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Everything posted by remember

  1. maybe you should just say rock it and then try to detach.
  2. in that sense maybe it’s sometimes better if you just stick with the language you are usually using but without talking down to them. mhhh i don’t know - you also have to consider hyrarchical discrepancies in blue and in orange, if you talk to some kind of blue priest or orange superior they will probably not listen as long as you don’t manage to bring them to the same level you are at which is some kind of eye height. if you explain it to an audience it is probably easier than talking with family members or your boss.
  3. well you could use „by his own will“ or „by his agenda“ or „purposefully“, „intentionally“. its difficult because my english is probably much simpler as yours, which is not because my spiral colour is blue or orange but because it’s a second language and i don’t have as many complex words in my vocabulary.
  4. @RendHeaven first of all if you use consciousness without explaining it, it’s just a label a tag that can be used inflationary - like every thing, if you take it out of context. if you choke on the consciousness part it probably won’t help rising it. blue likes labels like good and bad, positive negative but you will have to give an explanation aside from the label which proves the label, not some bs you made up but rather something following their rationality, which could be a religious one if they are religious. in orange you always try to show them what’s in for them. pretty easy in theory
  5. @Javfly33 sis- you did not actually assume i was a guy did you? that’s another part i‘m getting rather sick of. in the beginning i used to check the gender of the people here on a regular base, but now i only do if i get a feeling it could be a woman - because most guys make it so rare. it’s really annoying that the forum has in many cases this ego male supremacy thing going on, even the women have it, i have a survival agenda, too. i respect that a lot of people are fighting to get over their addictions and codependencies - but sometimes i feel like i also just want to be treated as a „normal person“ which i am. sometimes i ask myself why guys treat each other that way, maybe i‘d rather ask why women treat women the same way - why it’s getting so rough all the time. your porn taste was probably a hint towards where you have to work on a lot. these dynamics just point towards deeper issues - but your sexual life is your life, i‘m sure if you like „weird“ stuff you will more likely find someone fast than people who just search for some „nice“ girl with a certain physiognomy. (sorry without assuming you might like guys)
  6. parcour requires a lot of thinking. it’s just that you connect the body (your console) with the thinking organ.
  7. @Viking what kind of games? despite ego shooters? are there special games you liked? i mean rather the type of game than the name of the game - i‘m not a gamer. but i can understand the dynamic in a sense. was there something else you liked as a kid like climbing or playing with sticks or drawing? there must have been a time before gaming. you know there are people who went from gamers to subway riders. not that i would recommend sth like that, but i could imagine climbing or parcour to give you some cicks. these are sports you could do with others - it’s not even difficult to start. i want to play a choose and pick game with you, the rules are as following: you choose one activity which sounds interesting for yourself during the next week, one you can start without a lot of effort, it must be one where you have to learn a body/mind skill and you also start doing it within the next week. if you don’t you lost the game. tell me if you are in by the way i read something interesting lately about stopping to react and starting to be responsive - i think this could be a good start.
  8. @Javfly33 could you refrain from using that kind of speech? i‘m a little sick of all the sexually loaded aggressive speech - even if autoaggressive. its like i get a headache everytime someone has to somehow verbally use sexuality in an aggressive or autoaggressive way. why do that to yourself? sometimes wonder if it’s even possible to talk about „normal“ stuff here sometimes - everything is always in the superlatives. i also like the supernormal. its like with sausagedogs hobies i would just love to talk about some everyday stuff and how to integrate activities which are fun to do, or talk about how to change a situation more profoundly.
  9. like? now i‘m curious. i would like to do that time travel with you if you‘d invite me.
  10. they are worth the trubble only after doing them. do you still want to answer to that hobby question? if you would contemplate into it it would maybe be worth the trouble. it is possible to be productive and enjoying yourself at the same time. italians teaches me its a delusion not to enjoy yourself, and for the happiness index they are right. no one else can make pizza out of tomato and cheese bread.
  11. hey sausage dog, you probably don’t remember. do you not like to do anything? taking walks or riding a bike, listening to music maybe even making music, cooking? don’t you have hobbys? i know that’s a school question - someone asked me that recently while i did an italian course in miracles, it was kind of refreshing to think about the really rudimentary things i liked to do once. sometimes a new love is an old one - some of these things you liked to do as a child. a walk in the park, it’s amore.
  12. after you have overcome the thoughtless state thoughts will arise not only from emotions but from thoughts themselves. it’s not like there would be language to express this state of being. it’s usually referenced as dependent arising it feels like knowledge while it’s more like you can see where all of it is ultimately leading to and you can but smile over your own ignorance.
  13. @inFlow yes in a sense it’s an attempt to get the spirits of these people inhabit their body. i think for some it’s the first time making that acquaintance i think there are more archaic fire ritualistic energies which were called to create heat for the guru to transmiss into their body - in that sense it’s a ritualistic meditation which plays with archaic shamanic powers.
  14. did you not know, when god created the world s/he was dancing. even yoga will not liberate you and make you inhabit the bodymind in the same way as dancing.
  15. @unicity thank you! i‘ll have a look. i also read that especially regarding the corona virus a lot of sources recommend to keep the vit-d levels up and at the moment a canadian laboratory is testing quercetin against it in a chinese hospital. they say it worked quite good preventive against other viruses like ebola - there was a post in another thread with a video about it. last time i had a nosocomial infection i had really good results with neem tablets. they can also work preventive but should not be used for a long time period so i would rather have them as a back up. although i thought neem in a nosespray could maybe be preventive. as they say it prevents a virus from entering a cell. maybe this could be more interesting for people who have a weak lung - some people are more affected than others.
  16. i won‘t. sorry you didn’t want it, so i thought i take it.
  17. @Martin123 i offer you to talk about the situation again if you want to. i don’t see the exact problem but you can tell me if you want to. i‘m also someone with a narcissist in my family so i would strike that equal. you are not exactly a person who holds back with harshness agains others equally - if i personally attacked you i will apologize. although i‘m reasonable i would like to know what exactly was the problem. i also don’t want to accuse you but you were criticizing three people before i singled you out for your own stress relieve, it was a ticking bomb so or so. that was the only situation were we had a dissonance. you project heavily into me - we can discuss that if you want to, but rather on a meta level. for fairness i‘m also posting the thread:
  18. i‘ve met people with crippled hands and pain in their feet, they all wanted rather to keep their illnesses and watch their body deform than to at least try a vegan diet - my system took one year until i could live without medication. i also got rid of some digestion issues but this i prescribe to an ayurvedic treatmen i got. which i would recommend additionally in his case. completely withoud meds is not really true as i had to take ginger capsules for enough agni energy for a long time. now i can skip them some days. he will at some point try all these things, more seriously than he might have done before, even in this forum most people with autoimmune health issues talk about relatively better health going at least vegan. no one means harm with it. it’s just that some people are better self actualized in medicine than leo - and we try to help him find a way to a more healthy living. the way he gave us the opportunity to talk about all this stuff. finding out for ourselves but being able to share.
  19. in that sense i see it the same way, although i cancelled an extended italy vacation. the balance between imagination and personal behavior needs of course be held in an adequate panic mode. although it’s like a game - i really have to hoard some groceries because if i won’t i‘m not sure if i will get them on a regular basis anymore - you see there are so many factors which are real beside the virus - some because of panic and some just because they are part of preventive measures. in that sense i can’t really say i don’t have it yet, you see. by the way do we have a thread yet for how to boost the immune system yet?
  20. tell that to the virus if it catches on. they estimate 70% of population to get it.
  21. you little raccoon, always cracks the best shrimp.
  22. how about the possibility that it’s not your masculinity you repress but that what you want to express, like preety already said. issues with the throat chakra are oftentimes hierarchical issues or issues not speaking out what is bottled inside - kind of a fear to express. or maybe a lack of tool set to express. although i still think that there might aswell be a masculinity issue, like you say yourself you feel repressed in the presence of strong body energy types. i guess that’s what you referring to by saying masculine male. it’s an hyrarchical issue probably more than a masculinity issue although it plays into it. sounds like somewhere within there is still an archaic mechanism at work. one part is working on your self esteem by finding out what your personal streangths are, the other is finding out if there are traumas of your past where masculinity plays a roll. what you perceive as masculinity might also be a power dynamic instead. but overall working on coaping mechanisms also in sense of fear and aggression dynamics would be probably of help to you, explosive masculine energy is dangerous. you can search for it in rediscovering the wild man but maybe you’ll also be able to find better answers in the civilized man. certainly i’d recommend sports in any case as an addition.
  23. its all without consequence - whatever anyone tries to say in this thread can not get through because. the devil created a trap for everyone so god would be able to do whatever he wants without consequence it all does not matter. the response is responseless the intention is known. so the dwarf can dance on shivas head. it’s not the highest teachihng it’s the lowest of them all, at least in this context.