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Everything posted by BipolarGrowth

  1. Don’t forget the “passive income” of real estate. It’s not 100% passive unless you pay a management company for everything, but it is typically a really small amount of work for the money after the renovation/purchase process is over. Real estate has created the most millionaires in the U.S. The real “passive income” sources require either significant work or money or both to be invested at the beginning to then continue to grow over time. I’m 3 years into owning a rental property investment company, and I nearly make my entire investment back in income and equity growth each year already. The business model scales quite well and quickly if done right.
  2. Broaden your understanding across many disciplines and trust your own insights and conclusions as well if you want to lower the chance of idolizing a specific individual. Idolizing someone isn’t always necessarily a bad thing. In many cases it could take you in the right direction, but it is always going to be a sort of crutch. Until you reclaim your own authority, you will be forced to operate in limited ways.
  3. Try to see where fear turns into love and love turns into fear. That might help. Acting to enlighten all beings is only allowed by the preference of that condition above letting beings remain unenlightened. This preference could easily be partially described through the lens of either love or fear as motivating factors. Your fear of losing the conditions of this human life are what perpetuate the experience of things as they are for you. To lose all fear and dying are quite similar.
  4. You can always try meditating less once you start to feel that it’s getting too intense.
  5. Sounds like it’s time for a laziness retreat. I’ve been on one for about a month due to a significant injury, and it’s been incredibly spiritually enriching. You’ll never perfect what is already perfect. Trying to do so is normal and addictive though. Nothing wrong with playing the game.
  6. 5g of shrooms. I’ve had similarly as crazy experiences sober, but psychedelics are a great tool for opening you up to realize there are so many more possibilities than previously could’ve been imagined.
  7. I once completely transformed into the body an octopus goddess and spoke in “tongues” you might expect an octopus goddess to use — truly remarkable sounds to still be produced by the human mouth. This lasted for several hours. That’s the closest thing I can think of. I mean my limbs literally turned into tentacles, and the sensations were so lifelike that it really felt like I was unquestionably in an entirely different form. Anything is possible as consciousness.
  8. You are magically manifesting whatever device you’re using to view this just as much as you are growing your own hair right now. Everything is you, and everything is done by you.
  9. Your resistance to Existence is a short-term strategy for happiness. Seeing a problem with porn, ice cream, normal humanity... do you not see how this is hate and judgment coming from inside of you? You’re having a reaction to different “shadow” elements of life such as excess, addiction, hedonism, etc., but this means that you’ve already drawn a clear line around yourself to separate your identity as much as you can from many of these things. Partial identities are the cause of ALL problems that have ever existed. Essentially the deepest teaching is that you are the present moment as it exists in it’s entirety from “your perspective” right now. You can call that God if you like. As long as you have anything within you that finds reprehensible qualities in Life/Reality/Existence, you are setting yourself up for long-term conflict within yourself. This doesn’t mean that you go start a bunch of bad habits, but seeing part of reality as a target or enemy is going to cause suffering. You’re a human being though still. There’s nothing ultimately wrong with you seeing porn as a bad idea in the same way as Leo wanting to masturbate occasionally is not ultimately wrong. It’s your individual survival strategy for your personal situation right now. Just because you aren’t aligned with God Consciousness 24/7, enlightened, or a saint doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. You’re expressing human life in a unique form. So is everyone else. The “highest” things are not the only things that have value in life.
  10. Idk I take this knowledge for granted a lot. I forget the inexplicably epic journey I took to come to such a conclusion on a deep and meaningful level. Rather than it just being a belief or conjecture, I’ve experienced different angles of perspective all essentially pointing to that conclusion when scrutinized properly.
  11. Infinite Consciousness is always at hand. The regular state is just what we are overly-oriented to, so it seems boring and finite.
  12. Anybody saying they know the future is far more likely to be deluded than someone honestly admitting their ignorance. I think saying with certainty what will happen 30 minutes from now requires a level of madness and arrogance I’d rather stay away from.
  13. This. The “fabric” of Existence is Absolute Love. You’re in a padded pit of foam balls convinced wholeheartedly that the foam balls are going to kill you. This is the problem with fear. It constrains the Absolute Self for the sake of the relative self.
  14. Can omniscience be given a meaningful definition in English? I know I have approached this topic with the word’s more traditional definition/connotation, and Leo seemed to point to there being a significant distinction between what he was shown in his awakenings vs. the traditional definition/interpretation. A lot of people say things such as “if you’re omniscient, why can’t you predict lottery numbers?” Under a typical definition, it would be fair to say that this is knowledge which could be possessed. Is there a specific definition for what it means to be all-knowing which explains how this is not a contradiction? It certainly seems like you’re not including all measurement-style “facts” to be under the umbrella of omniscience how you use it. Correct me if/where I’m wrong.
  15. @Leo Gura Deconstructing perspective/s is essentially a type of oneness experience. Perspective is experienced or recognized as an illusion or temporary lens over “Being,” so all points truly feel to be just as central to the experience as any others. It doesn’t really speak accurately about the radical degree of the experience, but it’s a decent depiction.
  16. This makes sense and aligns with what I’ve experienced. I have another specific question. You mentioned a 5-MeO-DMT experience in your outrageous experiments in consciousness video where you spoke of all the different perspectives. Were you describing the experience of viewing the room for example as if you had thousands of eyes, or was the idea of perspective simply deconstructed?
  17. 1% of mystical experiences being real is still a big issue for skepticism and materialism.
  18. You are both highlighting the relative nature of mental health as a framework as well as how spiritual forces were actually behind what society deemed problematic. I agree with both of you.
  19. An awakening with ego also present can be much more pleasant than an experience which is more impersonal. It speaks to the story you’ve just lived. It satisfies that. It explains that. It breaks the limitations of that. If both awakenings were of the same intensity, I’d prefer to awaken in this reality due to the emotional significance of your human life. You living that specific incarnation was not a mistake.
  20. I experienced flu-like symptoms for 24-36 hours after my second Pfizer shot. Nothing too big. It beats having significant lung damage from COVID by quite a large margin.
  21. Madness is another name for variety.
  22. That’s amazing, to be honest. Schizophrenia is usually quite difficult to overcome. I’ve heard about the link between schizophrenia and marijuana several times before. Glad to hear how much you’ve been able to improve.
  23. I’ve found contemplation with the foundation of experience with psychedelics to be more beneficial for me than meditation with that same foundation. Contemplation has led to many palpable nondual states for me. Meditation can feel like you’re going against the current of the mind. Contemplation can feel like you’re going with that current. Also, is it really getting teased if you bust? ?