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Everything posted by paradiseengineering

  1. Thanks! The eminem examples where intersting! Added Music Box to the red list. I think IDM artists like Flying Lotus, and Aphex Twin would be yellow. Also Bjork
  2. Can anyone recomend me music and art from this stage?
  3. Can anyone reccomend me some stage Yellow music and art? Is there any?
  4. Hi there, hope you have a wonderful day. 24 y/o male from Norway here. For the last month, I have been feeling very ambivalent about a decision and it is very emotionally draining. I have been living in a smaller city called Trondheim for 3 years, where I now finished my bachelor in musicology. I have the option of going there another year, and then i will have a bachelor in music technology also. This will qualify me for having the option to apply for a masters in music technology in Oslo. The catch is that Trondheim is really small and I feel like the same things are happening all the time. There is not much more to gain for me as a musician here (beside a school degree). The other option is just to move to Oslo now. I have a place to stay here, but i know very few people and i have no idea on what to do, beside getting a job. There is a lot of new stuff to potentially explore here, and people that are making a living of music (which is my dream). I have some success with my music, but I dont make a lot of money from it yet. My biggest dream is to make a living of creative projects, and I dont see how a degree would get me there. Education is free in Norway, and it will give me a lot of time to do music, even if I live in a place that isnt filled with so many other opportunities. On the other side, I dont see how having a bachelor/ masters in music technology would get me a job in such a field. I feel this constant pressure to do something big with my life, and im also getting older. I know its a decision i have to make for myself, but I would like to hear a non-biased view from people that arent friends/ family. Thanks for reading.
  5. Hi guys! 24 year old male here. I am my mother's only child and have lived alone with her until I was 19. I never had any siblings or a father figure, so she is pretty much my only close family. She lives alone and has almost no friends outside of the family, so I get very much attention from her. She sends me good night and good morning messages every day and calls me very often to talk. If I dont answer right away she gets paranoid and calls me 5 times in a row. In other words, she cares for me very much, but I am feeling a lot of pressure to be there with her, since she have very few other people. The problem is that she can be very judgemental and this makes me scared to be myself around her. I am pursuing a music career, and what she thinks of what i put out is blocking my creativity. I dont feel limitless. One time i posted a selfie on my Instagram music page and she told me "that is an awful picture, you are too old to do stuff like that". It was just me looking kind of spooky with a face mask on, but she doesn't understand the humor at all. That hurt me very much. When I was 19 she found out that i smoked weed and she got so afraid that she stopped eating and sleeping for days. This made me feel so bad, and afterwards I am often afraid to tell her the truth. For example if im going to a trance festival in the forest or something, I get super anxious for her finding out and is overthinking how to lie in a nice way. If I am on vacation, she demands to know where im sleeping every night. Often after phone calls i feel very drained emotionally. If I feel on the top of the world and super motivated, she will often bring me down with things to worry about. She really wants me to need her, and she loves to help me. I feel very little masculine after being with her, because she wants to take care of me. She is a christian and is a weird mix of green and blue in spiral dynamics, where i am mostly green. I do share very good conversations with her when im in the mood, and I still love her very much. Still, our relationship feels very draining and I am not sure if I should confront her with this. I want to be myself 100% and I dont want her to be afraid. I know the issue is changing myself and not her, but I am still unsure on what to do. Do any of you have any tips? Thanks for reading
  6. Thanks for your response John! Cool to hear that you know about Trondheim. I just have had the best 3 years of my life there. I agree Oslo seems like the right decision in most ways, but when over thinking it, it all feel so helpless. I know very few people in Oslo, but they all do music tho, and that is a good thing. My degree does not mean that much really for getting a job, but taking another bachelor in music technology in one year doesn't either. I have never had a full time job, and there is a lot of new stuff. Its a big scary world out there, but i know it´s better to go through it now than later. The thing you said about finding a social group here is super important tho. And the contemplation is something that i really should look into. Thanks for the comment, it actually made me feel a lot more peaceful