Mason Riggle

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Everything posted by Mason Riggle

  1. Short? This is the longest thing I've ever done!
  2. yep "It's Always Now"
  3. We declare, "distinctions are arbitrary and relative!"
  4. @Someone here It's the 'free' part that's the 'illusion'. What will, will. There is nothing for 'you to do' because 'you' are not something that 'does things', 'you' are something that is occurring, exactly how you will. What is there for my organism to do that it's not already doing by itself? Thinking? Being? Growing?
  5. Consider the phrase, 'this tree is growing apples'.. Well, are the apples 'part of the tree' or 'separate from the tree'? What about the leaves? Are those 'part of the tree' or 'separate from the tree'? What about the trunk? Is the trunk 'part of the tree' or 'separate from the tree'? Recognize that there is no 'tree' hiding somewhere inside a tree, that's 'growing roots, and trunks, and branches, and leaves, and fruits'... similarly, there is no 'self' inside your organism somewhere that's 'thinking thoughts, and feeling feelings, and growing hair, and beating a heart'.
  6. Language, often times, is responsible for creating the illusion of separation. "If I experience..." is a 'language thought', that implies an "I" which is separate from "experience". When these kinds of thoughts occur, the illusion of separation occurs, similar to how, when a river flows a certain way, a whirlpool occurs. Whirlpools don't occur 'separate' from 'what the river is doing'.. you can not take a 'whirlpool' out of a river to 'see what it is', because it's just a function of how the river is occurring. 'A whirlpool' is the same as 'how the river is flowing'. Look at the whirlpool! Look at how the river is whirlpooling! There is really no difference between 'a whirlpool' and 'how the river is flowing'. Is there any difference between 'you' and 'what the entire Universe is doing'? Can 'the self' be separated from 'what the Universe is doing' to 'see what you are'?
  7. @allislove as helpful as any.. pointers are also always already happening, perfectly.
  8. "The Strange Loop phenomenon occurs whenever, by moving upwards (or downwards) through levels of some hierarchial system, we unexpectedly find ourselves right back where we started." - Douglas Hofstadter
  9. This advice is a little silly, since this is always already happening. It's similar to saying, 'be yourself'. 'being myself' is literally what I'm already always doing.
  10. @Someone here oh, in that case, great! "And I don't wanna face the emptiness of being." seemed like more 'desire', but perhaps I'm mistaken.
  11. @Someone here apparent to whom?
  12. So what's the problem? Is there anything to be achieved by making your post? Is there some resolution to 'being left with empty hands always' that's worth striving for? ^this.
  13. If who takes a look? Who can't find a perceiver?
  14. "Brains do not exist. And if you're like most people, operating under the Materialist paradigm, this is a problem because you believe that brains are real." - Leo Gura "Most serious spiritual teachers are exceptionally gifted. They do not have a normie brain or neurochemistry." - Leo Gura
  15. @Zion the ego is nothing more than the notion that there is a 'you' separate from 'that which is not you'. A 'thinker' in addition to 'the thoughts'. An 'experiencer' in addition to 'experience'.
  16. @GreenLight hard for me to answer, as they are synonymous for me... To realize The Absolute, is to stop pretending there is separation between 'you' and 'that which is not you'. It's like trying to separate a whirlpool from a river.. Can you take a whirlpool out of a river and show it to me? There seems to be a clear distinction between 'the river' and 'the whirlpool' which is not really there. Similarly there is not really a distinction between 'you' and 'that which is not you'. Anytime there seems to be a separate 'you', that is looking for 'that which is not you', that's ego (which is not 'good' or 'bad').. ego occurs when the Absolute pretends to be separate from itself (like a whirlpool occurs when rivers are flowing a certain way) and it disappears when the Absolute isn't pretending to be separate from itself (when the river is flowing some other way, that doesn't create a whirlpool).
  17. @GreenLight perhaps your notion of 'God' is too limited. The word 'God' carries a lot of baggage with it. Perhaps replace the word 'God' with the word 'Everything'. 'God' is not some separate 'thing' that 'has rules' or 'does things'.. God is 'all that there is'. God is 'all of your thoughts, everything you see, hear, think, feel, experience'.. it's literally 'Everything'. It's this sentence. It's you reading this sentence. It's everything you're aware of, including yourself. It's 'All of it'.
  18. @GreenLight seriously.. how would you decide what to do, if you had Absolute Freedom?
  19. @GreenLight 'total freedom' and 'zero freedom' are the same thing. If you were Absolutely Free, you couldn't do anything.. how would you decide what to do?
  20. @GreenLight 'Everything/Nothing' only 'seems' like 'something' by pretending it's not what it is. Imaginary Separation is 'how' it pretends. this is a perfect definition of 'ego'. Of course Everything/Nothing LOVES to pretend it's separate from itself.. that's how it 'knows' itself!! Nothing/Everything (one, non-dual) can't be like 'something' (duality, multiplicity) without pretending (imagining, dreaming, seeming, appearing, etc.) to be what it's not!