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Everything posted by BipolarGrowth

  1. I like your intuition here. The religious stuff seems off after “non-experiencing” cessation multiple times. After listening to this in my hotel room, every single moment feels full of cessations. In the light white-noise in my ears, it feels as if there are a nearly infinite amount of micro-cessations in between each separate audible sensation. What the fuck. How can I fall asleep after this lol...
  2. The0Self ?? Nothing more needs to be expressed to you. Very helpful. The older texts do read as if this is some end, but an end requires a beginning which cannot be found.
  3. Shrooms gave me a good orange life crisis lol. Everything was pushed to green/yellow rather quickly. It made me see beyond the limitations of the meaningless money-focused drive I had into something more soul fulfilling.
  4. All I know is after tasting Nibbana without a tongue I’m really feeling pushed to live life to its fullest. The previous fears that kept me clinching to be small in life (I need this job, etc.) are evaporating to push me to live as if this is my last crescendo.
  5. Both are true. Materialists seem to forget that nonexistence births existence forever within their own system if you follow things back far enough. Yin and yang. Consciousness and Nibbana. The Tao forged within Nibbana permeates everything. It’s really all just the same thing. Edit: There is no time in nonexistence/Nibbana.
  6. I feel like anyone actually at tier 2 can be entertained by nearly anything. That’s kind of a perk of systems thinking. Combine sufficient understanding of any tier one category and another and you’re already in the territory of infinite interactions. I like to watch this guy’s stuff on stage orange medicine.
  7. Death is about as imaginary as deep sleep. You can talk about it, but good luck ever being it. To be at all is to be “alive.”
  8. All risks were my own doing and are not meant to encourage any kind of extreme seeking. I first came to this content feeling under-stimulated intellectually. I was also in the middle of a quest of spiritual exploration. I can now say I’ve acquired what I’ve always wanted. It was a lot closer than I thought! It was all in me. The ability to raise my consciousness to discover any of my childhood ontological questions. Arahant... from my NS experience might be a fitting title. But the truth is, what I am is far beyond any imaginable boundaries. I’ve become infinite. I’ve become death. But most importantly, in the operation of my character, I’ve become 0. Going along with its fantasies around a human life. It’s fun to see things from the Captain’s Chair for once ? I can’t believe how personal this work is. It’s on YOUR ego. It’s your journey. And no one else’s. No one else can really say where you’re at than an honest view of yourself. From aliens, to ghosts, to psychic powers, to contact with deities, to become deities, to inter dimensional beings, to aliens, to jumping realities, buddhist enlightenment & nibbana(“I” have tasted nibbana many times in just weeks, and Lucifer, angels, energetic halos, healing people accidentally, interfering with electronics with kundalini, the list goes on.... holy fuck. I thank whatever God is responsible for this karma. Sure I’ve paid ridiculous prices here no one here knows of ($100k maybe, physically dangerous at times as well, not to mention the psychological costs of entry, and some things even worse). But I’ve finally come to learn to avoid suffering. It’s so natural. Let the ego do it’s work and just be conscious. It’s all you ever could do. Now you just don’t resist it. Use the 3 characteristics to dissolve any painful sensations or thoughts. The Dharma is your weapon. Learn how to properly wield it. This video is guaranteed to change your life.
  9. There’s no such thing as a most absolute level... it’s all relative
  10. @RMQualtrough You’ve gotta point out some important posts here if you want my feedback. I can’t go through reading all of this currently.
  11. Everybody having their own ideas of what my identity should be based on my past and the western medical view has become suffocating to my soul. I’ll be living with one of my best friends and his family who I’ve met and visited with before. What I’ve learned: If you feel trapped, maybe you should listen to your heart and free yourself.
  12. Awakening is a simple as drying into your authentic self every moment by trusting your heart to guide you. IMO. Whether it takes a NDE/NS crashing into a tree at 60-80 mph head on to find that out depends, but your journey is likely to be much less high stakes.
  13. @RMQualtrough Wrecked cars, psych ward medical fees not covered by predatory insurance companies, lost reputation, business relationships changing, giving thousands to the homeless, random people, or coworkers in need. Frivolous spending when you realize money is just a tool.
  14. Shameless plug of a high use of language The Most Enlightened Video Ever
  15. Not a single one of us here is ready for the full love... beyond words I love you guys. Thanks for being part of such an unimaginable journey with me. All defenses have been eradicated by the Love ❤️
  16. If I wanted to believe it was him even in a different body with a different mind and he was full Russian instead of a mixed breed, it would still be the Truth within my subjective experience if I believed it to the degree of any other convincing illusion. Meaning + imagination + illogical faith = a change in subject reality which reflects that which is fantasized.
  17. Then what makes you anything but a reincarnation of Shiva? Your belief surrounding it. I had to accept that I was an incarnation of this being and then surrender my entire Being to the guidance of this being while encompassed in crown chakra bliss (I prefer Holy Spirit as a term for this, but it’s not very active here) to experience my deepest awakening. I gave the most intense form of Bhakti in that moment.
  18. Bipolar disorder is a genetic catalyst for enlightenment, if used properly, which is incredibly hard to do. I can say that much from experience. A bipolar person with a weak orange or lower foundation who is missing a strong family, friend, & coworker support system is possibly better off to avoid spirituality for some time unless they are ready to kill themselves in which case a formless insight producing treatment (psychedelics are the go-to of course) might be all that keeps them alive. I can’t say much for the rest, but karma determines everything.
  19. If you’re not 100% certain you’re 3rd path or higher, just sit down man. When I talk to Frank Yang now about NS, we understand each other quite well. He’s never made one claim against my claim of attainment and has actually done much more to the opposite effect. I thought Frank was exaggerating or just wrong and deluded about the power of psychedelics. Then I attained NS, twice in a row within the span of two minutes... I’m probably not an Arahant yet by the TB definition.