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Everything posted by jimwell

  1. Very cool indeed. Fresco was a very intelligent man and a true revolutionary. I think his vision will materialize. The only question is when. Just look at the current development of AI and robotics; it's already amazing and magical. You should have said "As long as you're not cool with the idea of everyone doing nothing, this world have no chance of materializing." Who will farm, fish, and cook to satisfy your hunger? Yes, eventually AI robot will do the slave labor. But as of now, we need to work. Fresco was not a failure, and his work is NOT useless. His vision and work provide the north star for humans.
  2. Sounds very romantic. I love it. But in the end, God needs to sleep, eat, and shit.
  3. She has scammed 42,000 other victims and will face additional charges for it. Perhaps such charges will result in another death penalty for her in her next incarnation. 😂 In the end, this massive value provider is actually a massive value predator.
  4. It can materialize via very advanced AI and robotics. But I think UBI must also be the norm first. We'd be very lucky if it all materialized in our lifetime. But suppose it does, doing nothing until death would be a tragedy. Doing what makes us feel love and excitement is the key. And it involves activity, intelligence, and creativity, though doing nothing is also a part of it. Are you really Japanese? Ryoko sounds a Japanese girl's name.
  5. Correct Who you want to be and who you are are 2 different things. But yes, being strong and fierce but simulatenously sensitive and compassionate is a very beautiful thing.
  6. The point of self-acceptance is to serve you, not the world. Who gives a fuck if the world doesn't accept you, as long as you accept yourself? As long as you have your basic survival needs met, you're ok. Another truth I must proclaim here is the world does respond in alignment with how you feel and view yourself. When I developed high self-esteem, self-acceptance, and self-respect, the world started to show me love, acceptance, and respect. But paradoxically, the world's love, acceptance, and respect for me has offered me little value, exactly because I have high self-esteem, self-acceptance, and self-respect. My cup is already full; I don't need the world to fill it.
  7. Is that you @Asia P? Regardless, break all the rules, girl.
  8. It's either X doesn't really love you, he truly loves you (almost unconditionally), or he's intelligent and honest enough to acknowledge that both you and he have polygamous tendencies. If it's a combination, I hope it's 2 and 3. That's how a relationship should be; loving but not possessive and suffocating. You're lucky to be in that relationship. The biggest advice is to be GENUINE with yourself. If you want to romantically enjoy x and y, just go for it. There's nothing wrong with it, especially because x has already informed you he is okay with it. If x ends the relationships, then that signifies that he doesn't walk his talk, and you should reassess whether he is worth your time and love. But you also need to remember that you're only 18. It's not good to take any romantic relationship too seriously at that age. Enjoy the romantic experiences but don't take them too seriously. You're only 18, girl.
  9. I used to play computer games when I was a kid and teenager. Yes, you can include Xbox.
  10. While watching the video, memories of me writing English books via MS Word in my home country and sending them for review via Google Drive to my Japanese business partner in Japan popped out of my head. I also remembered the times I had an online romance with my Japanese girlfriend (now my ex-wife) via the Line app. I started to feel overwhelmed by the realization of how useful and revolutionary computers and the internet are. I paused the video to regroup myself, and then I contemplated further. 10 years after this interview, YouTube was created. YouTube has been very valuable to me for learning, entertainment, and even spirituality. I have watched thousands or tens of thousands of informational and how-to videos, nature documentaries, videos by Leo, and walking tour videos such as the one below. I also remembered the times I booked flights via my computer and the internet. I felt very grateful and appreciative of the value such technologies provide. I studied Computer Engineering in college. Though I was never serious with my studies and was one of the most foolish students in the university (not an exaggeration - I used to be wasted almost every night and frequently skip classes), my educational background is sufficient for me to understand the complexity of computer hardware and software. Many people hate Bill Gates for various reasons. I dislike him for being able to sleep comfortably at night with his billions despite knowing billions of his fellow humans are living paycheck-to-paycheck, monetarily destroyed, or starving. Only a very selfish human is able to pull it off. But I must say Bill Gates and Paul Allen do deserve to be in the top 1%. They materialized a vision which is very powerful and transformative. I can't help but feel grateful to them and their company's salary slaves. Aside from the things I've already mentioned, I must add ChatGPT and this forum. ChatGPT has become a need for me. And this forum, enables me to publicly and easily express myself and share my thoughts via writing. The last force which inspired me to create this post was the realization that the computer and internet have made it possible for me to see and know that God's epitome of feminine beauty does exist, just thousands of kilometers away from me. Such a level of beauty has never existed in my vicinity (or perhaps it did 1 or 2 times in my entire life). Thanks to the PC and internet, now I know that girls as beautiful as these do exist. This enables me to create a new vision or expand my existing one. You might argue that Instagram owes its existence to Android. But you must recognize that Android itself owes its existence to the foundational technologies of the PC and internet.
  11. Contemplate what you said. Millions? Only a few of them. The others have been enduring significant difficulty and suffering. Look at your life? Has it been easy and full of pleasures? Even others who seem happy and fulfilled are actually not that way, and are experiencing significant pain. You don't see and feel their pain and dissatisfaction because you're not living their lives. They are made of pure intelligence and magic. I always feel grateful for the beautiful things I have and perceive. Experiencing intense gratitude and appreciation for the beauty and intelligence of existence compensates for its difficulty and pain. Surely. God is both loving and bastardish. I'm using my smartphone, hence I can't eloborate more. But I recommend you read my first response to you again and then aggressively implement what I said. Those old people in the video are happy and optimistic. Probably such characteristics are the primary reason for their longevity. They are the exception, not the norm. They're lucky in many ways, including their parents and genetics, childhood environment, country of birth, etc. Most people are NOT that lucky. But you must maximize what you have been given with. As I have said in my first response, focus on things which are inside your limit. Everything else is inside God's domain, though your limit is included in that domain. In the end, this is God's show. That's just how it is.
  12. Why can't you just accept that nobody here, including me, has the answer? The proposed answers "You need pain to experience pleasure." and "You need pain to keep you alive." are true but are not satisfying because they are NOT the highest answer. The highest answer is outside our limit, and we must accept that. I recommend focusing on the things inside your limit. What makes you feel love and excitement? Exert time and energy on that. What have you done to heal your traumas or improve yourself? This is the starting point which opens doors to more opportunities. Yes, the world is more similar to hell than heaven, with more demons and devils than angels and archangels. But what can you do, given the resources you have, to help materialize the opposite? Don't underestimate the power of asking these 3 major questions (subquestions can sprout from them). Take them seriously. Contemplate them for a long time even if takes years to discover the answers. Everything else is a waste of time. How about spirituality? Your spirituality is embedded in the answers to the 3 major questions, alongside love and respect for truth and beauty. What's the purpose of creating the human ego? Is it for God to repeatedly batter it until it becomes too soft and weak; ultimately surrendering to God? That God is crazy and cruel. You have been correct on most things. But I have observed you being wrong on a few things. Perhaps, what you proclaimed here is one of those few things. If true spirituality entails complete surrender to the Universe's Will, does that mean healing childhood traumas, prioritizing one's health, discovering one's life purpose, creating and accomplishing ambitions, and engaging in any form of personal development are unspiritual, useless, and a waste of time? Say that to the hundreds of thousands (or even 1 million) of humans who self-murdered last year.
  13. That's mind-boggling intelligence! This is how salary slavery will be ended. It seems "how the world should be" will materialize sooner than I anticipated. I feel excited about the future. But I wonder whether corporate and human greed will hijack such beauty.
  14. It could also be a human inside the coffin because his robot had enough of his shit.
  15. It's better if you finish watching the video. The "uuhh" is actually part of the design and was explained in the later part of the video. I don't approve of including "uuhh" to the robot's speech to make it sound very human. It's a silly idea. If anything, it's humans who need to train to exclude "uuhh" from their speech. No, robots can handle such situations well. The real heroes for humans are the robots, not Superman and Batman. That's a very good investment opportunity. You're lucky to have the capital for it. Indeed, such twisted humans do exist and will surely abuse robots. It makes me ponder whether "robot rights" should be considered when establishing rules and regulations related to AI and robotics. But not necessarily true. There are many things to contemplate, learn, and master. AI and robotics are excellent tools for such activities.
  16. Amen! But I recommend you (and other humans) enhance your beauty-appreciating capability, so you don't take such things for granted! It's a sin to enjoy the benefits of such beauty without feeling grateful and without appreciating the mind-boggling intelligence, time, and energy behind it.
  17. I've been using, learning, teaching, and dissecting the English language for more than a decade. As a non-native speaker of the language, I can easily detect the "faults" and needless complexities. A few years ago, I created and used my own English. I neglected the "craziness" and "faults" native speakers often use and commit. As a result, my English might have sounded weird or broken to native speakers or typical English teachers and learners. But perhaps, my English sounded cool and unique to some. But recently, I combined my English with the "usual" English because, in the end, English is a medium of communication. It's not about being sensible or correct, but rather a way to express and understand each other. Unfortunately, the usual English does the job. Here's one of the many things I dislike about English. There are too many words to describe one thing. I prefer simplicity to needless complexities. The problem is more about needless complexities than nuance. In that conversation alone, "generated", "obtained", "created", "produced", "acquired", "earned", "made", "realized", "secured", "attained", "materialized", "accomplished", and "achieved" are mentioned. That's 13 words to choose from to describe 1 thing. And there are even more but I have no time to list them all. I simply need 1 action word to describe the idea that I profited 90 USD via stock trading. But for variety, 2 action words are better. Perhaps "earned" and "accomplished". To be more metaphorical or poetic, "materialized" and "manifested" can be added. There should only be 4 English words to describe what I wanted to communicate. I love complexity. But I also love simplicity. In the future, I might revert to using my English again to express or honor my ideas and insights. That happens when I prioritize simplicity, correctness, consistency, and sense over "commonness", rules, and easy communication. Integrating "how it should be" and "being practical" is very difficult but must be done. Revelation: I'm not a profitable trader yet. But I can be soon.
  18. @eos_nyxia Congratulations on making the best comment on this thread! Are you a native speaker of English? I'll share my thoughts on your reply (and others') when I have time. @bebotalk I can see you have made the most comments on this thread. I'll get you when the time comes. Another thing I dislike about English is 1 word can mean dozens of things. The word "get" exemplifies that. No it's not cool, it's perverted. To lessen any animosity from native speakers of English and English lovers in this forum, I feel the need to proclaim I love the language despite its shit. That was why I invested time and energy creating this thread.
  19. Correct. Money will be perceived as ancient and barbaric. The way money is created and distributed is unfair and corrupt. But I do see the value and need for money. It's a needed evil which paradoxically creates good things. Corporate hierarchies and salary slavery will also disappear. But it'll probably take hundreds or even thousands of years. The same thing can be said for stock, crypto, and currency trading; they're all corrupt. And they'll also disappear along with money. But I recognize the value and necessity of these practices in this era. They align well with the current economic system and the current level of human development. I'm guilty of this corruption, and I'm NOT proud of it. But I understand the need for it. I'm grateful stock and currency trading exist.
  20. The original post is mostly true. And it's very frustrating. The universe will do whatever it wants, regardless of your approval or disapproval. I can even go further and claim that even your control, intentions, and willpower are not yours and not inside your limits, but actually the universe's. Everything is inside the universe's limit. You and I are fully at the mercy of the universe or God. And everything which has happened, is happening, and will happen is not random. It all materialized, is materializing, and will materialize according to every detail the universe has laid out. That's the no-self-predeterminism awakening I experienced many years ago which horrified me for a few days. The impact on me was significant because I had never heard about any form of awakening. I didn't even know what spirituality is. I feared I might have gone crazy, in addition to enduring extreme anxiety and depression. But recently, I realized I just can't surrender to God's Will. I intuit that God created the ego for a good reason. Neglecting the ego's will and desires is a big error. When I intensely desire something, I devote all my energy, time, and intelligence, putting every atom of my existence on the line. I will die trying to materialize it. The Universe's Will, though much bigger and more powerful than mine, becomes less significant.
  21. This video is an all-in-one package. It can make you laugh, but it can also make you feel disappointed and repulsed by reality. It's also very insightful, hence I'm sharing it.
  22. This is not the cause of my perfectionism; it's one of the manifestations. My perfectionism operates on a different level because it's all-encompassing. Most perfectionists have very limited scopes for their perfectionism; only in directing a movie, performing a musical concert, washing hands after touching a public door, writing a book, recording a video, etc. In my case, I'm a perfectionist in almost all domains and aspects of life. Yes, it's natural and instinctive for me to see defects or faults in everything. I easily identify what can be improved, and many times I feel a burning desire to accomplish that improvement or perfection. In my 'Perfectionism is Wrong and Cruel' thread, I explained why it is the case. But I feel the need to emphasize that perfectionism is also a very beautiful thing. It's crazy because they're all true, though seemingly contradictory. I'll share a real story: My parents, especially my father, are two of the most ignorant and egotistical humans ever. When I was a kid, I used to point out their humanshit (bullshit). There was a time when my father became extremely angry with me; he threw a dustpan and stones at me with a very harmful intention. When my right arm got hit a few times, the skin peeled off a bit, revealing the meat and blood underneath. I became traumatized as fuck! It's distressing for an adult to experience such shit, let alone for a very young boy. I tend to detect faults in various forms and feel compelled to correct them. This has resulted in me being antagonized by my coworkers when I corrected their work or behavior. In my 20s, I always wondered why humans feel offended when their shortcomings or humanshit are pointed out or when they are shown a better way to do things. In my case, I feel grateful when somebody shows me a better way to do things. Why not? I just learned a better way. It's only in my 30s when I finally understood why, and I felt very disappointed. I lost respect for normal humans, and I'm not interested in them. But, I still treat them well, not because they're good and respectable (they're full of humanshit), but because I'm good. That might sound pretentious or egotistical for me to say, but it is the case, and hence, I must say it. My perfectionism has influenced my parents to become better humans, especially my mother. I never stopped pointing out their humanshit and showed them a better way to do things. I explained to my mother that the harmful and twisted ways they inflicted on me, especially when I was a young boy, caused extreme anxiety, depression, anger, and self-murder thoughts. I clarified that they needed to change their ways, or I would completely cut them off. Indeed, I did cut them off from my life a few times because they were unable to change. My perfectionism made it a clean break, with zero communication for years. But after many years, a miracle happened. My mother changed her behavior. For the first time ever, she confessed how ignorant and foolish she had been as a mother and asked for an apology. I began to notice her increased self-awareness. She also learned how to become a loving mother, and right now, I can even say she's one of the most loving mothers in the world. When I say it's a big miracle, it's not an exaggeration. It's accurate. My father was a hopeless case, unfortunately. But at least he learned to properly behave in my presence. He knew I would inflict physical and mental-emotional pain on him if he displayed his twisted ways. He learned this via direct experience. In the last few weeks of his life, I was surprised he became an "angel". I couldn't believe my eyes. I took care of him when he was sick and dying. I was able to do it because of years of strict and "perfect" self-therapy, enabling me to forgive him for his big sins. So, perhaps, my perfectionism changed him, though it was too late. I've just demonstrated a few ways perfectionism can make things better and create beautiful results. In fact, my own self-transformation is a result of my perfectionism. That's why it's very difficult and even feels impossible for me to release. But as the old saying goes, 'What gets you here doesn't necessarily get you there.' It's time for me to transcend perfectionism. Much easier said than done, but it must be done; hence I'll go for it. I awakened to no-self many years ago. But that was a different version of the no-self awakening being talked about in this forum. But I want to say you can't live a very good life via wearing a no-self lens all the time. It's useful for some situations. But in most situations, embracing, loving, and transcending yourself (the ego) accomplishes better results, materially and even spiritually. I'm busy as fuck, girl. I'm not supposed to spend time replying to my threads. But there's some sense in your post and I appreciate the effort; I feel compelled to reply to you. So, Arabic is a strong contender for the craziest language in the world? But I've heard Arabic is known for its accuracy and consistency. If that's true, then English still holds the throne.
  23. You are probably autistic or have Aspergers or a disorder which is something related. But that what also makes you interesting. Normal humans are NOT interesting to me. No, of course. Your life would have been much more horrible without music. Music is a beautiful thing; hence it makes your life more beautiful and satisfying. But as the old saying goes "Too much good is bad.". It's about control and moderation. And of course, you need to create ambitions and goals so you can look forward to the future. If you don't, who will create and accomplish them for you?