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Everything posted by remember

  1. @phllip103 all this talking about finding bones, huh
  2. @Nahm you might not believe it but some people on earth are in a cult where they don`t only believe in anty gravity but also into decay and what not. to make things dissapear you only need a washing machine. some people even think there might be a wormhole in their washing machine. uhm laundromat...? you could even do an experiment on that maybe to see how it opens, just put in a bunch of socks and choose a program and watch it, count the socks before you put them in. but i bet the wormhole doesn`t apear when you are watching it, so you really should not look away not even for a second because then it would probably open exactly in that moment you are not watching. there are even wormholes that eat single letters or whole words.
  3. shaun, just go on finding out abaout your own illusions in a way where the world is not just an illusion but also a tangible always self expressing concious creation you interact with. wish you a nice and loving one!
  4. @Serotoninluv a child doesn`t need to be told what is good or bad because a child who knows what love is knows what love is despite the construct. if you want to hire someone ask your children first, they usually have an instinct to draw back from people who are not trustworthy. just as an example for trust or mistrust, but some people are more complex than that, and then even children can fall in the trap of not drawing back even if the overall effect of a person can be counterproductive to their health. there is a reason why people lock childrens internet access to special content. it`s not about good or bad it`s about constructive, productive or destructive. it doesn`t matter what words we apply, words can be brutal and to keep brutality in unfiltered way away from children is an instinct or it is not.
  5. @Serotoninluv i`m not saying that nonduality is not meant for children, but even then i would be really careful in what way i would introduce any child to nonduality. i`m saying leos non duality is not meant for children. i`m sure he would even point that out himself, as he probably knows how dark he sometimes is. as we are talking about nonduality it`s always about the nonduality of the whole dream isn`t it? i recently watched a father talking to his daughter while holding her, arms locked looking into her eyes and telling her in a verry direct way with a very clear and calm voice that she had to put on her jacket because they would have to leave the train. it was in a sense verry effective in pulling her out of her dream world but i could also see how she was scared by the sudden piercing and in a sense almost brutal way he showed his love especially because he was verry close to her face. her first reaction when he put her down on the floor again was to walk away. she was really cute singing and reading books all along, she was a bit hyper active but, he could probably have told her differently, she didn`t seem like she would not understand it if she was told it differently. so non duality is probably not just what the child makes up but also in what way the childs worldview is built. the second what is love video was very similar to that - i totaly agree that love can be brutal but the question is if we then still need to call it love, it`s very twisted.
  6. @skywords the "infinite uniqueness" points this out pretty well! in a different expression or rule of thumb i have a similar view on every relationship or even contact we make to another being. what magic ever unfolds between two people is in its essence always unique and always a living dynamicaly unfolding cloud of interconnected memories of trust or in some cases the opposite. being able to experience friendships in a young age which are built on trust is something great! it can empower for a whole lifetime. your young friend seems to be lucky you both have special understanding of each other. but you are aware that the recent videos are not exactly are supportive to that view but some of them are painting a pretty dark picture. are you?
  7. yes ok now, did you write down all the hows and are ready to tell us? or is this high confidential? especially the detox part and the being gentle part with objects that would be kind of iteresting... did he give more details? seeing light with the eyes closed is pretty nice if you are sitting on the nearside of a car driving through a light forest one or two hours before sunset. seeing light with closed eyes is in general pretty amazing even if there is no light...
  8. @tsuki i like the new avatar it`s cute in a very child like playfull manner. it`s just a comment from the off, don`t get entangled in a conversation with me, i just wanted to comment it. don`t seek too many positive reinforcement you are doing great by getting it outside the forum.
  9. @skywords don`t recommend leo to 13 years old kids - in that age he`s probably traumatizing. just dooooooon`t do it. now that kid will probably watch some of his episodes and the ideas s/he might get are not pedagogically on a high niveau for that age. you always have to be careful what you plant into a childs world. leo talks about drugs as a healing method, if that child gets into his her mind s/he wants to try psychedelics, no one can take responsibility for it, or can you? children these days have different resources, even in this age, he she could infect a whole school class, if it is a tool to get attention. sorry to be the one critique you probably didn`t want to hear. if you want to introduce your friend to something in that direction freud is also not the right partner, there is a reason why children and youth psychoanalysis is built upon jung and not freud. julie partansky seems to be a good resource to understand that. leo is a good source to make peace with the dark side - a child might not be able to handle that yet.
  10. the moment you apply any meaning to infinite it`s not absolute infinity anymore. everything you percive as the infinite moment is only that what you make of it. if a moment is infinite like your sleeping problem, which you seem to have already longer is an infinity that has been repeated for several infinities already and it seems to be stuck there as if you could not reprogram it. did you try sleeping with a bed light, relaxing music? try doing some relaxing meditation or yin yoga, before you go to sleep, try doing spirit travel, shamanic travel? very conciously, some time before you go to sleep. you can try it in combination with self hypnosis if you dare. get prepared to face these flashbacks, maybe you can sleep more silently afterwards. nothing is a placebo, love is love it`s not a placebo because the moment you apply it it already is. hope you get well soon.
  11. i`m not familiar with the main differences between andrew yang and bernie sanders but it`s very interesting to watch the egos at game in that play of trying to devide. there was a thread recently about betting on trump winning and unfortunately i must admit, seeing these political games and group splintering, i guess you guys feel too safe about trump loosing - but with that attitude, he might not. it is much more important to stand together than to devide. but hey, it`s ok it`s about which candidate is more fun. can someone please clean up the rest of brain lying around here everywhere?
  12. where we are now, resolves of trying to heal the now by trying to solve the now through solutions for the future. transition and transformation will not happen through denial, by applying these solutions without solving the issues and problems of the past. what happens in the future can only be made through solving the issues of the now. we tend to search for simple solutions and oftentimes they are the best in sense of how they can be applied. but because something is a simple solution doesn`t mean it works for every issue. the difference between a paperclip and a safety pin is not such a big one at the first glance they both could even do the job of the other for a short time, although they are not the right solution for the speciffic problem the other solves. which one we apply really has to do with the actual problem we are looking at. in terms of progress, pumping in money alone has never solved any real issues - they talk about automation since decades so that`s where it will probably proceede further towards, but not everything can be solved through automation, even in production lines. one aspect of automation is safety and until then there is a reason to put it on hold even with a paperclip. but what i`m aming towards with this comparison is not the problem of how the issue of massive automation is solved in the future but more about how to arive at a point where these automations are even used on/at and also how they will be fueled? these questions are much more relevant for the now. one of my personal fears about the ubi in the us is that if you guys mess this up because it`s prematurely applied it will take decades to use it again elsewhere. using a safety pin would mean going with sanders, testing basic income in two three or even more regions/cities wherever it makes sense and working towards a major shift in awareness first. the other option would be to build a wall with that money.
  13. who said that my god was a genocidal one who said what god i am not prayng to and what god/ess is mine to support. believe and trust are two different concepts while trust doesn`t mean we can`t know that trust is a concept if there is no contractor we can trust into. trust and mistrust, believe and disbelieve can only get us cold turky if we don`t know its opposite. it`s sad that believe and trust are concepts and that we can`t rely on them, i am not a christian by the way i was born confessionless. it`s a prejudice to asign me to any god i didn`t choose, because i never really chose one and still if there is it`s all just one, if anything it chose me to be or not to be to choose and not to choose and i usually am not really a contractor to any but am still in a relationship to that what creation assigns me to be. it´s not that i don`t believe, it`s not that i don`t trust, sometimes it`s even maybe too much of it. foolishness is difficult to overcome. i`m not praying to a genocidal god, the genocidal god is like a memorial monument for me. power/force is nothing i n/ever chose therefore power/force will not choose me.
  14. hahaha, good night folks, just don`t fall asleep again.
  15. if you go really deeply into it, all colours are about social aspects, doesn`t mean that you have to connect to a community to go through a stage, but to really embody any colour, identity in that colour and about that colour shapes and grows with being in contact with people who embody that colour, so every person will seek out aspects of their actual colour coding in people in the outside, it`s also about getting to know oneself better and finding out about options on how to embody the colour we presently are in, most of the time. or at least having some options to live out our colour. and all colours can have forms of self separation from social life. green can have very separatitic tendencies especially if the outside world is stuck in a lower colour. no one has to be in a certain way, we have phases of self stabilization and reorganisation, we are all social beings though, development never really happens without others, and if it`s a book you read or the food you eat. green is more fun with some likeminded and so is yellow, be it support we recive or being supportive, interaction makes us grow.
  16. AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER. looking at that number, and suspecting that all divorces are counted in, i would ask myself how many of these 70% are because of domestic violence. it`s not that i would say men in general are violent but i would say in a lot of these cases it has to do with some major and minor violence be it physical or mental, towards the woman herself or to their children. some more aspects are alcohol abuse and gambling (even if it`s gambling with life visions) i also suspect that you can find domestic violence from women but it might be a little bit less than on the other side. so if you would filter out all divorces because of domestic violence, i suppose the difference would be much less. then another aspect would probably be roll modelling, women often times have to take on the more house caring part and oftentimes do that also because they like that in the beginning but then feel left alone after a while, classic trap - it`s not even anyones particular fault but can come along because of income gaps. in that sense a big part has to do with disinterest in "women problems" including child pedagogic issues. whatever men don`t understand about all of that makes the 70%.
  17. @MsNobody in what sense are you embodying yellow? i`m just a little confused, if it is without including people without building a network how could you say you are yellow? maybe for now you are in some kind of cocooning phase to integrate your newly discovered aspects. in some sense the frustration about often superficial and loose tied relationships as an extrovert made you tired because you saw how orange most people are, so you discovered what you don`t want. in general of course you could say in a lot of cases beige, red, orange, yellow do have more male energy because they are the tougher more self centered ones and we percive these as more masculine aspects. if you are well developed in these aspects you might not only want to look into green, but into purple, blue, green and then turquoise to realize that you might didn`t leave blue behind yet. the introvertedness i see that as an aspect of or counterreaction to blue. but that`s just my own colour coding, maybe you can find out in what sense that is true for you. getting more connected to yellow people with green aspects, you might integrate green more naturally. there is no one without a tendency to either the thriving energy colours or the protective growing colours. moving into green makes one also more sensitive, so i guess protecting that is quite often the case in the beginning.
  18. well but spirituality you can`t avoid - if you think you can avoid that and simultaneously being god you are nothing but an ego.
  19. @Revolutionary Think i`m not sure about the candidates, they both are probably good candidates. regarding basic income and such, i hope europe was open enough to consider it more, i would love that if the us would go ahead and show how that might work. although, maybe it would be interesting to start in a single state first, before really doing it on the collective level, believe me, that would bring some movement into some states. i think like that: why just having one candidate while you can have two. bernie sanders will probably not try it a third time, last chance! yang could run a next time and then really run on sanders legacy. don`t get me wrong that`s not the reason why a politician should be the main candidate - it`s more about what the politician is really able to do but if you choose between two if you could have both, which one would you choose? exactly that`s how greedy it can get.
  20. @Key Elements ok you win, your trauma is bigger than mine.
  21. @Revolutionary Think yes in theory, but think about the people who are jobless and also what jobs will it create? would it create progressive jobs? what about the bubbles that it might create? i`m completely with you that it would be fair and that it can be helpfull to have a basic income, but i also see why bernie sanders approach will bring the country further towards the twentyfirst century in a technological sense. energy transition doesn`t work without state support. (i`m from germany)
  22. @Key Elements i meant my trauma... even if the title was about trump, he doesn´t often have people steal the show but maybe he could stomach that.
  23. mhhh, i also like the idea of basic income, but i live in a country that has social wellfare, and at least on paper the ambition to develop into a more green economy, and we have free universities. i wonder what it would do in the us without any social and green development plans. maybe you just wait for four years or eight and then it might be the right plan. it won`t really be helpful in an economy with many jobless people. if other countries develop more green technology and the us stands behind, you can`t say that the us is technologically progressive anymore. basic income only makes sense if enough people have work and are integrated in a progressive society.
  24. @Key Elements well now i need to be carefull what to say, but regarding trauma therapy you do. don`t know where your personal ambitions aim towards.