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Everything posted by BipolarGrowth

  1. For your entire existence, new experiences, information, thoughts, people, etc. have continually come into your present moment experience of reality. Literally everyone has dreams at night in which their consciousness generates completely new realities. There is no memory before birth, but there also is no real memory of what you did at 3:02 AM on June 18th, 2010. Where is the empirical evidence that this present moment experience is not permanent? Where is the evidence that the ever-growing complexity ends? Your conscious present moment experience is Infinite, all powerful, all knowing, omnipresent (only it exists), etc.
  2. If everyone was fully God Conscious/Realized, I don’t think it would quite be like people here think. Yes, there is pure Love that radiates from you when this occurs, but you also realize the complete illusory nature of fear. You realize that this is literally your own personally created playground. Idk, I’d probably come to the point where I would wage wars and fight to the death. People don’t realize the complexity and beauty that comes in such activities because they are only viewing it from the lens of the ego. You don’t appreciate the full depth of the illusion until you’ve had a character loss (physical death). If the only objective is to enjoy playing the game, I’m not going to sit on a meditation pillow forever or try to replicate stage green ideals. The Truth is far beyond that.
  3. It sounds like this might be a good thing to get involved in
  4. Practically any spiritual teacher I’ve ever heard of has ultimately fell into relative moralism and a collection of “shoulds” we need to partake in whether it is stated explicitly or rather implicitly. This just doesn’t seem accurate from the Absolute perspective at all. Isn’t the goal to eradicate human suffering a selfish goal when it is deconstructed? This is one example, but it seems to apply to everything. With an infinite circle of concern, would you really limit yourself to such a goal? Would you even consider such a thing to be good at all?
  5. My abilities came quite rapidly after my first ayahuasca retreat. They had been there before at certain times, but after ayahuasca they have remained more consistent for me and become more potent. Get to know some psychics. Go pay for some tarot readings or psychic readings. Some may be fake, but that’s fine. You’re searching for the real thing which might involve finding a few fakes initially. People with real ability are out there, and searching for those practicing psychic or spiritual services will be much more likely to actually be psychic than people you’ll meet randomly in life.
  6. Idk if you can really call this yellow, but it is a great show that has a lot of good spiral dynamics examples in it such as the strong vein of red that exists in the Klingons.
  7. @GreenWoods “...I still feel like there is a tendency towards selflessness and maximizing Love. It's hard to put into words, and I might be deluded here, but that's what it seems to me.” Trying to extinguish a key aspect of reality does not seem like the most developed Love to me, but ultimately that is just Love at work in an attempt of dominion and destruction. Existence is Love no matter how you cut it it appears. Why we would push the agenda of relative love only comes from selfish desires.
  8. Is playing the violin skillfully at 6 months old too early? You will likely adjust quite well to doing normal human things in not that much time. Write your insights down ?
  9. I am quite sensitive to psychedelics compared to the average person from what others have told me and my own evaluations. I had not taken a psychedelic close enough to ingesting the 10 tabs to directly affect tolerance much. It sounds like your 1 tab was likely very strong AND you are quite sensitive to psychedelics naturally if you are blasted out of the universe lol. It’s possible the tabs I took were less potent than yours, but there is really no way to reliably know this at this point. We all experience these in different ways. The 10 tab experience for me is exactly what I would have wanted to have happen even though at the time I had no real way to even imagine the state that it would produce. It has forever changed my perspective, values, spirituality, and philosophy. It was ♾% worth it. I cannot over-stress how important “heroic doses” have been for me whether it be 10 tabs of LSD, 6 dried grams of mushrooms consumed as tea for a higher peak, or large doses of THC, these experiences have changed everything for me personally. After these experiences, now just one or two hits of cannabis or a THC cartridge is enough to produce a profound spiritual experience and at times significant awakenings with far less risk and hassle than doing serotonergic psychedelics. I don’t know about you, but this is quite amazing for me. Every day with one hit of THC becomes an adventure in the beautiful potential of consciousness. My question to you is this: if you are serious about awakening, why are you afraid to up the dose? This fear is certainly coming from the ego and its survival agenda. The recommendation of caution from others is coming from the same source as well. I’m not saying to take 10 tabs, but I do think that it would benefit you greatly to work yourself up to the point where you experience as close to your maximum potential as possible. Work up to this slowly if you wish, but do yourself the favor of experiencing that at least once. I’m also a bit of a madman who welcomes death, so if you’re significantly attached to your personal existence as a human on planet earth, maybe you shouldn’t listen to me. Seriously.
  10. It’s important to note that three tabs from one source was 10x or more powerful I’d say than the three tabs from a different source which produced that weak weed-like high for me. Take a test dose from the batch that you currently have. That’s the only way you can at all reliably gauge how higher doses may affect you — by testing with that specific batch. They can vary quite heavily, especially when coming from a different source.
  11. I had my first insight when I was like three years old or something lol. I had my first “clairsentience” or “crown chakra” activity in second grade although it was quite faint. This stuff is far more predetermined or genetic than most people want to realize. Leo is good to promote the idea of different levels of natural spiritual ability. It’s simply the way things are. Not everyone is set up to become a gold medalist sprinter, so why people think there is some kind of level ground when it comes to spirituality is beyond me. Even for you to become a more or less engaged member of relies on a number of factors we have no control over.
  12. I’ve heard a lot about moldavite from a friend recently. It blew up on Tik Tok and a bunch of people bought counterfeit moldavite and talked about how powerful it is lol. I watched some reviews and reports on it that were made years before the hype which showed that it could be quite promising. If you do have interest in it, take the time to actually research where to buy an authentic piece of moldavite.
  13. It can for sure be an amazing tool without any other substances needed really, but others can help. One of my deepest or possibly my single deepest awakening was on 10 tabs of LSD. Watch the video of my 10 tab experience in my signature if you’re interested. Keep in mind your intellectual understanding, level of talent/giftedness, level of desire for Truth, and amount of previous consciousness work and awakenings all play into this as well as probably a lot of other things. Sometimes people have hundreds of trips on multiple substances and get basically nowhere when it comes to awakening, and others like Eckhart Tolle experience it accidentally and on no substances at all. Just give it some tries and see how it works.
  14. The typical ones are a serotonergic psychedelic with nitrous oxide or weed. Some have mixed in a dissociative such as ketamine and had good results. My friend, if you haven’t accessed the psychedelic potential of cannabis/THC, you are really missing out. Once this is unlocked, at least for me, it can produce awakenings just as strong as 10 tabs of LSD or 6 grams of shrooms in one medium-large hit of a dab. I recently had an awakening with cannabis too that was an amazing experience. I don’t know if this always works for everyone, but after some high dose trips on other psychedelics, cannabis/THC can become a completely different animal. Have you ever blacked out from THC? If not, you’ve not approached it’s potential. I’ve found dabs are the best, but the recent cannabis experience off two regular-sized hits surprised me.
  15. Maybe understanding occurs at the level of awareness or perception rather than thoughts based upon that. You can have an infinite number of theories, explanations, and descriptions of a hardwood floor, but does all of that combined really get you any further than directly perceiving the thing itself?
  16. @Inliytened1 and how do you know that existence is not in some cases?
  17. Existence is. There is Absolute Permanence about as simply as it can be put. Impermanence is also true in that the appearance, content, etc. of that existence is in constant flux from any viewpoint of the relative world you can have.
  18. I think it’s healthy to constantly reevaluate your worldview. I went through a period of hard skepticism lasting a few months recently. I ultimately came to the conclusion that I am quite certain the God Realization is wise to trust, but I have become agnostic about the causes and mechanics of many strange things I’ve experienced that I used to act like I had answers for. At best, I have okay working theories for those things. All of this stuff such as telepathy, extraterrestrial contact, influence from entities, etc. doesn’t really matter all that much compared to the fact that I created it and everything else I’ve ever experienced intentionally.
  19. This doesn’t sound good. It’s another example of a guide fucking up it sounds like.
  20. This is food for thought. I’m not claiming astrology is anywhere near as detrimental or oppressive as racism, but I think the parallels are interesting. Proponents of astrology are generally unaware of these similarities in structure. When considering race: It’s something you have no control over. You were born this way. The ego becomes heavily identified with this. There is a tendency for this to amplify the perception of distinctions between self and other. A tribal group identity is created. Judgment of those both within your group identity and those outside of it is enhanced. Generalization occurs based upon this. When considering astrological placements: It’s something you have no control over. You were born this way. In those who believe in astrology, the ego becomes moderately to heavily identified with this. There is a tendency for this to amplify the perception of distinctions between self and other. A tribal group identity is created. Judgment of those both within your group identity and those outside of it is enhanced. Generalization occurs based upon this. More minor similarities likely exist, but I think this covers the meat of the topic. Questions to contemplate: Why is it okay or not okay to judge or generalize based upon race? Why is it okay or not okay to judge or generalize based upon astrological placements? Where lies the difference from a virtue- or morality-based perspective when not just comparing the impact of the judgments or generalizations taking place?
  21. @Tim R it’s useful for everyday life changes, which is what most people are after, but it’s not going to take you as far as you can go. That’s just my personal preference.
  22. Also, LSD can be quite unpredictable as far as how quickly you’ll feel effects. I’ve had it take 30 minutes to 3.5 hours before feeling anything.
  23. Full blown dose is 200-350 micrograms. I have no way to tell how much of your solution that will be. See if you can find out how much active ingredient there is in it. My personal opinion — fuck microdosing, just have your full God Realization already ? I’ve had significant nausea problems with shrooms, but no nausea issues at all with LSD. I’d say it’s less important to fast, but it still may be helpful. The benefit is probably that it will be a bit more potent on an empty stomach. This could be little to no difference or quite significant. I’m not sure.
  24. I’ve enjoyed some of his stuff and found it useful. I think it is an interesting and likely positive small addition to my spirituality, but I would say it is best to not make it anything more than that. Personal practice is far more important, and God Realization is where focus should primarily be placed IMO.