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Everything posted by BipolarGrowth

  1. @Osaid I agree with this. I even fall asleep to videos like Leo’s, and I’m fairly certain my subconscious learns while I’m asleep.
  2. @Moksha this is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
  3. @Moksha the Gita is my go to. I need to meditate more, but I have no motivation for it in my depressive state. Enjoying the journey is hard on the down side of things.
  4. How can someone with bipolar disorder progress quickly spiritually without going manic?
  5. Jesus is both our Eternal Savior and a speck of Maya that doesn’t hold any special qualities.
  6. Be careful. Awakening is more real than you. It might change you to become something new.
  7. Frank Yang is wrong. Actualization serves both worlds.
  8. @PurpleTree @Enlightenment not with that mentality. Talk about using the LOA against yourself. Just normal severe depressive symptoms
  9. @cuteguy awakening triggered by finally treating my ADHD which triggered my anxiety, etc.
  10. 4:34 For Frank Yang the Father of Enlightenment
  11. @Recursoinominado I’ll be okay. I do.
  12. @electroBeam you can be about truth and get results here at the same time, sometimes this can even bring faster enlightenment
  13. Wouldn’t the world benefit by having us grow from mere forum users to spiritually passionate employees? Do we really want to leave all of the work to be done to Leo’s human body and mind alone? Who is there to turn his videos into documentaries shown on Netflix with epic editing, etc. He would of course lead all important endeavors, but someone has to do the grunt work. I raise my hand to become a spiritual grunt employee following Leo and helping his mission. Do you? If so, speak up. It’s time for this conversation between us and Leo. P.S. Don’t let the fear of a stage orange corporation lead you to throw the baby out with the bath water. A stage turquoise corporation might be more transformative in the material world than Christ’s sacrifice, Krishna’s power, Mohammad’s passion, etc. “Sometimes the best way to show a poor man God is to give him opulence.” -anonymous Just imagine how our entire planet would be transformed. Pollution, gone. World hunger, gone. Suffering, down, but not out as it may be Divine in nature. However, even if suffering is Divine in nature, something within you resists it. We’ve learned enough spiritual lessons from suffering at this point. It’s time to slay Count Duhkah in God’s name.
  14. There will always be someone at the top. This is human nature. It’s foolish to use this as an argument against what I’m proposing.
  15. @Nthnl I can see that, but I think we could work together to make sure we avoid making mistakes too early on. We wouldn’t start out by posting videos about the deepest teachings. This go far beyond videos. The corporation could help with homeless housing and many other things. At the end of the day, if the company gets more money and exposure, it has more power to change the world. Fuck the haters. We don’t change our strategy just because some people who don’t know any better might scoff at us.
  16. @Natasha I’m going to try to integrate it, but of course this means looking at the doctrine in a completely new fashion.
  17. @Nahm if we’re throwing psychedelics out of the equation (which I don’t think we should), the fastest way would be meditation for most people although it was a manic episode from my bipolar disorder paired with psychedelics, intense spiritual study, meditation, associating with spiritual people, etc. for me. Every discipline followed to its end ends in nondualism, but ultimately nondualism is far too simplistic of a concept. There are dualities, but at the same time nonduality is true.
  18. @SoonHei psychedelics and Eastern teachings paired with Leo’s videos. Right now you are words on my iPhone screen that represent a human being who has communicated with me, but ultimately reality is just a mirror. You are me; I just don’t experience that fully right now.
  19. @SoonHei there are simultaneously many things and one thing that all of these things originate from