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Everything posted by BipolarGrowth

  1. To say the ego isn’t real as if something else is is just wrong imo. Is it a survival-biased matrix of oftentimes detrimental effects? Yes. Is it keeping you back from what you wish to experience? Yes. Is it conceptual? Yes, partially. Is it in a dream? Yes. Is it low consciousness generally? Yes. None of these things or even the combination of them all point to it being not real. If you want to say nothing is real, then sure, the ego is not real, but all meaning is lost at that point as far as how things relate to anything else. Saying everything is real is just as accurate as saying nothing is real. They’re both simply different perspectives on how to use the word. They both point to the exact same Truth if understood properly.
  2. Why do you want INFJ? I’m ENFP, so of course P is the only correct answer... So, we have noob-tier I am God (18 yr old): I Am God Second God Consciousness awakening (no video of first) (23 yr old): Manic Stories Ep. #1 - Becoming God (Awakening to God Consciousness) God Consciousness + Infinite Freedom (24 yr old): 13 Tabs of LSD - Mapping Consciousness #2 Belief tier (regression & ego-backlash to radical nature of awakening) I/we am/are God after God Consciousness awakening (24 yr old): Explaining How You Are God Healthy Integration & Acceptance of God Consciousness awakenings (25 yr old) (skip to roughly 35 mins in unless you want stage orange/green foundational context about me): Update on My Life Goals & Progress + The Most Important Ideas I Could Possibly Share (Spirituality) Watch the other 200+ videos for a small part of the big picture ?
  3. In Soviet Rus... err... I mean the Totality of Existence, Consciousness has you ? If you don’t get the bad joke, it’s Mahāsamādhi time for me...
  4. I think it’s a concept one can easily get over-attached to. I had a best friend who kept going after an abusive ex for over a year because he was her twin flame in her eyes. Now she’s taken a much more relative view to such terms which is healthy. You really don’t know..
  5. Or you could identify with what is present and local as it’s experienced as long as you’re able to convince yourself of the infinite nature of that. If it’s all you, nothing can even be non-local. You expand and contract according to states of consciousness and the difference tools one might use to contain or expand perception.
  6. @The0Self Contemplation works well for me. Of course it took awakenings to unlock the power of contemplation, but I’d say you’ve probably experienced the identity at this point, hopefully at least. One simple contemplation I use is related to numerical infinity representations. Infinity commonly is thought of the numbers going on forever and ever. Well what does this look like in the context of a “present moment?” 1 is there one moment. 2 the next. 3 the next. Etc. Etc. This is the nature of impermanence and infinity themselves. If you had to put a definition, label, or number on what is right now, would it be the same label or a different label as your memory of 5 seconds ago? I personally think due to the change witnessed that it would have to require something different to represent it. This is a practice. It’s not necessarily some accurate representation of Absolute Truth. Use it as a practice rather than trying to deconstruct the concepts within. You’ve done plenty of deconstruction of concepts. I can give some exercises I came up with for experiencing the relativity of dimensionality if you wish as well. It also can help to shift to an infinite identity.
  7. ? We need more comments like these on this forum. It’s always so much debate. If we aren’t sharing love, why are us “higher consciousness” people even here lol. Thanks Veda ❤️
  8. In thousands of years and beyond, you will be recognized as the ultimate savior of humanity. All of your teachings will be mistranslated, and everything you intended to teach future generations will be distorted except for one sentence. Here you’ll post the sentence you would like to survive the test of time which you think would ultimately be of the most value and benefit for all those who follow. Here’s mine: Existence is You.
  9. So many spiritual people are on a crusade against existential suffering, but would a key quality be lost without it?
  10. In China they treat even marijuana super strictly.
  11. The main question I have is, what is your best understanding or theory that can describe why hatred, specifically homicidal imaginations with true desire behind them, is the only thing capable of allowing me to visualize things? It’s like a switch being flipped from 1% visualization capabilities to 99% visualization capabilities. My mental health is very stable currently; I don’t need any advice related to that. As a child, I spent a significant amount of time reading fiction books. I was able to visualize quite well. It was like watching a movie but of course a little toned down from that. The most surreal visualization I’ve ever had happened maybe around 6-8 years old. I was sitting in church, and I envisioned myself as a roughly 50 ft tall demon tearing the church goers apart in gruesome detail. The visualization was so complete that it wouldn’t have been that much different if I was actually experiencing that as a demon with my eyes wide open. This was fueled by pure hatred. It was not that I was having fun imagining some scenario. I wanted to literally destroy everyone around me. There were no significant triggers for this that I can identify. I generally was just bored in church. I didn’t hate being there or anyone there really other than I’d rather be playing games or doing other more stimulating kid stuff. Around the beginning of high school, I stopped reading fiction. I shifted my focus to just playing video games in that same free time. I think this was around the time I lost the ability to visualize things in my mind. I didn’t completely lose the ability to do this, but it became far more difficult. Now I can hardly visualize anything. I can get momentary glimpses but even then it’s nothing compared to before. I hardly ever experience hatred or anger. Last year I had my first ever hospitalization for suicide/depression. I was dead set on going through with suicide, but I was stopped by friends and family. As I was unable to carry out the act as I was in the hospital, I developed an intense hatred within me. I became overrun with homicidal thoughts. As soon as this happened, I was able to visualize in a hyper-realistic way again. What mechanisms are at action here? I’ve experienced plenty of other intense emotional states. None other than hatred seems to have this effect in me.
  12. I’m not coming into contact with attractive (or even unattractive) females my own age who share similar values now. So many of my experiences are unbelievable to many spiritual people. How am I to authentically connect with someone with little to no experience in this field who is going to take my experiences seriously? In a lot of cases, I’d have to tone down who I am in a lot of ways to be close enough to social norms for most of these women to not be turned off. The biggest issue is I don’t have much interest in even pursuing women when this is the type that I’m likely to meet. I want intellectual stimulation in a relationship. I don’t share enough deep interests with many of these women for that to be very likely as a consistent theme in the relationship.
  13. There’s a big difference between blissful sensations for the sake of simply feeling blissful sensations versus generating love for others and experiencing bliss as a marker of how much love is being directed to the object of the love. The bliss is a pleasant side effect. The point is to practice generating love for others and to turn that love toward those you see as stupid once you’re proficient enough. Maybe bliss and contempt can be experienced simultaneously, but do you honestly think that is the rule or an exception to the rule? When you hold your lover in your arms, are you preoccupied with contempt for people who value IQ highly?
  14. Maybe the suppression (“refusing to identify with them”) of your mental health issues is what is making this so hard. Ultimately these types of mental health issues are trying to get your individual needs met, typically related to what you were lacking as a child. The mental health issues are quite likely acting as what now feels like a sort of overcorrection. The potential truth is that you could still feel yourself to be missing out on those things you mentioned you lacked as a child. If you created a checklist based on each individual thing you needed as a child but did not receive, how many of them can you honestly say you have now? Raising in consciousness to transcend suffering is great, but you might see more success in first approaching each of these needs that you still lack in more practical or typical ways while still continuing some spiritual practices. For example, if you’re still lacking love, having some ridiculously powerful love awakening will certainly heal you in profound ways, but it might be the case that finding loving and authentic relationships with people where you can truly feel safe will have a more permanent effect on your foundation or simply life satisfaction and happiness. This more solid foundation might be what can allow your spirituality to truly flourish. Hope this helps. You’re going in the right direction. Trust in the process.
  15. It’s a great video. There’s a lot of deception going on within ourselves.
  16. Well, through doing some research on this, I’ve found that we are both right in ways. Both ayahuasca and peyote have been shown through court cases to be legal for non-natives, but full legal protection for non-native church members has only been given for certain churches or certain states. The bottom line is that in many cases this is a legal gray area for many of the churches advertising as if the legality is clear for their church. A lot of these churches marketing themselves as fully protected by the law for the use of various psychedelics are not being completely honest as these churches are typically using the cases of other churches to back their claims. There’s an issue because they, in most cases, have not gone through litigation to actually establish clear legality for their specific organizations. There are two churches which have received positive U.S. Supreme Court rulings for ayahuasca use which protect all members — native or not — of those churches in using ayahuasca in ceremony. The church I joined to partake in the ayahuasca retreat I mentioned above is not one of these two, however, it has actually won a court case for non-native use of peyote among an array of other cases. This was a state case in Utah which does not necessarily extend to states which have conflicting laws. The case was won because the language in Utah’s laws clearly did not limit use to natives although the state tried and failed to use the native-only point as the basis of their argument. An individual from the same church won a case in New Hampshire’s Supreme Court for possession of magic mushrooms. The church clearly states that members who follow their code of ethics can possess multiple plant-based psychedelics and lists the amounts allowed for personal possession. They act as if this is true at the federal level. The church has not gone through litigation at the federal level to make this 100% clear.
  17. Contempt and judgment are always going to recoil and cause harm to yourself — sometimes it’s small, other times it’s huge. You likely are aware of this. Your shortcut is this: “Interestingly, alongside this attitude I can also have so much compassion and love to the point of tears for just about anyone!” Learn to develop your ability to feel this compassion and love for others even further. Close your eyes and picture/bring to memory the thing, attribute, value, or person you have the most love for. Try to amplify the emotional appreciation for it. Try to sustain this emotion. Keep practicing. Until you’re feeling blissful sensations envelop parts or even your whole body, you’re likely not even close to your potential with this. This will probably not happen to this degree on your first try. It will likely take some time to develop mastery over this. You can have access to that bliss at almost any time as you get further along. It will then start to come automatically whenever you experience something you appreciate enough. Once you develop a strong ability to trigger the blissful sensations with your main object/person/idea you love, then practice developing it with others. That is my advice.
  18. There are various ways to use psychedelics completely legally in the U.S. It just usually costs more, and you have to jump through some hoops. For example, you can go to an ayahuasca retreat for one weekend for $375 in Kentucky. You have two nights of consumption in a row where you’re allowed to drink as much as you please essentially. Integration and discussion add to the experience. This isn’t the popular location in Kentucky reported on by Vice. That one seems questionable. It’s legal because it is protected by the first amendment as it is facilitated by a recognized Native American religious organization. There are plenty of other similar organizations offering peyote and several other psychedelics. Membership to some of these organizations allows for you to possess and use certain psychedelics on your own. You simply cannot sell, gift, or have too much in your possession at a single time to be protected legally. Legal protection only extends to spiritual use.
  19. We draw the line when unnecessary suffering is caused. This doesn’t mean everyone will want to follow the line. Where it “ends” is when enough humans begin to see more similarities with their enemies than differences. Then the conflict can become more compassionate and effective. Conflict will not disappear. Conflict happens on so many levels, and in most cases it eventually leads to a better world from the human perspective.
  20. Yes, his efforts would see benefit in many ways if he started doing things like this. I’ve tried suggesting things to expand; I don’t think he cares when people do in most cases. He probably even dislikes it from what I can gather.
  21. The Power of the Tao Te Ching (The Book of the Way) Wonderful free Tao Te Ching audiobook on YouTube