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Everything posted by BipolarGrowth

  1. Don’t just believe the concepts. If you find them to be really insightful and likely, then you can if you want. People get this idea that the human intelligence is somehow contrary to awakening... while it’s been a part of I think around exactly 100% of human awakenings throughout history. It’s a funny idea. Everybody saying not to mess with concepts got there through the use of the human intelligence. They just applied the “correct” concepts. Why I say this stuff is not a distraction is because her more emotional type work/concepts can certainly help you to awaken, but even more so I say it because all this crazy psychic shit people think isn’t real can be the source of awakenings so intense that once you have them you start to look around and laugh at all these brainwashed nondual “masters” who say siddhis are a distraction. They don’t understand it likely or are like in a form of spiritual asperger’s. They are great at spirituality, but they aren’t fully accessing the capabilities of their body and “spiritual energetic body.” Maybe a rare yogi who is really open is good with this. Most advanced nondual practitioners have no idea about the value this stuff can provide to the journey because it goes against traditional dogmas. Just a rhetorical question — do you consider Jesus Christ to be a better goal to pursue or some monk who says siddhis are a distraction which conveniently feeds into the fact that any siddhis he/she has are piss poor weak if they have any at all? When the central figure of religion and spirituality in humanity was basically the world’s most efficient siddhi-producing factory, you have to wonder if these modern eastern masters are masters, intermediates, or simply charlatans when it comes to understanding this specific thing.
  2. This is very good advice. I can’t tell you how to truly make it permanent, but just search for the right method that happens to fit you the best. Could be psychs, meditation, yoga, contemplation — it’s probably a situation where choosing all of the above will help the most overall. What truly broke my sense of self for the first time to a complete degree was a combination of a light dose of THC and then contemplation. That awakening was as strong as anything else I’ve had but with No Self as the primary facet of awakening in focus. Before this, I had a strong foundation of nondual philosophy, Heartfulness meditation w/ transmission, high-dose psychedelic trips, and probably some karma or lack of karma (basically just lucky) helping me get there to name just a few of the factors involved.
  3. It’s an RPG man. We can’t tell you how to build your character. And yes, a non-character is still a type of role ? But more seriously, there are gifts in this life worth attaching to. There is not one perfect state, occurrence, or achievement. If you want to have no attachments, do so. Become fully enlightened. Transcend suffering. But just remember, once you leave the realm of suffering, you might find that you acted like a kid who wanted to grow up so, so badly and then later wishes he could return to the innocence, ignorance, and bliss of the “limited.”
  4. I personally find that she is quite good for either newbies or advanced people, however, if you’re noticing overwhelming situations arise, please slow down with whatever teacher it is or even spirituality in general. There should be no rush to awaken or grow in other ways unless that is what you truly think is best for the whole of your life. With Teal, you’re going to get way more info on certain spiritual topics which Leo hardly focuses on. For example, if you want to learn more about psychic or other paranormal phenomena, you’ll find way more there. This seems trivial to many people here possibly, but I can attest that it is most absolutely not something that is a distraction or trivial. There are many other things she covers which are important though.
  5. This seems like a worthwhile thing to consider/explore. +1
  6. I would personally love to see more of this. I don’t see how this contradicts with his teachings, but I’m not the man himself.
  7. Me. Although I wouldn’t use such a strong word. Annoying is closer. I’ve noticed this pattern myself, but I could always be just interpreting data wrong. I would appreciate a response to what I suggested in my response to this thread. I know he’s busy though. I have a feeling it might have pushed some buttons or be something he’d rather not have to air out in front of people. PM is always fine if my projections are of substance.
  8. See that all things you judge in others are caused by deep existential wounds that can only be fully healed through an infinitely meaningful connection with Truth/God/Absolute/Love/etc. Examine the structure of ego reactions in lower stages and even higher stages. See the similarities. Identify with part of reality, typically a virtue, comfort, pleasure > desire more of it > react against other values > see other values as different from you > etc.
  9. This certainly has some serious downsides when people get into ego battles, but it sounds like you are getting a considerable amount of this directed toward you personally. Sadly, people are always going to do this kind of stuff. You have to be very careful when dealing with such people. A lot of the issues are caused by the disconnected nature of forums in general. We’re all just typing to a screen. It’s easier for ALL of us to be overly egoic with this compared to more direct and expansive forms of communication. I know this all has been very frustrating for you. Unfortunately, you’ll probably have to be the bigger person if you want to ease tensions. This is certainly a tall order to fill when people are being nasty toward you. I’ve realized a lot of my communication on here has been counterproductive because I’ve overlooked my tone and things of that nature in the past. It’s easy to trigger someone on accident even if just one or a few words are used in the wrong way even if we don’t mean to cause this. I doubt the forum's level of consciousness, empathy, appreciation of other’s perspectives, etc. will change much in any short period of time to where the issue will be gone without people making a strong conscious effort for more connective and accepting communication. We will probably have to be the change we wish to see in the forum if we want to reasonably expect change.
  10. You’re quite close considering you’ve had zero mystical experiences. It’s a lot more radical than this though. Your present moment experience right now is God and potentially the entirety of God as God could be said to exist (pay attention to the present tense here).
  11. I think you have misunderstood what Leo is saying. I used to hold this belief you bring up as certain truth. The fact is that it is not certain at all. Leo is in the process of releasing an episode on solipsism. Everybody hang on for a minute. If you’re wise, the idea should not impact your interpersonal relationships in a negative way at all. It actually is a point which can create far more compassion if framed properly. I wish I had more time to explain in detail. I’m planning to make my own video about this topic for the forum soon.
  12. One thing I would caution strongly against is this subtle demonization of the mentally ill. I ran a poll a week or so ago to see if mental illness was as prevalent here as I intuited. The results came back that over 50% of people who responded had a connection to mental illness themselves in either having it in the past before consciousness work, a clinical diagnosis, or a conviction that they have mental illness although not clinically diagnosed. Results may be skewed some as mentally ill people could be more likely to respond to such a poll of course, but cut the result in half if you want. That’s still 1/4 of the community. If you really want to turn away the mentally ill or talk in ways that steer them away from the work, you are probably going to create more suffering and death than if you had simply accepted them and promoted greater understanding of mental illness in the community. Take the time to read the responses to this thread/poll. Also, so many people have been throwing around words like stupid describing not only Sunny’s decisions and thought process as well as labeling other people's opinions on the matter as stupid. What I say to these people is you know nothing of the nuances of human intelligence, or you have the understanding but are being lazy, myopic, and counterproductive in labeling people as such. Simply painting opposition as stupid is so ridiculous and damaging to the whole situation that I’m absolutely astonished that I have to even bring this up. Calling someone stupid is not being highly conscious in any sense of the phrase. Calling someone stupid in these situations helps absolutely no one. It triggers people so they lose all ability to connect with your perspective in many cases, and your labeling of them as such while considering yourself intelligent or at least not stupid, as I’m sure everyone saying this does, is creating a difficulty in your own ability to communicate with them, truly connect with their authentic perspective, etc. I think people are missing the point with Adeptus’ comments, video, etc. There are some biases at play for sure, but everybody should know that’s happening on both sides. I gave some criticism on his video and way of interacting with people too, so don’t think this a one-sided approach. He is actually quite open to’s deepest teachings compared to the average person. If we can’t find a common ground with someone like him, this community better buckle up for quite the bumpy ride as popularity grows over time and more tragedies are sure to come due to sheer and unavoidable probability alone. He has done psychedelics and likely other methods and has shown to take spirituality as something important to him. Adeptus is just someone closer to being grounded in consensus reality (more aligned with current collective ego). If you easily discard this type of information, you’re setting yourself up to have more issues down the road. If we’re taking these teachings seriously, consider Adeptus as like a specific type of immune cell in your body. You are the Totality of Existence. What you call Adeptus is an integral part of You. Another human in your present moment awareness is like a typically autonomous function of your human body. You can’t control your liver too well consciously, but it’s still a part of you. Other humans are similar. Adeptus is not a liver lost to cancer or cirrhosis. He’s still performing a healthy role imo whether it’s a popular one to those here or not. I think it would be quite unwise to remove him from the forum and many others who are representing a similar perspective as him. If someone becomes a constant distraction and problem, that’s a different situation. He hardly ever posts. When an injury swells to a detrimental level, it’s still acting according to its purpose in trying to help the higher holon, but it is overcorrecting. Any response to this overcorrection is oftentimes bound to be an overcorrection of its own type which has its own collateral damage. In a similar way, very rarely do we see a completely and utterly proportional response which handles any type of interpersonal interaction perfectly. Adeptus, Leo, and other members commenting on that situation are still seeing too much of an “other” in the person in debate or disagreement, or at least it certainly appears from my perspective. I’m not free from any of these points as well. This post is an overcorrection. Don’t discard it though. I’m not some enemy of the community who is against Leo’s core teachings. This community and Leo’s teachings are very important to me.
  13. Most likely, you can’t contemplate for shit if you don’t have a good range of experience in things like meditation or psychedelics, ideally both along with many other practices. At least if you’re anything like I was. It’s kind of like a hard method to get anything out of compared to other typical methods as far as actual consciousness expansion. The earlier and weaker contemplation is needed as a foundation too. Even though it’s basically spinning your wheels at the beginning, think of it like you’re spinning those wheels to warm them up for the actual result producing performance. Once you access the real power of contemplation, you can use it to enter states that can be more powerful than psychedelics. I’ve found a low dose of THC for me is like a lubricant for my consciousness. It’s more liberated and open to be deconstructed in this state. The ego sees the deconstruction and enjoys it because you fed it all the nondual bullshit fundamentals to calm its anxiety. Now is where those false idols of Truth you had in your conceptual mind are transformed into result-producing subconscious processes. You cannot understand much about contemplation’s true power until you access no mind and no self or what I rather call thinking without thought. It’s a certain type of those experiences. Once you find a reliable way to access thinking without thought, you can keep returning it to practice. I’ve been recording videos of my contemplation. This, as well as passionate conversation, immediately send me into thinking without thought. It’s at this point that you are fluid enough to get the results. After I’ve had an awakening triggered in this manner, I become what I believe is the highest goal which is Absolute or Awakened Authenticity. At this point you see me pull out my shadow and embrace it fully. So many “mentally ill” activities happen to me, but they are happening in a far healthier way. I stop suppressing this side of myself. Calling it mental illness is as low consciousness as calling someone retarded. I had harder “hallucinations” and arguably “higher” consciousness off one hit of a dab pen of delta 10 and delta 8 THC (fully legal in U.S.) and a thinking without thought contemplation Authenticity Awakening than I had previously on 10 tabs of LSD.
  14. Why learn psychic abilities? To me, I just don’t really understand how someone wouldn’t already think this is cool as shit and fun as fuck. That’s enough for me alone when paired with my curiosity for this subject. If you’re already interested, you can skip this paragraph. Siddhis are a distraction... okay. Yes, in many cases they are for Liberation alone. All those people preaching about siddhis being a distraction probably have like 1% or less of human potential realized in this sphere and don’t know what the hell they are talking about imo. You don’t give a shit about truly Liberating yourself if you’re even reading this. Not to the degree in which this distraction mindset around siddhis holds any water at least. As a member of modern society, so much of what you do inevitably is more distracting and further from Liberation than siddhis are. From my experience, it can help quite a bit to grok a God-Realization or No-Self if your ego has actually been shown through sober direct experience to be capable of literally doing shit mainstream materialism and even mainstream religion or spirituality really don’t think can actually be done in their heart of hearts. I would seem to think the first time Jesus walked on water it probably increased the chance of continuing or growing in God-Realization rather than lowering it. Siddhis are a distraction is a cop out spewed by people who can’t actually do the highest level shit (usually they can’t do anything), have no faith in God or themselves as God, and are probably closet materialists. I want to do three things with this thread. 1. Offer my experiences with how I developed clairsentience (my greatest inherent psychic strength) and clairvoyance and claircognizance to lesser degrees. I experienced clairsentience the first time in 1st or 2nd grade. I had no idea what it was, and it was a only momentary glance. You might have already felt the baby stages for this plenty of times and thought it’s a normal feeling when in fact it’s quite rare. When I say offer my experiences, this can happen on the forum of course as people show engagement, but if that was my goal I would just post in the other thread I’ve made related to this. This thread is more fishing to see who, if anyone, is willing to get serious in trying to further this psychic development and orienting to the truth of our potential with me. Ideally, this would expand beyond text conversations on forums to be most effective. Only someone who is serious about this is right for that extension. I’m fine to teach all I know and have experienced and help guide based on that for free without much of a limit or cap as long as you are engaged enough with the process of discovery. Ultimately I will be learning quite a lot from the process of working with you, so it’s quite rewarding for me. clairsentience - you feel things most others don’t. This is essentially a form of “telepathy” although it’s a transferring of emotions, sensations, and “energies” rather than ideas or images. clairvoyance - you see things people don’t (visions of events or seeing different entities) claircognizance - you know things beyond what you’ve actually experienced before and have read/learned/etc. Some link this to intuition which is certainly closely related. This advice could certainly help someone who is capable to develop other abilities I haven’t. It does seem that most people have a specific gift rather than being equally capable in multiple senses or abilities. Sharing what worked for me to develop clairsentience might open your path to developing clairaudience (hearing messages or getting them in your “mind’s ear”) which I have no ability in whatsoever it seems at least for now. 2. Speak with others who have experienced psychic abilities or who have other fringe experiences such as sober contact with entities for one example. The purpose of this is for us to grow our abilities and knowledge together. 3. Answer genuine questions about psychic phenomena for anyone with enough openness to gain from the message. This is great for people who might not care to develop any abilities but are more curious about how things work. This isn’t the main focus of my journey in some ways, but it’s becoming increasingly more important to me. I came in seeking Liberation, and I found intermittent tastes of Liberation but also these unexpected abilities. I’ve been shown capabilities of the human system throughout many different experiences (mostly completely sober) that could revolutionize humanity. For example, it is completely possible to give, share, or transmute emotions that people can entirely sense as if it were their own emotion. The implications of this tiny sliver of what is actually possible should not be underestimated. If you happened to be rather gifted in this domain and worked hard to develop it, you could literally go into a child cancer ward and transfer the emotional experience had during an awakening to them as a treatment or gift. I can guarantee that this type of thing is real and can be done. I have done smaller scale, less intentional versions of this multiple times. It’s possible I’m overestimating the capability of a single individual with this example, but this is only possible if I’m literally a God-tier clairsentient after only really tapping into it less than 8 months ago with no training other than some minor suggestions from another clairsentient. I’d love to stroke my ego that hard, but even my ego is not confident enough to stoke itself to the beat of that drum lol. I’m sure there are people out there with mastery of this. Being in the presence of other psychics amplifies my abilities significantly. This would make the more extreme example given above seem possible right now without further training if I had the most developed clairsentient I’ve met with me. How likely it is to do it that easy? I can’t say. As more competent psychics are added to the endeavor, I see the probability continuing to go up and up. One of the biggest issues with this isn’t having the “strength” of ability to do it, but rather consciously controlling it to your will is quite finicky. It’s like trying to convince a scared cat to let you pet it. Just the right thought catalyst to trigger a useful emotion is needed. Maybe only certain people can receive these transmissions though. Maybe only 1/10 people are prepared to receive. Maybe everyone can. I’m not 100% on details yet. I’m a complete noob at this compared to the potential I’m seeing. Having a decent grasp of this has only come in the past 2-3 months. With less than 8 months of being “activated” and already seeing a ton of growth, I’m positive this can go much further. This isn’t easy to develop obviously though, and I’m not sure if it’s realistically accessible to .1% or 99.9% of humans. It could be something that everyone could do with proper training, or it could require some natural talent. I have so far verified about 9 people who experience clairsentience or a version of it in the past 7-8 months of really having these abilities start to come online for me. Only one of them experiences anything close to what I do, and it seems from talking with her mine are still stronger. All of these 9 people were intensely spiritual or religious. I was able to transmute emotions on a couple occasions with seemingly secular strangers which may or may not mean they have an affinity for this. I think those two cases are more pointing to the ability to initiate this type of communication in those without much ability or spiritual training that would bring it out more thus bringing me closer to a “everybody can receive” hypothesis. People with high emotional sensitivity (by high I mean it has derailed your life significantly at some point because you were far too sensitive for normal human culture and life) and those labeled with mental illnesses seem to be a bit more likely of developing this stuff to a high degree. Three of the nine people I’ve verified to have a connection to clairsentience clearly fit this description, and I don’t know enough of the others to clearly say yes or no to these criteria being present in them. These three of the nine were more developed than if you averaged out the abilities of all nine. Here’s a thread I made with a lot of the back story and further details. You will not be open to everything described. Some part will surely trigger skepticism in you. Just know that everything described happened to me. These are real experiences. My conclusions could be wrong. But the fact remains that I experienced things beyond any notion of possibility I could’ve conceived.
  15. I’ve had experiences which made me seriously consider if this had happened to me. It’s like I’ve shifted into a parallel reality (which is probably a better way of saying another dimensional earth btw). Aaron Doughty, the popular new-age Youtuber, describes a time when he was supposedly about to crash into a large semi or similar type vehicle on the highway before he was basically teleported back like 15 ft where he was completely safe. He describes it as a parallel reality shift. My most radical one happened when I drove east for three hours while my GPS was completely glitching out. When I turned the GPS back on, I was in what appeared to be the exact same place as I was three hours before when the GPS stopped working.
  16. Maybe it’s not authentic for you to be that way, but it might be for him. At the end of the day, Leo is incredibly kind to us on the forum. He takes tons of time where he could be with friends or romantic partners or making sure he’s keeping up on his rectally-administered personal development vitamins to bring deeper understanding to himself which seems to be his favored prize of life. He could just have Mods do everything, but he’s posted nearly 30,000 times here. Even the shitty comments were him trying to direct someone to a conclusion he thought was best for themselves and society. The more outright stupid and devilish the shit you’re saying, the more you tend to see firmer responses from him. He seems to be bringing a masculine backbone to teaching spirituality which is usually incredibly dormant in others. Honestly I’d consider Teal Swan to have stronger masculine energy than most enlightened gurus. The eastern traditions have a lot of worship of passivity and see it probably overemphasized to a detrimental degree. Spirituality is not about fitting some mold. This is precisely the kind of thinking dogmatic religions showcase. Also, ego can certainly be authentic and healthy. For me it’s completely inauthentic to act as Leo does, but a lot of this is a difference in personality and likely early childhood.
  17. I don’t think this was much of a case of depression or suffering based on what I’ve seen. If it was a case of mental health issues or you’re going to read it that way, disregard this post. The real danger here was intense optimism. He saw everything in the way it could go right rather than how it could go wrong. I literally heard the same words said to me by my much older atheistic friend when he was referring to how I kept experiencing mental health issues due to my intense spiritual practices. I see this sad event like he was a passionate astronaut thinking that using 100% of his fuel to continue exploring twice as far rather than returning home is worth it because the prize of discovery and adventure is that important to him. Is it foolish? It depends on what you value. We don’t consider deaths on Mt. Everest suicide. Climbing up a mountain seems like a much more foolish thing to die for than what he was envisioning if he’s even 1% correct in his projections. Jesus could’ve toned it down and lived. Yet we cherish him for facing death for his cause. Many other mystics experienced similar fates at their own choice through the hands of others. Your mention of Braveheart comes to mind as a more secular example. Our problem with this whole issue is we disagree with how Sunny placed his values into a hierarchy and was willing to take a gigantic gamble for something we personally wouldn’t — at least not in the same way or degree. This whole thread is filled with a stench. And that is the stench of mostly politely concealed judgment and arrogance. So many are looking down at him while giving earnest condolences. Foolish, stupid, overzealous, reckless, inconsiderate, selfish, immoral, the list goes on. Whether held mostly subconsciously or with true intention, many of you had one of these words or a synonym in mind when thinking of his decision and maybe even him. Remember him how you see fit. I’ll remember him as a true devotee with more courage than I. RIP to my brother who I hardly knew ❤️. The Holy Spirit already showed me you’re still here. I only wish his family could receive this confirmation rather than me.
  18. Lmao.. here are my rough notes I was going to use to make a post/video that I wrote today Direct Experience is NOT reliable Clarify that any conclusions are unreliable. The experience itself is perfectly fine. As soon as you add labels, you’re almost guaranteed to miss something. I.E. Leo says you’re God and 5-MeO will take you there. You try 5-MeO while being both consciously and subconsciously primed to have an awakening that you are God. ??? I’M GOD!!!! This isn’t reliable just because the insight can be reproduced. If Christians didn’t have a stigma on psychedelics, you could teach them for a few years that Jesus can be accessed directly through intense prayer and taking psychedelics. Do you think the instances of seeing Jesus on psychedelics would be higher or lower in this crowd compared to the general population? Psychedelics can easily be used for mind control, brainwashing, and misinformation. They make the mind malleable. This is why it’s so important to work against making this stuff an ideology.
  19. That was beautiful and resonates with me. I only wish he paid attention to what he said about not needing to rush things and to enjoy the ride...
  20. I brought it up just a few posts before this lol. It’s a great example of this parable in action.
  21. Wow, that is really sad. I’m sorry for your loss man. My inbox is open if you need anyone to talk to.
  22. If it were the exact same, this thread wouldn’t exist. Frank is a blind person enamored with the elephant’s trunk while Leo is a blind person enamored with the elephant’s tail. Yeah, it’s all the elephant, but this is an Infinite elephant we’re talking about ?
  23. Frank has gone further with No Self than Leo. Leo has gone further with God Realization than Frank. They both are naturally attached to the effectiveness of their school because it’s what worked best for them. Each seems to have experienced a more shallow version of the “opposing” school than the other person has. This is a good lesson on bias and how different people respond to different methods.
  24. If you woke up from a dream where I wrote your exact response back to you on this same forum, would this be proof that my dream avatar had a conscious experience? Do you think that ALL dream characters you experience at night who can use language and handle complex ideas have their own experience? I’m not saying this because I’m certain there’s no difference between a dream character and a waking reality human. I’m saying this simply to show that you’ve likely experienced a being capable of the things you claim are reliable markers of a being possessing awareness which you still regarded as not being aware. I certainly believe that other beings are conscious as I go about my daily life. My main point is that it is literally impossible to verify another awareness. As soon as it’s verified, it’s your awareness. As soon as it’s not in present direct experience, you can’t be certain it’s still going on behind the scenes.