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Everything posted by remember

  1. @Gsk don’t get confused - your reaction is normal. if you need help after this you would not be the only one. unfortunately this forum is full of sick people, lot’s of toxicity around, people who didn’t seek real help and don’t get much about enlightenment right. misunderstanding the notion of god or what god really means. if you would stay for a while you would only resignate about that. but you can go on a search for yourself, except if you need leo for that. there are still people around who at least try to find a path even though half the forum is full of male toxicity, a lot of it is not even only patriarchal anymore but has fascistoid tendencies. if you don’t like that keep close to those with a different atmosphere. its like the milgram experiment or the stanford prison experiment. everyone who comes here first is a whining ego - some don’t change for much better others do - its your own choice either to be a dick head or to learn.
  2. i see that ☝️ its not me who’s telling that to me. nice try. what is in for you? do you all feel better now? do yo feel really great like really amazing guys?
  3. would be the first time. but i guess its getting closer by the count of how low spiritual on the scale it actually can get.
  4. what is this a threat? the woman on the picture def has a darker tone, if this is colour or melanin does not matter its a visual hint. don’t sell yourself that cheap - its getting into the negative range.
  5. thank you for at least being that honest about your intentions.
  6. this is racist and sexistic. can someone stop this please - these cases are precedents now, which are going too far. you will not be able to count fast enough until women will leave this forum. a lot of the male forum users lately talking about enlightenment and such but then not being able to discern themselves from the shit they are posting. it slowly seems really like a women hater and racist forum trying to hide this under fake spirituality to find enough victims for your sick and mischievous jokes. @Serotoninluv @Nahm @Inliytened1 @Anna1
  7. @Michael569 that’s what i was referring to - posting a thread with a pay here button does not exactly give a referenced feel. if you are a little geeky in the medical field that’s exactly what would turn most people off. but here’s also a teaser for the paper work. let’s assume everyone has enough toilet paper by now - so we can prove beforehand (sorry unintentional synchronicity) if we need this. its just that its kind of important to make them aware about hygienic measurements first. everything else is on top but won’t work if hygienic measurements are superficial - we cannot assume that this has reached everyone it concernes yet.
  8. @Artaemis yes you did - but like any system this system also oftentimes does not care for the roots - only cares to eliminate symptoms. teaches you its not worth the fight. at least in here - or maybe it is...
  9. @Javfly33 and where to start and where to end with exceptions? the reason why it came to that point is because the ego plays a trick on people - its just an exception...but my neighbor doesn’t have it.... we just were a small group of people all know each other well... i’m going to that restaurant every other day... its not your fault but still you have to somehow now be responsible for this too. of course relatively to still meeting people going for a lonely run in the forest is in a sense not doing any harm, but then tell that to people who want to go running in a park... and to those who just want to go for a walk and to those who want to go to the playground with their children. it‘s really upside down, you have to be antisocial to be social.
  10. did you read that? how do you know this is trustable information? i‘m very sceptical about information like that making fast money with fear. @art try to get them masks, glasses and gloves. the problem is it is difficult and oftentimes masks are hilariously overpriced. or better find someone who delivers groceries for them, leaving it in front of their door without contact. tell them to toast their bread. wash the food or better only eat it cooked or pealed for a while except if it is packaged. washing hands inbetween preparation steps. put them under quarantine until the worst is over. the best prevention at the moment is not getting infected until there is some kind of cure.
  11. i anyways think the future is lifi - but of course we must test all the unhealthy shit before we realize it would be possible without. i‘m surprised that alternatives are not discussed adequately. the energy which goes into 5g testing could go into lifi development instead.
  12. to bring in a little more energy i liked this one - although the yoga poses are more advanced its less calming but more activating.
  13. well the next weeks will be very calm and secluded for some people, while very intense and hectical for others who keep the most survival oriented economies running. for some it will be really life threatening. in all cases we get confronted with questions about basic survival, with fears and how to coap with fears. its a time where we can experience fear first hand, where we also maybe can realize where our fears stem from, and how contracted our awareness gets because of fear. instead of contracting i would rather like to be aware of them through focus - not getting distracted from them but still seeing into them to be better prepared for what is going on. own experience showed that a focus on root chakra practices are helpful to coap with fears and face them, although it will probably also unravel some old fears which will intensify fears probably at first - rather than talking about fears in this thread i hope to talk about techniques and maybe share practical videos. i could have posted this also in self actualization or in health fitness or in consciousness resources - its here because the root chakra is also part of spirituality which oftentimes is pushed back into a shadow existence. for those who did not really start doing chakra work yet it is def a good time to do so. this is just a motivational video without practical advice, although maybe opening up to interconnectedness.
  14. sun and moon rise from the muladhara chakra through the nadis. either fearful or fearless muladhara chakra practice can bring in the part we are missing. to activate it we use yang/sun energy usually to calm it we use yin/moon energy. if there is no fear at all, not enough fear, or too much fear in the current situation muladhara is probably blocked or disconnected. this is a root chakra practice which feels calming - its not too advanced to follow even for beginners.
  15. in a situation like that humor is sometimes the only way of coaping - usually doctors and nurses have kind of a dry humor because they also have to coap with illness and death on a daily basis. when it gets really bitter usually humor gets a little bitter, too. being able to laugh in times of crisis can release us from a contracted fear based state of being - its a tool to navigate between what threat is and what kind of fear cloud threat creates. although this is very important for survival of those who are at the frontline of an everyday fight, humor used in a different context of course can marginalize the situation as it is not taken as severe enough. yesterday for example going grocery shopping locking my bike a group of guys walked past me much to close and one of them coughed intentionally - that’s a different kind of humor which is less funny as its downplaying the severeness of the situation - if their mother or father get infected these kind of guys will be the first ones to cry and fear for their lifes (i know because these kind of guys who hang around in groups usually still have a family heart). i still laughed a little though. regarding keeping humor in times of crisis though - the best example i saw some weeks ago was a video of a syrian dad who teached his maybe three or four year old daughter to laugh everytime they would hear an explosion.
  16. to quote a friend of mine @Zweistein i =you=we the most asked question at this moment is about reaction adequacy.
  17. @Serotoninluv basically it is about reaction adequacy - which is about emphasizing. we sometimes emphasize about every single germ possible and if we are confronted with a real one we don’t know what an adequate reaction would be. i guess italy at the moment is the precedent for not taking precautions seriously enough. which is seriously heart breaking, thinking of all nonnos and nonnas.
  18. yes because if we overreact we likely do more to prevent it than if we would do by denying it - which means overreaction can be healthy sometimes. i thought us americans were really good in that? that sounds like i fell for the cliche - although in this situation i would maybe then go for what is american style for europeans, rather more emphasis than not enough. not talking about panick mode though.
  19. why, they already are walking like zombies through empty supermarket shelves. searching for mummification material. while someone kicked out their sofa because the toiletpaper is more comfy - i would really really like to see that. like a sequel to the bullshitting video.
  20. micro greens is a whole lot of work - you will have to keep a lot of hygienic precautions to do so, which is in any case food related - and you won’t be able to decide where people will put your micro greens on. its not in your power to decide on people’s food choices and its not your deed. but of course if you grow micro greens and find enough vegan places to use them you will have some saying in the growing vegan scene. which really brings along change not only for people who make it happen. one of my vegetarian acquaintances used to work at a slaughter to sell meat for some months - i would not say it’s enlightening but it can lead you to have some basic insights and awakening moments.
  21. @Gnosis depends of what kind of unconditionality you expect, the universe is loving you unconditionally that’s why you exist in the first place. but karma brought you here for a reason which is neither conditional nor unconditional.
  22. for my perception he‘s getting leos teachings pretty nice across. in some sense its ending with a question. he can only do that because he’s criticizing leo, which then in a sense criticises himself. the game for subscribers always creates some kind of personal cult, even though denying it does not make this rule less valid.