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Everything posted by Gidiot

  1. Did you watch Leo’s stage purple video? It pretty much answers your questions.
  2. He’s well researched and pretty factually accurate. Posts the sources for everything etc. already makes him better than a lot of places.
  3. @Mohammad well said
  4. Got called anti indigenous for posting the pic in Leo’s videos, “a western biased perspective against native peoples cause purple is at the bottom” lol. i actually had a spiral dynamics bumper sticker. Hopefully some people found out about it that way. I would say to understand it you gotta be at least blue but to care about spreading the word green/yellow and and this thread and the topic and thinking of methods to teach it is definitely yellow, it’s hard to not look at everything through this worldview once you accept it.
  5. Riots suck and destroy communities, but there’s a kernel of truth to them just like in the American revolution, you can’t be blind to that either
  6. Kyle is a lot more consistent with his criticism of republicans and praising Biden on things he does right to be fair, you don’t even have to look that far on his channel. I think Kyle overestimates how people tend to vote on posturing rather than policy and that people tend to vote for the person and ignore the issues even if another candidate is better on the issues, I didn’t realize that either until it was pointed out to me in Leo’s vid either fairly enough. after watching a year worth of each show, and their joe Rogan interviews I definitely think Kyle has a better political sense. And yea I didn’t think of that, rising when bernie had a chance to win they were very non toxic in their opinions, but after he lost things went south.
  7. They definitely aren’t fascists but vaush makes a good point that krystal is a progressive but never praises anything the dems do even though they are right on a couple things. It is starting to see like an ideology, it was great last year when she liked yang and Bernie and tulsi but now it seems like she moved a bit right
  8. @humanProcess from George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln, to a conspiracy theorist that “gets you” if you try to take him seriously” .
  9. @Epikur exactly because it’s running badly. That’s like saying why try to improve your life? You’re just getting by, that good enough right? Progressive politics is precisely what the USA was made for, pushing the ticket, if we are so competitive why do we rank so low on healthcare, education, prison population, happiness, and other metrics? doesn’t seem like the experiment is working so well for most of the people, undeniably there will be people are living lavish lives, that will always happen but the consensus is that most people want single payer, want a higher standard of living, want money out of politics, and want to tax the wealthy more. our political system is very ineffective, and that’s why we constantly need to be improving it in a conscious and effective way, not idealism of the way things used to be because we can’t go back in time we can only more forward
  10. @Rilles cops don’t care, and yes if you have the balls to point a gun at someone point blank why can’t you tackle him, there’s literally like three cops. im not saying he was a angel, and I’ve heard he had a knife, even if he did, watch people in Europe who have no guns themselves yet can still handle these situations better without anyone being harmed. even if he was a ruthless murderer I didn’t know that justifies killing him the street, there’s just no sense of even leaning on the side of dignity for some cops in the us, scratch that many cops. I don’t care about researching the facts in this one, because it’s evident to me that this method of policing is a failure form the video alone. How can you even let him get in the car if you think he’s going to reach for a weapon. Explain to me that enlightened conservatives on this forum. To me you’ve failed there as a police officer if you let him even open the door, if you’re going to shoot him you at least shoot him before he enters the vehicle.
  11. Imagine listening to leo and then listening to Tim pool and acting like Tim pool has a leg to stand on.
  12. @datamonster we aren’t living in pre capitalist systems.
  13. They don’t even pretend to care, not that they ever have but context of the situation or not I’m not even a cop I know this is terrible policing.
  14. @Alexop I wonder what your solution would be. It seems like those nazis want to run the last normal family out of town. Doubt they could sit down at a table and have a conversation, I wonder if the Jews tried that in WW2 and how that worked out for them, these guys seem a bit more civil than hitlers nazis but Jesus if someone tries to kill you with arson the immediate action isn’t to help them the best solution would probably be to ask the police for help and stand your ground. I certainly couldn’t live next to nazis, I have a bad enough time that my neighbors have trump signs
  15. There’s been many accounts of yogis meditating and altering reality since the dawn of time. Just read autobiography of a yogi, also the mods are right, most of the time masters will say ignore the siddhis because they are just a distraction. Trust that the will of god, your own, is doing everything perfectly, and like they also said, you’re manifesting whatever you want all the time you’re just not aware of it. And in an enlightened state there’s no telling what will happen, no need to analyze it. Just experience it first, that’s my idea at least, I haven’t had that enlightened state either but no need to expect anything out of it.
  16. @electroBeam @James123 sadhguru has said the mind is so complex that you could have hundred of personalities. These thoughts are fine, just realize them for what they are. I’ve been through the same shit brother. and if you feel disturbed there is always option for help. It’s very possible to be conscious and have a mental disorder, mental disorders can be intense one day and mild or even non existent on some days. I think a vast majority of the population could be diagnosed with bipolar on a bad day. science has a long way to go to understand the mind and I’d always recommend getting many opinions, if you feel like you have one. maybe a bit of projection since I have been diagnosed with bipolar in the past but it’s good advice anyway. take everything with a grain of salt. Don’t worry about the medical labels. Even with your own thoughts is the point.
  17. I have heard and seen admins and others post topics about the movement for a people’s party organized by a former bernie staffer and with the convention happening on august 30th with many conscious speakers such as cornel west, Nina turner, marrianne Williamson and Others. I wanted to get opinions on who would be considering this party for an alternative to the two corporate parties. I personally like it and think it’s a great alternative to dems where progressives are neglected. America needs a left wing party badly while parties still exist. And the Green Party unfortunately has the stench of always being ineffective, already more enthusiasm and people power for this movement has congregated than the Green Party. Any thoughts? Opinions? Is this a viable solution and alternative than reforming the dem party or voting green? here is there mission statement they have a nice 8 point solution to getting the party nationally viable by the end of 2021
  18. @zeroISinfinity alright well I have had light “ego deaths” so to speak, I realized I was just energy or consciousness or whatever you want to call it then I felt my sense of localization fall away. I still don’t fear death, my logic is that if I know I’m dead I’m not really dead, if I’m really dead then I won’t know it so why worry, I never existed anyway haha
  19. @Findus American Dream is nice but it’s ideology. Why not focus on life purpose instead? We need an American life purpose instead of an American Dream.
  20. @Apparition of Jack yea I like the idea of vaccinating everyone if it works, but I just can’t let it be compulsory, maybe mandated but not compulsory. even if no side effects I like to keep the body pure and I take extreme measures to make sure I don’t get virus, not everyone has a life out of public like me but still it sets a bad precedent that the government could mandate any vaccine
  21. @WaterDroplet--00 no problem, I have some friends in Melbourne and I think scomo is trusted more than a Donald trump in his home country, I want things to get better but I’ve just never liked the idea of forcing people to take vaccines or any drugs for that matter. i could change my mind if it’s a effective but I still don’t like the precedent
  22. I don’t think forcing people to get a vaccine is helpful, but I think incentivizing them is the way to go, sure you save lives which is most important but I don’t think in this specific case I can defend a vaccine that has no long term clinical trials. maybe if it was proven to be harmless, I think people should have the right to choose but I don’t think a mask mandate is the same thing as a vaccine. Having the vaccine be free would be great, having tax incentives or small rewards for getting the vaccine is great. being culturally libertarian has its pros and cons, obviously we are seeing America and the western world have suffered a lot more than eastern Asian countries which are more stage blue, but also when it’s not a pandemic which society would you want to live in. in not anti vaxx at all but I don’t see the issue as anti vaccine or compulsory vaccine.
  23. Point taken, I’ve never been a big fan of morality, so in a paradoxical sense the most developed worldview is no morality sense morality is about exclusion rather than inclusion. i think problem is that many people (myself) included make the mistake that selflessness is a moral value instead of just leaving behind the values and just being selfless i still feel like god has an agenda though.