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Everything posted by BipolarGrowth

  1. This is true, and I think a lot of people aren’t ready for high dose experiences. They are overkill a lot of the time anyway. Safer and more gradual work will be plenty effective if done right. Still, there is an existential itch which is kind of intrinsic to seeking to experience the greatest of the greatest. I will say to be extra careful with any high doses with substances which give you energy or make you active. For me, this is LSD. There aren’t too many instances where I can think of someone in the state I was in on my high dose LSD experience being able to operate in a consequence-free way. Maybe if they were in a field of foam and pillows where they could run free... lol. If anyone here is going to take the risk of a stronger psychedelic experience, I’d suggest picking something with a very low toxicity. Shrooms are not bad for this, but they can be a challenging substance for many people at these kind of doses. If someone isn’t experienced at grounding themselves in the present moment and handling extreme levels of both negative and positive stimulation, a high dose could be pretty traumatic. Especially if there’s no awareness of spiritual/nondual maps to help make sense of certain experiences.
  2. High dose trips are like a Russian roulette game. You don’t know how much it will affect. If you can properly integrate everything, it will be well worth it IMO, but as I said in the previous post, I feel like finding more consistent methods is really important. You want to be able to live it (the awakening) in life too. For example, if I spend 5 seconds meditating currently, I can experience a large shift in consciousness. I wasn’t able to do things like this so consistently until just recently, but all of my psychedelic experiences were valuable and getting me to where I am now which I am so thankful for. I have shrooms and have considered tripping, but I don’t really see the point currently. I’m still having heroic-dose intensity level experiences very commonly with just a legal form of THC which is kind of hilarious to me to think about.
  3. My signature if you want to check out my experience w/ an LSD “heroic dose.” I’ve never done more than 6g of dried shrooms. I know someone who has taken maybe 10g or 20g or more at once. He described it as an amazing experience. My highest dose experiences with the classical psychedelics proved to be risky. They gave a lot of growth, but I paid a hefty price each time. I think the highest purpose of using strong psychedelics is so that you can unlock your natural abilities and control over conscious states and get transcendent experiences on lower impact substances like THC. This is where I’ve seen the best healthy growth for myself by far. Experiencing daily awakening experiences for months in a safe and grounded manner. I don’t think that can be sustained as long with serotonergic psychedelics. They are too taxing. I can do all of this with work and responsibilities the whole day. I’m in a state of spiritual flow with my life that is fantastic. Whether this is “full enlightenment” or “fully God-Realized” doesn’t matter anymore. I’ve transcended everything so many times at so many different angles in so many impossible ways. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have been given this exact karma and life conditions, etc. My life has just been too unbelievably amazing...
  4. @Eternal Unity Clairsentience is one of the main psychic senses. It is the ability to feel emotions and sensations which normal people can’t. It’s more common than people realize, but most people kinda suck at it lol. I realized that two rather unique “spiritual sensations” I’ve had since I was a kid were actually related to psychic abilities, siddhis, awakening my angelic body, chakras, Liberation, etc. It’s such a crazy thing to explore if you have a natural talent for it. The other psychic abilities are great too, but this is my main specialty.
  5. Where is the best place in the world to live for becoming enlightened?
  6. If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or you can send me a PM. Plenty of us have had stuff like this happen and can explain some things if you’re curious how this works.
  7. It’s a Godlike quality if you’re giving God defined characteristics which you might otherwise call ego. But people here are so simplistic and tiny. They don’t realize the divinity of ego. Ego is literally everything you know and love. Your desire to help people, develop yourself, connect with God, or anything else is ego. The beauty is that you have control to work with your own ego to bring Existence to a higher level of meaning. Meaning does not exist without an ego. It would be amazing to create a world with more Light, but it takes a serious development of ego at an individual level to make this a reality. You have to spiritualize the ego to bring it to its most potent divine creative abilities. Have you noticed since you discovered spirituality your life has produced more and more events, experiences, and evidence for things beyond typical human understanding of physics or the hard sciences? It sure has happened that way in my life. The more you trust these new threads of information, you start to find that some are legitimate and can be directly experienced. I’ve currently been working with a specific Angel as a guide and developing my psychic abilities — namely clairsentience. I want to develop my supernatural abilities and ability to naturally produce radical states of consciousness and connection with God. This path is going quite well right now for me. There is no shame in developing a better avatar for your personalized journey through God. Have fun with it. Learn. Explore. Grow. People here are falling in love with deconstruction as a type of contemplation or spiritual practice. Buddhism and other nondual teachings talk forever about attachments and getting rid of them. I’m realizing that better reconstruction and developing of healthier attachments is the better way to live life than to only seek to break things down. I see it as destroying what limits your mind and then you are free to use that liberated mind to begin a creation process for the type of experiences you wish to have. People don’t get that you can rest as No-Self the entire time all of this egoic activity is going on. You are aloof from it. It is only a tool of yours as awareness for producing a storyline and interesting experience.
  8. You can have kundalini awakenings from no practice at all. Listening to Leo’s videos and meditating isn’t much of an accidental situation. You are lining yourself up for exactly this kind of stuff.
  9. I’ve heard of some artists doing very well with NFTs. Maybe it’s temporary hype, but that still has been a quick and easy dollar for those wishing to capitalize on such situations.
  10. From egoic consciousness it seems perfectly obvious. Notice I asked you about dream characters before. Do you think a dream character which can act identical to a person in the waking state has consciousness?
  11. You cannot be certain if there is another conscious present moment experience bubble of sensations like your own. Anything you experience with that consciousness is experienced within your own awareness. Even if you experienced another person as being conscious, this is not proof for someone else’s consciousness. This is proof that your consciousness can produce an experience which makes it seem like there is more than just you. I am not saying that only you are conscious. I’m saying that you can never know if that is a true statement. It is a Shrödinger’s cat situation in which you have no way to ever open the box.
  12. I think this perspective holds key advantages over how I and many forum users have considered ego death in the past. It’s not 100% correct from a technical understanding of No Self possibly, but it still seems like valuable nuance to keep in mind.
  13. No one here that I’ve ever seen has advocated for suicide. Leo has talked about death in a much less frightening and even pleasant way. This is common in plenty of other popular spiritual teachings. This helps people to lose fear and anxiety of death that eats away at their ability to live, but they can think of death as some shortcut too. This is not what Leo or anyone here is promoting. We ultimately understand death in a less confrontational way than materialists which allows us to speak more freely of it and with a less negative air, but I still don’t think even the most extreme person who visits here with any frequency would really want someone to intentionally end their life in the case of suicide. Mahasamadhi is not the exact same, but it isn’t really healthy to focus on that here. No one here is at that level of development to be able to make a conscious choice to spiritually leave the body. Leo explicitly said anyone who is that developed has no place on the forum essentially — at least it’s certain this applies to anyone wanting to teach it or promote it.
  14. I often use words differently as well. Most of the maps of meaning I work with are far outside the scope of the average non dual spiritual seeker here. It’s always a challenge to present things as they may best be heard by people who have different understanding of things.
  15. As true as this may be, you have to appreciate how different this is from what many point to when using the word. Thanks for taking the time to clarify. I think you’ve used the pointer well.
  16. I would suggest reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. This should help with your situation in general. Once you have a good understanding of that or if you already currently do, you can try to use your physical pain as a portal, per say, into the present moment. If you focus enough on such an intense sensation, it will fill your focus. You will be present if you do not allow yourself to use distraction techniques to change your focus from the painful sensation. This is the nature of pain. It is hard to ignore. So now, your whole present moment experience is filled with pain. If you stopped there, it would feel like a failure. Next, you need to use his techniques and suggestions to bring yourself away from judgment of that sensation. As soon as you can sit with your pain without judging or even labeling it as pain or negative, this will give you a tool to help handle these hard times.
  17. Yeah, of course. I’m just seeing if anyone who found a few unusually beneficial techniques might be able to share some guidance. I’ve spent a good amount of time looking around about this stuff in the past.
  18. Define Reality for us. Not being a dick — this is important for us to get your message. You’re using the word Reality in a unique way, so a more specified connotation would be helpful.
  19. Nice! There’s no need for drugs if you’d rather not use that tool. But keep in mind that none of this was “natural” or even exactly “endogenous.” nat·u·ral /ˈnaCH(ə)rəl/ existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind. Books are not natural. Human speech is not natural. Meditation is not natural.
  20. There is no way to know. I explain different life experiences by asking you to explain why dream characters in your night’s sleep get to act like intelligent humans and you consider them to have no consciousness of their own.
  21. In the short term: I would suggest that you learn to incorporate less details into lies. The more information you give, the more chances for a mistake to be caught. Beyond that, the best thing to do is to just start being honest. Now. Or as early as possible. And maintain that honesty unless full honesty would put yourself or someone in actual danger. You have to build the muscle of saying honest shit you’d rather not. The more you use it, the easier it gets.
  22. Present Moment Experience. The end. But to be more detailed and fulfill your request for a conceptual answer, I think that it is impossible to know this for certain. My best guess is that God is living my POV completely alone, and this applies to you as well if you are having an experience. There is nothing else which is not contained within this moment. Your conscious experience, if it is there, does not occur at the same “time” as mine per say. Beyond even that, I am not conscious any more than you are because I am not conscious. Consciousness is what envelops all beings. That is what I am. I am not conscious — consciousness is me. “Before Abraham was, I am.” -Jesus Christ