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Everything posted by remember

  1. it`s kind of funny to read all of this when you think about the situation before obama. i guess obama showed what is and what is not possible in the us, fast changes are not. or at least they were not - so obama, is still someone who at least managed to remind the world of how difficult it is to live a dream. "yes we can", is not a fairytale, therefore there is no fairy that snipps with the fingers and everything is set. what he managed though is showing a direction with the message: we still can, and we still want to. the problem though, is the problem.
  2. mhh in some sense i would agree with that, for example watching horror movies if i know how they are made but my subconsciousness is more visual, which works pretty much independent from my more logical understanding i create some dissonance that will eventually surface in my dreams or maybe when i walk down a dark alley. – so in a sense the horror movie can`t be truth! but the dark alley still is. although if i run away from my fears and don`t look into them, like not accepting that the horror movie is creating my fears and not evaluating if my fears of a dark alley are in a sense not fears but being cautious, enforced by the horror movie i won`t find out about truth. if i never saw the horror movie i would might have never gotten cautious of the dark alley though and maybe would not be alive anymore because i never would have found out about the potential dangers of the dark alley. sometimes it`s good to face the devil head on. everyone has fears. the more fearful we are the more we need to face them.
  3. well of course it`s always good to see your own red and blue mechanisms from the other side. political structures are internal and external stuctures - it does never mean that if we live in a certain structure that we are in complete harmony with it. why, because it´s sometimes not the structure but the content. of course pushing people into the limits of their being meaning into beige, will at one point always backlash - a fight for survival is in a sense always justified, by the survival alone. and there is no change without making some noise. we use to be judgmental about beige the most, even though it`s the colour that needs the most attention. because at one point all colours fuse into the illusion of light, which is transparency.
  4. @Strangeloop what would keep you from trying? i mean just once maybe kissing a guy and then finding out, just go to the next gay bar and try. (even if you have to do that in connection with a short trip) i once was surprisingly kissed by a woman and it was quite nice, but all i thought was oh wait why is your mouth so freaking soft (she was a very very feminine person) i want to have the same... so whatever your feelings are about guys either it`s about comparing yourself or being attracted or just being curious, you could always find out. maybe it`s more about realizing how huge the spectrum of nuances is and finding out about your own gender a little bit more, before you can open up to sexuality with confidence again, if that`s with women or men maybe it doesn`t really matter(no woman is exactly like another one and no man is exactly like another one)
  5. mhhh, no/yes... nyes? it`s probably not a duality but a trinity although the decision making about it and the interpretation of it is sometimes very difficult. in some sense it`s sometimes good to take a no for a no and a yes for a yes but in the ultimate sense it`s sometimes better to discern what that nyes entails in its consequences. to be aware of the whole idea of limitation - for example if it was a womens toilet the person would have probably been a little confused and more likely have closed the door not feeling addressed. so this whole nyes construct is built upon a very delicate and sensitive emotional network of understanding when does a no mean a yes for whom and when does a no mean a no for whom. for example a judge gives also always a nyes - either for the suspect or for the plaintiff it`s a no or a yes, depending on laws. so there are some laws of nature or culture or in social terms we need to understand quite structurally to understand what the consequences of a nyes means. the nyes topic is really one which never gets boring. a little bit like the authority topic.
  6. emotional and spiritual development: purple, red, blue. organizational development: green, yellow although they did not develope that system by themselves, the system existed already in their purple (trader networking) and in their blue (religious infrastructure worldwide) - you don’t have to be yellow to work with all of that (like you don’t have to be yellow to work with a computer) although the technology is in yellow. they are like clan chefs working in a highly developed infrastructure they act out red and blue, what seems to be green about them is a mixture of that with purple. although the figures who fused all of that - well that‘s another story.
  7. in the truest sense you are what you ate...
  8. i`m eating pomelo right now. you could say, yellow is already part of their purple. but they haven`t been updating on green for a long time.
  9. it`s a good question if taliban is at tier two - i doubt that! although they have network structures and act gut intelligent, what doesn`t make them yellow. they just use in a sense a very old yellow system/structure, but their motives are red/blue.
  10. green wants to return to where purple is healthy, so in a sense green reintegrates parts of purple again, although it`s only turquoise who manages to return wholistically. in a sense they are on the same level - it`s not even only the simplicity of understanding as lento says but usually the acess to more complex concepts through other cultural life forms that makes the difference between green and purple and in some sense purple is what green looks up to and wants to protect - so how could you place green above purple?
  11. the dance itself is the only reward for the music.
  12. @GGG i guess the best way to not getting sabotaged is either knowing for yourself why you want things to happen and how you want things to happen, still staying open for constructive critique, be aware of your reasons, motives and way of creating, or the other method is to find people who support you instead of sabotaging you, not in a oneway solution but in a self sustaining pushing way. group ego where you put in what you get back. if you want to create something you have to constatntly fight to not being sabotaged, as mediocrity always tries to tear you back, you sometimes start to question if you did the right thing if you might not want to do it differently. these questions are also important. i also struggle with that, so not at the end of the journey yet, if the journey ever ends. (be aware that mediocrity ususally doesn`t, better is almost always possible)
  13. interesting topic. there is a flood in venice at the moment, the strongest in 50 years. it was just a matter of time but what was predicted since years. two people died. it will cost italy a lot of money. there was also a flood in october 2018. they can count on it every year now. the ongoing biennale also had to close. May you live in interesting times
  14. you get objectivity by comparing perspectives. rather than finding out about the history find out about what´s going on now, then you can compare to history. ask yourself who`s objectivity it is first. not telling you to read bad books - although leo recommended us to change perspectives from time to time. that sounds kind of backed up for me - even though i also prefer books that go better with my own perspective or are rather objective, sexuality is always controversial. i don`t think there are many objective ones on the belletristic market.
  15. there are cruiseships with sails - but i guess they are on the more cost intense side, as they are smaller with more specialized staff needed. although if some development would be put int more automation of sailing ships, i wonder why there should not be more of that. of course one would have to cut the number of places visited in one cruise down, but it def has some charm. it`s not that there are no potential alternatives. for cargo cruise it would be probably still difficult. (the shit is another problem with potential solutions, just produce better shit! when you buy your food already think about the shit quality)
  16. @assx95 depends on the perspectives you want to take, i suppose. there are probably books that shed light from different perspectives. so i would try to find a range from different authors, if you are interested in the female view read from female authors.
  17. @Preety_India hahaha, actually lately i like dancing the most on my own hormones and endorphines, dancing alone is like this - and it`s pretty interesting how most guys are not really attractive to my eyes and ears anymore without having enough alcohol in my blood. i`m going for the dance usually, and a little bit for the socializing. if i meet people then, i usually go with a good feeling. but in some clubs i would not go without a group, especially while drinking, because the guys are usually too intrusive. if you go partying a lot with your girl gang you probably know how that works. maybe dancing is a good idea, some people say hair cuts... but dancing might be the better option
  18. there is one funny moment in the audience where a woman looks with some disbelief how the guy next to her is dancing.
  19. @Preety_India it`s very inspiring that you handled it! strong decision. he still seems to have limits what`s good. how you described him, it sounded a little bit more severe and obsessive than he reacted so far. i`m happy for you! still be on guard and very awake for some time! this is due to not knowing. thank you so much for your openness also, i`d wish a lot more women would be more open about their abusive relationships. and abusive dynamics, really strong that you share it! time for healing. that`s also love.
  20. @robinmk4l additionally to eating healthy, are you taking supplements like b vitamins and d3? if it is a mykosis, candidosis it could also be that the "mushroom" in your body is still taking up all of your energy. if it`s really that you need to take something that takes up the mykotoxins the "fungus" creates while at the same time fighting it with special diet and supplements - if it is that. you could think about supplementing with oregano oil (organic aetheric food quality), coconut oil, zeolith and probiotics.
  21. @Psyche_92 sound like you have a beige problem there! where do you live? rent? parents? for the starter i would jump over my shaddow and take the next best job you can get, even if it is mc donalds - and then work yourself out of that pit. although i`d probably rather take a cleaning job or starbucks or whatever mini job you can get. just walk into the next supermarket and ask if they need someone to fill the shelfs. maybe you can start with the better options there, but if they don`t hire you you have to be more creative. it`s only a back up from which you start out again. downward spiral goes fast if you already start to lend money. it`s not the moment to put the heads in the clouds, nor in the sand. what about you by the way it`s already almost four weeks since the first post... did the situation change?
  22. what... how old were you? it`s just about the combination. poor girl she probably also is traumatized. (some guys might not even pull their skin back to wash up, just about that, i`d always look there first gals) let`s wrap that up - always remember, you might not only do all that shit for yourself but ultimatively you do. separating colours and not wearing a size xs t-shirt that used to be xl is part of the show.
  23. what about visual memory? actually i`m super sceptical to use psychedelics for enlightenment. but that would be the reason for me to really try some substances again.
  24. you failed to see that s/he is in the center of the picture.