Adam G

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About Adam G

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  • Birthday 01/01/1977

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  1. I don't see the 5-10 minute allotment directly thereafter for a bowel movement.
  2. @Toasty I quit habitually drinking coffee. Still have a cup every now and then on the weekend. It was just the years of needing the coffee everyday I wanted to break and concern for my teeth. And perhaps change for the sake of change. Now that my caffeine intake is so low, I'm really surprised at how sensitive I am now to caffeine.
  3. @Ramu Welcome to the herd. Every job, every time this shit.
  4. Wow, this thread is full of energized morning soldiers. How about: Wake at 5:30 Shower if necessary Brush teeth (always necessary) Commute 45 minutes I have kicked the coffee habit, occasionally drink tea at work. Occasionally eat before 11AM. During the workweek all exercising and meditation happens in the evening.
  5. The Fountainhead -Ayn Rand
  6. I'm a husband and father of two daughters, 9 and 13. As you begin fatherhood, I would say goodbye to the self you know today. He will soon be a long gone memory of the past soon enough. No mission in my life is more important than raising healthy, inspiring, powerful young ladies, more so than any of my personal goals or pursuits. Do not dismiss being a kick-ass parent is a path of an actualized life.
  7. Just remember: you don't know shit. Why? Thinking you already know will be your biggest limitation in life. Ruthlessly open your mind. That is your project.
  8. 1) You gotta take your daily dose of Whogivesashit. 2) Practice, practice, practice assertion.
  9. Sure, I could have qualified that statement as 'externally' induced. And let's be honest here, getting stoned is hell of alot funner and perceptionally more gratifying than drinking coffee. I think you're correct in that the effects of getting high (i.e., laziness) are the primary evidence that pot is growth limiting. But I think there is a further argument that pot prevents personal growth. Because there are ever increasing levels of personal growth. I do speak from experience on this one. I smoked daily for years, while having a career as an engineer, exercising daily (most times while high), and raising a couple kids. I was perfectly functional as a habitual pot smoker. But habitual use for me, was limiting. I'd ask, how can you open your mind and view this reality from new vantage points, new angles, and produce new insights while viewing it through the same controlled (and distorted) lenses? That's what getting high gives you, a dependable, consistent, and yes, euphoric, mental disposition. And again, I'm emphasizing habitual pot use with regard to personal growth. I would propose getting high from time to time is a good thing for most people, as it does produce new and creative thought patterns. But on my journey, I've leaned on pot use less and less.
  10. @TruthSeeker I hear ya. I don't see throwing out an occasional curse as necessarily 'complaining'. I personally make the distinction between cursing in the form of conversational emphasis and cursing as an appropriately placed expression of emotional release. I don't see either as 'good' or 'bad'. I just know when I stub my toe, it feels good to yell "FUUCK!". But.. I suppose.. as I mull this over, using curse words repeatedly in everyday conversation may be a form miniature complaining with the same, albeit unintentional, release as bitching up a good storm. I come back to my first post on this.. everything in moderation. To completely abstain from cursing as a exercise in discipline is fine, but to categorize cursing in its entirety and in all forms as 'bad' or in something that needs to be overcome and eliminated is bit far for me.
  11. Oh dear god no.. commuting.. never again will I live or work somewhere that requires anything over 15-20 minutes.. Audio, Audio, Audio
  12. Just walk the walk. Don't focus on 'changing' him. As a supervisor, your job is to enable your employees with the tools to succeed. Set clear expectations. Be consistent. And of course lead by example with kindness, courtesy, and respect. The rest is up to them, these are adults we're talking about after all.
  13. This thread should be moderated to the oblivion.
  14. @Sarper Balance brother. Always leading with the heart and you'll eventually be let down by a romantic model not aligned with reality. The rational mind is a tool to protect us. Finding the balance between emotional intuition and logic is where I want to get to.