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Well, at that age you don't even need to think about psychedelics yet. As you are already wise enough to see for yourself, they would most likely be dangerous to you. Keep educating yourself and contemplating life and when you are 20 years old you will already be wiser than 99,9% of people. They might have some wisdom behind those words. It's important to keep both sides of the coin in your mind. Drugs might not be the way, especially for you. You keep up your progressive attitude and you will become a superstar without any drugs Also, even society is a great creation and it helps us a lot, keep being careful with its conditioning. You will experience lot's of it and it will test you from many different angles. Keep thinking for yourself and educating yourself with non-ideological information sources such as Actualized.org.
It's amazing you are willing to work on that! There are ways to enhance that ability but for what I've noticed when dealing with people, it is very personal. Maybe a good life coach could help you with that. There are also some really important concepts about life that help you to make sense of this weird puzzle we call life. That's what Leo does, he teaches those concepts and shows how they all play together. So watching his videos certainly helps too. This is probably not practical for you, but for the pic picture; I've personally found psychedelics to be a killer with staying on track. Psychedelics have opened my mind a lot to some crazy amazing possibilities, and when life keeps testing me -- in example pulling me back to old non-productive habits -- I can quickly sense some deep wisdom on why I'm doing what I'm doing and also inspiration towards what I want to become. It's useful especially if you have a higher vision and are a bit hesitant about it because of social conditioning or whatever. I'm writing this assuming you haven't done psychedelics. I'm also not advocating or saying you should start. Maybe you never should or maybe it's still to come for you in the future. And if/when you will, make sure you've educated yourself enough. Leo also has great videos about doing them responsibly. Anyway, no matter how you improve yourself, you will always backslide. Just make sure you always get back up and work for the next backslide! Everyone backslides and your power is measured by your capability to get up and beat the shit out of life again and again and again.
I see that all over this forum, but it's quite natural as there is no entrance evaluation on your state of consciousness or test for holistic thinking when signing up. I think lots of people here have heart-based opinions and points, but as the baseline here sometimes tends to be pretty low, it is much easier to rationalize the subject than it is to give valid holistic points based on wisdom. After all, folks here mostly want to chat and interact with others, so it's much easier to stay on rational plane than it is to twist your arguments with nuanced points which others will probably just piss on.
Snader replied to machiavelli's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Never tried Salvia but for what I've studied it's like other psychedelics such as LSD and shrooms hit you a little bit everywhere while Salvia hits you to your midriff with all its power and leaves other parts of you virtually untouched. I'm interested how much one's level of consciousness affects the experience with a powerful psychedelic such as Salvia. Could the most awake and conscious people of this day smoke Salvia and realize God, Love and Goodness or does this drug simply just have limitations in that regard? Could it even outrun you and strip you away from Consciousness if you were already awake and realizing God? -
I read it and I consider that one book to have big part in some crucial results in my life. Highly recommend it.
Some say Leo is arrogant but this guy's -- or whatever alien he presents himself as -- vibes are next level. If I had to choose I would definitely listen to an arrogant bald man with no legs rather than an arrogant bald alien who keeps his hands like that for hours
Snader replied to Sempiternity's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Sempiternity I can totally relate! I almost always do psychedelics alone but I wanted to try them with one of my best friends who I always have fun with. So we recently did mushrooms in my apartment and it was the most fun and laughter I've ever had. I literally needed to clean my floor with a towel so that the tears from my laughter wouldn't spoil the floor Even though I advocate psychedelic use for personal development purposes instead of recreational, I can say that tripping securely with a good friend beats going out partying and getting drunk ANYTIME! -
Snader replied to gggkkk's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I wouldn't mix psychedelics and fasting, unless you are very experienced from both psychedelics and solo retreats and want to do experimentation. I wouldn't do fasting anyway, again unless you've done many retreats before and you really seek for relief to a disease or any other medical condition. If this is your first hardcore retreat I would maybe go even without psychedelics, especially if you are even a bit hesitant about them. Your mind will be tested really hard and it might want to use psychedelics as a distraction. It's always wise to start from the purest form possible and add variables as you go and get experience. What comes to making a mushroom trip pleasant, I would say it's really personal. Maybe try to come up with something that makes you the most present and cultivate that into your setting. I personally found out that when the weather is nice and sunny -- whether I'm inside our outside -- I can be more present and less occupied by thoughts. I think it basically comes down to making your mood / mental state as good as possible. -
GTA on god mode will let you tap into your infinite creative capabilities
There is conscious money making an then there is unconscious money making. Unconscious money making = Devilry, which is the opposite of spiritual work. If you want to function in society it doesn't matter how spiritual you are, you are still going to need money making skills to some degree.
They are ignorant and not interested in anything that's under the surface. That makes it so much easier to do socialization because the frame is so much smaller. If you look at their lives with magnifier you can see how sad their life actually is. You only see their highlights when the vibe is up, sun is shining and it's all rainbows and butterflies. This reminds me of Michelangelo's quote: ''If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn't seem so wonderful at all.'' Same goes with those people, if you saw how much they suffer, their happy moments wouldn't make their life look so great. There is always something happening below the surface which is responsible for the outcome they show to others. Also, if the people you normally socialize with are not doing personal development but living in their bubble with their common cultural and social values, changes are that you don't really have much to talk about with them. You might have a phase when you need to strengthen your own inner game and you don't really get anything from those social circles. Their close-mindedness and unconsciousness might even disgust you. Then it's important to admit it, accept it and keep working on yourself with a good conscience. After you've done enough personal development so that you are grounded in your values and your mission in life, then it is much easier to socialize even with lower consciousness people without any guilt, because you are grown and you can see down and understand the route of development. You are most likely on a phase when your values are taking a shift and you are rebuilding your new identity on some level. That means that in your social situations you will probably think about how you want to show up, what you want others to think of you and how to act to fulfill those expectations. All that will settle once you grow and develop self-trust and self-acceptance. Don't quit social life completely by any means, but keep using it as a meter. Learn to read your feelings while socializing. They will give you the most honest feedback you need. You are sitting on a gold mine by doing the work instead of settling and living as a sheep, and you will discover that.
I want to share some practical insights from my yesterday's shroom trip. I didn't have any awakenings but I figured that some of the insights I got are worth sharing with you guys. I'm sure that almost all of you have had this feeling that you deep down understand something or know something on a higher plane but you can't really rationalize it to anybody nor to yourself. From time to time -- because you notice that those things are not usually talked in public or in mainstream society -- you start to doubt yourself if the thing you've felt to be true or felt that has some truth to it is false after all, you start thinking that maybe you're deluded, that maybe you're just an ideological new age hippie daydreaming. The doubt becomes strongest when you follow several spiritual teachers or other high consciousness figures and you haven't heard the rational validation to your matter even from them. The point is to keep listening to that intuition no matter what and resolve it through different high consciousness states over time. It might take some time because the deeper the thing is the more free your mind needs to be. While you keep deconstructing the structures of your monkey mind and freeing it from the different belief systems that you've adopted while growing up and living up to society's values, your mind starts to understand the intuitive hints more and more. You start seeing it become more and more clear all the time, until you hit the moment you get the whole thing completely. After that you can say whether you should dumb it or implement it into your life. It's crucial not to give up on that intuition and start living against its wisdom, until you've really poked it from many different angles. You can do that poking different ways with different methods depending on the level of consciousness of the sphere your intuition is pointing to. I personally have lots of spirituality related intuitions and I've found psychedelics to be the best tool to unravel those. Other methods are of course different spiritual practices such as meditation and yoga or just doing a walk in the forest or whatever suits your spirit. I got another important insight. When you are after truth about any metaphysical aspect of reality, it's crucial to understand this: Understanding CAN NOT happen with rational mind. I've tried this so much and it has never worked. It can work if you're after some biased egoistic endeavor, but even in those cases it usually leads to karmic backfiring. If pure truth is your goal, then BEING is the key. The truthful aspects of reality just IS, and it is in the moment, not behind any rationalizations or thinking process. I noticed that even asking a question makes the thing you are trying to get answers to smaller. That's because through our lives we've been using mostly only our rational and linguistic understanding, that when you ask a question linguistically you unconsciously start to look for a linguistic answer and that makes the process of honest investigation harder. Of course it is important and actually crucial to rationalize and ask powerful and quality questions to get you to the right spheres, but when you're there you need to drop rationality and seek understanding from a state of Being. All that is probably basic stuff that you've heard many times and maybe realized for yourself. I've also heard these things and intuitively have had a feeling for those things to be true until the intuition accidentally resolved yesterday through direct experience / Being. After that the knowing wasn't based on believing anymore. And if you've not learned these lessons before I hope your intuition gets something from this post and starts resolving it So basically I got an insight of the nature of insight, which to me now means more or less intuition resolved. And another lessons was that Being is the method for resolving intuitions and the more you are able to just Be, the more intuitive intuitions you are able to resolve. This post isn't the clearest communication exactly because of the inadequacy of language. When writing about these things there are so many points that I would like to stress and so many other points that affect the whole topic and the way that different kind of people interpret it. So all I can hope is that your intuition connects and reads between the lines
Yeah most likely. Have you thought about your childhood? Maybe it has something to do with that.
I think as long as people are needy and selfish there will always be something that people measure their wealth with, which will operate as money. Also the amount of people living on this planet would make it quite hard. So I would say it's not about development of technology but development of mankind.
As you've seen, suffering works as a feedback loop for you there. It's great to listen to that and start making action. Seems like some part of your psyche is not as developed as some other parts, so I would suggest you to start studying psychological development. Models like Spiral Dynamics could really help you understand your own behavior and also the behavior of others and ultimately help you develop up from that toxicity you now are suffering from. Remember not to be too harsh on yourself. In the big picture it's totally okay to be an arrogant asshole, but it's on your responsibility to do something about it if you want to overcome that suffering.
Snader replied to GreenLight's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Sounds really good. Get in action! Forums are not for actual results. Some forums may help and fuel you and operate as a huge resource for you while other forums may not. -
I would also suggest what Hello from Russia already implied. If you are a student of personal development, changes are that you will eventually come up with a huge vision and sense of purpose. And if you're a serious student of personal development, changes are that that purpose is not gonna be about money and success, but something more noble. That means you're gonna need solid capital to make that happen. If you have intuition for something higher, keep that thing in your back pocket, let it evolve and develop while you are going for a smaller purpose, purpose that will give you the financial freedom you seek for. You don't need to know your higher goal too strictly yet, it will become more and more visible while you learn more about life and yourself, when you try, fail and learn again and again and again. So you could basically let's say go get a degree on something that's about designing -- which is what you like. You try to suck as much information of the subject as possible to become competent on your field. Going down that road different opportunities will occur, which you will follow to create a high value conscious business that will inspire others and make your wallet thick. At that point your intuition card in your back pocket has evolved to level 2, which means you can start going towards the next purpose, what ever that card shows you, and you can do it without worrying about paying your bills
Snader replied to andyurb's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Neti-Neti Meditation is and old, simple and commonly powerful meditation technique and it suits meditators of any skill level. I would check that out! It's also more of self-inquiry type meditation so it can work as a great side-technique for your main meditation practice/(s) There is a nice little book about it by Andrew Doshim Halaw. -
Great idea, especially with the less advanced videos! So excited to see the outcome!
If you like chess you might enjoy this mini-series. It's a story about a girl on her mastery process to become the best in the world while not only fighting against her inner demons and traumas but also suffering from the cost of the mastery process itself. Really inspiring and emotional.
I wouldn't want to invest my time into doing research on this as I think the answer is probably quick and simple and my fellow health valuing spirits here might have the solution in their back pockets. So I should buy a new frying pan asap and I want to buy a proper one because It will come to daily use. I haven't done any research about the topic and I don't know if my concerns are valid anymore today, but I remember watching a video maybe like 2 years ago (I think it was a video Leo posted on his blog, not sure though) where a doctor talked really seriously about a new finding that revealed that most of the cheap pans in the market has a coating that is made of some toxic components and so is extremely lethal to humans in the long run. I don't remember the details there but it seemed like a real deal with some tangible scientific evidence behind it. Any information and suggestions are welcome and well appreciated!
Yea getting the land and all the building and that stuff is a walk in the park. The challenge is like Leo said, the people with different states of development. Even such a community as this forum would quickly turn into shit if it wasn't constantly moderated by developed and conscious individuals. I've realized how hard it is to create anything conscious especially if it's about raising or expressing consciousness. I've also plaid with some conscious business ideas in my head but it's like when you add ''consciousness'' into that process, it makes it sooo much harder -- when you really think about it holistically and pragmatically with wisdom and minimum self-bias. Makes me admire what Leo has been able to pull off. Your idea is beautiful anyway and even though your plan to succeed is hard, it's not impossible by any means. You can definitely develop personal skills necessary to become a great commune leader
When Leo introduced Modafinil in his noontropic video 2 years ago I was really inspired by the possible benefits that it could have in my life. I'm too much of an organic guy so I never gave it a shot. Now with all the tasks, hassle and responsibilities that survival-life has brought I've started to considered to start using Modafinil on some certain occasions or on some really important and mentally challenging days. I do cognitively challenging work and I have responsibilities that depend on my focus and sharpness. I've done well and I can manage without any stimulants -- especially chemical ones -- but on some days I can have lots of mentally laboring tasks and also on top of that let's say I can have some really important meetings where I need to be sharp. Some days I'm just too exhausted that I go through those meetings with half a gas, and that really annoys me sometimes because I'm quite a perfectionist. My attitude towards Modafinil is still NO even in this case because I don't find compensating heavy work with stimulants instead of lightening the heavy work itself the right attitude to go in life. I respect human complexity and I wouldn't want to put my system in more stress than it can organically handle, BUT on the other hand I feel that little mental cheating here and there in the next few years of my life could really make some difference. I would be glad to hear opinions from some of you guys, especially if you happened to have experience from using it or you have professional perspective to offer. I know that The Maestro himself is a big fan of the product but as I used the search function to read some older posts on the subject I found that there is also opposition who thinks of this stuff like I do. I'm personally mostly worried about creating a psychological addiction with it even if I used it like once or twice a month, because that extra mental clarity sounds so damn good. Anyway I personally wouldn't encourage anyone to use it actively because a pill that strong with so positive benefits must have some sneaky negative long-term side-effects that studies can't reveal yet.
With long-term I mean more like 10+ year horizon. I appreciate the tips though!
Snader replied to GreenLight's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Nice flexing