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About danilofaria

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    Natal, Brazil
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  1. Transitioning Soon
    Transitioning Soon
    This is actually incorrect.
    "Bodies die all the time" is your dream. No body has ever died -- you are imagining they did.
    But this requires a level of consciousness which few of you here comprehend.
    If you are deeply conscious enough, there literally is no such thing as death. Will this help you at the human level? No. Not at your level of consciousness. You are stuck in a dream, and your dream involves the death and suffering of bodies. But actually none of this has absolute reality. It is an elaborate illusion which you call life. And your mind clings to it.
    Have you never died in your dreams? What happens?
    Death is a dream. The reason this doesn't help you is because you're dreaming and terrified of the dream ending.
    All this may should theoretical, but actually it is the opposite. Death is theoretical.
    If you were conscious enough nothing could kill you. But you are not conscious enough, so you will die, cause that is your dream.
    Realizing this is the whole point of spirituality. But it requires levels of consciousness which almost no one is capable of. From the POV of your current state of consciousness, you will die. But only from that limited POV.
    As much as it might pain you to hear this, but terminal illness is still a dream. You cannot escape the fact that you're dream just by dreaming up something horrible. The most horrible shit in the world is still nothing but a dream. In fact, this is where you find salvation.
    Notice that what I'm saying is actually very positive: death isn't real. And what materialism and the ego says is very negative: death is real. And yet people get upset when told the positive news that death isn't real. The reason this twisted reaction occurs is because the mind is so attached to dreaming that it would rather die a real death than admit that everything is a dream. It has to be that way because this is how your mind constructs reality. If you didn't honestly, fully believe that death is real, you could not have reality as you know it. Once you realize death is an illusion, all of reality falls apart and nothing at all matters. And this is what you're really terrified of, perhaps even more than death itself. You are terrified of losing the construction we call material reality.
    The highest levels of awakening are so conscious that you are too conscious for even reincarnation because even that is realized to be a dream. At the highest levels of consciousness there is no past or future. There is only Absolute Now, which never ends. But this is not something your mind can comprehend or imagine unless you directly experience it. An integral part of what it means to be human is to be incapable of letting go of the imagination of your death. If you stopped imagining your death, you would stop being human and you would become immortal. But you are not conscious enough to do this through your will power. Hence you are stuck inside the human dream and you will remain stuck until some day you break out of it. This breakout will either happen via awakening or what you call death.
    Yes, all this feels like a slap in the face to your mind because your mind needs to believe that suffering is real. Telling the mind that all suffering is just a dream, does not please the mind at all. Even though this is the greatest news. The mind is in the business of dreaming, not Truth. The quickest way to piss someone off is to invalidate all their suffering by telling them it's imaginary. That being pissed off reaction is the defense mechanism against Truth. Truth is much more radical than people expect, so they are not capable of accepting it. This is the very core of how selfishness works. The finite self cannot accept itself as an illusion.

  2. Is marriage a scam?
    Is marriage a scam?
    JP actually has a pretty good take on marriage: it's a commitment. The commitment is the most important part. It's like tying yourself to a sinking ship. You don't do it for the fun. You only do it if you're a serious sailor. If you treat it like that, it's not a scam, it's a test of your resolve and it matures you.

  3. I started dating again, and once again it causes me anxiety and confusion...
    I started dating again, and once again it causes me anxiety and confusion...
    Girls are extremely flaky even if they like you. You can never rely on them in the early dating stages to ever reply or show up.
    Which is why you get 10 numbers instead of 1 and you stop caring about any one girl until she shows up for a date.
    The problem with your dating strategy is that it will leave you too needy. You can't attract a single girl reliably.
    Also the problem is how you're setting up your date. You need to question her in person what her schedule is like and what days and times she's available. Then text her well ahead of time and get her to commit to a specific time and date.
    "Let's get sushi tomorrow" is a bad text because it's too short-notice and too vague about time.
    Since you see her regularly in-person, you should use this advantage to iron out the date details in-person and get her to commit. But give her enough lead time. Don't try to set up a date for next-day because she probably already has plans.
    A girl will not be invested in you until she sleeps with you.

  4. Going through a HEARTBREAK...am i dumb???
    Going through a HEARTBREAK...am i dumb???
    Breakup is a chemical state. You will not be able to just ignore it through meditation. You have to feel it and let the chemicals work through your body for a few weeks. There are also lessons there for you to learn. You will experience suffering any time you invest a lot of yourself into a thing and then lose it.
    Be careful using spirituality to avoid feeling feelings. Don't bypass the feeling of loss.

  5. Classic Small Talk Problem
    Classic Small Talk Problem
    Talk about yourself, your dreams, your past, your future, your feelings. Don't filter by significance. Talk about insignificant things like what you had for breakfast and how you felt about it.
    Learn to let your mouth run without filtering or pre-meditation.

  6. Speaking louder
    Speaking louder
    The best thing is to go out to loud clubs and practice projecting your voice loud over the music.
    You have to really push air through it. Really push it.
    Your voice will get significantly louder and deeper. Your vocal chords will hurt for about a week and then they will grow rougher and tougher. Like training a muscle.

  7. I have 30 grand. What should I do with it?
    I have 30 grand. What should I do with it?
    Your youth is worth way more than $30k. Everything gets harder as you get older. So strike while the iron is hot. Delaying your life for 3 years just to put $30k into an ETF is not wise. Get started on building the core of your life right away. Success here will pay dividends for the rest of your life. The sooner you invest in your LP the more it will pay off. Youth is the time to be aggressive and highly active. Building up an investment portfolio is something best done when you're in your late 30s and 40s once you have a solid career/biz/income. You are not going to get rich from investing, you are going to get rich from building a high income which you can then invest. The key to good investing is income.

  8. Elon Musk Buys Twitter
    Elon Musk Buys Twitter
    What isn't understood by free speech absolutists is that to have truly robust free speech the public square must feel safe enough to most people such that they feel safe to express their ideas. When trolls and such are given free reign this actually reduces effective speech because the normal sane moderate people don't feel safe or good enough to express themselves. The public square cannot allow shitslingers or all the best people will leave.
    This is the paradox of freedom. What people really want is not pure freedom but freedom that is useful, productive, and healthy. Effective freedom. And of course what you consider "useful" and "healthy" is relative. A neo-Nazi will feel his speech is useful and healthy. But what must happen is the neo-Nazi gets overpowered. It isn't fair from the neo-Nazi's POV. But it creates a better society.

  9. Elon Musk Buys Twitter
    Elon Musk Buys Twitter
    There is some problem with this, yes, but it's mostly coming from the extreme left. Those 10% of the far left. Obviously the extreme 10% of the far left should not be setting Twitter's moderation policy.
    Then again, there plenty of actual Nazis, neo-Nazis, fascists, racists, and anti-semites on Twitter.
    I don't consider Margery Tailor Green as Nazi, but she has spread anti-semitic conspiracy theories, like the "Jewish space lasers". So Twitter needs to moderate more than just pure Nazis but various lesser forms of anti-semitism.
    1) Notice that Ben Shapiro isn't banned from Twitter.
    2) Ben Shapiro is one of the top recievers of anti-semitism on Twitter. There have been actual studies done on this. He gets thousands of antisemitic trolls. Which is not good. Even though I hate Ben Shapiro's worldview, I would not ban him from Twitter and in fact I would protect him against antisemitic trolls. This is proper moderation.
    But also if you don't label them they keep growing and eventually start to organize actual rallies to overthrow the government.
    I don't think Musk has some secret power-grab or money-making agenda. He's a pretty earnest guy. I take his motives at his word.
    Musk doesn't need more money or more power. That's not what drives him. What drives him is whatever he thinks is the best good for mankind. Of course he could be wrong about what's actually good for mankind. And the bigger issue is that one man shouldn't get to have his ideas about what's best for mankind run the public square. The irony here is that even though Musk says that Twitter is an important public square, he's actually bought the public square for himself and taken it totally private. It's like Musk buying up all the national parks and setting the rules because he thinks he knows what's best. This is fundamentally not proper for a public square. A public square must be subject to democratic control.

  10. Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?
    Is it worth "maximising looks" for game?
    Dude, if a girl is interested in fucking you she'd also be interested in dating you. It's a matter of logistics in many cases. Sometimes the girl is just in town for the weekend so dating is not viable.
    If you can get models to sleep with you, you can certainly get them to date you. Not all of them of course. But it also works in reverse! Plenty of girls will date you who will not do a one night stand with you. If fact, most of your lays will come from dates, not ONSs.
    A lot of girls have rules they set for themselves about not doing ONSs. So in a sense ONSs are harder than dating.
    It's hard to pull consistently every week, it's much easier to set up 3 dates a week.

  11. When to end game? 35 years old
    When to end game? 35 years old
    Girls don't care about your age. All they care about is how you make them feel and how boss you are.
    If you are boss, she will be happy to sleep with you into the 50s and beyond.
    The deeper issue is that you shouldn't just be chasing youth. Learn to appreciate what a more mature girl offers.
    What you really want is not youth but depth of love.

  12. I have long struggled with partys and social settings (clubs, partys etc)
    I have long struggled with partys and social settings (clubs, partys etc)
    I used to game on a combo of Modafinil + coffee. It certainly boosts verbals, creativity, and energy.
    But I would rather game on DMT.

  13. Leo, can I set up a date right of the bat with a girl I Insta dated?
    Leo, can I set up a date right of the bat with a girl I Insta dated?
    That's too much as a text opener.
    First just get her to respond to your text. Then you can send the date text. However, do not call it a "date". And sushi is asking for too much compliance and it's not a good date choice. Instead, suggest coffee or drinks.
    But if you already seeded sushi and she was agreeable, then stick to that. But never do that in the future. You're asking for way too much compliance/investment of her and it's a bad date idea. Don't waste money buying her sushi. Too much investment for a girl you don't know. It's also not ideal to fuck after eating.
    With a sushi date you're setting the boyfriend frame, which means she won't fuck you for 3 dates. If you go for drinks, she's likely to fuck you same day. DO NOT CALL IT A DATE.
    Notice how your eagerness to wine and dine her is getting in your own way.
    Why would a high value guy take a girl he doesn't know to sushi? You see? There's a subtle neediness there that sub-communicates low value. Stop trying to impress girls.

  14. Is being romantic with a girl and making her feel special a bad idea for casual sex?
    Is being romantic with a girl and making her feel special a bad idea for casual sex?
    You're not being asked to buy her flowers and take her horseback riding.
    You're just making her feel like you like her for something besides her ass.
    You need to have standards for who you sleep with that are beyond looks. You come off as very unattractive if you have no standards.

  15. How to frame dates if you don't drink
    How to frame dates if you don't drink
    Coffee dates work great. Or ice cream.
    Or just order a club soda at the bar. If you don't make it a bit deal she won't either.
    Bars are actually not the best place for dates. Outdoor shopping malls are better because there is much more to do and it's quieter and more romantic.

  16. Dating advice
    Dating advice
    Your touching needs to be calibrated to her mood and receptivity.
    If you touch her shoulder and she gives you a cold look, that tells you to not escalate any further unless you first make her more comfortable.
    All physical escalation needs to put a smile on her face. If you are escalating and she's not smiling, you're out of touch and this will quickly creep her out.
    You need to watch her face at all times to know what she's feeling and how into you she is.
    If there is no chemistry physical escalation will not work. There has to be a foundation of attraction and chemistry.

  17. Dating advice
    Dating advice
    Kissing is not always gonna lead to sex. It's totally fine to kiss and even heavy makeout without sex on the same night.
    Realistically many girls will not sleep with you on 1st date. But kissing on a first date is pretty much mandatory in my book if there is chemistry. No girl will have a problem with that.
    Of course it's more effective to have sex with her as soon as possible because she has no loyalty or investment in your before sex. She's gonna waste a lot of your time the longer you take to close. But you shouldn't be too pushy or thirsty about it. You have to accept the reality that sex on the first date will often not happen for whatever reasons, many of which could simply be logistical.
    You don't need to close just because you kissed a girl. Relax. Just don't make her feel slutty or cheap. That's the key.
    There are several reasons:
    1) It develops her trust in you as the leader. She needs to get comfortable following your lead. So the more you can lead her the better.
    2) It tests how compliant/invested she is in you. If she's not following your lead, that's your clue it's not going well.
    3) The more locations you bounce her to, the more she will feel like she has known you for a long time. It makes 1 date feel like 3 dates. Which means things will move along faster. Why waste time doing 3 dates when you can do one date in 3 locations and get the same effect?
    4) And of course eventually you have to lead her to the bedroom. When that opportunity arises she has to feel totally comfortable about following you into the bedroom. If you just try to go from a sit down date to your bedroom that is gonna feel too abrupt and awkward and she will likely not follow. You want to make the transitions as smooth and natural as possible so there is no awkwardness.

  18. Dating advice
    Dating advice
    1) Start getting excited for dates. Make them fun and playful and interesting.
    2) Start by hugging her as soon as you see her, and then keep touching her throughout the night. Learn the Kino Escalation Ladder and practice it.
    3) Bounce around to multiple locations. Walk and hold hands with her.
    4) Kiss her half-way into the date, not at the end.
    - - - -
    Stop being a pussy and start making moves. The longer you delay the harder and more awkward it will get.
    Your dates are boring because you are not in touch with your raw desire to fuck her. Look at her like a wolf looks at a rabbit. Stop suppressing your sexual desire and intent. Let her turn you on and then use that to turn her on. Dates are not interviews. Dates are there so you can fuck her. Let that guide you. Stop being polite and formal about it.
    Nothing is happening because you are being too big of a pussy to lead it to your bedroom.
    If she shows up to a date that means she is interested in sex with you. All you gotta do is lead and be fun.

  19. Commitment phobia in men - HELP
    Commitment phobia in men - HELP
    He may not sleep around, but that doesn't mean he might not desire something more.
    A LOT of guys have fear of intimacy.
    In general, men value their freedom. Women tend to value bonding and intimacy, men tend to value freedom more.
    Of course! Giving up independence for a guy who is habitually independent is a huge fear and source of danger.
    Yeah, well, the guy's probably not in touch with his feminine side and with the whole idea of communion/relationship. That would require a relatively developed and mature man -- which can be rare.

  20. Commitment phobia in men - HELP
    Commitment phobia in men - HELP
    Yes, commitment is emotionally challenging because commitment only makes sense from the POV of an attractive guy with many options if the girl is exceptional. There is little desire to commit to an average girl.
    For commitment to make sense she has to be really amazing. But most girls are not that.
    Also, commitment means losing years not developing one's game. And the longer a guy wait to development one's game, the harder it becomes. Also the sex and even the relationship will start to get stale after some years unless special measures are taken. So there is a fear that commitment will lead to mediocrity.
    Having very high standards makes commitment very challenging. In a sense commitment requires surrendering or lowering one's standards.
    From the male POV, sex is a daily requirement but commitment requires something exceptional. Which is why guys tend to have sex but not commit. If a guy waited to only have sex with girls he was willing to commit to, he would be starving like a homeless dog waiting for years for the right girl to come along. And then he would fuck that up with neediness.
    So ironically girls are attracted to the guys who are least likely to commit. These are the guys who have so many options that commitment makes little sense. Because a guy who doesn't have all those options will be super needy and repel most girls. You girls are attracted to the most detached guys, and then you wonder why he won't commit.
    The guy who would commit to you, you have no interest in sleeping with. He doesn't make you wet or emotional. And your sleeping decisions are purely emotional, not logical. Hence you keep hooking up with guys who won't commit.
    The more arousing the guy the less likely he is to commit. That's how this game works. You have to find some sort of balancing point. You can't just chase the highest arousal. You have to make sacrifices. You can't get it all unless you are bringing massive value to the negotiating table.
    Sex is a value exchange. And everyone is trying to leech maximum value. Everyone is trying to get something for nothing. And then suffering ensues of course because leeching and theft are self-undermining.
    In a sense, when you are dating you are trying to steal sexual value. You aren't doing this consciously, but subconsciously that's exactly what all your arousal and emotions are doing. Your emotions precisely motivate behaviors which steal sexual value. This survival mechanic is so deep that you aren't even aware it's happening. To you it just feels like romance. When you get super attracted to a guy so much that you can't stop daydreaming about him, that's because you know he has more value than you, and that locking him down would be a really good deal for you. It's like walking into a car dealership and seeing your favorite car 50% off. You are giddy with joy at the bargain you just found and you want to pounce on it immediately before someone else does. But of course no quality car is ever 50% off unless there is something seriously wrong with it.
    Bottom line: If you want the best car in the dealership you should expect to work hard and pay a lot for it. If you don't want to pay a lot, then expect a mediocre car. Madness is expecting the best car for dirt cheap.
    Men's commitment phobia is their emotional way of maximizing sexual value.

  21. How to Help “Paradigm Locked” Stage Orange Dad
    How to Help “Paradigm Locked” Stage Orange Dad
    It's best not to waste time trying to explain yourself to closeminded people.
    Just focus on doing the work you know you need to do, and move away from people who are closedminded and bring you down as soon as you can. Surround yourself with positive people who are into personal development and spirituality. People who appreciate the work you're doing.
    Your family can be one of the biggest things to hold you back. You must move out and become independent as soon as possible so that you are not beholden to then and don't have to obey their limited notions of life.
    In the meantime, just focus as much as you can on growing yourself. Much of the work is internal so no one has to know you're doing it.

  22. How to feel equal or higher value than beautiful girls
    How to feel equal or higher value than beautiful girls
    Dude, then your problem isn't lack of humor. You don't need to run a comedy routine for a girl for 4 hours to get her to sleep with you.
    Humor is mostly necessary only in the beginning. Once she is attracted, you then need to shift in to building deep intimacy, connection, and comfort. This is what the majority of your date should be about. You do this not through humor but by sharing stories from your life, your values, your dreams, your passions, and asking about hers. Little humor is necessary here. And then while you're doing that you must also ramp up the physical escalation. Once you're 2hrs+ into a date most of the work should be done via just silence and physical escalation. Your hands should be all over her body by that point, you should be leading her around, kissing her, making out, heavy sexual eye contact, and getting her horny.
    You don't need to be a dancing monkey. And you don't need a bunch of vapid small talk. Get to the business of turning her body on. You're here to fuck her, not to play talk show host.
    You need to learn the power of silence and simply eye contact. Talk way slower.
    It's not gonna be boring if your properly physically escalate and are making her horny.

  23. Went on a first date ever. Please kill me...
    Went on a first date ever. Please kill me...
    A woman is never going to show up to a date unless she is subconsciously interested in you fucking her.

  24. The universe is eternal?
    The universe is eternal?
    Reality has existed FOREVER.
    God (YOU) is dreaming endlessly in any direction you look.
    No matter how deeply you look, you will never find an end to Yourself. Nor a beginning.

  25. How can I work 12 hours every day
    How can I work 12 hours every day
    It's hard to say because I didn't really keep clear track of it. My work and my personal life bleed together a lot.
    A lot of the work I do isn't like official work, but technically it is integral to my work.
    I used to work a lot more than I do today. But also, I prefer to work smart rather than hard. So I end up generating way more results than normal for the hours I work.
    Most people work hard but dumb, so they end up with little to show for it. Working smart is way more important than working hard. Most of the work you do you shouldn't even be doing.