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Everything posted by BipolarGrowth

  1. I had an awakening while on a low dose of THC the other day while I was getting a haircut. My consciousness became so intense that functions of my body were affected. It was a nauseating level of consciousness. My vision became blurred, my ability to hear was dampened by the sound of static, and my motor functioning was significantly diminished and clumsy. They luckily had a couch in the salon I was in. I laid down on the couch and was finally able to stop resisting the awakening, and everything became blissful. This stuff is very serious even with THC when you become awakened.
  2. A lot can be learned from videos like these. Simply listening to content like this for 30 minutes a day and reading a book or two on residential real estate investing is enough to start. I had the advantage of also working in the industry at a property management company which showed me some of the ropes, but you will not learn until you actually start DOING — it should be your goal to immediately start saving and figuring out a way to buy. The biggest mistake is never getting started. Then 10 years from now when I’m financially free for investing just $20k when I was 22 you might be stuck in a similar financial position as you are now. Even if it isn’t real estate, please do yourself the favor of figuring a way out of wage slavery. My strategy is the same as is described in the video except I buy the property outright at auction and get a mortgage after renovation is finished and the property has been rented basically at the refinance stage in the typical BRRRR strategy he describes in the video.
  3. We’re way beyond superhuman here.
  4. Buying and renting is the most fail proof approach. I buy properties at a county (local government) auction which is a collection of properties which have unpaid property taxes. These are usually in rough shape but are extremely cheap. Do a full renovation. Rent it out. Then get a mortgage on the property. Then repeat the process. Investing out of country can be done, but you have a big advantage to invest where you live or nearby if it is at all feasible for you to start there.
  5. Well for me it’s been like that first truly lucid and absolute glance upon all of existence where the ego completely vanishes under all ability of detection has left an imprint which allows me to actually no longer identify with an ego because I see right through the illusion.
  6. But you can have an awakening so deep that it is gone compared to the way that it used to be. That’s when an instant insight could make a lasting difference. I’m uploading a video right now of my No Self awakening which made me never fall for the ego again.
  7. The scene is at 1:24:16. The movie is called My Scientology Movie and is free on YouTube.
  8. But really everyone should have a VPN by now, so you could watch it that way...
  9. It’s not blocked. It’s an age-restricted movie. You should be able to click to watch it on the YouTube app or website. It just doesn’t allow for external playback. You can search the title of the movie if that doesn’t work. Unless you’re in a different country. This might be why it’s blocked for you.
  10. Would those activities have benefited your life in the past? They will still benefit you after achieving significant levels of God Consciousness and God Realization. If the Love experienced while holding your newborn baby’s little hand for the first time with your wife decreases due to this work, you’ve made a crucial error in misunderstanding. Life is God’s greatest gift to itself! Live the life now that you are free in thanks to True Self Knowledge. You will not find a better existence for awakening than human life right now if you have good karma/luck. The balance between life struggles and the ability to awaken is exquisite currently. You can take consciousness in any direction when using the human vessel as your cosmic space suit, but it does not lose value because it’s still a difficult experience with plenty of suffering. Higher civilizations are not the answer as awakening does begin to lose value and even potential for occurrence if there is not enough suffering. After God Realization, it’s time to live a high consciousness life. You still continue to work on spirituality or some form of development, but it’s also now about finding a way to bring what you’ve experienced subjectively into more people’s experience. It’s not about just teaching spirituality to do that. Being truly high conscious will brighten the world on its own.
  11. It’s not as simple as ego running our lives. You have to understand that almost any enlightened person you find will still talk, feel emotions, etc. The difference is that after sufficient awakening you know that the ego is nowhere to be found. The ego becomes a part of an automatic nervous system and automatic process of non-thinking (no mind in Zen). It still happens in much the same way as before awakening, but now it takes no effort to perform the ego, and there is also no resistance to it.
  12. Good luck. I experience so many reality-shattering awakenings now that the Truth is pretty much unquestionable now. It’s all becoming unified.
  13. You can talk nondual shit all day and be awakened or you could be awakened and successful too. The whole reason I’m doing this though is so my consciousness work and YouTube channel can be my full-time activities without needing to control my speech due to an employer or being pushed around by money. I also want to explore my psychic and healing abilities as I think they are my true higher purpose possibly.
  14. Listen to this on 2-3g of penis envy while peaking. That’s my exercise suggestion ?
  15. This is very true. Get professional help. You can talk to people with the disorder though too. But your knowledge should be geared toward harm reduction for them not controlling someone’s life to make them heal or actualize... I’ve tried that so many times. It doesn’t work. Let them pull themselves up, and be there to help in ways you know how to like this guy said. You don’t have to be some mastermind psychologist for her. Just helping with laundry, or complimenting her when she tries something new with her make up... there are so many simple but meaningful ways to support someone.
  16. I was doing it, and it was actually working. Then I saw you say jeopardy theme song, and I died ? Is that an integral part??
  17. It depends on what kind of market you are in. Even with these risks, we’re talking about one of the safest investments which still has potential for quick growth. My market is ridiculous. It’s not some place you see your property value double, but the margin between rents and costs can be quite high. It’s also one of the best states for landlords. Evictions don’t take long. You could always invest here, but my plan is to expand to an apartment complex. It has enough profit to completely pay for management easily in plenty of places in the country.
  18. +1 A tip when posting if you want to be more successful with this — you can use words like Existence or Totality of Existence in place of God or Truth in place of God or many other variations. Be creative with how you present things. “I am God” with no context is just going to trigger people and make them think you’re crazy. You have to be smart with how you present things if you want them to have any positive effect on those listening. Account for some common biases, etc.
  19. Your radical spiritual Truths will likely have a small effect on helping people to awaken on your Facebook. Bottom line — it’s your social media. You want to express yourself. I say just fucking do it. You can hide your true self from your social media if you want, but this only adds to the esotericism, stigma, etc. If you’re doing covert-ops nonduality practice and no one knows that it’s one of your main passions, it just seems like a double loss. They don’t see the true you, you don’t express yourself, and they have less of a chance of being exposed to Truth which their soul is certainly searching for at some level. You might plant the seed in someone’s mind which leads them to dig deeper and discover themselves as Infinity, Love, etc. I used to post to Facebook 40 times a day during manic episodes in straight up Connor Murphy fashion. You know what that did? The people who didn’t matter much in my life are gone (and that includes some old close friends who weren’t right for me and I was no longer right for them), and now I have people who truly support me as who I spend my time talking to. You can dance perfectly for fake people who could give a rat’s ass about yourself by hiding what you want to post and who you are, or you could just express yourself as you wish. I know what I prefer.
  20. There’s nothing wrong with it, but it probably will do nothing but repulse 90% of people and bring the 10% of spiritual people on your Facebook closer to you. If you’re in it for popularity, stop. If you’re in it to increase the chance you get to meet like-minded people in your area, it’s not bad, but remember even the most spiritual people will likely disagree with much of what you believe as it’s far too radical. Such posting is likely not dangerous to anyone’s health as no one probably takes your word seriously enough (no offense, same goes for me) to harm themselves off of some nondual Facebook posts you put up.
  21. Emotions are at their core information. They are sending a message. When you feel worthless, depressed, or otherwise “bad,” this is not because you ARE those things necessarily. This is like saying you are pain or you are the taste of chocolate ice cream. You are something which is related to these sensations and experiences, but there’s also an aspect of you which is untouched. One might call this awareness, the witness, Self, etc. Any discomfort, depression, or anything else experienced right now is guaranteed to change. You will find yourself experiencing the greatness of life many times as things go on. Try to think back to these depressed or otherwise undesirable moments when you find yourself doing well again. It’s at that vantage point in which you can truly taste the irony and beauty created by these emotional lows. The bitter exists in order to sweeten the batch. Every ounce of suffering was strategically placed for maximum meaning, beauty, Love, etc. It makes awakening that much more powerful and meaningful.
  22. Yeah the pissing contests will likely go on here as long as the forum exists. This thread and my posts are just all about trying to help us be a little more aware of when we’re pissing and to try to piss less in the forum ? I know you’re not targeting that. I was just adding some more distinction between the two.
  23. You seem to get what I’m saying. Some people seem to misunderstand me. I’m saying that, when someone says “I ate a sandwich” in the context of a post where someone is clearly using understanding which would indicate they know the difference between ego self and Self, it is usually of almost no value to say “hehe, but who is this I who made a sandwich?” That is an example of an abuse of clarification in my opinion. Not all cases where people here point to the “I” are like this. Many are actually useful, but many of them are also condescending, unnecessary, and look to me like some type of philosophical jiu jitsu move to outwit the other person which is way overused and stinks of unhealthy ego. But as I said there are many cases where words are not used as they are commonly understood. These cases would see an overall improvement if the people using a personalized definition would take the time to at least give a brief idea as to how their individual definition which is being used differs from how it might commonly be read. Semantics are very important in this work. We all could communicate more effectively in this domain. The ability to have someone understand what you mean when talking about complex or deep topics is a type of spiritual skill on its own.