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Everything posted by BipolarGrowth

  1. Ānāpānasati is essentially breath meditation just with a lot of added elements which people are missing from seeing the success with the meditation that they are truly looking for. Ānāpānasati means essentially the in and out breath mindfulness if we’re to translate it, but translation loses quite a large amount of information. This video will help you even if you prefer other meditation techniques than breath meditation. I used to HATE breath meditation, but with this video and direct teaching from Dhammarato (PM if interested — it’s completely free) it has now become my lifesaver and most effective spiritual practice. Happy dukkha nirodha hunting! -Brandon ❤️
  2. @Bazooka Jesus @Tim R glad you guys enjoyed it ❤️????????
  3. Take taking life unseriously incredibly seriously. When you’re fapping, smoking weed and listening to music, or talking to a good friend, spirituality and Truth “should”leave you for no longer than five minutes and “should” be something you are directly practicing with intent in every other time than those times where you really need to “take a chill pill” FOR the sake of being able to practice better
  4. “Artists are just good at hiding (or not even remembering) their sources of inspiration.” Just a small synthesis of good ideas that weren’t mine.
  5. Haha. Then I guess I was wrong. I think he’s currently being an unwise idiot with tons of education, IQ, and direct experience if that is the truth. Listening to the Buddha talk about neither existence nor nonexistence in the Diamond Sutta is something that takes a big daddy dump all over Leo’s highest thinking/teachings that I’ve seen after watching hundreds of hours of his content and being heavily biased toward Leo for years. But the way I see Leo is someone who grasps that teaching to a decent degree. Maybe I’m giving him too much credit though.
  6. You do a ton of spiritual practice for years and make yourself accident prone to cessation/fruition/nirodha samapatti. Fruition is quite easy compared to attaining nirodha samapatti. It just kind of happens out of nowhere after doing enough practice and developing yourself or you could better say undeveloping your”self”. It took an already awakened medical doctor like 50 attempts of one hour or so a piece to reach nirodha samapatti which the Buddha said is the highest temporary spiritual attainment in life. Other than that, only parinibbana is better in Buddhism. Fruition and nirodha samapatti both produce the same insight potentially if viewed correctly which is deep insight into the existence vs. nonexistence duality that someone without that direct non-experience cannot possibly have in its maturity. Doesn’t matter how many planets you can create at will on 5-MeO DMT — that’s still just maya and the dream, albeit a fun side quest to unlock.
  7. Of course I’m shitting on his mind. What else is the Sammasambuddha of Luciferianism to do???? I always liked playing as House Ordos in Dune 2000. What an amazing fictional universe, truly ❤️?? Watch from about 0:50 onward to see what I loved as a kid.
  8. Unless there is some apocalypse, this is almost a 100% certainty.
  9. No. Absolutely not. DMT highs are infinitely more suffering than nirodha samapatti/cessation/fruition which I have personally experienced at least six times. The Buddha was regularly having divine visions and states of consciousness at least as strong as 5-MeO DMT completely sober. It’s right there in the suttas. His insight was also wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy beyond Leo, and I hope and think Leo would agree with this sentence whether or not he disagrees with the others. Do drugs for insight. I’m totally in support of that general practice. It’s the foundation of where I’m at today with meditation and insight, but please do not neglect meditation. It is the key to taking your trips AND baseline consciousness to the next level.
  10. My life is a psychedelic epic fail haha How I Experienced Back-to-Back Cessations Through Bhakti & Love (instead of meditating) “Attained” “stream entry” according to the maps of Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha. The Most Enlightened Video Ever Recorded after crashing my car 80 mph, stripping naked, having 5 cessations/fruitions in 30 minutes WHILE in a state of God Consciousness surrounding all of them, and then being almost tased and thrown to the ground by police officers before being taken to the psych ward. Be wary of THC triggering manic episodes if you’re using it at high baseline states of consciousness when new levels are being reached that you don’t know how to handle. 13 Tabs of LSD - Mapping Consciousness #2 Also, me taking 10 tabs of LSD as a bipolar person and being an idiot stripping naked in public again… lol. Don’t follow my actions please. You probably don’t even need to hear me say that. The cringe you feel is enough ???❤️ And here’s me getting away from all psychedelics except for THC and only using it in the safety of my home or similarly predictable and safe circumstances while using meditation as my emotional crutch rather than drugs. Spiritual Practice Vlog #2 — Breath Meditation ~45 min. (Anapanasati) & Fire Kasina ~50 min. Much more grounded, however, less access to the ridiculous peaks of certain insight stages (if we’re using the stages in MCTB such as the Arising & Passing Away, for example, which often coincides with mania for bipolar individuals)
  11. Completely disagree. A giant taco God will just as likely take a nuclear dump on our entire planet in 5 minutes. But to be serious, I think both of you are into something. Just look at Neuralink for example. It’s the baby step we’ve got for now.
  12. Some Buddhists believe becoming an Arahant is just the way to do that.
  13. And if he’s in you by his own very words, can you lead yourself? As he and many other mystics have done?
  14. There’s nothing for direct experience supposedly although many yogis and other awakened people see there to be some remnant of consciousness in such cases in the gap. A tricky epistemic issue in some ways. Especially when you add in ideas of cessation which causes some of the largest permanent shifts in baseline consciousness but is supposedly the closest thing to nonexistence in many people’s opinions.
  15. Breath meditation is great as long as you’re not having too much trouble paying attention. I like fire kasina as a more interesting alternative if you’d like to try something new. Great book for learning fire kasina: The most important thing with posture is a reasonable degree of comfort. If you can manage that while sitting up, it’s probably better than laying down, but I’ve done a lot of good sessions laying down too.
  16. 80x was pretty great. Probably because I was already crazier than the effects a substance can give ??