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Everything posted by remember

  1. what is the difference between a revolution and a coup d‘etat? what the difference between progress and regress? militant forced coups end in a lot of cases in regresses - one reason is that war and peace are two completely different businesses. by the way demanding it, on which side would you see yourself?
  2. it only will reach a limit if the people using the models are limited - there is no reason why it should. as long as people can understand that there is never just one colour at work. the moment spiral dynamics reaches a limit, we are limited to not go further into the dynamics at play in spiral dynamics. healthy and unhealthy starts with the bias that anything has exhausted itself. in exhausting itself everyone would reach a limit, but limits are there to be questioned.
  3. if parodoxitis ever gets boring, you can still try nitrous oxide next time at the dentist`s.
  4. more awake than awake would be probably vibrant, or illuminated or transcendent or invigorated and then there would still be the ing you could also be awakening.
  5. mhhh in most cases it`s probably self bias and i guess our egos don`t like critique, more or less, that is as long as we refer everything to our self evaluation - one of the most difficult behaviour to learn is sometimes to let people do their thing the way they want to and are used to do even though we see it`s going the wrong direction. and i`m much better in it since i learn to let go. one of my problems is that i can handle a discussion about how to do something different in a sense of evaluating which way is maybe the more progressive in a situation, or which perspective enriches mine even though there are minor differences in worldview. but it gets unrelatively complicated if people take critique about the case personally. it then seems as if it`s the whole person who stands to disposition and every new perspective is a critique and attack rather than a new perspective. i guess this is like most of the live and let live problems, a survival issue and can be solved in some diplomatic sense not until at least dipping the pinky into yellow. but more importantly is how do we learn to handle these situations - how do we get less triggered and learn to solve these topics? how to talk to people who like to throw with stones, even while sitting in a house of glass? in the past i liked to resolve it with using the same spiral colour they are at - but sometimes now i am to lazy for that. despite that it`s also not always the best approach. although i also see that when talking about stoning people who are more speaking in the public, maybe there needs to be again a completely different approach and deeper analysis about what the topics are that stand to disposition. i guess there is a lot of red and blue and orange in these kind of phenomenons whatever spiral colour the messenger has. so how to integrate major differences in worldview?
  6. hahaha as if psychedelics would cure anybody from lying, if you don`t care. also spiral dynamics - there are enough people who know about spiral dynamics and have some kind of comprehension and still did not yet develop far from orange, while in their dream they already entered the turquoise realm. although scamming people and talking them into something they don`t want to buy is unhealthy purple (don`t understand me wrong, there is healthy purple, too).
  7. movement design resources here please! really nice book about the how to`s on visual protesting. not to copy, but to inspire. fresh from the print. fresh from the actual movements of the last maybe four years - it`s a great book first of all to understand better, what is the suffering? what do people all over the world ask for? to understand how protests needs to be channeled into clear messages and to learned to be expressed better.
  8. one problem about calcium is that if you have too much of it it will get stored in your blood vessels and care for some of the worst vessel diseases when you are older - the problem is not the calcium as already said - just wanted to point it out again - but the lack of vit d. vit d is involved in taking up calcium from the vessels (bioavailability). i stopped taking calcium as a supplement entirely and only take vit d as i am more concerned about my vessels than my bones in that regard.
  9. small reminder - very recommended also as Christmas present.
  10. so what to do with the emptyness trump will leave? there is nothing better to replace entertainment with some cool activities - for example having some huge street parties even after new years. and some spring tree planting or so and some cool events like snow man building for change? or even going to church and praying for democracy on christmas eve. with a nice printed christmas motto t-shirt. mhhh maybe too cool... a pullover would be better. you could also use the hollydays to brainstorm about nice slogans and posters or flags. it could be a time full of hope and creativity and good wishes for the new year.
  11. there is some kind of prophesy about this epoque, which is rooted in political economics - which either predicts reformation or total crash down. it`s not the prophesy that will show, it`s the people who will show. every one who`s doing business should know what political risk management is. so we will see either it will adapt to survival more or less slowly or it will crash some day like it always has been.
  12. regarding the us american psyche it will be indeed interesting, as the codependency to narcisism seems to reach pretty deep. i can see that because i`m almost a little sad because i grew so accustomed to trump, and the entertainment effect, so maybe i would watch him in a new tv show. the problem with narcisists is that they often have both sides to them they have the super ego and the childlike cuteness, also knowing that they can`t be acting different than they do, and in the end a sort of helplessness without the others can trigger that protection instinct a father or mother has towards a child who didn`t listen and then looks sad when the balloon finally bursted, and they even then do sometimes things that still have a positive outcome because they show insight after enough attention. that might be a problem for blue when they once made up their mind in the own rows, about what would be best for the party. how can republicans stay true to their values and protect their member and still be true to themselves about what their values regarding their country is? the question at stake here is not the party but history. the role of the republican party not only in american politics but also regarding global politics - i also think that there are strong figures in the republican party who may will take a lead in that aspect. what is really important to realize that this child after forgiving for the balloon crash would go on with the next situation you can`t take your eyes off from and insight usually comes only after it already fell into the river or the house is burned down.
  13. yes and what did l.ron hubbard do?
  14. what relevance does the number of planets have in the universe? for whom does it matter if one of them disappears? what does a number of bacteria growth say? and can you explain joy in numbers - if mathematics was a universal language you could explain all i have said by now with mathematics. maths is a descriptive language that is used to talk about proportionalities and probabilities it does not transport information about qualitative differences. in that sense, maths is not really a language but a tool to code proportionalities into sequences and is part of a language system - a number is part of a cultural development and sign system and not separated from it. but it is in a sense a limited tool, the same as using a word like many does not say anything about what many means without using math. what do i care about a mountain of shoes if there is always only one of a pair and they are all different in size and form. a donkey will understand two carrots and an apple not in sense of numbers. and it does not make you more intelligent just because you can. what makes you more intelligent is understanding the whole situation even though you used maths.
  15. @dimitri it was foremost a pointer to the nature of illusion, similarities and custom thinking.
  16. @dimitri you are such a nahm memekri - i always have to look twice.
  17. @V-8 well, that`s really outside my field of expertise - maybe you could find someone who is willing to stone you for that.
  18. it`s actually a commercial... although a good one.
  19. this title or you could say phenomenon triggers an observation i made on a more personal level. so to say i sometimes realize that i destroy peoples mood when i make them aware about a basic problem in their concepts, or tell them that something won`t work that way because of physical reason, or tell them a relative behaved less nice than their picture of them, or in general destroy a rose colored idea, even though it might just be a small one. these situations are not biased situations just situations where i hand some information over, i`m sometimes even extra careful because i already know - difficult topic. still they get mad at me, some more some less. these people don`t prefer running blindly into a bad situation, but they make the messanger responsible for removing their blindfold. i had a similar scene for that in my imagination: why does the messenger get stoned? i always pictured some emperor nero or so, who gets furious because he got disturbed by a bad message (about loosing war or so) and then letting the poor messenger get stoned - maybe like in an asterix cartoon. throw her to the lions!
  20. @Anubis bring yourself in a situation where it`s impossible to be lazy. sign up for a voluntary social year, or go traveling with a back pack, or maybe do a vipassana or do all three of it - a lot of people tell good things about vipassana retreats, having good experiences against this kind of cocooning.
  21. @VictorB02 you`re welcome! hope she`s better soon! love is a very very important part of helping her, it`s not something that will resolve fast - she has to figure out what can help her and then always be prepared.
  22. it`s a very difficult topic as depression is not a joke. i would start supplementing with rhodiola rosea and vitamin d and b vitamins, trying to go up to the highest possible dose with rhodiola. also you could experiment with fermented cacao beans that was a tip i got here in the forum against addiction that helped me big times and it also helped my mood, so i guess it could help her, too, ten or so a day. be really warm and nice to her. also sleep deprivation can help her actually (except if she`s manic deppresive then it might swing into the other direction) if it`s seasonal depression, like winter depression, you could also try light therapy. i guess it`s maybe really better not to talk to her family about it, as it might also make it worse because they then might interfere, what could be counterproductive. although it might help her to talk with a psychologist about what she could do - in some sense there is not much to do in a situation like that. except figuring out what is causing it - or medication. but if it`s really painful, medication would still be a possibility, maybe you could talk her into having medication just in case in the house. she then can always decide if she still can stand it or wants something - like with headache. what about christmas? not sure if it`s a good time to let her alone then - if you celebrate with family rather take her with you instead leaving her alone.
  23. yes maybe if it`s all spiritual practice you are doing. actually about the gate analogy - i think for psychedelics you could say the same. i´m not denying that i made the experience that people who took psychedelics even once, are more openminded. so in some sense they are also a gate to a dimension that would otherwise maybe stay forever closed. although psychedelics may then form a codependency, because people get used to them. not to forget those who have really difficulties not getting psychotically consumed by the psychedelic. that`s about the danger i see in them. while meditation also lets you stay more open for the small flowers at the side of the walk.
  24. who was talking about crawling up a mountain? since when are humans worms? by the way if you take the helicopter it might be that you had a nice view from up the helicopter and then you sit on top of the mountain and think: no way it was so much better from the helicopter perspective as i could also see the mountain and the people who crawled up the mountain. and by the way why are they all smiling and look so proud, or much more interestin why are they marveling at that view so much as if they were seeing my helicopter - they just crawled up a mountain on their two feet - but i had a helicopter. make space it want`s to land so it can take me down again.
  25. yes i also want to dismiss that - as makyo is not a term that refers to the physical reality but rather to how you construct your reality. no doubt that you could discuss about the comfortness or emptyness or beauty of the physical reality you create. but the same accounts for all imagination of reality.