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Everything posted by Gidiot

  1. @Aleister Crowleyy a lot of people are just deeply asleep compared to him
  2. I think if you’re looking at diet most people don’t look at ethical arguments, if you just want a healthy diet sure maybe veganism isn’t the best for everybody on the planet in 2022, but to me arguments for vegan diets are ethical ones and nutritional information comes second even though there is overwhelming evidence that vegans have better blood and reduced risk of heart disease and other ailments. it’s just like other products Nike may make the coolest looking shoes but they sure as hell aren’t the most ethical products. It’s about what you care about, if you care about reducing animal suffering than veganism is the way to go. If you don’t than obviously it’s not going to be a compelling argument. I would venture though that this animal holocaust that is happening on the planet cannot evade humanity forever and eventually we are going to have to care about it’s implications. You judge the growth of a society but how it treats it’s least fortune and most defenseless , and it’s obvious humanity is still a primitive one.
  3. @BipolarGrowth that video was hilarious joe Rogan definitely won that argument . And the vegan had some good points. I agree the most ethical way to eat meat is to hunt. But it’s not sustainable because if everyone hunted then pretty much all game animal life would go extinct, also factory farms aren’t sustainable either in either CO2 arable land water and they are factories of suffering, it’s a animal holocaust every day. That in itself isn’t relative love. I assert that if people had to kill every animal they ate then there would be a lot more vegetarians. Eat whatever you want, but don’t kid yourself about the implications of your diet, Nike still has sweat shops people still buy from them, it’s obvious people don’t care. Until they do.
  4. I typed out a couple reponses but I have nothing to say really, there is some truth to this video, but the inorganic ones is just like a Christian saying the devil this the devil that.
  5. I may not share your views brother but there definitely is an obvious bias against Palestine and it is super evident in America and the west. America loves Israel because they want to be the puppet master of them in the Middle East. I down believe in saying down with Israel and other shit like that but I believe a two state solution is best, there’s no way that’ll happen in the current climate though, and yea you’re definitely biased as other forum users will point out. But the points you make are very valid.
  6. People get tribal. I get the argument that it’s easy to go meta from my living room half way around the world, I’m not in Ukraine, but this type of level headed approach is better damage control. one should at least try to understand it if they can, regardless of who’s the bully, bad guy, etc. what’s the most wise solution?
  7. Think it was the correct decision Leo, but this thread is definitely getting out of hand. cheers p.s. I thought the zen koan comparison was a good one, sometimes you just need a straight answer but some people just won’t give you and inch, part of the reason I like users like @VeganAwake and Jim Newman/tony parsons is directly that but I remember when asked if they use advaita language even they conceded that there is no need to all the time only as a pointer.
  8. Totally agree with bad hippie, just to live a good life you shouldn’t have to slave away for a wage or start a business. A good life to me isn’t even extravagant, just your basics needs some shelter and food. The whole psychology of capitalism and the people who defend it seems very ego based. Of course I’m very ego based too, I just want to survive as well, but exploiting workers so you can sell cheap good and have tremendous wealth inequality isn’t sustainable and in my opinion will have to change it it will collapse in on itself. I don’t like the whole psyche of needing to prove yourself through value to society to live a basic life off the street, I personally believe I can benefit society in other ways than financially being a cog in a system or an owner of a business and believe we all should have basic economic rights just for existing as humans, call me lazy call me naive but it seems the fairest and most free way to run a society to me, to not be corned into being a worker or business owner and just being able to do your own thing at your own pace, and not have to starve for it. Plus a lot of jobs are just useless jobs and would probably be better for society if they didn’t exist or people had their own free time. if you want to work hard work hard but don’t push that on others, some people are meant to do other things in life and the material world isn’t for everyone.
  9. Meditation might happen here, but the message resonates still and I don’t know why but it’s one of the best messages I’ve ever heard. @Consilience having said the above^ I still used to be quite the meditator and would often drive 30mins to an hour to meet with a meditation group, there was time the message of non duality resonated with me and now I’m going back to my roots of meditation again to see what happens if anything, I think the uncompromising message is a phase we all gotta go through or realize. Just wanted to say I respect your path and I hope in the dream or story or whatever that it’s a pleasant one
  10. You could meditate for 40 years and nothing could happen, that seems like a trap to me too. The perspective I enjoy is just that whatever is happening is happening and it’s all divine will so in that there is peace no need to listen to teacher or not listen to them
  11. Thanks for your post but joe Rogan drama ain’t that interesting to this body.
  12. I’d say I’m miserable because what is, is not satisfying and I don’t know if it ever will be no matter what “work” gets done or material I acquire. there are a few things in life that could make me enjoy it, but for now they seem far away. And maintaining said things seems even harder than getting them.
  13. Just gotta say love the idea of having to make your meaning and value and a society that doesn’t impose one upon you. I never put any value into value and it’s going to be interesting to see what’s valuable when there’s no labor economy.
  14. @mandyjw if you can fart in front of someone and feel no shame about it then this is someone who you should keep around.
  15. I would suggest that there is just what is. and it’s unknowable you can’t call it a conceptual framework cause that’s not what it is it’s not god, consciousness, and no self it’s just whatever is appearing to happen and that even isn’t it it’s just unspeakable I mean in the story you can try and understand it but for what end? You’ll get no closer or farther from what is. To me it seems like there only is apparent stories but no reality to them, they a seeing can arise that they never happened just like the past or future, where is it? You can only tell a story about it
  16. @VeganAwake @ADD you can’t know that either it’s just whatever is apparently happening
  17. Whatever this is can’t be explained and There doesn’t seem to be a way to get any closer or further away from it; no matter what practices happen or substances consumed. no need to seek or not seek. It is what it is