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Everything posted by remember

  1. @Chumbimba ofc its projection - and its also love. who‘s paying the rent? i mean ofc as long as you live with her she wants you to get aware, that’s the way she is surviving. she probably didn’t have always good experiences with guys and its probably one of her greatest fears that you might develop into someone like that. understand that she is afraid you might give another woman suffering what would probably reflect back on you - she wants you to be someone who is loved even by another woman, that’s actually very insightful and cute. just imagine it was the opposite, imagine it would be an authoritative dad who tells you you have to become a man by treating women like shit. reconsider what you would prefer in that case and give your mom a kiss from me and tell her what a beautiful woman she is! everytime she tells you sth like that hug her. try - maybe it changes the way she acts. you can’t become the person she wants you to be, but you can love her and soothe some of her pains.
  2. yes, i was talking about a more general aspect of aesthetics as a field of art philosophy, in sense of beauty as a dualistic principle and the contradiction of beauty and ugliness as a subjective relativity to personal experience and context. ugly can be beautiful and beautiful can be ugly. contradiction is not always contradictory.
  3. @LastThursday what if you produce beauty, are used to create beauty but get overpowered by the creation of ugliness - what is beauty? you would ask, and how is beauty maintained? beauty is in an absurd conflict with ugliness all the time, beauty is not just existing it is also created as a refinement of your ability to discern.
  4. no, but i‘m not a doctor i also don’t get payed to heal you... i‘m just trying to make you aware about how you are getting used by deceiving yourself, if you are not awake you are used like a marionette ventrilouized for people with ulterior motives.
  5. all questions you cannot answer yourself are lazy.
  6. maybe elvis is the reason for the fires.
  7. because it has become a fashion to wear dark clothes on a demonstration does not make a person an antifascist. you compare optical appearance... fascists also used to wear black clothing. by the way without using some kind of force the nazis in germany and fascists in italy would not have been defeated.
  8. who is antifa? you put a label on random people, who says they are antifa? they are a lot plus being antifa - because this is of course an antifascistoid movement the peaceful demonstrations are also against fascistoid structures in police. its hilarious, you call them antifascists while you don’t even know, because some gangs use demonstrations to riot - could even be rightwing people using the situation to create hate. its just a stupid fingerpointing game. and you obviously do the same without asking any questions - maybe because it suits you right to suppress those who try to protect their democratic rights. by the way it’s also an insult to the american soldiers fighting and dying in worldwar second.
  9. @Epikur trumps antifa scapegoating is like hitlers anarchists scapegoating. some aggressive far lefts or maybe even far rights or maybe even people who don’t have a political opinion towards fascism are not the overall people with a opinion of being against fascism. its even hilarious it is as if someone would say: all fascists are terrorists (which by the way is probably true) and then claim all antifascists, too. trump has to read a history book for once - or maybe he was outing himself as a fascist. its an insult to european history.
  10. with religion i‘d stay in the field of classical definition - atheism includes some major groups like pantheism and agnosticism. zen is def not atheistic as it is an emergent of buddhism and maybe shinto or tao if you include the source of zen being in china and not in japan including zen developing differently in korea and japan. but zen also includes shrines and prayer to higher beings. advaita vedanta is probably closer to atheism due to having a more philosophical approach. can’t say much about it as i don’t know a lot about it. of course the nature of both is seemingly more atheistic as both are more reductionistic - more so since western philosophy leans more on eastern philosophy. which does not mean that they are atheistic, maybe it means more that philosophy has become more theistic.
  11. the genes for regeneration are called time. did you think god was a light switch? if you are not a bulb all that wire will lead you to a fear automatism. but it will not resolve anything.
  12. sidharta gautama - if you ask for the lineage you get entangled in religious conversation about better or worse. every teacher speaks truth and every teacher speaks untruths - if you cannot decide stay with what influenced all of them - which is who and who is probably most likely the buddha.
  13. @deso i‘ll chop that into pieces now! that’s actually what you are already doing in an unproductive way - try to treat every issue with a different approach - you want an overall healing, a fast treat, as hard as this is, this won’t happen, there is not: like before, but there are approaches - try to heal the pain first! i‘m not really familiar with how that hurts as i have different physique due to being of the other human species. although the approach to focus on scar treatment at first like @Michael569 recommends sounds at least making sense for the pain. you have never thought about what it would be like birthing did you? try to get yourself together and love your stretch marks like a mother would do. #self-love i‘m sure if you are patient with your healing you will see and find steady healing. this is a pragmatic approach. don’t give up!
  14. positivity and love is a good starting point, although pessimism serves for a purpose and its more an understanding and reframing of the need for pessimism which balances an overly positivistic approach. it does not serve positivity and love if you never doubt or never ask questions a pessimistic person would ask, its about balancing that. but if you smile a positive feeling will follow. if you make a change you also make a change for others. @WaveInTheOcean if anything tells you there is something like above or below in enlightenment you are far from it in the humble experience of nothing.
  15. we don’t start to ask this question we don’t ask any questions. questions arise from themselves. its not you asking a question it’s a question asking you.
  16. that’s why you treat them as if they already are all of that - never underestimate a child. too much shadow is counterproductive.
  17. no - chakras are experiencable, sth existing without the story. male/female is second order.
  18. @Sine somehow you ask about practical aspects of how to spend your time - what is emotional comfort? its rather not about relaxation but regeneration, if you love yourself you can change running into a relaxation program because it has regenerational qualities. but even then you will have phases where your body needs to rest/relax from that, via sleeping for example. in that sense you can always of course go the way of the greatest convenience/comfort - but most of the time that’s egoic craving without any outcome if done for fast emotional reply alone, this is where all things addictive play a roll. having time to sort yourself out would be the natural way of relaxation, how it has been done in a time before tv/video games - if you want to get more serious about it you could start journaling on paper, but rolling/lying around on the floor staring holes in the sky is also fun and relaxing. self-love/self-care is different from taking the path of the least resistance, but once you have installed different habits, they way of going them is a regenerational one. if you do unhealthy stuff from time to time it won’t destroy the healthy foundation you have built up to - contemplate rule vs exception.
  19. @Dirk diggler sth seems to be off with your third eye. and anyways your chakras seem to be switched.
  20. that’s a very individual part of consciousness, some people need to talk to get completely conscious, the therapist therefore is not really the recipient of consciousness in a therapy. in a best case scenario talking is consciousness. there are parts of consciousness which only come to light while talking about them via sound. talking about stuff which is difficult to tell anybody else, liberation, forgiveness, understanding is about being able to talk about suffering but also about its opposite.
  21. the unlimited only seems so beautiful because of limits, its the limit which makes us aware of the possible existence of the limitless. you have an eternity after to yearn for being limited again. an eternity to yearn to feel unlimited in a limited form.
  22. No, fully die so the world dies with you. End all life. even then you are not unlimited, because then the limited is your limit. if it is possible to become unlimited with the only limit to not being limited, it is possible to become unlimited in being limited.
  23. i never said i support the violence nor did i conclude from the single case to the overall police - if you read my comments i already stated that police with pride was supporting peaceful protesters. whatsoever the situation in the us is like that, whoever the people are who act out of frustration or if that is directed or if it is people who have ulterior motives to make more noise than it is needed or maybe its because there is really such a huge poverty gap. but these are acts of individuals or group and in some cases mass dynamics, like what happened with these four cops was group dynamic, despite that these masses are not representatives of the state but in a democracy per definition they are the state. these are not the acts of the masses nor am i even part of that mass - even though commenting is part of the mass dynamic.
  24. how so? will you die with me? i‘m not sure how to answer to that... it seems a little bit aggressive, there are probably other possibilities to release aggression. i mean maybe this is your huge contribution or maybe this is mine - do you want to talk about your aggressions? we can open another thread and find a solution. why does this thread trigger you to tell people to stop commenting? what are your thoughts about this case by the way? maybe you wanted to be asked about your opinion? not that you could not without, but maybe because everyone has an opinion without being asked, you want to be asked for yours.