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Everything posted by remember

  1. does the blue in green here trigger yellow or red?? where i am somehow from time to time am not sure about is how much the beating of orange in a discussion will make orange grow - it certainly depends on the character of the person. although it’s certainly a good example of how green is impersonating the shadow orange doesn’t want to see.
  2. mhh did you ever try seeing it the way that everyone might be creation for creations sake - (be careful with this view it can become hollow fast. although if you get spiritual it will be the opposite.) i also don’t coincide with what you say about the image. i really think as long as you have vision it’s the image that counts. in our times more than anything else.
  3. what is fascinating about a lot of davincis work is that it all works mechanically but it mostly does not functionally. it’s all concepts. in that sense theoretically, no, we still need polymaths. the questions just is how good of a polymath will you become - how far into the details will you be able to go? just yesterday i saw some of the machines he constructed built of wood - not originals as the originals only exist in drawings. amazingly fantastical. the question in the most cases though is - how far does it fly? the most amazing concept he constructed though was the plan on how to remember what a genius is about.
  4. what is shocking for me sometimes is, when i travel but also at home, how much of healthy food is thrown away or more so trashed by peeling grains. by peeling grains we throw away almost all vitamins, minerals and a lot of proteins which are the most valuable of the grain. and we also throw away a lot of the volume of food that would make us healthy, nourished but the opposite of fat. sometimes i wonder why people don’t wonder about why grain was so important for so many high cultures, even pseudo grain was (the pseudo about it is not the nutrition factor but only the fact that it’s botanically not a grain). what makes bread unhealthy is basically the peeling of it and not the gluten, the gluten becomes only unhealthy because it’s consumed in an unhealthy way. you could then call it sponge bread - it’s so empty it sucks.
  5. got you - devil! SELFBIAS i bet you never really tried. and of course it‘s a lot of knowledge and work you have to invest into it. guess you did not have the right teacher. from the perspective of a vegan who was once an addict to especially dairy - yes it’s also an addiction the most serious of all, it denies killing. and by the way if your thyroid is autoimmune maybe you would be better without - there is reason to conclude that maybe every autoimmune disease can get symptom free without dairy and meat.
  6. @Endangered-EGO you are not smoking weed anymore do you? i‘m just asking because i also did not have good experiences with weed and it took a long time for me to realize that i had to keep away from it. i tried it again once alone some months ago in a very mild dose after years and went to sleep very fast because it really does paint a pretty dark experience. i’m a person who is already very attentive and open and sensitive to a lot of things happening around me - but i always try to see a positive side and tell the illusion to go away now if i realize it’s turning too negative. i guess i would go with the first answer you got here as a bingo. try to be very attentive to what exactly is making up the darkness, you can feel into it and sometimes you can feel it coming, it’s like it has a substance of its own not really liquid not really air maybe it feels different for you than it feels for me but i‘m sure you can somehow feel into it. also feel into how joy feels like. do you have any other practice than meditation which brings you joy? as meditation is not in that sense bringing along the substance of it automatically but is more to see through all of these experiences. do something that elevates your mood inbetween, also with a lot of awareness and attention. try to put love into it and give you some credit for every step that brings you out of the darkness. for now concentrate on the now. i‘d also recommend you trying rhodiola rosea i‘m recommending that in every case of being caught up in darkness or fear. not that you then should stop with the self-inquiry but to lift the heaviness of the terror a little bit. infinity is crazily beautiful if you find out about the beauty in infinity the terror inside of you will vanish step by step. feel embraced.
  7. slowly going down with them would probably be the best way to find out - maybe just going down with the dose would already be an improvement. also check out if there are interferences between your medication and rhodiola. because maybe you could go down with the dose in addition of that - i read that there are already psychiatrists who had good experiences with minimizing patients medication against depression using rhodiola alongside their usual meds. it could stabilize you maybe in that phase. after ten years i think it’s at least worth trying if you are fine with less meds or even stop taking it maybe after a while.
  8. @Madhur it’s clearly a super difficult decision - especially if you want to study something with the scope of learning alone, not thinking about what you then could be with it. just because of the fascination of it alone. in india you have a huge amount of people going into computer science and it’s probably even there difficult because you have kind of a bigger competition, especially with guys who are fascinated in it very deeply. but philosophy alone is also difficult look how many philosophers are around everywhere who now do something else. what is really important if you really want to change is having a clear plan on how you will actually make a business and money with it - you need a certain amount of creativity and vision - not sure if you would learn that alone from philosophy. it of course makes sense to a point to go for something more practical than theoretical. leo had the goal to go into gaming, not what he does now - but the more practical part got him where he’s now. it’s difficult to clone it. one tip though is, if philosophy - go for the most special philosophy school and teacher in india, i also mean the one that fascinates you the most, if there is one. don’t do it half, just learning, but find some place challenging. you could probably also learn a lot from people like sadhguru. so the question is how would you secure to become a person who is needed, and that with authenticity? so it’s a really difficult decision. how many philosophy classes did you already attend?
  9. mhhh where would be the fun? i also don’t think that synthetic basil extract would do the same as a green leaf for me. even dried basil is not really the same. if we already watch the gras grow why not a cactus as well? there are much worse things to develop than a green thumb...
  10. yes but you know if it’s only directed to one person you could just start a private chat, by the way, this is not directed to anyone and who says i was referring to the animal kingdom, may their ghosts forgive me. chill by the way word salad only tastes good to people with developed taste buds.
  11. i‘m not so sure i can provide you with that but before using psychedelics i would try to use more soft plant based medication. as lithium is one of the best working „medication“ it’s more a mineral supplement though, i would try it with schüssler salts lithium (i don’t believe in schüssler salts much but that one would be interesting) or find out if you can use it in another homeopathic or low dose and if it has any effect - if so i would be happy if you would tell me, because it’s one of the untested hypothesises i made up and i could tell my family who is on heavier medication. then i would find out if rhodiola has any stabilizing effect. it works for mild depressions, and also find out what they do in tcm and ayurvedic medicin with bipolar patients. if you are on a research for yourself that’s where i would start. also raw fermented cocoa beans where doing the trick for me to get into a more serotonin based level when down - although if challenged with highs i guess that might be even heightening the highs so it’s only for the depression phases i guess, i also don’t know though how much they might influence the cycle though - i would also try to figure out if there is any cyclical regularity in her ups and downs. how many days, how connected to maybe her female cycle, what does change of weather do with her? one of the tricks to self healing is knowing ones condition like an avatar who is constantly at ones side. maybe it would even help her to find one, or one for every phase - maybe not a pokemon avatar, but even that if she likes it and if it helps her.
  12. @MAYA EL ah ok i thought this was a forum, i also didn’t ask you about what you think the gazelle does with the lion. so sorry it affects you. there is no game i‘m playing you wouldn’t play yourself.
  13. nahhhhhh you can do that - and have a realization but you could also try to do something completely different afterwards. something you have never been doing before try food you have never tried before - find a vegan place or eat some fresh foods you have never eaten before. i mean the cheeseburger sounds so nice and i totally get that atmosphere it probably has this feel of home to it.... but it is completely pulling you in again to what you might want to change. i mean try some crazy shit like insect burgers or tofu burgers if it has to be a burger. and jicama fries. maybe adding some san pedro salsa... ...i guess never read something written by nahm when you are hungry.
  14. no, that’s not the picture - the gazelle does not need the lion to be a gazelle the lion does not need the gazelle to be a lion. who hounts whom is only happening in your imagination.
  15. @actualizing25 did you ever go backpacking? somehow i have the feeling you are a person who might need to surrender yourself to a situation in which you need to realign yourself with your surrounding under more, let’s say challenging conditions than other people. like traveling china by bicicle or traveling by foot through peru or africa - i could also imagine you doing a trip to the north pole with an inuit tour guide or swim with sharks. i guess one of your problems is that because you are not interested in anything you never ever really start to get interested in anything.
  16. if you think you are questioning “things” you might be right i would not call that self-love.
  17. @OmniYoga for one day, don’t use it. and then look at it again.
  18. that is actually self love - asking these questions for yourself and all of yourself is self-love but not only that also answering these questions for yourself is also self-love. if there is confusion there can’t be clarity - clarity and confusion are excluding each other but also include each other - only if there is confusion clarity can adapt to what you are looking for.
  19. @outlandish put out roots at the right end... interesting. gracias!
  20. @cetus56 yes i guess if it’s not chopped down until it’s roots already during its first year, it probably will survive forever.
  21. @cetus56 thank you! would you look if roots have developed, or set a timeframe and then just start watering? it’s somehow an interesting test of psychic abilities to guess if the cactus might already have made earth contact or not...i wonder if this suggestion means: planting it and then taking it out of the pot again time and time again to have a look if it already rooted. such a disturbing suggestion - they said the same in the video i watched.
  22. if the hand told you that, you should maybe really consider visiting a doctor, hands oftentime tell the truth. but don’t tell the doctor that your hand told you that.
  23. bl you guys really now do it before i order one - it’s on my useful plants list i want to buy... for the plant health and the roots, how i understood it, the cutted cactus must be „dried“ until the bottom is completely sealed and then put into dry soil - it can take until half a year until it will get roots. somehow i didn’t get when it’s possible to start watering it, but could be possible that it might rott if it is watered to early. with the drying i have experience with aloe, that should just take some days until it’s fully sealed and i have another cactus one of the nopales kinds i brought from spain which i just ripped from a huge cactus at the side of the street, i just put it in soil and watered it scarcely and it rooted quite well. although from september till march is no watering season for cacti so i don’t know - i‘ll wait probably until spring to buy one. just for my collection of medical, eatable and useful plants of course.
  24. @28 cm unbuffed ok got it... you where right. it will grow back, you know... probably.