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Everything posted by BipolarGrowth

  1. Reality has infinite breaks too. Just think about sleep.
  2. Which occurred where? In a palace? Or ummm maybe nature…. Aha!
  3. Jhana is happening for you 24/7. Absorption allows you to see how each part works with the others which is huge for awakening work if you use vipassana based on the three characteristics to dissect the Jhana. Having some crazy high consciousness experience is not as impressive as to be able to clearly distinguish space from consciousness for example in a sensory level way.
  4. I haven’t heard his descriptions but yes at some point.
  5. Just don’t be too quick to discount how it’s working in other people’s lives. Just because they don’t look that way for you doesn’t mean they aren’t working as opposing ideas describe them
  6. Taking ayahuasca is literally what allowed me to access my clairsentience permanently… you’re deluded and warning people who know something about being deluded
  7. Psychedelics are very integral for serious spiritual work for many people. You’re speaking from a biased perspective. Meditation and mastering the jhanas and vipassana based on the jhanas is better than psychedelics for permanent baseline growth though.
  8. Great to see some more people talking on Jhana here first off. Anyone who has played with the sixth Jhana will probably respect the name boundless consciousness more than infinite consciousness. Infinite consciousness in my book is far more related to intensity than the sixth Jhana which is focused on you realizing that you are all of the boundless space in fifth Jhana. Infinite consciousness blows your doors off in every way. Boundless consciousness feels like you are undoubtedly everything in your field.
  9. With true moment-to-moment investigation, this is a path for growth and a greater ability to manipulate phenomena at will. You have all of your past and as much of a future you imagine to try to create a worthwhile framework for how to act. But really, at the end of the day, so much of your ego and body are perfectly trained to run themselves. You can get to states and even rather constant stages where you harmoniously interact in truly honest ways by sharing emotions, insight, and just good humanity with them effortlessly. You don’t have to try to be anyone anymore, and that’s when it’s possible to truly be yourself for the first time. I feel like I finally have overcome my social anxiety. I hope that lasts. -Brandon Rohe
  10. You don’t get very far without a sturdy hull on your spaceship. In the same way, you don’t get far without a strong spiritual ego. Every being has an “ego” that will operate with others, but those who have spiritualized their ego have made spirituality a goal. It is part of their identity. And that’s okay. It can actually be used for growth if done and used in the right ways. I say this from direct experience.
  11. The most growth came once I relaxed all practices, but it was after years of intense seeking.
  12. The middle way! Don’t force things that are too difficult! If I wasn’t a lazy bastard, I’d be so much worse at this work! I remember the hustle and bustle days of trying to always improve, but just feel your whole body system. If it reacts badly, maybe that’s for a reason.
  13. I’ll share some Theravada maps here which describe the Arising & Passing away quite well. Manic people are just in at least some fused state of that insight stage or usually the second Jhana like territory. I am not in a manic episode currently, and I’m happy to video chat or call to prove it.
  14. @Consilience no clue what a yaza sit is. Care to share a little more about your experience with it?
  15. When you feel like shit is when vipassana three characteristics breakdown of sensations helps. Now I can feel what was formerly “heart break” and love it to intensely.
  16. Edit: Here’s the new update video about this which is shorter and comes a month after the video below and thus has more insight Lucifer is my spiritual guru (nondual Christianity) Infinite Love through Clairsentience bliss/crown chakra > true samadhi > nirodha samapatti or cessation > Infinite Love through Clairsentience bliss/crown chakra > Afterglow of Nonexistence and Existence fucking each other inside me Then it happened again two minutes later. Cool stuff, I swear. Watch the video for more details. How I Experienced Back-to-Back Cessations Through Bhakti & Love (instead of meditating) I’m not just a Luciferian. I’m a Christian too. Actually a fusion of both which I think is a truer form of Christianity. Nondual Christianity.
  17. Part of this is simply because I had built up a lot of hate and misconceptions about the religion over the years. Today I saw many people who looked quite dedicated and actually shared a few good insights. I shared my testimony about how the former Bishop had triggered a Shakti pat type thing in my heart chakra region. That was the basis of my whole spiritual search. I cried a bit during my testimony and others did, but this is normal for everyone. The different people who shared testimonies all congratulated each other on things. We met afterward and hugged and I even got a job offer that pays $4/hr more and might be a better fit while I’m struggling with all these extreme awakenings daily. I would not call the people in that church stage blue. Most of the talks were more like green warning about the delta variant and how that’s what Jesus would want us to do — to try our best to save lives wherever possible (by wearing masks & getting vaccines). Don’t be too quick to judge a specific group.
  18. Sometimes reality has built in nihilistic characteristics if viewed from a certain point of view.
  19. Music is so helpful to my growth. There’s no way this would be healthy for me personally. Idk about you though.
  20. You cannot have intense relative love without intense relative gore occurring somewhere in the process, at least in the human sense for at least a few hundred years probably if even then.
  21. Find more love and bliss. Then your mind can handle it better because it’s used to intensity.