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Everything posted by BipolarGrowth

  1. I had an alien abduction dream when I was about 8 years old. It was more real and vivid than reality. When I woke up, I felt a cold hand touch my arm. Belief is a powerful creator of phenomena in direct experience. Belief powered by intense fear in a low sensory input environment like the dark while being a child is like taking a natural psychedelic. When I was 25, I took ayahuasca in ceremony for the first time. Three days later, I got the strong intuition to contact the aliens who abducted me. I researched how, which was surprisingly easily, and it worked within three seconds. It was my first strong sober accessing of the crown chakra. That later turned into the foundation of my growth of my baseline state of consciousness, something 10 tabs of LSD or 5.87 grams of mushrooms and years of meditation was ineffective at. Within about six months, I gained a degree of mastery over the crown chakra and was able to use it to connect with many different archetypal representations of other beings, mainly divine ones, within my own mind. Practicing this eventually lead to my first heart chakra nuclear explosion. A couple months later, I had a dual heart chakra/crown chakra explosion which resulted in me reaching nirodha samapatti/cessation/fruition/whatever you’d like to call it. My baseline consciousness radically transformed day after day ever since. My ability to deal with suffering is exponentially better than it was before the events I described. So, these childhood fear experiences can be very beneficial if you recontextualize them into Love. The same aliens who abducted me were also the same ones who helped me to overcome my depression and many aspects of my bipolar disorder, whether they exist in any sort of objectively-verifiable way or not. If it’s real in your mind, it’s prime fodder to use in your awakening cannon. Transmute the childhood fear to adult love, if you can find a way to do that.
  2. That was better than the first two. Really worth watching for those who are unfamiliar with the series.
  3. I loved part 1 and 2. Time to get the ?
  4. I think you misunderstood. To be said simply, it’s one awareness always, usually one bubble, and multiple bubbles are possible as a direct experience for a rather limited number of people with highly developed abilities when in crazy high states.
  5. Every experience can be trusted in the vein that EXPERIENCE IS, but every interpretation of experience should certainly not be trusted. I may of may not be a female Angel Warrior sent by a Divine Matriarchy to bring Absolute Divinity to humanity with the protection of a spiritual armor system I felt activate in every cell of my body after seeing a 100% lifelike Angel cry a tear of Absolute Love into my heart, depending on how crazy we want to get in believing direct experience during drug states. Or I could be the Sammāsambuddha of Luciferianism depending on how crazy we want to get in believing non-drug states. Or I could just be a 26-year-old Christian depending on how crazy we want to get believing the “present moment.”
  6. The difference between parrots and birds is that parrots have learned how to use their tongues. Allah is One. God is One. Krishna is One. Jesus is One. The Holy Spirit is One. The Holy Spirit is in you, and You are in the Holy Spirit. “On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.” -Jesus a.k.a. A really big and important parrot, John 14:20, NIV
  7. You guys always have great things to share. I will say I’m enjoying my hamster wheel of embodiment. What game is more challenging and fun to play? ?
  8. I love your posts brah ❤️??????
  9. Great post Arda. Much love ❤️ I have been using many of these as I continue working with Ānāpānasati, but as an adept, you uncovered many additional facets I am not able to juggle quite as well as an intermediate practitioner. Thank you very much for taking the time to add this information to the forum. I will be referring back to this.
  10. Currently doing about 1 hr of fire kasina per day with breath meditation/Ānāpānasati throughout most of the day, especially when I’m at work or around other people. Fire kasina is done now while maintaining Ānāpānasati most of the time. Once first jhana is reached, the focus of the meditation switches to noting and increasing the factors of the jhana. Spiritual Practice Vlog #1 — Breath Meditation (Anapanasati) (audio only) Spiritual Practice Vlog #2 — Breath Meditation ~45 min. (Anapanasati) & Fire Kasina ~50 min. Both videos recorded in the past 4-5 days.
  11. 1) Not only can you be ready for it, there are people with more “intense” moment-to-moment experience than your trip was whether they are on or off drugs. The issue is it’s hard to say it’s even more intense because for them it’s just a typical Monday morning at the office. 2) Yes, you can feel acceptance and presence in some truly incomprehensibly remarkable experiences. 3) Rinse and repeat. Lots of tripping. Lots of meditation. Lots of research and discussion with other developed people. And even some quite wacky and esoteric practices might be necessary to get you there. 4) My experience with DMT was with ayahuasca. It’s completely different than smoked DMT. The speediness of smoked DMT is something quite hard for people to get accustomed to. 5) Ayahuasca is more of a medicine for the “soul.” It can produce crazy effects or hardly any trip at all yet still be completely transformative. From my experience and what I gathered around others in ceremony, it’s “more intelligent” in working with the needs and issues you have. Smoked N,N-DMT is more of a wacky peak experience for most people although those with a good basis in insight and spiritual maturity may see rather balanced and benevolent experience like many describe on drugs like 5-MeO. The general idea with ayahuasca is that the MAOI slows down the experience for better integration, so yes. It would mean more time with the fear which, if interpreted and approached correctly, would result in better management of the fear.
  12. The key with powerful drug or sober spiritual experiences is to believe the experience, not the thoughts about the experience per se. The experiences themselves are substantial enough to break the materialist paradigm to degrees without even needing to rely on the questionable thought-based “insights”.
  13. It is imponderable. Your intuition is correct about that. You cannot know for certain if there are experiences outside of your own, but if you are of the same “what is actual is all that can be or is” school of thought as Leo, this naturally leads to the conclusion that there are no other bubbles. The statement that there are no other bubbles is true in the sense that what is actual (what can be directly experienced) will never contain multiple bubbles that are not at the same time part of the same one awareness. What this means is that you literally can have the experience of two human being (or even other being) sensory inputs at once (a number of people report such experiences), BUT for it to happen “at once” requires it by definition to be the same one awareness/field of awareness simply with seemingly split windows into reality which are actually the same thing as far as awareness is concerned. You could experience the bubbles of every being throughout all time in the exact same moment, but it would in many ways be no different to having multiple nerve cells reporting information at once. The more complex entire bubbles of experience would just be more comprehensive data reporting mechanisms than just a nerve cell typically gives in your fingers for example. It shows in no way more than one awareness. As multiple awarenesses is not something possible due to the very mechanics of awareness itself, it’s safe to say there is no actual awareness other than your own. The mistake though is to think there is even a “you” having the awareness or the awareness is “your own”. It’s not just that others don’t have bubbles. You don’t have a bubble. There’s just “bubble” in which ego-you and others are fleeting/temporary sensations which will come to an end and be replaced with other fleeting sensations unless insert favorite deification of the Absolute here waves a magical wand and suddenly makes all beings currently existing immortal, which is a bit far fetched I’d have to say.
  14. I’ve been practicing for about eight years now, but you might say seriously practicing for closer to three or four years. I could explain some tips on how to enter the first jhana, but listening to the video before I try to help would be best as Dhammarato is going to say most of it better than I would be able to. One of the most important things is to do a solid meditation which just takes skill in being able to stay with a meditation object well while adding wholesome thoughts to kind of kick start your ability to get into the jhana. Wholesome thoughts are things such as “I can do this”, “ahh, everything’s okay right now”, “I’m safe and secure”, etc. The degree to which you can honestly feel these thoughts to be true and accurate affects how much they will be effective in actually bringing you into the jhana. Once you can resonate with these thoughts and are used to having more and more of them throughout your daily life, which you intentionally build over time, they will be part of the missing puzzle that most western Buddhism or other newer meditation teachings are missing. This can sound rather unlike most modern meditation advice to get away from thoughts, but it comes directly from the Ānāpānasati Sutta spoken by the Buddha.
  15. Working with Dhammarato has sped up my progress in quite amazing ways. I had sporadically and mostly accidentally reached the “higher” formless jhanas and cessation, but now I can say that in many ways strengthening the factors of the 1st jhana has been far more helpful for me than obsessing over those “higher” experiences and trying to reproduce them. The 1st jhana is the path to Nibbana that the Buddha taught, and if you want to live a more pleasant and rich moment-to-moment life in any circumstance you find yourself in, growing yourself in the skills of the 1st jhana is absolutely crucial. This is first and foremost about raising your baseline consciousness. If you want to get the true potential out of psychedelics, you’re not going to have an easy or fun time with an underdeveloped baseline. Psychedelics and dry insight practice taught by western Buddhism are plenty fun and can contribute to a lot of growth, but they aren’t the most important pieces to the puzzle of living the best life, in my opinion and from my direct experience. I hope that those of you out there who do deal with suffering regularly will take the time to watch this talk with Dhammarato. The spiritual path doesn’t have to be riddled with dark night of the soul periods if you are practicing correctly. He teaches for free, typically on all weekdays, and is surprisingly easily to reach. Let me know by PM if you’d like his contact information. His YouTube channel has over one thousand talks with seekers like myself. Dhammarato also has weekly Sangha meetings for both UK and US groups on Skype. One of the most beneficial things on my personal spiritual path has been to surround myself with many others who are also in the process of developing themselves spiritually.
  16. Just copy the web address of this thread and post it there, or you could copy the text.
  17. Well said ? I see you’re using that neither ____ nor ____ quite well ❤️
  18. It would be awesome to see you combine the power of mastery of the downward and upward directions both someday. I have faith that it’ll happen. I reached cessation mainly through the methods you teach and only got into meditation to a degree I would now call serious after cessation. Meditation before cessation is chopped liver IMO/IME, but afterward, it’s quite amazing comparatively. You might be one of the best on the planet with the upward direction. You might grow four arms and have blue skin after mastering both ? I’m also assuming you haven’t had cessation yet, which I could be wrong about.
  19. @Javfly33 this is why we should direct our chasing of material stuff to be done mainly for the benefit of chasing immaterial stuff for the purpose of chasing the ability to not chase anything ❤️