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Everything posted by Gidiot

  1. I think Leo would back me on this or any serious intellectual or maybe not but my opinion is that to believe trump has a solution to any political problem with any sort of expertise on ANY issue over the past 8 years has been shown to be a complete total and utter farce and is completely just vibes based. What did he do right in his first term? the only thing I remember is wipe out student loan debt for disabled veterans. His major policy purposal the tax cuts only benefited the richest Americans and corps and he did a trade war with china almost started a war with Iran all well dividing the country. trumps immigration solution is have ice go into schools and round up kids and open up Guantanamo bay for a migrant detention facility, make Gaza beach front property, start a trade war with Canada and Mexico, Christ it’s fucking horrific to say but he might even think of invading one or even BOTH of these countries. That’s what the maga crowd wants from what I see on social media. Propaganda propaganda propaganda like @aurum says this is truly the only political expertise trump has, making digestible talking points and changing the narrative to his imaginary world. not to say the cartels and migrant crime wasn’t an issue but check this post from Chris Murphy… it’s just an insult to human intelligence to genuinely advocate for trump as a leader that will solve real world problems with intelligent solutions. it’s like believing your abusive partner when they say they aren’t going to hit you again for the 50th time. I have deep compassion for humanity but I think maybe pain is the only teacher. I’ve been saying it for more than 6 years on the forum Leo has others have it’s like people are either naaive, devils, and straight up lying to themselves. I personally will never shut up about trump and his corruption because that is precisely how things get bad, people giving up their will to see the truth or at least observing how certain patterns have played out over humanities political history. i personally don’t think we have enough trump critique. If we were as developed as we say we are we wouldn’t have any serious trump supporters on this forum, but we do. So if people here can’t even see it let it sink in how hard it is for your regular normie.
  2. "Be Realistic" But also you're imaginary. Everything is imaginary. There is no ground to reality. Very paradoxical. As beneficial as it is to live in reality I think it worth noting that no matter how much of a realist you're being, its still all imaginary and there is no ground to your realism. Delusions are relative, and the delusions that society has currently internalized aren't based in realism either. Id argue that in the domain of politics; vision is just as important as realism. Nobody will vote for somebody that will just say "I'm going to muddle through and run things according to how they always been run based on realistic principles I've observed.". So you can explain how things are, why things are, what works and what doesn't, but that doesn't make anything anymore realistic its still infinite potential which could change at any moment. Thinking that reality can be studied and boiled down to the principles you assert and you've understood it all is a grave error. There will always be something you don't understand about reality eluding you and this is why you could never make a prediction about what's going to happen 5 years from now with any accuracy. In the domain of politics don't you think its kind of naive to expect an ideologically free perspective? There is no escaping survival as you say, and that's all politics is. I think if you have the deep mind which I agree you do Leo then I think you should start offering some solutions...what could be more realistic than that. Just sitting above all of the fray of the left and right and above all ideology isn't improving society. Actually I think the best thing you can do is let nature play out of itself, infinity is smarter than you, you will never outsmart infinity and you will never understand enough of it t be 100% confident that your political analysis will be spot on. Isn't that the lesson to be learned here? the right thinks they know how society works, the left thinks they know how society works, you think you know how society works, I think none of you do ultimately, you may be closer to the truth than the left or right, so then what are your real world solutions and how to implement them? and if you don't know then what's the point of it all? my claim is that the natural order is better than any solutions the human mind comes up with, no need to interfere. No need for survival agendas at all. interesting analysis though and I will keep coming back to it.
  3. I know he’s being snappy but y’all get so impatient and angry with a guy experiencing homelessness for arguing with you. Think about that, and I’m surprised no one has mentioned intentional communities. for a bit of farm work or other odd jobs there are places in America that let you live there with food and shelter. at least in the northeast in America it’s easy for me to find such places using this website. Maybe in your country or a neighboring one they have these too. if you’re trying to get yourself out of poverty and back into society then probably not the right best route but if you’re just trying to survive and maybe network with people these are a good idea.
  4. Alan watts actually talked about this subject, pretty spot on with some of the answers I’ve seen. Also I’ve never put much stock into reproduction for the sake of it. People should have a reason beyond biology for birthing a child and I disagree that society needs to run on the manual labor of stupid people. There’s no reason why everybody couldn’t be intelligent just maybe genetic factors in the way. also who says what society is doing should be perpetuated? Are we really doing anything that magnificent worth perserving? Seems to me like humanity is corrupted. can’t even keep a homeostasis for the planet to live on and we don’t look out for one another by and large beyond mild politeness until those things are fixed I wish nobody would reproduce
  5. Nope and don’t plan to
  6. I wish I could send that latest blog post to every political pundit YouTuber and influencer that cares to understand why trump won and have them read it. That was an excellent analysis of the average American voter and I will say I never shit on Harris as a hard lefty myself I always tried to talk her up despite all the problems because we are never going to form a coalition with the right or maga but we could easily try with the center. I know we don’t always get what we want but so much of it is not going to come from electoral politics and you have to use your voice in other ways. No one political figure will save you like the blog post says, you need to organize and mobilize based on your compassion wisdom and consciousness for fellow humanity. as a comment on the election I was annoyed just how right wing the dems became on the border and courting republicans I wish they would’ve offered Palestine a bone or tried to explain to voters that mass deportations would hurt the economy but I don’t know if that would have worked, maybe their bed was made for them before and couldn’t have swung even though it was close in the swing states. Things will get a lot worse before they get better. I don’t think we will ever defeats the fascists unless their is a coalition between the center and the left like in France and I think the center needs to be more welcoming they are quite scared of trans rights and Palestine and raising the federal minimum wage and other rights etc. ultimately genuinely scared for the country and the next four years and annoyed that falsehood and corruption is winning but not giving up and going to do all I can to fight back
  7. Voting trump is a grave mistake. I remember 16’-20’ and it was a constant shitshow. He is so divisive and is the primary reason people are so polarized. democrats do way better at unity and creating a positive narrative for the country which I think matters beyond the idea that he will improve the economy which he has only said he will bring prices down by drilling more oil which will put us even more in a global warming crisis. His handling of Covid and overt racism create a hateful environment and a non science based administration i think it’s fine to consider voting for trump but I think if you value consciousness work Kamala is obviously the higher conscious person and it’s not even close so basically you are anti growth voting for the lesser option. Yes we are ready for Kamala no we don’t need to go back to trump we are more mature than that. also banning abortion nationwide and in various states is such an anti American anti freedom thing which of course conservatives will try to do whether they tell you they won’t or not, they also said they wouldn’t overturn roe v wade so I don’t believe trump the habitual liar when he says he doesn’t know project 2025
  8. what Is the main goal of capitalism? At least socialism/communism have a vague goal of happiness of the society it hasn’t been implemented successfully because mankind is too stupid not the other way around.
  9. Not to derail the thread but in reply to your comment, what is this obsession with a daddy figure? I myself identify as a man and that is my birth gender and yet I’ve never felt like I need to be masculine it’s always just been taken for granted nothing needs to be reinforced. I don’t understand why so many people need to project that out on to society. Seems like there is some insecurity in todays youth. im just me and that’s good enough no need to couch my identity in masculinity or femininity don’t get why so many people need to. Be a chameleon blend in with whoever or stick out and create your own path don’t be a mindless role model slave
  10. My 2 cents on this topic is that surrendering your political agenda or survival agenda is absolutely essential to detach yourself from the fray to understand a lot of motivations and connect a lot of the dots for political sense making. But it’s almost impossible to be neutral because this forum wouldn’t exist in an authoritarian political climate and unfortunately philosophy is considered a left wing political exercise. the funny thing is that I would consider anyone to use the word sense making and connect it to politics to be left wing or at the very worst a centrist, and on the ground it just can’t work. There will always be forces that are working to homogenize and destroy intelluctualism and philosophy as nonsense and flex their fascist muscles. i would consider us lucky to even have this medium because to even have the time and resources to not think about politics from a survival based ego biased position is a blessing. But i agree with both of you that it is essential to detach and also do the dance of action as well. Unless you are totally detached which I envy I haven’t been able to get there yet. politics at their best is a way of maximizing love and consciousness among all beings in a very Buddhist way in my opinion but in practice it is just mindless survival and groupthink a lot of the time and yes that goes for both sides. sadly I don’t think if trump is elected that the institutions could hold up and that’s not counting the cultural damage it does to our discourse, values, and ethics. I think there needs to be a way to make sense of our environment and also stand for something and balance the contradictions. as a human entity, or as god playing the human it’s hard to put investment into it realizing it is all a game but I don’t want the living nightmare as far as my incarnation is concerned. hope this helped maybe it was relevant maybe it wasn’t just my two cents
  11. If you use the term “black jobs” don’t be surprised if someone calls you a racist, you can say white collar and blue collar jobs but you can’t really define what a black job is without sounding racist imo. Black people can have any type of job and they can’t be pigeon holed into one field or one type of job like trump is trying to say. if you’re looking for instances of trumps racism and you say the only instance is of 20 years ago well this article proves you wrong from 2016 and I quote : On the campaign trail, Trump repeatedly made explicitly racist and otherwise bigoted remarks, from 1.calling Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists, to 2. proposing a ban on all Muslims entering the US, to 3. suggesting a judge should recuse himself from a case solely because of the judge’s Mexican heritage. 4. to pandering to white supremacists after they held a violent rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, 5. to making a joke about the Trail of Tears, Trump hasn’t stopped with racist acts after his 2016 election. 6. also having dinner with a known white supremacist nick fuentes and giving Kanye west his ear who is an anti semite. 7. Most recently, Trump has called the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus the “Chinese virus” and “kung flu” 8. he also accused Obama of never being born in the USA, 9. recently called Kamala not black and argued about it with black reporters. 10.Speaking about immigration in a bipartisan meeting in January 2018, Trump reportedly asked, in reference to Haiti and African countries, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” 11.Trump tweeted later that year that several Black and brown members of Congress — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) — are “from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe” and that they should “go back” to those countries. It’s a common racist trope to say that Black and brown people, particularly immigrants, should go back to their countries of origin. Three of the four members of Congress whom Trump targeted were born in the US. so basically here is the list, if it isn’t good enough for you to realize the man has a public record of racism then no one will convince you.
  12. Still a wild thing to say whether you frame it that way or not. People must vote in democracy unless they just want a big daddy strongman like trump to rule their lives and do everything for them. if a democrat told people they wouldn’t have to vote anymore people would lose their minds and fairly so. Such a stupid thing to say anyway.
  13. Overall I think that link was pretty spot on, i would classify myself as high in all those parties and if I had a ranked choice vote I would put 1 marianne 2 kamala, for VP im thinking more and more Tim Walz or Beshear but if aoc ran her or whitmer would be good choices too. Joe exotic seems like a joke he doesnt seem like a progressive person at all lmao. thanks for sharing the link.
  14. @Princess Arabia it gets nowhere simply because wherever you go there is no one there and nothing to get because seeking is pointless as the appearance is complete and whole already. Parroting a bit but yea something I do hear is “how can you arrive at what already is”
  15. Jim Newman often says “I’m not saying there’s nothing to do, I’m saying there’s no you” so apparently doing arises but it gets nowhere, this experience over here is dealing with the rug being swept out from under it yet again, even though there’s no me to accept it in the story of who I am it’s incredibly frustrating not having a way to go or something to seek but that is what’s happening and it sucks and rocks at the same time
  16. I see you Leo, sneaking your way onto Jeopardy without telling us
  17. I thought the whole point of making it real was for gods entertainment? *what does god want to do?* A: well it knows everything and it knows it’s everything, but it wants to experience that everything. okay but why experience anything at all if not for the fun/entertainment/ love of it? Why not just be a blank slate forever? I think entertainment is a big part of it and it’s what humans spend too much of their time doing as well. maybe I’m not entertained as much by suffering/struggle and not in love with that as a human. And that is obviously because I’m biased towards harmony/survival and evolution to higher states of consciousness but let’s be honest if we all knew the agenda of god then why even perform a single action as a human . you know how it’s all going to pan out, there’s no need to act unless you have a selfish desire or formulation for the world to be a certain way rather than it is right now and how god intended it there is a subtle ignorance in all of our assertions and my question would be if you disagree with this statement what is the agenda of god? seems like I was born in chains (humanity) and there is a need to transcend it. I’m not a fan of limitation and would never seek it out if there was a clear cut alternative which I believe there to be. I’ve graduated from school and rightly and justly would never go back to learn the same stuff. its very paradoxical. I just don’t get why you could have the awareness that you’re going to go back to struggle and suffering and then have any desire or violation to escape it in the first place. There needs to be a balance man my most charitable understanding is that suffering, “making life real”, struggle, bad thing and evil is all a device created by god for understanding itself more at a deeper level,love itself more, and you can call me biased but even with that understanding I’m not seeking that shit out. There’s a reason your development gets easier and faster when you live in a hospitable environment, some struggle is unavoidable but Sadhguru asks a simple question, “if you could create misery or bliss which would you create?” and the answer to me is unequivocally bliss and I don’t see how god would choose the opposite and no sane human would either
  18. it certainly doesn’t feel real to me. There an obvious creation mechanism which I can’t understand yet but I’m subtly aware of. And if it’s all relative and the absolute is already here there’s really not volition and time either and I’m not going back to “real” it just always has been and always will be what it is, and we are speaking in linear human stories as you guys said. There's no cycle or awakening to what already is. there’s just a hollow character moving through apparent appearances also I never thought that real and fake was a hard line which also is a duality that needs to collapse. Also what’s wrong with loving everything as god? I don’t see a problem with indifference to pain and suffering as long as you have empathy and understanding of the impact of it and maybe I am just weird but I have never wished I had suffering or struggle, not once, and I don’t like resistance and friction in reality/the dream, I’m actually quite the upopian and I’m disputing that god would ever get tired or bored of not having suffering and pain and want to embody into a fake character to experience it. The fact that it’s apparently happening now doesn’t change the fact that a more enlightened awareness would choose otherwise and I’m speaking from experience I wouldn’t choose that and if “you as god don’t see it as suffering” then it’s already a moot point because then that seems everything I value as human irrelevant too because gods true perspective trumps mine
  19. I don’t have a problem with mortality/survival the deception of life. But I really don’t buy that I would get bored of infinity and omniscience, just look at all the entertainment that mere humans can produce, you don’t think god could entertain itself without deception for eternity. Just don’t think that self deception is inevitable and a cycle of awakening and going back to sleep is what is waiting, god is too free or at least me as god doesn’t want that to be true. Makes you think if it’s all cyclical and there is no growth or permanent transformation then there really is no use to the struggle or meaning to survive. Just empirically. There’s got to be a higher understanding and transcendence of mundane survival and unawareness ignorance. I’ve never once sprained my ankle and been like jee I want to repeat that again And again for eternity. And if I told someone the truth and they realized it, it benefited their life from awakening to said truth, I would hate to see them wake up with amnesia and go back to ignorance if it’s the natural order of things fine it can’t be changed, but I would never willingly reneg on progress just to entertain myself. If you watch a movie for the first time it has a magic to it, the second time, still good but it’s lost something, which makes me think it’s not going to be the cycle forever. Infinity is too grand to repeat itself for eternity.
  20. I think its telling that if we understand "mental illness" so well why cant we come up with a sure fire treatment or cure? Seems to me that we don have anything better than symptom suppressants and all these labels while having a function aren't conclusive and really all it does it box you in/ disempower you, none the less the societal stigma around it. it may be obvious to spot that someone has something wrong with their stability and mental balance/function but how can you then give it a lifelong label that is just identification of symptoms without knowing the cause or really how to cure it? it may not be mental in origin, it could be the air/ habits/diet/ etc etc. this is a big area where western medicine fails. its too logical and trying to classify everything and label it beyond genetic defects and such i feel like its hard to really pin down what causes/cures or treats "mental illness" and dont feel like there is a solid understanding of it. which calls me to believe that it is much more spiritual in nature beyond just chemistry and taking a pill. bipolar, autism, and the like arent concrete at all they are labels of observable symptoms and behavior and the funny thing is not many experts would believe that there is anything metaphysical about them or placebo or self created and to me as long as they dont admit that, i cant take the system seriously.
  21. I think a country should be able to call itself whatever its people wants, as stated "India" was a colonial term forced upon the nation. Sadhguru made an analogy about the "technologies of domination" that slave traders used to do the same thing with their "property". The first thing that happened when you were sold into slavery was that they changed your birth name to something demeaning to insulting to demoralize you and make you easier to bend to their will. I agree that nationalism isnt everything, but you cant transcend nationalism until everyone is comfortable in their own authenticity and I think Bharat seems more authentic than India since India basically means nothing (river) and Bharat means "to be maintained (of fire)" to me its a no brainer, and its easy to judge from the west but people from Bharat seem to like that change and its a step in the right direction towards authenticity. From the Article : "I know a whole lot of the intellectual crowd will say, “What is in a name?” When you utter your name, you must understand there is sound. The meaning is only psychological and social. The sound is existential and has a power. “Bharat” has power. This power has to reverberate through everybody’s hearts in this country. And the idea of what it means to be an Indian must get across to every human being because if everyone’s aspiration is not the same as the national aspiration, then you don’t have a nation."
  22. Isn’t it too overly logical and anal to preach “get the job so you can get finances , get the finances so you can get your shit together, get your shit together so you can get a woman, get a woman so you can cultivate love and get your needs met, and get all of the previous shit so you can meditate and do spirtual pursuits, and maintain all of the previous shit until enlightenment.” I feel like the linear path of xyz as mentioned below is very wrong to apply to everyone and there is a vast amount of exceptions in actual reality and no other spirtual school has put such an emphasis on materialism. Ideally you can use anything as a tool to the divine why restrict yourself to such a narrow pathway? also this kind of thinking perpetuates and in a way validates a system which people are already highly critical of and not working for most people, I don’t see the fruits in preaching this gospel or method and would endorse a more free flowing way. saying you need all that shit to be an attractive man is like saying you need mala beads and an ochre robe to be spirtual, sure it’s sexy on the surface but it’s very risky too, I don’t think actual life progress is that linear, for example why can’t you work on your spirtual first and then come back to career or dating or just say fuck it all. Spirituality shouldn’t be gatekept by materialism ideally your job or career or dating sex life would be a spirtual sadhana in itself and not a bridge to it
  23. Yea I know I’m not realistic but I do truly believe like some masters say that if it’s meant to be it’ll be, existence will present you with a mirror/match of who you are if it feels you could learn from the relationship/connection. I have nothing against seeking out a relationship but sometimes someone will just walk into your life spontaneously and serendipitiously I am very allergic to lists of expectations and definitely don’t like dating and monogamy isn’t for me. I don’t really seek security I just enjoy sharing connections with women and all beings really I do think there is wisdom in allowing people into your life and letting them go when the relationship has run it’s course there is deep wisdom in that, but the intense desire for sex/security/pleasure at all costs from another being is ugly imo can safely say I wasted a lot of my life on that road
  24. Angelic—- if I thought I should pursue I wife it would be her haha