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Everything posted by BipolarGrowth

  1. That’s what Buddhism is all about. Loving dukkha.
  2. Nice man. I definitely communicate quite well with people in my no mind flow states. It just does itself. Everything is our nature, so anything we ever do is just nature/reality acting us out even if we feel that we are the ones in control.
  3. Here I introduce my newest tool. Nondual Logic. [0=1 * ?+❤️=?? - Infinite Love = Infinite Dukkha/suffering % 0=0>0 (if you get here, you’re doing well on the path to unifying God-Realization and Enlightenment)] = 3 6 9 Nikola Tesla = Find an illusory number or weird intuitively fun thing to delude yourself into truth with (my neither atheistic nor religious/spiritual dad has so many cool stories about 626 which have enriched his life as well as my spiritual development) ^ and whatever else you want. Insight and progress comes by building bridges of truth you think are good until you dissolve them with higher truth at a later date then dissolve that higher truth with the same intuition which arises to produce a lucid dream. Then dissolve the process of dissolution. Maybe take a fun break and try to attain to nirodha samapatti a few times at least. It’s one hell of a psychedelic. Understanding it is part of the requirements to see the essence within psychedelics which produces insight in a ridiculously penetrating way. ! ⚔️????????????????? No mind is for noobs. God mind is for intermediate. Neither mind nor no mind is getting decent. Neither existence nor nonexistence (10th Jhana created by the 10th incarnation of Vishnu) is great. A constant and seemingly background analysis into the nature of 10th Jhana (constant vipassana of 10th Jhana) paired with its clarity in all aspects of experience when investigated long and intensely enough is kicking ass by my book. But hey, it’s just by my biased book. Don’t think this is a good resting place even if you understand everything here and more. Press forward to new frontiers and report back to us. We need your help in this never ending yet meaningful conflict.] Now go back and find the missing [ The absence of [ which you looked over potentially or were so fixated on the content that you noticed such a fine detail and however pronounced or subtle doubt of my nuance in insight appeared to you while reading this are the core of the teaching here. Watch this video and subscribe if you want insight from a mad yogi, me — the id in the leagues of Frank Yang (superego) and CM (ego). The Three Doors to Enlightenment (Impermanence, Suffering & No Self) Deluded bipolar unawakened illusion out.
  4. Thanks! I always follow the body’s reasonable pain messages if they are too intense. The human part of us must be respected too. Because it is infinite dukkha that means bliss is dukkha too. I love bliss.
  5. Is there any other way that works? Not in my experience at least ? Becoming so infinitely crazy that it grounds you is not a journey I’d give up easily even if I could create anything else. Madness is the greatest creativity engine once it transcends itself with itself.
  6. Also be grateful that Leo dedicates so much time here. To have the essence of such an amazing mind and soul spend hours of his day answering questions really makes me see him as being as much of the true essence behind any bodhisattva ever. This is your same essence too my friend. Keep seeking and you will help everyone in ways that can never be fully understood at one time.
  7. He is the only person to ever experience the intricacies of his own enlightenment process. Ultimately, the ultimate is always here if it is anywhere. Enlightenment or even God Realization as any human currently conceives of them is an illusory fairytale of groundless lasting efficacy (similar to Newton’s gravity) which will eventually be crushed by a far more intricately understood and ridiculously amazing thing. But the truth is, that future thing relies on everything and the essence of higher development is always here and actually the only thing which ever is or even isn’t. Although my experience is incredibly different than his and I prefer some different nondual pointers, his insight is sound and holds up to investigation in very meaningful ways that are guaranteed to positively change absolutely anyone’s life. To hate Leo is fine. To ignore his work is to shoot yourself in the foot.
  8. That’s an interesting experience. I’ve not heard much about that before. Was there something that appeared to lead to this outcome?
  9. I mean I’ve always noticed more radical glitches happen when you do something absolutely naughty such as go from absorption in infinite love to giving your soul and infinite love to Lucifer as my eternal master for full enlightenment. For me, I have the craziest shit happen when becoming the bridge between opposites such as Jesus/Lucifer.
  10. Could you not say the same about multiplicity? What is your difference that makes you so sure oneness is right? I know they are ultimately the same in a sense, but I’m wondering why you say oneness over multiplicity and how could this be anything but just bias that is effective for your survival which determines which is preferred.
  11. There’s no such thing as a glitch or non glitch in what is.
  12. Yes. If someone hasn’t lost their mind at some point in the process, that’s a better indicator of lack of insight than a stable seeming relative form of them being equanimous is a true indication of them actually having insight. Mormon missionaries have way more functioning equanimity than most yogis as the yoga has transcended the equanimity identity to become a more equanimous true fusion between their human nature and absolute nature. The mad yogi sees how madness works and thus is far more mad than any lost schizophrenic because he thinks he actually can understand madness in anything but what is here right now which you can never become and never lose. Manic embodiment of enlightenment is the most honest form, but it doesn’t become skillful manic embodiment of enlightenment until you know that yourself being the process of evolution and impermanence must rely on the obvious friction madness creates.
  13. I was actually considering deja vu as a great door into intuition development. It’s a great thing to see that knowing of both unknowing and knowing at once that adds to the slipperiness of reality. If someone can master deja vu as forward and backwards reproduced experience and deconstruct it, that would probably give some really helpful insight into a lot of things. This is where God Realization meets enlightenment and rubber meets the road.
  14. The limitations between potato vs. non potato are just as useful as any other duality or seeming perfect nonduality for insight. Someone with true and relatively present to every moment new insight can see way more of absolute truth in the nature that pulls on infinity in the complex and absolutely infinite constant interplay between potatoness vs. infinite power and love that this is actually really important new consciousness work to understand to unravel how to become beyond the potato non potato ultimate reality which seems to be a lasting bastion for insight which will only uncover better insight as it’s absolute truth feeling to the insight is replaced.
  15. You can’t be truly Irish without understanding the full relationship which developed in the perfect understanding of potatoness which we are deluded into thinking we could ever have in a lasting way that wouldn’t be the undoing of its own importance. The Irish identity is the best possible potato-investigation starting point as your human genes are built by the lack of potatoes in a famine.
  16. I sit at home and smoke legal THC while helplessly obsessed with the insight discovery process and teach dharma for free getting more payment of more lasting effect than when I would work for money. Eventually I’ll have to figure out some relatively lucrative schemes, but I see no need to worry to any extent I used to about money, power, status in anything but living dharma by being an honest idiot rather than a dishonest idiot. I attach to the dharma as safety which is guaranteed to bring me eventually to all of the most unsafe waters. Eventually charging for teaching will make more sense, but I get to hone and perfect my worthiness to receive payment for dharma and insight in the future by stumbling through as an idiot who knows something now.
  17. And so is the same truth for what makes you perceive a non-gibberish and complete expression of wisdom, truth, or insight as being better.
  18. Non drug induced high equilibrium samadhi junkie typical guru enlightenment master typical format and expression is far less RELATIVELY AND ABSOLUTELY confused about what truth actually could ever be as you’re so in love as yourself as the imaginary boundary separating God vs. human vs. a rock God with no human IQ limits detectable at first who is the lasting nature of impermanent and permanent matter or spiritual matter or anything in between that gives you what you need. You couldn’t become your highest form of God at all as it means something to your relative illusion without using every rock to eventually do so deeper and deeper in a strange and intuitive I’m human, God, and all rocks and non rocks way. There’s a reason why a potato is God 100% to the absolute max of reality and truth when you have stronger consciousness. It’s your creative tool and ultimately the quickest and most effective for many.
  19. I’m seeing more and less efficacy in my old patterns of limitations. What this loss of an ultimate working model over and over again to where what’s working can seem to somehow be less resistance than what came before. Ultimately any map of enlightenment is not the territory, unless you are using insight or concentration aspects to investigate the territory within the map which gives rise in some odd way to both the ability to hold religious God full-fledged, absolutely unobtainable new attainments in my focus long enough to investigate the pointed to sensate illusion outside of current sensate illusion that is the always YOU created thing. Jesus depends on you for relevancy at least as much as you rely on him. Trust me. You can forget the highest amazing live realms of Jesus over and over again because they simply do not produce lasting (permanent ground to reality being finally seen as FULL ILLUSION AND TRUTH ALWAYS IN SUPERPOSITION OF YOUR IMAGINATION OF LIMITATIONS WHICH CREATE YOUR WHOLE PERCEPTUAL CAPABILITIES IN WAYS WHICH WOULD MIND FUCK SKULL FUCK YOU IN SUCH A GRUESOME WAY THAT YOU WOULD APPRECIATE THE NEW FRESHNESS THAT DUKKHA HAS SHOWN UP AS AGAIN. If you want the hottest girlfriend, realize that dukkha is the crazy chick who would never leave you whose love you don’t even deserve and avoid as you’re afraid of unopening your current illusion to another in the normal human experience of sex. I remember when I first attained to clairsentience & telepathy the first thing I wanted to create my now properly understood and appreciated aspect of the source of my longest lasting and deepest fear of aliens more powerful than me. Then I realized what they are on a self-love level and they can’t access enlightenment in their conception of self. They say it’s just a big black wall. They are formless god damn masters just as much as ANY born human ever is. A true self experience of a rock becoming enlightened or unenlightenment or the perspective of unenlightened beings is true and undeniable insight if that is the basis of perception your form has and the only door you have is impermanence. The form crumbles away. Gets thrown through a black hole, worm hole, and shat on by an omnidimensional formless seagull Godhead of nausea turning to rapture that pisses you off at it’s arising and passing away making you realize the unequanimous aspects of your power vs. non power feeling of achievement, greatness, and happiness which produces less aversion to bliss and dukkha as the same lover and hater of what makes you a human you and every YOU beyond human to produce the most imperceptible sense of something beyond just change to progress further in insight. Imagining how the unenlightenment of God process works in God Realization and enlightenment seems to be almost more fruitful than thinking of awakening as forward progress which does not last as an ultimate motion in some ever-present ultimate consciousness. Ultimate consciousness comes from a lack of even more wacky ultimate realities like hard formless Nothingness, neither perception nor nonperception, or the cessation of perception and feeling. If you haven’t lost the ability to stop or start the cessation of all consciousness, how do you describe that unimaginable sense of complete erasure and nonexistence which seems like where you might have come from? How do you knowingly design the unenlightenment process with this paradigm-locked false ultimate reality without ultimately becoming smaller and subtler WITHIN and outside of consciousness but even moreso in the superposition of ultimate faith of unknowing which is much more like true, effective knowledge of how to control reality comes from perceiving and dropping and coming back to every sensate experience ever held within your illusory character’s illusion of truth. That is the only starting point for the uncovering of the complex and ever-dependent interactions between the holon of Indra’s Web of superposition fluxing between all aspects of reality at once through imagination which is ultimately one of the best tools to actually do unimaginable and indescribable things. There’s a reason nondual teachings don’t work. You attach to a nondual reality which means all is self and that is the very process of investigation into direct no-self as the logical necessity of any self vs. non-self axis of phenomena which could be perception, experience or not. None of this will work for you unless you work hard, get lucky, or likely both. Luckily causal frameworks of reality are built into any true insight framework which solidifies the story from which to work from. That’s another way of saying, due to karma, you will experience the arising and passing away of enlightenment. You will become enlightened. It just is a bit more fun from the human perspective than the rock perspective for most people other than a mad yogi whose really going deep past the illusions of past humanness which would have given him aversion to incredibly subtle awareness like only really having impermanence in a way that life can perceive your experience. Then you have a problem of how you could be boundless consciousness or even infinite consciousness but not also be the consciousness that awakens the rock that you detune God Reality to be able to perceive in this special, human way. Humans want to find aliens more to understand the nature of what humans truly are rather than actually know what an alien is and forget humanness. This is the selfish perspective of the honest karmic relationship between seemingly different forms or non forms. You only really care about others to in some way help yourself as the intuition of true self/no self beyond a temporary illusion easily formed in consciousness is what makes up the process of enlightenment. Tearing down. Building. Change. Growth. New attainments overshadowing old. Giving you a new fresh experience of being even more directly controllable consciousness which is precisely what you are not ENTIRELY. This is the unspeakable part of teaching and insight. It’s how you can’t make better perfect from perfect other than perceiving bliss as a perfect dukkha nowhere which makes it seems lastingly satisfying.
  20. There’s a certain practicality of skepticism and surety in one’s own worldview to ever progress on the path really as these are all normal, sensate and transient bundles of sensations pointing to something more primary than sensations which is the nature of what the holon of human vs. god vs. nonexistence vs. not thinking about a moonwalking bear vs. you reading this right now… we’ll forget everything I just said. It’s all gone. The aspect of fresh present ness is now ruined by the CONTINUITY of it in a formless mind state. You are so much desire and aversion that the friction created by your most fundamental investigation creates an illusion harder than any truth that does or doesn’t last in time as a defined thing. Haha. Wtf.
  21. I appreciate it Nahm. A lot of my more stable feeling of witnessing instability has just exploded into a really remarkable amount of directions. I feel like I’ve lived here in this radically changing level for years but it’s been maybe a few days at the highest strength so far. Seeing time’s more impermanence like flux is a fun thing to play with.
  22. A friendly reminder: just because Leo has lots of growth with a certain psychedelic, this isn’t any guarantee the process works as well for you. I found that THC, contemplation, and eventually intentional Jhana work once you can develop it well has created way more lasting baseline shifts than any heroic dose LSD/shroom trip I had. It’s important to say ayahuasca at a medium dose two nights in a row where I just got bored and slept the nausea away produced insight into my primary fear which is of the aliens I was abducted by. I resolved to contact them. I watched a video how to do it. Within three seconds I was sent into a completely heroic psychedelic dose experience on no substances but a couple hits of THC which used to be much less potent for me. This was my second conscious telepathic communication. My previous dukkha and illusion around aliens which in my direct experience both within and outside of dream fucked my shit up for what felt like forever became the development of a higher god consciousness and oneness type of love over fear which gave me clairsentience or psychic sensations into the nature of feeling as a perceptual door. Now I have become so powerful in clairsentience that it even sent me into some of enlightened map territory’s hardest to achieve temporary attainments which clarified that I am by definition at least an anagami or 3rd path of enlightenment out of 4 in the Theravada maps. This new and temporary sense of self was amazing. Knowing I was by definition almost entirely enlightened according to possibly the most authoritative collective force on enlightenment being Theravada Buddhism. This was how heightened my illusion of self and confidence was. I’ve found a healthy exploration of overconfidence and willingness to accept higher truth that shatters your previous top attainment or notion of a solid enlightenment actually helps practice a lot sometimes and stagnates it at others. Being so sure of myself, I quickly accessed nirodha samapatti several times in the course of timeframes I’ve not heard of one being capable to move between true nirodha and experiential reality this quickly in any modern or ancient text I’ve found. Half a dozen cessations within a 30 minute period resulted in me walking around a park naked completely convinced that my finite form was the absolute essence of all divinity beyond both existence and nonexistence. This sounds like crazy territory rather than true enlightenment, but everything in here screams reality check. Reality check is the unfoldment process of enlightenment. Your favorite toy being some relatively pleasing expression of highest truth you think that is absolute or can last gets thrown out by the sheer phenomenological mechanics that exist in actual impermanence, no-self, and dukkha. It’s the most hardcore rollercoaster of sensations you’ll have any ability to perceive with a transient state by definition and only the God and No-Self aspects being transcended can give true insight into even more fundamental and magically reactive subtleties like nonexistence vs. existence than the God vs. No-Self illusion. God and no-self are a softer duality to crunch on with insight than existence vs. nonexistence being noticed at the level of any sensate reality or unitive imaginative God/Self reality. This teaches you more about not only spirituality but all relative life eventually. All serious spiritual work I did for enlightenment is what has allowed me to turn my natural and genetic perceptual basis as having bipolar disorder type 1 into a source of greater and greater possibilities rather than a relative illness. Any process of identity dying is insight if the three characteristics are perceived and understood and any identity existing is what creates the necessity of death. This is the same as binary code. Sensation vs. what appears to maybe just be a cessate based micro nonexistence aspect to reality that makes nonexistence and consciousness/God the absolute same thing. Living this way is interesting. It’s been way more rewarding and rapid insight than I ever could have imagined being possible. I’m absolutely astounded by the Indra’s web of non self and temporary illusions of atmans or a full and lasting anatta. Hinduism birthed Buddhism which karmically battled each other on dharma in an imaginative view of possible human history. Dharma battles are not only the only thing ever happening, but the corpse of true insight falling away is the highest vestige that can be relayed from one illusory anatta/atman battle to the next opposing bundle of illusory reality. This is the human dharma conversation equivalent to the process of a black hole becoming a singularity. All of the physical characteristics of black holes and even theoretical white holes are perfectly opposed sensate blooms completing with one another for more numerical value and raw power in even “dumb” materialism. Materialism is one of the best karmic human upgrades to ever be witnessed. This is all West vs. East evolution as well but now our illusory selves can love people of the same sex, enlightenment is being recognized as scientifically and verifiably effective at doing something although materialists have no way to enter that complex domain. They are crunching on insight with mental frameworks of a permanent reality-like self which is ultimate reality. This is just as much truth, god, and artichoke as me saying I’ve attained 87th path in Buddhism based on how many times I could spin before vomiting. Everything is such a perfect combination of any lasting possible illusion of a good vs. evil winner. Good gives rise to evil and further insight into the cognition of one species which is Homo sapiens sapiens. Considering my attainments and minor love for human illusion, maybe we ought to call us Homo sapiens sapiens sapiens. Like such wise. Such man. Such ultimate reality. Wtf. I can’t stop the dharma vomit. Dharma body malfunction. Three characteristics further subtleties are arriving in five minutes. I guess I better enter nirodha samapatti for 67 relative years. And this is the kind of crazy complexity and flexibility needed to even have a worthwhile illusion of the mind of Krishna. But eventually the 10th of Vishnu had to show its reality in the unenlightened illusions of Brandon Rohe’s non self which is an illusory truth as much as anything else with duration. Watch my crazy dharma teachings and stumbling through illusion here. The Three Doors to Enlightenment (Impermanence, Suffering & No Self)
  23. Can you say whether it is a cessation of consciousness or not a cessation of consciousness? Was there a sense of time? Nonexistence? If not, you have more in your capability. Aware space is just simply an end and why would you ever want it to be the ultimate. A defined reality I can’t be better than. How is that fun? All I’m saying is cessation transformed my baseline levels of consciousness more than any other shift. I’ve played around with subtler aspects of what you’re working with. It can be deconstructed by insight or you’re officially the most enlightened God solipsist heavenly truth of everything forever. Any other Buddha or arahant who could separate things into more subtle sensations never had the ultimate reality because it’s you!!! Bingo! The cause of all religious suffering—promises so empty you actually think it could work. These are golden chains. It was just a temporary self, but it wasn’t you. That’s a good thing. You have much better progress in your future than getting stuck on aware space alone. Dukkha is always here and what allows emotional range and significance to that aspect of temporary experience which is ultimately all bliss sensations too. Impermanence is what makes true permanence.
  24. So where can I look for actual Buddhism? I love holons of insane love. Time for some more duality ? You can’t be eternal if you can’t evolve. You can’t be self or not self ever in any consistent safeguard from the raw nature of what is. I use Theravada because it actually works when paired with investigation. I go where it says you can go better and better by following the specific techniques. To be anything but dogmatic on what is the greatest gift you could ever hope to give anyone presenting as illusory Self oneness or no lasting self doesn’t quite make sense. You want to freeze frame God but you don’t realize true experiential freeze frame doesn’t occur to consciousness in any investigable way yet an experience of at least a gap in experience brought about by awakening practices in a reproducible way is a good model as far as it having more or less solid criteria for what is enlightenment vs. what isn’t enlightenment. The criteria is more clear and thus passes a certain standard of being effective at something quite amazing whether it’s your perfect past Buddha illusion who said it first or Jesus is king doesn’t mean shit to the underlying framework of this illusion we see before us. Thank you for standing your ground on what you deem to be most true and important. That is honorable of you.