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Everything posted by BipolarGrowth

  1. Yes of course Oneness has a superior perspective to it, but using religious figures in devotion creates results. That’s the point. It’s not the end goal necessary nor something that jives with everyone’s path.
  2. It’s not the extraordinary things we do that matters most. How do we bring those extraordinary things into our normal lives to make better communities and friendships and love? ❤️????
  3. That is the mark of true yoga. Great job my friend ❤️
  4. Ultimately things are wayyy more nuanced than just determinism vs. free will. You have multiple axises of free will that do themselves whether you try to stop them or not.
  5. The Godhead rests in a place even smaller than any particle or nondual pointer. To say it’s zero would miss a stunning and infinite amount of detail.
  6. You could never explain this shit. To most people if I tell them I put a mixed Jhana lock on my reality there’s no way they understand specifically what I mean even if they know jhanas very well
  7. Kinda seems what’s happening to me now. I’m becoming less and less impressed by radical states. Being a normal human seems more fun for at least part of the time.
  8. Good job. Love implies the existence of suffering too. Infinite Love is Infinite Dukkha in disguise.
  9. Ultimately I’m a combination of life or all of reality and myself. I came to this world as a sane child with incredible intuition and insight that I didn’t realize until over 20 years later. Anyone looking to get out of suffering should really try some mixed vipassana and Jhana practice. There is a way out of suffering. It’s becoming suffering as well as everything else. Yours Truly, A man with bipolar disorder type 1, generalized anxiety disorder, seasonal affective disorder, CPTSD, and ADHD. All of these “illnesses” were absolutely integral to all of my awakenings in some way or another.
  10. ???? Its the impossible possibility right in front of your eyes, and it is all you. Yet the characters have their own natures which is ultimately exactly what makes you. You are like a waterfall. Align yourself with gravity and fly!
  11. Yeah I can’t turn the valve off because it’s dematerialized in front of me. Where is my ego? Nowhere! And everywhere too. The ego isn’t what is truly changed the most but the perception and capability for control of crazy states. The jhanas are so amazing ? and suffering becomes a whole new area. You constantly break through the illusion to realize bad emotions LOVE YOU and they are there to help with an important message or even distraction. You can overcome suffering. The Buddha was right. I can testify to this that the methods work extremely well for me personally.
  12. It was just a fleeting random & manic thought lol. His name is Daniel though of course
  13. I was at a rave party thing, and I lost all of my social anxiety of maybe 1g of shrooms. It was absolutely liberating for me.
  14. The simple fact is that I cannot stop trying to progress in some way. It is my very nature and yours as well. I’ve just accessed what feels like faster progress, but who knows? Maybe it isn’t.
  15. 0=1 Dog=Cat Do some genetic engineering, and you change the meaning of every part involved foreve Genetic engineering is all you can do forever no matter what you try to stop it. Enlightenment is always occurring; you just don’t know how it’s all happening as well as your intuition from the past and future and present work together. You are way more sophisticated than free will vs. determinism at this point.
  16. I have a wonderful support system though. Absolutely impossible how amazing they are. It makes me cry just to think of all the love being sent my way every day.
  17. I really don’t have any solid ground to stand on at this point. Medication and stage orange doctors are not the long term solution. Mastering the nature of suffering is.
  18. Enlightenment is an infinite mirror in the future looking at an infinite mirror in the past, and you are the only thing which is making this possible in your own authentic ways of going from “relative” to “absolute” perspectives.
  19. When you’re chasing the dragon, you never succeed. When you let it get away, you find out you’re connected by an unseverable cord of infinite union.
  20. Because the equation of reality is this: ego=god 0=1 enlightenment is when you realize you are always the equals sign and the separate numbers at the same time
  21. There is no way to know specifics. We can only know what seems to be the cause of everything in this moment.
  22. I use this and the Theravada Buddhist models as they seem to hold up better. It’s pretty amazing. At some point you realize enlightenment was just another arbitrary illusion.