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Everything posted by LeoIsMe69

  1. It's part of God/infinity.. so that includes all spectrum of intelligence
  2. OP, you believing there is 'something wrong' with your sister makes it such that there is
  3. Becoming a man who is 'sex-worthy' is the growth and journey in itself. It requires being congruent in your thoughts, words and actions. Also NON-neediness is huge. Sex is just the very fun cherry on the ice-cream
  4. The full list is available on the internet and spotify, but youtube is free for everyone. 6-7 hour playlist, enjoy
  5. I did a small 2g dose and contemplation as Leo recommended for a 2nd trip. Was very nice as I still had some past trauma to go back over, contemplate and release. Highly recommended. Everyone should try a religious/heroic dose WITH A SHAMAN once in their lives after more experience
  6. My life was changed after I stumbled upon Leo's "What Is Reality" vid and everything seemed to make more sense. Then I watched dozens of hours of Leo's vids at 2x speed. Magic mushrooms seemed like the next logical step. I did a heroic dose of notoriously strong "Penis Envy". I recommend a shaman/sitter as you could end up dead, injured, or psychologically hurt if not prepared for reality as you know it to disappear. I identified a few 'human/earth connections' that kept me in this world, so I didn't "let go" into the void. It was my first time and I wasn't quite sure if I could 'come back', even though it's obvious now that I could obviously come back (as God) Things started great as closing eyes on the bed listening to music was one of the most heavenly experiences ever. But I forgot about the sanctity and reverence one must have when doing these. They will absolutely kick your ass! At first I was a little frustrated with certain things in this reality and I rejected human notions saying I didn't need them and could do what I wanted to since I invented everything. But then I was humbled by having to spend like what felt like a week on the toilet and then weeks/months in the tub in some of my own feces after vomit accompanied the diarrhea (I fasted beforehand). I ultimately decided I wanted to be in this reality because of those things that I didn't yet let go of at the time. So it both humbled me and helped me develop an appreciation for this reality since I'm the one who chose to be in it Maybe next time, I will "let go" into the void/nothingness.. or try DMT. AMA
  7. Thank you Leo, but I retained every lesson and more from that trip. Incredibly memorable day of my life : P The only thing I failed to do was "let go" because I wasn't sure at the time in my altered state if I could come back. But now I know I can come back. Heck, as God I can do anything. : P But I feel like I already have a good idea of what the void/nothingness/infinity/love/"Gods rest in nirvana" is like.. but I'll still do at least 1 more trip to go there or maybe DMT Thank you for the concern. I considered myself somewhat 'enlightened' after hundreds of hours of your videos, meditation, contemplation, being love/God, taking all hate out of my heart to be replaced with love, etc... I realize now I could have 'physically' hurt myself.. even though there is no physical body and nothing to hurt. I realize now i wasn't at Shaman level then, but maybe this time I would feel more comfortable doing the same dose alone again. Nothing like shoveling your own shit with your hand from the tub to the toilet to have humility
  8. I 'overdosed' on purpose to have a religious experience. I took off all my clothes first because I didn't need those 'human/societal confines'. Having diarrhea was from the fasting I assume. Leo probably wants people to take a dose so that they can experience letting go into the void/nothingness/infinity in a safe way No, this post was not satire
  9. I did 10g dry of "penis envy" that is a notoriously strong strain
  10. After becoming enlightened, everything is pointless and imaginary.. Thoughts?
  11. No reason to pickup women either. Gotta end it?
  12. 4. Why should I care about politics, other than to not live in a tyrannical/oppressive world (which would also be of my imagining, but I don't imagine that will happen).. 5. What are the best questions I can ask myself ? 6. Why am I trying to ask questions to define/further understand my own imagination when the truth is that I am alone? 7. How do you know when you're ready to be all alone aka stop dealing with imaginary beings, storylines, and roleplaying? I still want to have fun in imagination land and 'play video games' Thanks (me)
  13. 1. To my perspective, you are imaginary and we can never prove you are real. From your perspective, you will tell me the same thing.. but this is simply my imagination doing so. How do we resolve this? Are you going to tell me you're real? 2. How do you deal with friends, family, lovers... now that it's all imaginary? Why would I deal with non-existing entities? 3. Do I have any obligation whatsoever to live in 'the matrix' as per my 'original intent' to fool myself and be here?