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Everything posted by Boss

  1. Well you could say you should try to use limited resources because most industries destroy the earth to make what you're buying. I mean kids have been caught working in Apple factories and the pay is obviously crumbs and plus the multiple suicides made apple put suicide nets up. And you're just going to keep buying a new iPhone every year when the old ones work perfectly fine? But that will just make them more mad. What approaches have you tried?
  2. 1. drink water and eat if hungry 2. look at work I planned last night 3. start pomodoro and work 4. after pomodoro long break starts I walk/run for 30 min 5. Start pomodoro and work again This is my typical morning routine on days I work.
  3. Great advice as this really relates to me. Right now my position is not having energy and my mind is thinking its because im just physically not able too. When I look at it through a mental perspective I am stuck, sick and need a expensive blood test that will cost me 5 months of work to afford to see if I really am sick. What if the blood test says im physically fine? I would have just wasted my money/time I could have used on something else. This may be whats making me tired because subconsciously I really dont want to work because of that possible scenario of me working for nothing. My mind might be getting tired on purpose to prevent wasted energy. Sigh I am getting tired just thinking of this.
  4. Its quite easy if you plan it out. What I do to reach my goals is set a deadline lets say 1 month. Okay so I got 30 days to work with yay. Let say I need to study a 500 page book. Since I got 30 days I can read only 20 pages a day to complete my goal. So now its super easy. My goal is now to read 20 pages a day and I can do that first thing when I wake up so I can do whatever I want the rest of the day since I pretty much already completed my goal. Not sure if that was the right analogy but I hope you get the point on how to make yourself work towards your goals. Good luck
  5. sounds great I will definitely try it I think its crazy how we dont really have much control on what we forget/remember. I am not sure if there is something deeper to it. I look back at my life and there is some things I remember but it seems more things I forgot. Is the things I forgot wasted life? the things I forgot must be irrelevant to my current moment in life but I can say that for some of the things I remember.
  6. Your school must have some free activities/clubs you can join to meet new people and try new things right? You're only as big as your options. And you're making it sound like internet and gym is all you have. There is much more to the world than those two things. Its up to you if you want to take action and see for yourself.
  7. Did you ever have to deal with bad reviews or someone trying to destroy your name just because they didn't like the questions you were asking? How would you deal with that?
  8. Yea my diet is pretty much just rice and potatoes or beans(dont enjoy) and maybe once a month I get a $1 burger and I honestly get it even tho it maybe more expensive because I feel like I have more energy eating that burger than the veggies/rice. I do go bow hunting to try to get more meat but havent caught a boar in months so I stopped as I felt like I was wasting my time even tho it seems meat does increase my energy. Anyways thanks for the advice guys. Leo is right I need to put all my energy into raising my income as I cant be living like this any longer! Will look into the thyroid hormones blood test and check the price. I am sure its as expensive as the comprehensive test I wanted but fingers cross its cheaper
  9. I started with just walking 30 mins a day then after my body felt like it can handle it I started running.
  10. okay thanks I rarely buy the $1 burgers only when im out and want to eat out which is rare.
  11. forgiveness for me defiantly gets weight off my back. However I do tend to remove them from my life if they take my kindness for weakness.
  12. Yea cant afford healthy food atm just rice, potatoes and sometimes $1 burgers and I only drink water just cause thats what I can afford.
  13. well my diet is terrible being poor and all. Rice, sometimes $1 burgers and I mainly drink water. As far as exercise I try to do 2 hour a week of running/walking. Thanks for the heads up with anemia defiantly dont want that but I may already have it lol anyway to check without a doctor? I tried meditation but didnt have much luck. I am trying to be more positive for sure. Thanks
  14. So many worthless degrees. I recommend you read the book worthless by Aaron Clarey. Over half of college grads are working in jobs that dont require a degree. Dont be one of them.
  15. I do agree teenagers should do personal development. When I was a teenager I just went with the flow.