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Everything posted by remember

  1. there is only one question to ask: chance or choice? but all choice is chance.
  2. this! i believe some people we call crazy or mad carry some skills within them no ordinary lemming could ever achieve. it is all a matter of learning to live with the condition and learning to handle whatever arises. sometimes people need help for that from people with other skills, of course there are difficulties but also special skills to every manifestation of being. to nurish the special and bright in your nature and somehow trying to minimize the space for the uncontrollable in your nature, so not suppressing it completely but also setting rules and boundaries that minimize the unleashing of uncontrollable energies. there is a difference between enlightenment and suffering - it doesn`t mean an enlightened being doesn`t still suffer, an enlightened being will overcome it though. usually you can only see the light fully when you are also shedding some, or the other person is bright enough themselfs. @Hoyeon Lee even if it looks so easy when we see those who we think have achieved it - enlightenment is not easy for anyone. there is no enlightened being without at least noticing suffering.
  3. yep, and don`t confuse a reset button with the whole machine behind - without spiritual practice a psychedelic is a button without an effect or maybe a counterproductive one. although of course taking the reset button away leaves some people without access to the whole. and for some pushing the button is like throwing an attomic bomb - so spiritual practice first then reset. (an atomic bomb is not a reset it is the end) you could also say it`s an access button or a ticket to whatever you may find on the other side.
  4. @Yahya you are 15 so you can massively change in the course of one year! 15,16, 17, 18 are the transformational ages, but you have to take it seriously! one point of course is outer transformation, unfortunately that`s a part of the game of being part of the group - they probably are all into looks, fashion, music, coolness thing. so you could transform in one of these aspects like bridge to infinity says in point 3 for example. if you want to change, you can... also it would be interesting to know about the dynamics of people calling you names. is it one person? a group? usually there is a driving force behind it, one or two people in the center. are you usually alone or do you have friends around? hanging everywhere alone is usually one of the problems, so if you try to make one or two friends, this might stop the bullying. best is also to keep more to someone with a high status in the class but more because of social reasons. but any kind of koalition/friendship might work to improve the situation. try to figure out the political class dynamics.
  5. why do you think a water fast is superior to detox with oil? at the moment i`m much in for a multiple phase approach. ayurveda is in that sense really good, because it includes manual therapy, phyto medicine and cleansing with medicated oils. some toxins bind to oil better than to water. if combining different methods i would start with something that separates and flushes the toxins from the tissue, especially from the brain is difficult, then use something that chelates, or binds the toxins then use the ghee or coconut oil to get everything out of the system and afterwards do a water fast. the water fast is probably much similar to ayurvedic purgation day. and after the waterfast use special diet to detox and refill further with a lot of fruit and so on. perfect situation to change eating habits in general. (and i read also something about streangthening and detoxing liver and kidneys in advance already two to six week in advance) @pluto isn`t destilled water also damaging the cells? so probably there is a limit of how much is possible without damaging the stomach. so how much destilled water a day? and like with the dmsa it would probably also be a good idea to restore heavily on all essential minerals at the same day maybe even - so destilled water in the morning and minerals in the afternoon or so... no?
  6. lol - the perfect self justification. i`m watching that since a while wondering when people would really start to wonder.
  7. hahaha now you found the ultimate tool to self-justification.
  8. life is survival. morality is the first sign of spirituality. even a monkey society follows moral rules - although their spirituality is very very purple, and even red, and they don`t even need speech for that. very interesting how moral people get very amoral the moment it`s about their piece of meat.
  9. @leo gura but you have def a self bias in that aspect and you realize, that you just said that you are not different from an animal as you don’t have the ability to overcome your ego. (at least in that) you say it’s possible to get enlightened while feeding on others energy while buddhism is saying something else - then who is the measurement of what enlightenment is and who deluded who about what. you see the problem here? i’m deeply relaxed writing this, drinking my plant based turmeric milk and smiling at you ☺️. in the absolute term there is a difference - not being aware of it means not being awake. for anyone who might be concerned. shallow arguments stay shallow arguments.
  10. maybe because the vid was not matching what turquoise really is - maybe it really was not good enough - meaning turquoise not internalized understood completely. why suspecting they are lower or not understanding, maybe it was a sign towards you that you are under evaluating or misinterpreting what turquoise means, maybe it was a hint that you were missing something essential that isn’t mentioned on their web site. i remember watching some of the spiral videos thinking: mh no it’s missing some aspects. sorry to say - perfection might sometimes be a hurdle but sometimes it’s also there to push us. leo usually teaches to find the fault in our selfs. i would have to watch it again, but i think i remember that i was also not 100% agreeing with the turquoise vid, some claims even small ones are wrong and there is much too much ego in the video - maybe not ripe enough. (of course we have to let go of the construct - doesn’t mean we have to let go of the dynamics - even in turquoise it’s not all just a different perspective - turquoise can make you aware really subtle if you got some authority hierarchy wrong) one of the shortcomings of the video is probably that turquoise is not all accepting, there is still a hint of blue in turquoise and turquoise will use that if necessary. some spoons will rather bend you than the other way round. either you will bow your head to that or you can’t be part of the spoon.
  11. @angelite mhh of course a giant is usually impressive... a small person can be, too. tall personalities usually protect the smaller ones, if it’s the other way round we sometimes wonder - all of these are pointers. people leave footprints ? they can’t be measured with a stick - some of them still do... but the truth you only find that within.
  12. @nickyy well, curiosity would be a good starting point. where there is no seeker there is usually no finder (well some are stumbling over it, you need to learn to see to know what exactly stood in the way)
  13. what are the benefits of you asking such a question? why should anyone answer it?if you need someone else to answer to this question you will never even come close to understanding it.
  14. @angelite this is not even a physically correct footprint. it is also not stone but clay at least it looks like clay, it’s physiologically not correct - you must discern between what is a man made picture and what is a manifested living prove. a symbol of it is not what it stands for. the size of the ego might not be relevant, some things can be manifested by pure will and others only through emanation.
  15. @jahmaine before you come close to this you probably must first access the prajna body - if you did not access and understand the prajna body you are not even close to understanding. but even after understanding, you need to understand a path is not walked by knowing the direction.
  16. yes, how to know if someone is a jerk? how to know if someone is shallow? how do you know if these women were shallow or if he was? he only knows that himself. some women also get like that if they feel the guy doesn’t respond to their signs of wanting some distance. if guys overstep that without being jerks, women sometimes don’t feel like responding, as they miss response - so the only thing you really know about this situation is actually that ghosting happens. saying the women are shallow is an easy scapegoat out. (it also means though women need to learn to say if they are not interested much earlier - although that would mean being direct and sometimes hurting) even if wyatt might be fair and square - a lot of people who read this might not be.
  17. same goes for men though - see the problem in that thinking? it’s all self feeding - starts by making it a no go in your own gender influence circle. don’t treat her like a princess but don’t treat her like shit as she’s a queen. it all comes back in a loop.
  18. make ghosting a coolness „no go“ for both sides! respect and response is a dubble bind - be honest about what you want and be honest about no matches. fast sex and relationship are not really a match.
  19. you are going to hell if you are expecting perfection and you go to hell if you don’t - question always is: what is perfection? if you can’t answer it you have never seen it, nor are you somewhere near reaching it.
  20. @maarten you will probably not loose your mind here... what you might loose though, is compassion, trust in love heartfelt empathy and some other senses of what you were, getting some holes pulled in your soul costume (it’s not much different than anywhere else). what you will gain is a lot of ego, a lot - that’s what you can find mostly here! you will not loose your mind, you will just ask yourself if mind ever existed, if consciousness ever existed. and then you also might find all of that here. but not in this thread probably - only a tiny little bit... mostly not. you are probably better off, off - you have an immune system for a reason. trust in yourself, you are perfectly sane. for madness though, here you are perfectly safe, you can cry out as loud as you want to - no one will listen.
  21. how long were you texting each other before? what was the conversation? what was your expectation? how much were you attentive about her? maybe just liking you and don`t want to disappoint you so still showing attention? or then missing the real interrest from your side? or then realizing it`s getting more serious. i`m not very familiar with ghosting in general, but i guess guys do it as well or at least they oftentimes do it after sexual intercourse - maybe there is some correlation - women use to chicken out before, guys after. although ghosting got probably worse, since fast sex apps. it spoils the food market in general. in some sense it might be even that guys get back what other guys messed up because of their assholines. alpha... my ass, chiao.
  22. some years ago i had a talk with a doctor about heavy metal detox, and he also said chelates are very important, although he warned me about chemical chelates. usually they are used in cases of heavy heavy metal intoxications, like really heavy ones. he also said if you have a mild intoxication, you don`t want to put that chemical into your body, it will do more harm than good! following that i researched other chelate building substances. recently i researched dsma because it was showing up from time to time in the forum in relation to heavy metal detox. i guess to test once on heavy metals it`s not that bad, to find out if you have that problem, (although there might be different possibilities) they said then to test the release on the third day - but i wonder what kind of chemical this is when heavy metals get released through it just by sniffing it. also if you have multiple sclerosis it makes you have an epeleptic attack. you can develope alergies and you also will release all good minerals, what can make your body weak, as you then have to rebuild on that. i would not put that stuff inside my body on a whim - not without some longterm studies about what it is doing to the body.
  23. all i ask myself right now, why do they have to be women? isn´t that just another attempt to disembody and scapegoat males problems unto women? i mean of course these traits often are connected to female appearance in men`s lifes but they are not it... just a thought i had about these personifications in the shape of females. the devil in skirts so to say.
  24. without now, past & future wouldn`t exist. it´s the endless now like on a rollercoaster noooooooooooooooooooow and nooooooooooow and nooooooojuhuoooooow and wooooooooooooow now i`m dizzy. @Alex bAlex hahaha hypnotized we`re tired what hype...and it becomes blue.
  25. about the cancer medicine as i said i would only try that if i had some time or if it was without hope. but well these areas are gray areas and i can`t say anything about their methods, i was highly critical of that if you want to read further up. we agree on that even though i don`t have the knowledge, should be some logical precaution to stay suspicious and go with what is scientiffically proven to work in a significant percentage of cases.