastness, not easy, one part to accept that is probably to face this feeling of darkness and learning to be alone with oneself in this darkness and being a good company to yourself. the other one is finding people you deeply connect to, who you can talk with about that stuff, because the limits in people are different. how many of your friends are friends for a longe time already? i never really thought about that as a possibility here in the forum but some people might not search enough for deep connection within others outside of this forum, because they have already a circle of longterm aquaintences, the direction of self actualization takes on a certain kind of form, or they do the lonely wolve thing, because it seems to be what is nessecary for a self actualizer. i`m not saying connections in general could help you but talking about deep connections - may that be people of a certain different culture you feel deeply connected to or people who do a special kind of work with a special kind of knowledege they bring into your life, in a constructive way of course. could be longterm friends or just someone you meet randomly and feel like it clicks and you are on a waveleangth. most loneliness is self produced. the lonelyness within can be a hint towards something missing in ones life and going on a search for that in the outside can be helpful if it is not found in the inside (not talking about excessive things) but talking about connections to the world. solipsism is also a feeling of disconnectedness, not on the deepest level but very close to the deepest level it`s a sign of disconnection to the deepest level, where a spark is glowing that tells it is not so. it is about connecting to that.
  9. @Bodigger hä the missiles in europe what do they have to do with his personal politics to his favour? even if he would do that after his presidency... it`s an international political thing, do you think europe likes that so much the living shield thing, europe is trying to hold the peacful balance between the forces, what would you say if europe would install such a shield in the us? - europe is also a partner and maybe it was about an agreement of a more international community. i don`t know enough about it but that`s at least what a lot of europeans would probably think. it was probably not a private conversation but something that was on the agenda for the second term.
  10. well, maybe trump will clear some boxes, in that sense it`s definitely interesting. what about petitions from voters and stuff to the dnc? do they want to win or do they want to loose? of course i don`t know who has the better chances in reality but a poll before the poll could help. in theory.
  11. not that i say you should do what i ask you now or that anyone should do what pictures my third eye strike me buuuut... DIDN`T YOU HAVE A BLACK OR PINK MARKER WITH YOU? i mean if everyone already is smearing around who says it`s fair play? or is a news outlet a part of a newspaper?
  12. what is hedonistic about breathing, or drinking water or see a sunrise or jump into the next water hole - if you live at the northpole you might freeze to death though... if you call that hedonism i don`t know. maybe it`s headownism.
  13. @Deepconcepts is this your thought? it´s not even on the standard of scientiffic research. it`s not even holdable on a survival level. it´s yet another disillusioned solipsistic mindset that doesn`t know what exactly made it so lonely. people want a lot that they confuse for love, and they sometimes confuse for love what it is not, because they want it to be like that. being confused about love doesn`t mean that it is not essential. exactly that mindset makes love extinct from this species. thinking of it like a mechanical tool just shows how disconnected most people are. it`s making people sick not healthy the mind paradigm.
  14. @samedm9 i still try to look into it - actually i was not really into the details but the whole drama is in that sense indeed dubble standard from an external observer point of view as i see more the overall effects of all of it. i just see fingerpointing in all directions and it doesn`t make sense to finger point to the opponent while using international politics to secure ones personal interests, that make fingers pointing back. it`s like asking who has the most dirt on the shoe instead of seeing the mudhole they are standing in. i just tried to make some sense out of the almost notorious question about that single coincident, no one was answering, because it`s so clear what you where aiming at, to support your own perspective - while from my perspective having an image about american right wing policy from the outside, and it`s overall effect, also having a picture about corruption taking place in politics in general. i really don`t care who has more dirt on the shoe. if they want to smear each other and strangle each other, may they. let`s hope that makes it more possible for a more serious and more coherent politician who shows more integrity to win the next election. a judge usually uses a hammer to bring silence into a court. just about that.
  15. @samedm9 well i guess there is some kind of diplomatic protocol if it wasn`t like that it would be easy to become a diplomat, wouldn`t it. what do you think how politics work?
  16. he makes a deal with his position for personal favours on an international political level. it is a preview of what the politics will look like in further conversation he has to return the favour, that`s the point of a deal. so you can already think further what the other president is to expect. again in another context:
  17. yeah then read it. notice he asks his favour in a call after someone got elected as a president. first country priority.
  18. yes but well everything else is less important in the whole turmoil, because the whole turmoil distracts from what the president does to your country and it`s like someone sitting in the middle of the chaos and smirking.
  19. no the president smears his opponents with political deals. don`t get it confused, you need to build attention to make people aware of that.
  20. sorry was unattentive while reading, it`s still a very interesting talk. i guess adam shiff just tried to get as much attention on the conversation as possible as trump tries to deal with his position on a personal matter instead of going the legal way. why is his personal political reelection not presidents priority you might ask. why not use international politics for personal deals?
  21. with all due respect trump is projecting right populist culture as something respectable to the world, everyone indeed should take full responsibility to the fact that politics seem to be a joke rather than a responsibility. a society is not free in all aspects, or it can`t be or it wouldn`t be a society neither a culture. the dynamics of fascism are not defined by american politics but mainly through italian history now let`s stay serious if the right says they are more social than the socialists why did they then chose to be right wingers? it all doesn`t make sense, this whole article is pre political or pre scientific or pre historic or what it claims not to be. a quote: Much later Mussolini said he felt by 1919 "Socialism as a doctrine was already dead; it continued to exist only as a grudge" don`t confuse one black block for another one, one was there to hold people down the other one is there to remind us of that.
  22. it`s probably not that god doesn`t know how, but that god has a significance problem, and even if god is aware of itself there is still a significance problem that`s how god knows and doesn`t know and knows how and doesn`t know how.
  23. if you go deep enough, it`s not a joke not a parade of empty words even though you know all of it, it sounds like you know it from the outside and knowledge is not a thought, it is something you mostly read in a book. or learned from someone else. how can you say you know when you call something a joke which is not a thought?
  24. @zeroISinfinity thank you. it was not in that sense a question just for the reason of having a question.