Mason Riggle

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Everything posted by Mason Riggle

  1. @Elham I'm not sure if I understand you completely, but for some reason your question resonated with me... (I am probably one of the older members of this forum and have been around the block a few times) Without going into too much detail, I am in love with someone who, by most standards, is very 'unhealthy'. For us both, it was love at first sight. Our attraction for each other was instant and undeniable... like two magnets placed near each other, each one pulling the other by some invisible force. There was no courting. No chasing. No games. We just sort of 'became a couple' the day we met, because the attraction (both physically and mentally) was so obvious to us both. Intuitive Love. I, of course, have my own 'unhealthy' aspects, and as our relationship progressed, we both learned about each others unhealthy 'flaws' and issues, and some of them are not very attractive. This is where 'Logical Love' kicks in. I suppose we both use our logical minds to remind ourselves what 'Love' actually is. We both know now, the difference between 'that feeling of overwhelming attraction to another person' and 'caring about the wellbeing of another despite their imperfections'. The attraction is still there.. the 'lust' hasn't left us but, because we both know that we are imperfect people, we know there are times when this attraction isn't enough to sustain the relationship. Fortunately for us, we have 'learned' to love each other with a greater purpose than fulfilling our lustful desires. We care about each other, even when we don't like each other, and we are both committed to each other's wellbeing. Because I love her, her happiness and wellbeing is more important to me than 'our relationship', and vice versa. Our commitment to the wellbeing of the other no longer has anything to do with our attraction for each other, and everything to do with caring about the other person. Is this 'logical love'? Maybe that's not the best name for it, but in my experience, it's a more pure love. It's a painful love at times. It's an ugly love at times. It's a difficult love at times. But, I think, it's a vastly more rewarding love. It's more of an 'act of love' than a 'feeling of love'. It's deliberate. Love is something we 'give away', rather than something felt between two people. Not sure if any of this relates to what you were asking. "Do you have enough love in your heart to go and get your hands dirty?"
  2. Does JBP even exist? (à la 'Why Brains do not exist') Is there such a thing as 'Jordan Peterson's brain'? What am I missing here?
  3. I like the word 'stuff', because it has a rather loose definition. It can mean anything and everything. Stuff could be trees and rocks. Stuff could be sounds and sensations. Stuff could be thoughts. Stuff could be 'whatever there is'. @Someone here might have asked, 'why is experience how it is'? Why is there experience? Why is there perception? Why awareness? Why consciousness? When asking, 'why is there stuff?', I think he is really asking, 'why does existence exist'? I don't really find the 'stuff is really nothing' or 'there is no stuff' language to be a very useful, because it's not logical, unless you mean to say 'reality is not logical', which is to say, it can't be understood. These are 'non explanations'. Saying '[insert word] is nothing', is like saying, 'Whatever there is, isn't', or 'up is down'. Well, what the fuck does that mean? It doesn't mean anything. Maybe that's the point. The very 'isness' of 'what there is' is 'self evident'. But why? Is it meaningful to give tautologies like, 'non-being can never be'? This would be like saying "trees are trees precisely because they're not 'not trees'.. isn't that obvious?" Is it any more meaningful to say, 'Trees are not trees'? I don't think so. Perhaps, however, both kinds of responses are pointing to the same thing. "why?" is a question with no end, for which 'why?' can be asked again of any answer, ad infinitum. Children are great at making this point.
  4. "A month... from fucking Cider?!"
  5. @Fran11 @The0Self The issue arises because of language.. "I am alone in the Universe" (dual-solipsism) - The only perspective I have is my own, and because of this, I can't know whether or not 'others' exist anywhere other than 'in my experience'. 'Others actually existing' is not meaningfully different than 'my singular experience of others existing'. "I am alone in the Universe" (non-dual-solipsism) - Whatever there is, is all there is, and it's 'one thing'.. all one.. al-one.. alone.
  6. @Someone here but why are we clueless.. and not some other way??
  7. @Someone here how big is Reality? Where is it?
  8. @Someone here it seems to me that what you are asking is, 'why is reality how it is, rather than some other way?'. (or, for the 'real is imaginary' crowd, we might ask, 'why does reality seem how it seems, rather than seeming some other way, even though it makes no difference whether or not reality is how it is, or only seems that way) I'm not sure there's a satisfactory answer to this question. It's kind of like asking, 'why does the color red look to me how red looks to me, rather than some other way?' Why don't we have 5 arms? Why is pooping a thing that came to be? Why does it take a sperm and an egg to make a new human? What's up with hair? When taken from the perspective of 'why are things how they are rather than some other way?', everything is a mystery and a-logical. Why is the Universe structured in such a way that you even understand this sentence? Who knows? It's the limits of language and logic which produce answer like you've gotten.. 'the Universe is how it is, because that's how it wants to be'.. 'it is how it is, because if it wasn't it wouldn't be'.. etc.. Why is there 'stuff'? Why not??
  9. @Someone here the appearance of 'solid physical stuff', wouldn't you say? Where is 'stuff'? Everywhere forever? How big is 'the physical Universe'?
  10. Is that how it seems? An endless blackness without potential? Don't discount the obvious.
  11. There seems to be somethingness, because it beats the alternative. ? Technical answer- ISNESS is among the infinite possibilities that comes with not having limits.
  12. @Someone here "You are God". Careful here, because some assume that God is something other than 'Everything'. Yes, You are God, but so is a rock. So is this sentence. Everything there is, is God, and it's all 'one thing'.. There is no separation between 'You' and 'That which is not you'.. It's all you, God.
  13. @Preety_India you change your behavior for pragmatic reasons. If you have bad form at Tennis, and someone suggest doing something differently to get different results, I don't think you would respond with, 'why do I have to change what I'm doing?? It's this stupid ball that won't go the way I want it to." Do the Mods need to weed out the Trolls? Yes, absolutely. But this is an ongoing and endless task.. it will never be 'finished', with every Troll eliminated. You asked 'how to deal with Trollish comments'.. ...ignore them if you want them to stop.
  14. @Preety_India the others on here are trying to tell you the same thing I am. You can't change the Trolls, and it's an endless game to ban every single one.. there will always be more. What YOU can do, is change your reaction to them. By recognizing how your actions 'feed the Trolls', even though, yes, they started it, you can learn to behave in ways that are not 'attractive' to Trolls, either initially, or after they have engaged with you. Imagine if it was unwanted positive attention you were getting.. perhaps some guy you are totally not interested in kept showering you with affection, and telling you how pretty your are, and always showed up on your posts to remind you how smart and wonderful you are to the point where you're sick of it.... what would be your recourse to this?? Have the mods tell him to quite being so nice?? Ban him for the constant compliments? Eventually you will have to come to the realization that the only thing you can do is ignore them, until eventually, they no longer get the attention they are looking for.
  15. If you're a member of the forum, the best 'solution' is to simply ignore Trolls.. without receiving the attention they want, the Trolls will seek it out elsewhere. Leo and the Mods have other tools at their discretion to weed out members who they feel are abusing the forum or behaving in an unacceptable manner. These are two substantial solutions, and the proper ones.
  16. @Preety_India I think ignore the hateful comment and move on and do not respond is the best option. Not everyone is worthy of your attention.
  17. @Preety_India perhaps remind yourself that you are essentially anonymous here. I, for one, have no idea who you are in real life. Someone here could absolutely convince me that you are the worst person they have ever met, ever.. and I could bump in to you tomorrow on the street, and literally have no idea it was you who they were talking about. Their opinions here hold exactly 0 value for me, and I think that goes for most of the people here. We're smart enough to make our judgments about your character based on what you say.. not on what other say about you.
  18. @Preety_India what other people say about you says more about them than it does about you.
  19. @Preety_India it's perhaps counter intuitive, but even though they CAN continue with their behaviors, they will no longer have the desire to. The silence doesn't prevent them from trolling... it just removes the incentive. Blocking them, banning them, scolding them... any reaction at all is what they are looking for. If they're not getting the reaction they want from you (or on this forum in general).. they will look elsewhere. "Troll" actually has another meaning, besides 'a big, ugly, aggressive ogre'- it means to carefully and systematically search an area for something.. Fisherman go trolling for fish.. The thing that internet trolls are carefully and systematically searching for is ATTENTION.
  20. Rule of thumb (for real Trolls, or the internet kind).. Don't feed the Trolls. @Preety_India my advice- get some thicker skin, don't take what strangers on the internet say personally. When you do, you become a magnet for more trolling. Your emotional response is the exact reaction that feeds them. Learn to ignore them. It's up to you to become 'un-fuck-with-able'.
  21. @Holygrail "Is everything we experience just imaginary?" Does it matter? Are you 'really' reading my comment on a 'real' forum right now, or does it only seem like you are?? What difference could it possibly make which one it is? How would you know if everything we experience is 'really' imaginary, or if it just 'seems' like it is???
  22. @ivankiss as a parent, I can assure you that often times love and compassion do not look like love and compassion. perspective, recontextualization...