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Everything posted by Howard

  1. I feel like a lot of gurus and religious institutions do this too, some sell it for free, some for cheap, some for really expensive.
  2. I could see this logic for Ecsasy/MDMA consumption or someone with bi-polar. And I do think there is some truth to what you are saying, but I don't think it's fully correct. For sure, that extreme excited mood doesn't last forever. I see it more like, if an experience can make you a certain level of happy, there is an experience that can make you the same level of miserable. For example, if getting into a relationship can make you feel a certain mood, getting out if it will make you feel the exact same opposite.
  3. Why do you want enlightenment/awakening? What will you do with it?
  4. The present moment is an endless continuum. Acknowledge, move on, acknowledge move on, acknowledge, move on, etc.
  5. It seems like you answered your own question already, but to confirm, your right side (masculine side, assuming you are right handed) is way more active than your left side.
  6. A proper diet (it will take a lot of trial and error to find one that works for your body/lifestyle), burpees and sprinting, and cold showers. Before you go into the burpees and sprinting, PLEASE spend the first few days taking long walks, then next few days going on light jogs. Do stretching and all that. Then you are ready to go hard. You can do it.
  7. There is a conspiracy theory about how Hitler tried to get Tibetan lamas to go back in time because the Germans knew at that point they were going to lose the war. The lamas refused so the Germans left them to starve to death. There has also been times in Thailand where monks were helping to fight a war physically. Not sure if this contributes to your answer at all, but I hope it helps at least a little bit.