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Everything posted by JPaulo

  1. In the flow of life ... strong and persistent thoughts and emotions keep arising when the body becomes still. I acknowledge and let it be as there are no action I can take in the moment. The longing to express my emotions to another can no longer can be contained. The situation has become complicated however I desire to express these emotions despite the outcome. - Feel everything, there are no actions to be taken. Accept all arising in the was built up due to it not being acknowledge and not felt. These emotions and thoughts are good. It's okay to want.
  2. I write this for myself. I ask in which these words come to form? As I read in which they come to make meaning. Am I the empty space in which populates all? From words to form to meaning.
  3. "Do you talk to everyone like this?" She said. "Yes I do" ...with a pause and a smile. How does one avoid to talk about the divinity of day to day life. In fact I do find myself constantly sharing it's majesty. Is this an illness? ... I am just in love with life and I just can't shut up about it.
  4. I am writing this as the "tingly" feeling . My body is no longer a subject of my experience but is my experience. The collapse of the knower and the known is such a peaceful state.... I can see this state is what we are all seeking and it is everywhere. Art, hobbies, people, nature, drugs, work...
  5. The moment we label an object, the mind gets absorbed in the words rather than the significance and the depth of the object. Drop words, labels and you will see everything with wonder.
  6. Today I went out for lunch as usual. I walked to a not usual spot by the park under a tree to eat. The sun was nice, the wind was cool and the tree covered me enough to get ample sunlight to keep me warm. As I ate, birds were chirping ...I decided to meditate but this time I asked my surroundings to guide me. The chirping of the birds intensified as if telling me to go away...they were above me tweeting away….quite mind was also darting around in there to… they got closer until they were above my head I can see there were 2 of them. So I began to playfully talk to them, "..this is my spot as well, fck you." I then decided to let my mind go and the birds moved to a branch closer to me still tweeting away...I began to think they will shit on me out of anger for trespassing. I decided fck it, I asked to be guided and this is what I got - let's work with it. I began to still the mind and the body. the birds went from aggressive noises, which turned to sporadic tweets, to a gentle chirp and then... silence. The silence was filled with so much thick emotion that I nearly burst into tears ..not sure why I held back...I guess I didn't want to upset the birds with my tears haha. Then I noticed the two birds were looking at me turning their little heads to get a better view. I laid there for 30 minutes in silence with the two birds sharing the moment… it was sublime and as a bonus I didn't get shat on.
  7. Well this week has been a little up and down. Due to my "outward" facing path I am focus more on my experiences and this question came up... Does awareness rely on the body and mind? As a child I have no sense of body nor mind - I was simply being and even in deep sleep...but does being in the relative world involves these two aspects to channel awareness? Is body and mind necessary ingredients to be able to ask "am i aware?" ----- After some contemplation and digging around...there's only one thing going on and that's present in both deep sleep and the waking state. So yes body and mind is necessary to witness the "waking state" of the character. I began to be sold by the objects of awake state as real and considered the non objects of dreamless sleep as false.
  8. I have been craving isolation since this shift within me. I look forward to sitting alone and being immersed in whatever I am doing. Be it writing these small journal notes or watching my surroundings. I don't know what it is but I seem to also connect more with people... I no longer need to put on a face...ITS SO GREAT! My relationship with my family is slowly getting better...its healing. My body and my mind are on the mend...I feel great ...the mental dance is not here anymore and if it does come i simply acknowledge it and move on. Its like knowing you are breathing and then you forget about it. . This is truly living... I may not be as articulate as many but I hope to get better to communicate this experience....which you are experiencing now! but it is simply being overlooked so - If you are reading this... Stop and open yourself to it. Remove all the mental divisions you have placed and know that there's only this.
  9. During my commute today I was doing a meditation and I came to a insight...this might come obvious to some but I finally come to experience what FAITH is. Faith is to abandon reason and logic; to transcend the body, mind and the world. To an outsider looking in faith is a strong belief to a doctrine...Which is okay to I guess. Hahah - I know I could have googled this...
  10. Since opening up my home for rent to a colleague at work who also is a great friend. It has slowly changed my habits to my commutes at work. Where I am generally on my phone playing games and or sitting quietly meditating. Instead we talk about shit and honestly it is the best. This room mate of mine seemingly has lost himself with the dramas of life. There is anger and sadness when he speaks; Despite this he can still laugh out loud and still make jokes - he is a good man and I promised him it will be good soon...and if it hasn't I told him he can find me and refund the statement with a punch. I tried to haiku ( I know, hahaha) See pass the content know not the structure of Is Only then you know.
  11. tonight ended the way it should have ended. full of laughter and love. the speech turned out good. I was able to let the situation be... and did not get sucked into the "negative" physical feelings of anxiety... It was present of course - but it didn't throw me off my game. The body was composed and was able to truly absorb the situation. laughter and smiles all around...more importantly I got my feelings across to the birthday boy. The rest of the evening flowed - the relative world is truly too bright. it is wonderful.
  12. I have a speech for my father's 50th birthday tonight. Like many, I have always feared public speaking due to potential public humiliation. This new paradigm shift has and seemingly continue to test the character. It won't be for a few hours so I will make the most of my moment to remain still and attempt to verbalise the love I have.
  13. Why do you feel you are being sucked dry ? Do you feel like people are taking advantage of you? OR perhaps you want your friends to reciprocate the time and effort you are putting in. You are in a great position to help but also you are not obligated to and certainly don't expect anything back. The moment you expect is the moment you give your friends conditions on how they should interact with you. Regards, - Just an input of a random on the internet
  14. This has been a very helpful video. Hope it can be some use to you.
  15. I will continue definitely @zeroISinfinity. But i dont feel sad...I feel understood. The body just reacted to the experience...
  16. I am unsure on what I have experience or if I can even communicate it in words. I was doing the neti neti method using Leo's video as a guide just before bed. As the video played my body was experiencing a lot of things it was overwhelming. I tried to locate who is experiencing these sensation... as I try to look and identify with the felt hopelessly absolute...this nothing. Then sudden loneliness rush all over me my body convulsed then tears poured. It wasn't out of sadness but acknowledgement. Then I woke was 4am. As I write this at work...I went through my morning routine and I can't help but feel is the way it should be. Nothing more nothingless.
  17. @tsuki Was thinking long and hard about this. I think it was something I thought about soon after my first day of meditating. It was trying to convince me that there's a way, a faster way. Last night after I read your comment. I just observed the voice and entertain the idea and was like "sure, show me the way"....I found it was just talking to itself. I began to observe it and the further I got away it became silent...after silence it came back stronger and I struggled to untangle as I felt that I began to identify with the thoughts which took me out of the moment. But thank you both for the insight @Neorez
  18. For a long time I have been in this journey of truth and self. During my studies I discovered at first it was very off putting with the certain language being used. However I decided to take it in as it seemed that I've exhausted a lot of things in seeking truth (science, philosophy, religion) and it was presenting a different approach to finding truth. I am currently a month in my journey fully accepting the paradigm shift and have had extremely sublime experiences during my "meditation" . However I am having trouble distinguishing intuition vs ego. During the conversations with myself as I observe my thoughts. A voice is telling me that it can show me the way and I just have to trust it... Is this the ego? Attempting to defend itself.... Would be nice to get some assistance. Thanks in advance.