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Everything posted by remember

  1. UN is struggling with money issues because some countries don`t pay the dues - it`s really interesting it`s like the world wouldn`t care to have an humanitarian immune system anymore. how especially weapon industry profits from it is also interesting, of course why should anybody care where their money goes to, or where it comes from. it`s especially interesting how people think if we earn money with selling weapons, then why should we invest in helping people. if we sell all these weapons, at least we must give the buyer a chance to have some fun... paying money to a country to care for refugees instead of paying an organisation is a huge political trap. europe is as dumb as the us. sometimes i wonder if anybody even remembers why we where in need of these structures in the first place. who doesn`t pay shouldn`t have veto rights.
  2. i´m reading article after article and watch some news reports and try to figure out what`s real and what not. and there are so many things i get confused over and wonder and it reveals a very complex situation. first thing is i tried to figure out about some claims aljazeera dropped in a report about the ypg, they claimed the kurds having killed and suppressed people but after i went deeper into it wikipedia says these claims have mostly been made at the beginning of the war, kurds since then have had recived human rights training from geneva call. also i found this on wikipedia: In 2017, the U.N. Independent International Commission of Inquiry released a report that stated that the commission "found no evidence to substantiate claims that YPG or SDF forces ever targeted Arab communities on the basis of ethnicity, nor that YPG cantonal authorities systematically sought to change the demographic composition of territories under their control through the commission of violations directed against any particular ethnic group. also the sds is not only built of kurds but also a coalition of different ethnicities of syria with the ypg as the biggest military force protecting civilians of different ethnicities. women and men are equaly present in the army and have equal rights. then i read how turkey claims their actual military offense being righteous calling it "operation source of peace" and how they will not attack civilians but then read that after a first offense 15 people where counted dead of which 8 are civilians amongst them children. then i hear in us news that the kurds are under attack from syrian side, while in europe i only find news that the kurds are trying to talk to damaskus and moscow, and syria is condemning the turkish operation as invasion to their teritorry. so what should i believe. it is so saddening to watch. especially if i read things like: there is a saying the kurds have, that their only friends are the mountains. i feel deeply ashamed for europe and the western world that we seem to not remember what that means!
  3. @EternalForest what you describe is in a sense already nostalgia because i bet with you some small villages have massiveley changed over time but still are stuck in some aspects in other centuries, general-worldly. don`t confuse the outer appearence for what is happening underneath, nostalgia sometimes also means that the value system is still backwards and very self biased, of course not always, some small cities or villages manage to preserve nostalgic values in a way where they still adapt to a sense of general openness towards the "strange" coming in, but some are not open enough. i doubt that cowboy culture is something to be preserved in the nostalgia of weapon ownership - when cowboy turns rambo or platoon or whatever movie of that kind i didn`t see, it`s maybe the wrong kind of nostalgia. in that sense of course preservation of culture is a source and culture is something that can be preserved in form of books and language and different media to be available, and you can create selected archives of such, but what you maybe overlook is that every travel into old culture of oneself is a work of archeology into oneself, or archeology into culture and always archeology into the past. not everything to be preserved not everything to be revived. regarding the usa i really still sometimes miss the reevocation of native american culture in its more original form instead of the hybrid but i also can see that a lot of people try to walk that road and i can see the formal language of it in recent years appearing also in european diy and decorative fashion because it has some really beautiful aspects to it and merges good with the actually unfortunately already very comercialized hippie revival in the decorative product area. it`s still something that should be grown besides it`s comercial sell out, then in the areas of revocation and historical surrounding. i also find the whole space future styles very controversial, how they are lived out in fashion, as like in the panthon aera it`s very difficult to achieve these looks without plastic, the futuristic style was plastic for such a long time that it`s difficult to get it out of peoples heads, with the nice clean surface look and the smooch seamless freestyle form best of all transparent ore rainbow metallic - a waste problem mostly and comparable to the cleanliness of atomic waste, on a much smaller skale, if it`s not recycled plastic. but who says the future looks like that? maybe the future looks more like a self tinkered toaster (search for that it`s funny). our time is a time where we have to be archeologes and if there are really things to preserve, yes they should be preserved, it`s not always culture what claims to be culture or history. it`s easy to preserve such things on a medium it`s difficult to preserve it in people over generations, if there is so much more of the world to discover. or maybe it`s the opposite some things get preserved for too long, often not what is really preservable, because we are already in twentyfirst century. future starts now. it has always been a travel into the past to make sense of it.
  4. @Sucuk Ekmek no there is a war and it is even going on where i live at, in sense of people who had to leave their country to live a life without supression i`m not talking about syrian refugees alone - i`m talking about turkish refugees who had to flee, some of them are kurds but some of them are only reporters, politicians and soldiers who where still supporters of ataturks inheritence. the human rights in syria where so massiveley violated in many ways that i want to remind of sds women forces of the ypg who freed the jesidic women of their enslavement by isis - i hope if damaskus will have peace they will allow these women forces to remain as they are, they are the heroes of this war. so trump saying it is about ethnicities is making me ashamed, but he doesn`t have a good woman picture we all know that so what do we expect.
  5. if they are ideologies, but well yes in a lot of cases and most cases ideologies turn out to be blinding and self righteous, but i also realized sometimes in some practiced aspects they can contain truths. in a historical setting the grand religions also brought laws and regulation where there was no constitution, in that sense all religions are setting the world into an order and every order can be abused if the wrong people get to power. therefore every ideology is prone to abuse the more hirarchic/authocratic the weaker the ideology/religion/system/constitution is towards suppression. if genesis is already misogynous in it´s essence of course it will be abused. so yes in this sense you could say they are already weak to these tendencies in their roots.
  6. it`s the most difficult thing to do something if it`s not in direct experience, how to do anything if no one speaks truth? there are so many people who claim truth, but to what cost does it go? how to do something if you are powerless but power is the last thing you would want to hold?
  7. @Gnostic Christian i blessed only the ones forsaken, it`s not satanic, we usually forsake ourselves. that`s what christ teaches us.
  8. the male and female painbody are one in the end it doesn`t matter from which side it came from, it doesn`t really matter who started it, it matters for you because of the personal relation where the agression came from. what really matters is where it ends, if love can`t end it what else can?
  9. awareness comes first, doesn`t it? the network of our psyche reaches deep, sometimes into history sometimes into space sometimes into our own bodies of fears and create new connections of karma within us and within others. you know you have the right one if you can talk about it with her and you both are able to untangle the karmik reappearence of incidents, make peace with the past and figure out a way to protect what is there to protect for each other. that`s the law of peacemaking protect what there is to protect. there is just one and there are many.
  10. @tsuki it´s ok tsuki i sometimes hate males, too.
  11. this night before the rooster crows twice you will have denied me eight times. god bless
  12. @milii a career can be reestablished and if the relationship was toxic there are probably high chances that the next one is better. it`s like a wound that`s fresh and of course it is bleeding and hurtfull in the beginning. so you need to stitch yourself together and let it heal. take some time off if you can, spend some time somewhere else if you can, go into nature if you can, watch some sunsets and then some sunrises. cry the tears you need to cry and then pull yourself out again, no one will laugh about you anymore, if they really even do.
  13. even the military is now dissappointed, i guess it will be hard for him. if the votes where today he would probably loose.
  14. well, the next days we can observe how nicely all of them worked together, at the moment it`s erdogan who moves. it actually lost a little bit of the comic character. a phonecall here a phoncall there buhaahhhahhhaa. i just count the phonecalls.
  15. @EternalForest in some aspects you are contradicting yourself, as a lot of american culture you describe exists only because of mingling of culture. also the cultural missionary of exactly hollywood made everything more monotonous than it was before. so in some sense what you are so proudly pointing out as special is what generated mainstream culture. in sense of art there can be a global culture while still preserving authenticity as long as authenticity is allowed to take place in sense of something called critical regionalism in architecture, i don‘t know if there is a term like critical culturalism for what you describe - but in a lot of cases it turns out to be as critical individualism. so in that sense there are two forces that influence each other and feed each other one that strives for individual/group expression and one that strives to adapt and integrate - the process is not reversible.
  16. it sounded like you where afraid of flying your own plane instead of falling. if it was a misinterpretation then don’t trust in the tree, who ever saw trees flying a plane?
  17. are you talking about a plane or about a fear or about a fear of planes? if you want to hold a plane up just trust a little bit into the tree that keeps the plane flying - in reality it’s not really more dangerous than entering a bus or a car or walking under coconut trees. if you want to you can fly everything! you could even become a pilot. just have a little trust in yourself!
  18. @Nahm what if both appletree stories are just some really fitting self fulfilling prophesies that fit the ego mind quite well? science loves it mostly just as much as most religions.
  19. rather than thinking about gravity, realize how you pick them up over and over again. now realize what is bringing things up and what is pulling them down. newton is not about the distinction, he is about relativity. even the apple story is relatively genius.
  20. weed will not really help you that much in the long run, it is more sedating than pushing and it’s addictive with symptoms of withdrawal when you stop. it can also make you more self biased and has a tendency in making people psychotic who already have issues. you even can have a bad hangover the morning after that tears you down, and i would be very attentive if you then have a more aggressive behavior than the day before. if you have any social anxiety it will make it probably worse. of course you can try out every drug you want to, but don’t wonder if you find out about all the controversials of the drug - a lot of people are in denial about the sideeffects promoting weed being less harmful than they want it to be. even the mentioning of it helping to chill out is a denial about needing it to chill out, instead of finding a solution to chill out without the substance, it’s like saying i watch movies because i can relax with it. weed is not bad in that sense, but it’s one of the drugs that are more underestimated than cigarettes and sometimes even sugar. weed is not a skill, it’s a substance.
  21. there is a difference in accepting the body and still embracing being a transgender and not accepting the transgender part in the soul. even the hormone stuff seems ok for women if it’s about preventing unwanted pregnancy. so what the fuck are you guys talking about, except if it isn’t about own fears. there have been people over centuries who enjoyed changing their gender roles. of course hormones should be talked through with a doctor and i hope doctors ask some questions regarding why and if people are sure about their decision before they give out hormones. an additional therapy is probably supporting - but we have gone through a long history of denial about homosexuality and transsexuality and if a person is able to live a happy life with it today it’s because there are already enough examples of people who do, their community is more truthful to each other in a lot of cases than the people in denial. gender disphoria in a lot of cases comes probably because people still are afraid to stand to their preferences in sexuality and about belonging to a group. so i guess gender disphoria is still something that needs to be questioned in both directions why can’t a person be both? the true self in many cases can only be found by accepting the existence of the own preferences and denials about fears that exist in all people.
  22. regarding your own theory self hatred is a form of love. if self hatred was not existent only a devil would be beyond learning. the greatest devilry is to project denial of source and effect.
  23. and the pope was the antichrist. he was reforming the church not the old greeks. there is a huge difference. he was not known for his good manners as well but for the impertinence to call out devilries of the church. someone who spoke up against what was going wrong. doesn`t mean he was enlightened. luther quotes are usually very rude - he was a rude man and an ego and male biased fanatic.
  24. @Key Elements some people say, everything is politics. but you could also say everything is philosophy, everything is psychology everything is theory everything is practice, everything is spirituality, everything is process everything is maya, everything is a problem everything is a solution everything is as it is. everything is everything. this thread was about a parade wasn`t it? i just pointed out that the direction it was going was low consciousness politics