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Everything posted by remember

  1. you can also use veggies to make juices - some people say concentrates are not good for the body especially because of the high sugar intake. some people with sugar problems of course can’t rely on fruit detox - the baseline here is raw plant based foods/juices the fresher the better. some plants have better detoxing abilities than others, too. @GreenWoods sorry only read that now - dry fast in that sense would be good to burn whatever there is too much inside of the body and needs liquid to survive? but for heavy metals how should the body break that down... i don’t really get that part. maybe a combination could be interesting - in sense of dry fasting and then water fasting later... but if there is heavy metal intoxication especially in the thinking organ you can only get that out over time with the help of special medical plant chemistry or pharmaceutical chemistry. you need to first get the heavy metal out of where it’s stored and then bind it to a substance which then can be transported out of the body, if not the heavy metal just gets stuck somewhere else.
  2. @Hello from Russia you could also use sodium bicarbonate to wash your veggies... it takes of some of the pesticides although only the ones on the surface but it already is less. there were some tips especially from pluto who already explained the comonly used substances, like distilled water, msm, magnesium combined with apple acid (eat your magnesium with apples or buy a combination product) - but looking into pluto’s input is always very supportive. there is usually not one product alone which detoxes from everything - you need a mechanism to get the metal out of the cells and another one to chelate/bind them so they won’t go back into the cells.
  3. @Hello from Russia for how long did you try vegan? what are your main symptoms? for example a vegan diet will probably bring some betterment in autoimmune diseases on short term but if it really works, you only realize during a longer period of time.
  4. or we could also ask is a human living in the gut of a forest part of the forest?
  5. i would also have a look into mushrooms and trees. and parasites vs symbionts. and then you have the special case of co evolution - that’s a really interesting example.
  6. i hardly made the sit through the first twenty something minutes of peterson - he does not even take into account any processes of timely development. he does not compute how the psyche and life of the people then was in comparison to the psyche and life of the people today. there is no timeline no development he talks as if the knowledge of today was the same as the knowledge then. his polemic is personal toned, he talks more about that he dislikes, than what he dislikes and why. no word about what he liked. it’s so self contradictory. i could not even concentrate on the details of the criticism enough because that grasped all of my attention.
  7. i’ve tried to watch some jp stuff and must confess i feel like getting lost in pans labyrinth (ever watched that movie) - did no one ever tell him that it’s possible that he’s just trying to heal himself but somehow stuck because he keeps taking weird conclusions? even thinking that he might does to give a bad example does not lead to a satisfactory exit. i’m not sure if we should count logic into a “modern” achievement, except if we maybe conclude that the greeks are already part of modernism. and if the hypothesis is right that it is a premodernism what he “teaches” i would recommend to everyone who wants to entangle their psyche with his psyche to read the odyssey before so they might have a chance to get out of that again. and i also wish him a good recovery! i would not wish anybody to be in his shoes
  8. you could have a medical theory journal where you write down your anthithesis and how it would be correctly and even try to write your doctors degree (if you need that) on that if you find the right doctor father. of course it’s more difficult to remember both - but it also will help you being a better doctor later. make this something that brings you joy to understand it more detailed. what ultimatively counts is not the grades but how good of a doctor you will be. a patient will not ask you about your grades but about how good of a healer you are.
  9. yes this one is called my dad is a psychologist disorder, and mine is called: my dad is a doctor and i had some semesters psychology disorder.
  10. no not in that case - what she puts up there is a pretty bold thesis what she has to prove first in my opinion - as you usually don’t get medication before it’s proven and a lot of people even don’t know what they have until it’s too late. if someone is lying that boldly i’m not careful it just makes me sad.
  11. i watched that video and tell you she’s a liar. if she had juvenile reumathoid arthritis she would NOT look like that! maybe she should have called that: how to become a cannibal. she does not even seem to know what rheumathoid arthritis is. but for her audience that does probably not matter.
  12. only the absolute knows the absolute. being ultimately aware of that can bring anyone close to becoming the absolute but the trick is to not be the absolute - only then you can grasp what real knowledge is.
  13. in some sense he reminds me of some of the classical psychologists, and i don’t mean that as a compliment it’s a karmic entanglement. they did probably get some things right but also produced self fulfilling paradoxes to maintain their patriarchal supremacy. in that sense i would not call his postmodernism postmodern, but premodern. and this will not end until the moment we understand that we already are leaving postmodernism behind we have to accept that we already are in the twentyfirst century and entering the paradigm of a transfer society. or fall back to where all of this started.
  14. it’s originally a french book, it probably exists in many languages. she also wrote a book called: „une maman c‘est come une maison“
  15. will the fact that he was helped in a russian clinic change anything about his world view? i was wondering how and if these experiences might change him. he basically went through a dark night of the soul. kind of interesting despite it being probably one of the most challenging experiences in life. no one wishes anybody else to have to go through. i‘m not very familiar with him so i am also not much more affected then with the people who didn’t get the chance to recover from partially heavy addictions.
  16. @Forrest Adkins is this guy in the video you? i‘m just asking, don’t want to be rude, but i sense some gay attitudes - he might suppress that still. i‘m just assuming. it’s also such a privilege that if you really hate women, you can always love men. edit: the problem there though is that most men who hate women for being autonomous to choose also are homophobic, what makes it seem like it’s a general problem of hating others for being able to choose.
  17. i think you are on the right track and i feel you might be on the right track but i also think you need to understand that there is no „from chaos into self“ as there is nothing except chaos. the point is to start training on flexible awareness - mind awareness, body awareness, awareness of the senses, there is so much to train and much more to train to get into a flow state of changing and adapting awareness.
  18. @Ampresus i would try to refresh the friendship and make friends with her. for me it sounds like you are projecting to be excluded from the two of them - that might happen again when friends of yours become couples and maybe even have babies. but if you realize that the friendship between you and your friend is something else than their friendship - they might even not be that close anymore after a while but the friendship with your close friend might last a lifetime. try to figure out what is the problem, maybe you both just have a phase where you need more distance. eventually you will be good with each other again, of course sometimes people go a different path and if we have to let them go it’s difficult, heart breaking. friendship is also a kind of love, we might sometimes forget that.
  19. i really like that link, it somehow matches a little bit with my understanding of spiral dynamics. or at least it’s a good comparison,although it’s a little different. and i would maybe reorganize it a little so it would match better. some questions about the ego may be more understandable when we realize that we did not always have one. it appeared around the age of three. that’s also where we would probably put the first development phase of red (what is not an explanation but an answer to where the ego got stuck a little) in the individuum. in the eight circuit model they somehow put that phase as second phase - because they might have really sorted it in age sequences. but in spiral dynamics you can’t really say all of this stage was developed in that age and all of that stage was developed in that age. so it seems as if they ordered it into first appearances of the stage in the individual and collective perception. the third circuit would be purple but in the spiral model it is at the second place because it starts already before the ego is discovered. it begins with intuition and personal tribe bonding. that’s why a lot of mothers make such huge thing out of it. no perceivable ego yet but all intuition.
  20. i‘m fascinated by how nicely he is outlining the red in trump. i tried to scale the spiral colours on a line between monologue and dialogue. trump even managed to get the republican party from blue into red (which is exactly because they are so blue) maybe it only seems so, because every election period is mainly red because of the show which has to be enacted. for me a good comparison is always between a good actor and a bad actor - i think actors have a lot of red energy, a good actor has a kernel, always tries to find a better movie a more edged roll wants to channel something with their red energy. (it’s red because it’s a body energy). imagine the oscar for the best actor would not go to one of the actors who played a more edgy roll and then imagine we are not talking about a movie but about reality and about presidency on top - it’s not just about who will move into the white house in the next season. cornel west points out pretty nice how all of this is empty without integrity.
  21. @Consilience yes, meatbased katogenic diet....and then get also some cardio vascular problems - also of course for some time it would maybe make you feel more balanced. really i met a woman who said she does not need insulin because she‘s vegan. why ever that works. she stopped the process before it got really severe. with meat eating you would more treat the symptoms, but you would not rebalance your system which is much more important. just think of it, you don’t exactly know what lead to the type 1 diabetes could be that a problem with proteins is part of it, at least it’s an autoimmune thing. maybe it helps you so it doesn’t get worse. so it’s a good decision for more than one reason! i know it’s probably not easy but it actually is a good feeling to get some controll back through finding a diet that works for one and even is healthy, there are other organs to maintain
  22. @Rasheed it depends, there are people who are relatively small but no one notices it except from noticing it maybe for a second - you‘d only notice their actual body size after someone would mention it and in your memory might even see them as same height as yourself. before people started to measure body size, the bodysuits used to mingle into the same awareness pot as the being present and charismatic pot. for example if there was a relatively small king, people would maybe notice, but the overall impression would be a tall person. same with an actor, because the actor is present on stage and transports the emotion very good, it’s only accessible if you exactly focus on the body size if you notice how tall the person really is. this can happen with every person of authority or high presence you meet. be aware that this significant size if it is created by the person his herself is always under the surface maintained by red, even the actor/actress is playing out healthy red to achieve that effect. the important part about it is how it’s balanced, not an aggressive red but one that’s more in touch with the mythological you. there is also another significant size perfspective from the viewers side, when the watcher puts another person onto a pedestrial, the other person grows in size - but that second option is not in your hands to change, or only by being a person others would want to see as great.
  23. @Consilience nice sounds like a good plan. will you use any method to stop both addictions? i realized when i stopped smoking i had to trick my ego a little with different methods. or will you stop cold turkey? some people are better in managing it like this. it’s also good to replace old habits with new habits - for example doing yoga, meditation or writing in your journal instead of what you don’t want anymore. to keep the diabetes in check did you try cutting out on meat, dairy and wheat yet? i know some people who radically changed their diet with diabetes and some of them even could change the illness so they don’t even have to use insulin.