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Everything posted by remember

  1. you don`t have to, the ocean is a force in you or it is not.
  2. i can only recommend to you guys to accompany that technique with growing some real plants - can you keep it up without letting them die? if you can, you are the real thing, everything else is just a mind game, you will miss out on the foundational energy and miss making the plants your teachers. and don`t just grow cacti, got that?
  3. @F A B if there is another toilet (what they usually also have) use that. i would probably have more problems with the sanitary aspect of males toilets - i hate public toilets in general. also how weird if you work in a big company as a male and have to pee side by side with your coworkers or your boss... it`s a little bit discriminating to expect people to pee side by side... let`s reach hands brothers - no thanks...
  4. i know that, just be careful with the guys here, some of them have seen way too many horrible things it`s better not to pour oil into the fire, especially when they already have problems with the other gender. sexual revolution has not just brought all the inspiring stuff - but also some of the worst things you would only expect happening in war zones. no wonder people are sexually completely disoriented, there is no real orientation. you might wonder what is going on in their heads... all sickness the world can display and more, that`s the answer. artificial worlds that separate people from their physical body, their soul body, and their spirit body. once destroyed almost not accessible anymore. you are a great source to find back to the senses in this forum. i hope the dustpan can wait, the ocean can wait. one of my favorite quotes of unknown is: the sea knows there is no hurry, we shall get there some day.
  5. you know zig zag i still have a tiny grudge against you about that mysogynic post, but it does not completely destroy the positive picture i have about you. i guess you know that dissappointment is either when we 1) project too much goodness into people or when 2) people project goodness upon us or 3) try to gaslight goodness upon us they are not able to fill. in your case i still guess it`s number two. until you prove something else. i guess it`s more difficult to understand that male female controversy when you grew up in the 50ies? but i would confront you the same way again if i would encounter something like that again. so i guess it`s absolutely no appology but still a declaration of respecting most of you. (wanted to tell you in case it might interest you).
  6. it`s very difficult to understand what is going on. there are actually children who can be a true challenge for parents and it`s sometimes difficult to make the difference. but you also said it seams to be fake behaviour. children don`t have such a distance to their poo, sometimes they even play with their poo and that`s not the nicest part - in some sense the poo answer seems to be the only healthy about her answers. whatever the reason of scolding her, all scolding can be exchanged with talking. in her age she can already understand some basic concepts. she can already understand, that shit can`t be something really bad even though part of her might not - a child sometimes need to understand why it`s not ok to do certain things if it´s logical the child will understand, children can learn, they are actually verry great learners by nature, much better than a grown up is, even if they sometimes make faults. a child is not a grown up who has enough theortical foundation to think for themselfs in a more abstract way. they don`t do anything out of evilness, they only don`t know it better. don`t underestimate a childs intelligence. an older child sometimes needs stricter boundaries and see consequences to their action, as they then really start to be responsible for what they are doing - but that means they need to be able to adequately process what responsibility and responsiveness to their surrounding is. and that usually also takes place in a certain age. you can have a look into developmental psychiology to know what a child is able to process in a certain age and what is important for a child to learn to not mess them up or let them become messed up. what language and behaviour do you want to put into your child? love or hate? ask your sister to do the rice experiment, or set it up for her!
  7. yeah mh what are you focusing on playing the game - the ass or killing the enemy? who is the enemy - oh well i don`t care i just want to kill. take that but hole out of the way.
  8. don`t get yourself confused because you are stressed out with your kids sometimes! there is a range of people scolding their children and a range of tone scolding a child and a range of words that still count as halfways acceptable due to being stressed. why do you try to downsize the problem while it`s maybe important for the child, to stay alarmed. did you read that? a four year old! someone needs to put words into a child so it even learns how to speak. i only know of one case of suicide of a six year old - a child would usually not even think of something like that. either it`s the mother who told her or it`s someone else or it is someone who told that to her mother as she only learned after three that something like her even exists. the i only exists after the age of three. how could she understand anything else if she is responsible for everything.
  9. a child does not misbehave. the scolding is the misbehavior. that is confusing for the child it does not eradicate the abuse done. you don`t kill someone and then say: sorry i killed you, i didn`t mean to. you don`t know that - i met people who had really good foster care. of course that`s a matter of luck or who cares about finding good care. usually it`s better to let people decide about that who have a lot of experience with that. be aware that you might hold back helping your niece because you feel guilty towards your sister, you have to separate both completely or you will feel guilty towards your niece as well. i agree with you if it is not abnormal you might still be able to help your niece by explaining your sister that she herself urgently needs psychotherapy, because she is misbehaving and maybe her husband, too.
  10. yes, that would be a very wise move! and while at your siter should also go to a psychotherapist. the problem seems to be created through codependencies and a history of child abuse, which has to be stopped in the grown ups first. you can`t let the child sit out the problems the grown ups don`t know how to fix or don`t even admit - as you say there is even a second child, so do you want to send that child to psychotherapy as well? because some grown ups behave as if the child could solve their problems? if you are a codependent you might also be a person who does not act on the severeness of the case, so i would talk to someone about it who knows what to do in a case like that. i don`t know how severe it is but if a person can`t stop harming their children, the children are maybe better off in foster care... a child is not an item people own and use as a trash bin. love for human beings means not doing in sense of harm but doing in sense of help. the severeness of the situation you already figured that out by comparing it with your own pain. as a grown up it`s sad that you can`t help your small self anymore but you can help another person, even if that maybe means hurting your sister by telling on her to youth care. in the case if it involves sexual abuse, maybe it even means more justice for the child than you want to think about at the moment, it also means to act against people who harmed her and judge and let others judge about your own doing or not doing if you are involved. that would probably also give some justice to your small self, maybe it would help you more than the psychotherapy that never helped you. a person is not like a vase you let fall intentionally and then you try to glue it and feel helpless that it`s not what it was before. you just don`t let it fall - and if you did and are aware of it, make sure that this never ever happens again by removing the source of the harm. seems radical? yes on that be radically honest with yourself. the symbolism and undertone in this thread is not only gross it is giving me the chills.
  11. @dimitri is there also a method to put moderators on the ignore list?
  12. yes - if i mention absolutism or marie antoinette, you know what i mean? yes - although i can mention and know them even if i was in blue or maybe even further down in red. knowing and mentioning them and quoting them does not mean a person is spiritually developed. a lot of people who seem to be in green still are emotionally and spiritually in red. and there is a reason why i started to be more upfront and less compassionate in this forum even though enlightenment is also my life purpose, even though i have my own understanding of it without ever following a spiritual guide except my mother and some people i met in my life who really made a difference and i look up to representatives of budhism, not as supperiors but as a child. you see the forum might not be the endgoal but it is a place to learn, also from each other, and until now that might be exactly why some topics in the hirarchical structural dimmension came up - because it`s hirarchically built and leo tries to rule problems out with the weekly videos. some problems indeed adjust themselfs through at least being reflected a little bit. but it doesn`t change the fact that lemons are not always yellow and oranges sometimes look green before they turn orange. and it doesn`t change that some people here have to take on and work through more karma than others and it`s too much expected to take a leo preselection on that because of wrong choices that also seem to be based on physical preferences. and yes that`s spiritual, too. i don`t have to swallow everything down to be spiritual, i don`t have to accept if someone places ego driven moderators in front of my nose who let me down in destabilizing situations where i actually need their help because they are too much preoccupied with their physical appearance. i don`t want to be in a situation where i ask for help in a moderator and because the person is ego wise so instable attacks me while i am already under preassure to help someone with their problems, i can`t fix their massive ego along with it. but the hirarchical structure of this forum asks me to do so. and yes this forum is a place where people with problems ask for help. people with a real life.
  13. there is a reason why this forum is popular and there is a reason why people hang here discussing and reading and commenting - and the advice you are giving is pretty cool. does the same account for moderators? i know i`m stretching it hard for you because of course you are a moderator and even though the critique might not account for you, what is true about it and what not, you might somehow feel it as you still get triggered a little bit, don`t you? it`s a position where most people give their best, isn`t it? does that change that some people do almost the same without having or wanting that position? so is the reason why you get triggered the green colour? (sorry to address you, you are the one available representative in this thread, i mean green is definitely a group ego thing as orange is, too. is orange group ego? maybe a loose tied one)
  14. doesn`t mean that you never tried to befriend one, does it? what is the difference in a friend leading you down and a moderator leading you down? it`s probably the assignment of competence to status.
  15. yes exactly if we are not ok with how the country is run we just start our own country. if i don`t like nepotism or despotism i just become one on my own - perfect!
  16. it`s not about right or wrong in their theory, it`s about mods having some uncontrollable ego issue. what i critizise here is more about people with capricious ego traits in their personality, what you would not expect of a mod. that`s where all despotism starts. not being 100% right and then not correcting wrong moves...or even aknowledging wrong moves. well...big big shaddow there.
  17. @Leo Gura no, we don`t because we trust in your good choice - if you fail in that you also fail us. or if a mod fails in being trustable the mod fails you. if you don`t care you fail us directly. if you build a hirarchy and do what you reprimand about others or let others act in your name you make yourself untrustworthy. we look towards the mods more than to others because they are more memorable and should have already achieved a certain level of spiritual development. they get some kind of teachers approval in your name. that makes them a more important person in sense of guidance in spiritual development - just vip is not enough. that`s why i never really watched the episode about how corruption works. you are not the best example for that, or maybe you are, depends on the perspective.
  18. in the first article it was practically revealed ken wilber being unable to distance himself far enough from his own guru.... absolutism is always dangerous, there is no relation to any person where absolutism could be healthy. so it’s really difficult sometimes to make a difference between a teaching and a person - although responsibility in the absolute sense is nothing only one person can take. in the comparison to dictators, you can’t say the dictator is the only responsible person but you also can’t say that the people the dictator suppresses are the responsible ones or that his followers/supporters/executives/executors alone are. the difference between a dictator and a guru - where is it when the teaching is followed blindly. the dynamics are the same dynamics, when it turns toxic. especially when thinking god speaks directly through the guru while the guru confuses himself to be god alone (god is unfailable is one of the biggest traps) there was a post about sensitiv phases during awakening some time ago - you could say it’s the holy(had a typo: holly. that would also fit in some sense) phase, where trust into the universe is reclaimed, during this time people are open and vulnerable, and fall into traps - it’s the gurus responsibility if they do.
  19. then i guess he already told you what you are. confess! ahm you already did... renounce!
  20. he`s hibernating more in winter time than summer time, was the same last year - seems to be a technological program of many peoples hightech system to save on energy in winter, happens almost automatically. should someone say we have nothing in common with plants... although it would be funny if we would throw all of our hairs off in fall and see them regrow in spring... doesn`t make sense.
  21. historically speaking there was a need for an electoral college because they didn`t have highspeed data transfer, but news and counts where traveling horsespeed. counting manually would not even be the problem - but the data transfer is technologically seen such an old system that you might wonder how it still works without the system breaking down... keeping the electoral college for nostalgic reasons, as the people who anounce the numbers of the counts would be enough, a little like keeping a king or queen for nostalgic reasons, but isn`t it like that that the counts count? why easy when complicated is possible? maybe in the future they have to travel via horsespeed again, because no data is safe, maybe that would be a possibility so it was actually smart keeping the electoral college - ah no there is the invention of the phone also - sorry i forgot. the guys who invented that then where pretty smart, they would laugh about it today.
  22. @Nivsch i guess you could say people are on a different level to openness towards special topics, especially if they have lived their whole life with it. if a person is a die hard meatarian, there is no chance in making that person convert, it`s like with a fanatic religion, you will take away what life is worth living for. so first of all checking if it is worth your time (maybe with family you will put in more effort, because you love them). in my experience people are more likely to think it over if you argument in a direction where they already want to improve - health, weight, animal love, cruelty, being informative to their own benefits, especially if someone has a health condition you will probably have some kind of chance to convince them over a period of time. introducing some vegan healthy food, is one possibility. cooking for them or with them. for your family it would be probably nice if you all could sit at the same table and enjoy the same food, that might be an argument, so doing it for you. (but don`t be disappointed a meat addict will not give it up for you, has nothing to do with you, but with addiction. they won`t realize that and won`t believe that they are meat addicts as there is no reliable data about that...only their craving shows it. they might be really nice spiritual and social beings, but their stomach is a mass grave - who would want to realize that. it`s really hard to understand deeply, there will be multiple forms of trying to deny and finding argumentation why it`s different - one part is the invention of the lesser being. what is also scientiffically proven - lesser neurons)
  23. sorry to addictive. do you have more? because i took them all and they were not for me (they are a lot more difficult though): "what`s really far from distant is..." "the opposite of `what` is...." "you know a paradox is paradoxical because..."
  24. the house of cards is no knowledge. although the question is if it is a house of cards you really want to build with knowledge?