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Everything posted by Mannyb

  1. @Blackhawk answer pending
  2. Enlightenment can't be chased, it's what 'I am'. Elliot having a glimpse of God: The intent is good, he doesn't what you chasing (seeking) and thus being sad. His advice is to go straight to God, his shortcoming is not knowing who 'I am'.
  3. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - GTW. J. R. R. T. Your own Self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world. - R. M.
  4. It would be more like don't take a painstiller now for a headache you might get because next year you'll perhaps (maybe) get another type of headache.
  5. Don't date, just wait. Work on yourself, attract better mates.
  6. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners.
  7. I say Holy Spirit Guide us Higher
  8. ??? Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners.
  9. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners. ??
  10. @DrewNows "Why do we crave this negativity? When all we really want to be is free! Yours is the world young soldier, don't ever listen to what those people tell ya Follow your heart my brother, don't ever let them turn you into a number " S. G.
  11. @Opo it would have been a shame if only one of them tested positive, what about the staff? They were most likely all tested too, but just in case let them keep the masks on since they don’t need to talk. Also seems like a big gamble from the Queen to walk around without a mask considering how fragile she is… Or most of them for the matter as most are all quite unhealthy and old. Tests also aren’t always 100% accurate and they could still infect. According to the NHS from the UK: A negative result means the test did not find signs of coronavirus (COVID-19). You do not usually need to self-isolate if you get a negative result. But this does not guarantee you do not have COVID-19, so you must keep following all social distancing advice. ?
  12. EXACTLY. First get fit, active, STRONG and Really healthy. A beautiful body and good habits will take care of detox. Don't worry, be happy, trust in God. Namaste my broda!
  13. @Michael569 Amazing, thanks! I'd also suggest sardines as a smaller fish (thus less polluted) alternative.
  14. Either way you should master orgasms and semen retention. Check this out, it's amazing!
  15. @bazera Eat whatever you want to eat and be aware of how it makes you feel, check out the episode “awareness alone is curative”. ??
  16. Time: mind perceiving change within eternity through thought. Space: body perceiving change within infinity through perception. ?? ❤️