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Everything posted by remember

  1. @Preety_India could be that he was joking about his own self bias. it doesn’t make it less offensive, as you don’t hear the intonation. in some sense it’s the trick to make the other person react what makes it funny then. if he is a nice person you are very close to, that’s not so bad - but if you don’t know him much its just a weird way to get attention in a group by putting a trapp for others.
  2. the entanglement of karma produces shadows. some people would ask: how can a lamb reign over wolves. ..... exactly.
  3. @Mikael89 this thread for example has so many good points - if you would maybe find a therapist in another city if yours is too small.
  4. well you are always walking a path of self actualization - does not have to do with a brand. even though we all meet ourselves here together under this roof. it sometimes seems like it’s much to hard or much to thorny to walk a path - but no one exactly tells you where to start or with what to start. so you can take the path without the thorns first and then slowly test if you also could handle a little rougher or steeper path - it also comes in levels.
  5. not in all of them. i would also say believing is a little bit to much - registering that they exist might be a good starting point.
  6. well yes grudges can reach far back into time even into past lives. some people like to feed that karma - it’s not even theirs but they like to create an identity of it. let’s say the awareness of phenomena is to already accept that loyalty always means to your own crown, which is not in that sense a crown but still needs always a little more work until you can wear it like a queen. maybe that’s why you are missing or not missing a crown, the moment you can wear it you don’t need it anymore. the good point is no one knows what is the case and you also don’t have to explain for what reason it is not showing on the picture.
  7. i guess that’s why you like so much to be the queen of hearts. denial of the past just creates more shadows.
  8. nothing and everything is, at no time and all times, the instant moment.
  9. it’s interesting that he talks about shadow integration. that of course if you integrate it, at one point you will become it. it’s like standing at the boarder of an abyss staring into it, if you stare long enough it will suck you in and you‘ll fall that’s the power of the eye, it’s psychophysical phenomenon of the bodymind/mindbody but the other side is - if you pull long enough you also can help somebody up again, risky because you have to lean over the abyss yourself, have to reach down into the dark catching whatever will come onto you. haha - he even says something similar. (reminds me of lord of the rings, too) sounds like the head is reinstalled where it belonged to a verry contradictory outcome... deeds don’t just get undone by reheadinstallations. sometimes they then try to also put a crown on top. to distract from the desaster.
  10. yes pride is higher up on the emotional scale than fear but if fear was the foundation for living i don’t think life would exist at all - don’t confuse theory with what is experiential. i get what you are talking about, but let’s not confuse these two stencils with what is experiencable. that’s one concept i guess: and in the beginning was fear. well yes - if something with anger comes at you, then maybe. but let’s just say fear is not where you are naturally rooted in. so if the first thing you feel before you feel anger or pride or hurt there must be a trauma in you. developmentally the ego starts to exist with an i even though the avatar already existed and with an i comes the will of protection - without fear existing as a concept of course no ego concept would be able to form. let’s say the scale is not in that sense a scale it’s more a template. in that sense i would also go with hurt - because without hurt there was no fear in the first place, let’s say existence is the root of all emotion. but even will was before fear and that’s one of the foundations for pride.
  11. mhhh what about pride? i don’t see where pride is fear - lets say it’s difficult to reduce all negative emotions to just one. a negative emotion can be very impulsive and i have also experienced people act on negative emotions on pure will. before we could say that though we would need to define what is a negative emotion? only what feel ourselves as negative or also emotions which affects others negatively? although agreeing on it partially but think the loops are multiple.
  12. @Cocolove yes def do it! it’s the best time now, and figuring out what you want from life is also really nice - it will give you probably new perspectives and a push to go through with whatever you then choose to study. also deepening and learning a second language will forever be the chance to live and work somewhere else if you decide to! my last travel was a language course i will repeat soon - and it was so much fun that i never again want to travel without deepening my skillset or without parttaking in some projects - this is partially for egoic reasons but also because when i‘m a tourist i sometimes feel so wrong placed and helpless having to watch like i was in a cinema, not involved at all, money spending machine - so thanks for the link i was looking for networks like these, for tourism i probably have to go a little deeper into how this works as these are more places to live in for some time. also maybe you could have two or three preferred places, so if you don’t like the atmosphere at the one you chose first you can still change the place, or even plan already to change after six months. on one hand community is good, but on the other hand stay flexible that it’s not easy to fit into any random tribe, you probably have some expectations, although it’s good to have less you also should meet some of them, so don’t expect to fit in if it does not fit, they are as different as their people are
  13. because he‘s a master in encrypting - as well as some phenomenons can never be spoken or explained by words as well would drawings keep you away from imagining what is being said. it’s like a good book versus a movie adaption of the book - you can always watch the movie after reading the book, reading the book after watching the movie makes the book less good - but if the book is very fascinating and full of pictures it will in both cases surpass the movie - because it’s running on your own ability of imagination.
  14. @trenton the paradox with the mexican voters is at one hand probably that they want to spare their people from leaving everything behind just to try to come to the us and then maybe have to go back having spent a lot of money, or everything they own. another point probably is that they fear their own people most in sense of a threat to their work places and in sense of a threat of more illegals make the discrimination rise. although all of that is complete bullshit, because those who fall into this trap then vote for trump who will make their life more difficult, because the discrimination through that will rise to another level. don’t underestimate how conservative and blue/purple south americans are, they love family but are often very catholic. even though the pope set a clear sign, especially in case of brazil. what if the us would need a wall to keep conservative voters away - that’s a real paradoxical thought. but one that would make me think about the dynamics and self feeding loop of this fear and safety zone game. understanding that walls will not make anything better is one of the points which needs to be understood. also pulling that wall money card now after years of centimeter work is just political scheming, i would not trust in that. although i guess a lot of south american descendants in the us are aware of that game and won’t play into it.
  15. @Virgo it means to stop projecting negatively onto someone else in a way where you try to make that person the scapegoat for your own fears. or if it was meant to release frustration in a sexualized way towards the woman because she is a woman and that’s a way to release frustration, it’s very low because it means you try to release yourself subconsciously aggressively into a power position above the woman what means that you will act towards women in your everyday live from a low level of red - lower chakra aggression loop. in some sense, why is it not the friend who left him but the woman who took the friend? - i would rather find out how tricky the subconscious plays on me than solving the situation by tying everything to that one person. real shadow work will reveal more about himself and maybe give him the chance to find the real source for the problem, instead of suppressing it.
  16. mhhh i have a complete different understanding of non duality. in some sense we could discuss every one of these positions and probably would come to completely different outcomes for at least half of them. but he somehow makes the talking about it already a no go which makes it difficult to talk about the essence of „what“ he is really talking about which he also denies being of any importance. the sheet therefore is critiqueless in itself. but nonduality for me means to see the juxtaposition in everything.
  17. what if you would start changing all of that? except for the video gaming maybe it’s good that you don’t like that so much anymore. you could start with not being ugly anymore, first you start with accepting yourself and then slowly you find a way of changing yourself also in a physical sense. also can you say exactly when your brother and sister feel strange/anonymous to you? are these special situations or is it bound to certain conditions which trigger the anonymity.
  18. rage, fury, sadness, frustration, non tolerance, denial, destruction, fearlessness, damage, physical overreaction, confrontation, explosion, choleric character, self feeding, brute, brutal, forcefull, non apologetic, vulnerability, (no) defence mechanism, cruelty, revenge, sadism, spitefulness, intoxicated, justice, injustice, unforgiving, seeing red, power game, attacking, pre thought, emotion... not all at once and not always in the same constellation or in any constellation at all. (and first of all just an observation no ego involved.) upper stomach, solarplexus rising to head.
  19. oh i like that one. the but hole was better though. i mean of course looking into the sun while putting on the plastic glove was. but during christmas some of them were looking like the window decoration of a kiosk. something like that was only possible by trial and error.
  20. come mr tally man, tally me banana! of course cuba is a country with almost no industry except tourism. all they export is luxury goods. and of course cuban politics is in many ways blue and sometimes maybe red. and infrastructure mhhh, what to say, they need some more industry to produce themselves what everyone else is importing. and one of the things they would really need are architects and paint - to live in healthy homes. what they probably don’t need is investors who push them out of their homes to live in huts, (or help them renovate with asbestos). one of the most amazing parts about cuba are indeed the people! i could walk down the malecon at night and didn’t have to fear getting shot or raped or being robbed - of course that’s because the punishment is high for that but it’s also because something is indeed going „social“ there, despite all things that are not so nice. but hey when i went to the us i could have been shot or raped at every corner. cause everyone can live free here.