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Everything posted by Gidiot

  1. @diamondpenguin amen, as long as we have leadership and it doesn’t turn into a cult lmao
  2. @Forestluv amen, by the way I wasn’t really thinking of it in a chronological order, I was thinking vote Biden and encourage more progressives in the house/ senate/ build a 3rd party all at the same time, Ed markeys victory in the senate was great. And then eventually if a viable 3rd Party has a great infrastructure( peoples party talking about running Nina in 2024) then the pressure from that would eventually get those dems to defect to that party and hopefully we will have ballot access and state parties by then - this isn’t wishful thinking, we are getting signatures right now and working hard to make this a reality with a national cal every week. But yea I digress, I would consider myself more of a Ryan knight but I’m still voting Biden. I think your plan is correct elect Biden and when he fails present a new alternative with the Overton window to the left. it’s not as problematic as a strategy as you think either, it’s much better than kissing the ass of Obama which is what people did until roughly 2016. People won’t kiss the ass of Biden I’m sure at least progressives wont and trust me @SunCat I’m well aware that Biden and the majority of dems are a pro Israel/ pro fracking/ pro corporate welfare/ ethnic state/ Palestinian dehumanizing/ patriot act voting party and I hate most of what they stand for but they are better than the republicans so until we have a nationally viable third party I am voting for them, I will gladly take my voting power to the peoples party and relatively soon, Biden is terrible and I hate lesser of two evils too but sometimes you gotta do things you dislike in life, not talking down to you just saying we have a corrupt election system and we are trying to fix it so please don’t lecture someone fighting for your cause. I don’t like purity tests cause no one is truly pure not even Bernie or aoc or any politician.
  3. @Consept relative truth is a beautiful thing. If we want to play the game as humans on earth we gotta respect it
  4. @Red-White-Light agreed but not all new age shit is unfounded, I would say the scientific approach is to test and then see for yourself, if it doesn’t work/isn’t healthy / stop it. If it does you may want to continue. it is important to have an open mind as well, it’s good to have a scary ego experience and realize you’re alright if you are prepared ie dmt or aya. I do kriya yoga and a lot of breath work and a lot of people think it’s crazy but it’s true and effective for me, relative truth isn’t appreciated if you are too rational. I think e both agree the balance is great. It’s hard to say don’t do this or don’t do that because you sound dogmatic. Let people decide for themselves.
  5. I mean you can look at models to predict the future but really it’s impossible, how many people accurately predicted the industrial revolution or smartphones or the internet, something equal or greater could happen, society totally moves at a slow rate (historically) but there is no telling how fast it could go, I agree with kenWilber if he says there is a tipping point like a singularity of consciousness. also I’ve listened to a lot of the great awakening theory and the people who talk about it certainly don’t mean the level of awakening you are talking about @Leo Gura. They simply mean spiritual awakening like what most people have from blue-yellow they don’t mean stages they mean temporary states and then there is the whole complicated thing with souls and reincarnation(which I certainly believe) but yea it is a story and maybe a great story but it can be problematic and you will sound like deepak chopra to a lot of people lol having said all this, knowing the nature of growth and especially collective consciousness, there is many problems with evolving too quickly and no perfect way to evolve it’s often bloody and crazy and unstable but ultimately none of us can tell at what time in the future we will progress to solid green yellow etc. I think sadhguru has don’t a great job of integrating turquoise values into society pretty easily and other youtube teacher such as yourself leo, the problem with improving consciousness rapidly is that it requires everything else to improve rapidly which isn’t the case yet, but I am very optimistic that solid green will happen in our lifetimes of you’re around my age (25h and live a long life maybe even a yellow country/society will emerge, it’s impossible to predict, but just from when I was born 1995-2020 seems like a quantum leap
  6. I think everything happens for a purpose and the truth is absolute yet also infinity, yes it’s redundant and been said on this forum a million times but it’s not about “knowing the truth” or “not knowing the truth” it’s about realizing the absolute truth is that you can never know the whole truth lmao paradoxically, so don’t sweat it, infinity has infinity to experience itself, it’s all going according to the flow whether is the happiest day of your life or if you commit suicide. But agreed in a “human form” we aren’t that evolved and without getting too much into my beliefs there is much to learn on planet earth in this dream so why not enjoy it. We don’t exist anywhere anyway hahaha
  7. @Consept watch the movie “where to invade next” by Michael Moore and go to the bit about Norway and their prisons . I had a stage green moment and cried my eyes out haha
  8. @Opo Immigration can have pros and cons but I think there should be a commiseration program in most countries or like an exchange program people can opt into from a young age to explore other cultures for some time and learn not to other people. I disagree with Slavoj zizek that multiculturalism is a negative for the world. We can all coexist but to do it without fear you need to grow up with a taste of these “ foreign “people and values, we only become fearful from ignorance. I was lucky to grow up with different cultures and exchange students in school and seeing many races so I didn’t have a prejudice but a yellow or strategist perspective would likely be the research findings that racism/immigration fear/ultra nationalism/white supremacy/nazism is a more learned thing than just a hatred of other cultures, I’m hoping that this party will address that in some aspect, you can’t do thst by simply accepting more immigrants but actually ensuring there is healthy communities for integration into the country, I dislike the word assimilation because people should be free to be themselves and not conform to nationalism if they want, like myself I’m not very nationalistic but I have the privilege of a natural born citizen, if more natural born citizens were able to explore the world in an exchange system it is a net positive for the world if done in a healthy way, I would like to see an emphasis on a system like this. In my state of Maine we have a huge population of Somali immigrants and Chinese students coming to our schools and it has benefited my community greatly. However the Somalis do not feel welcomed or commiserated with so they form their own communities and instantly get “othered” by natural born citizens. With programs like this and some other things and education , the red/blue/conformist fear would not be encouraged and we could successfully transition into solid green. that is the goals for our lifetimes- solid green would an amazing accomplishment Just a thought haha
  9. I don’t think I’ve ever watched a video on politics greater than the conscious politics series.... sorry. I just don’t think there is a better teacher in the Internet, maybe a career politician or writer might have a better view but I don’t think many people can tie in a meta view with consciousness like Leo, yes I’m biased towards him but I’ve watched probably 50-100 other youtubers opinions haven’t read many books on politics although but Leo’s seems the most developed. I would also say that he is right more times than not when calling someone out for self bias. you seem to have a hair across your ass about leo, yea he’s flawed but so are you. Trust me we are not blind sheep being led by a wolf, I don’t idolize leo and I certainly don’t agree with him on everything. but also I was wrong about Bernie And progressives and after Nevada in 2020 he lost fair and square. you got to able to admit when you’re wrong when faced with new information. Simply saying leo is biased and can contradict himself isn’t saying anything. That’s literally every human on the planet, paradox(reality) itself is a contradiction, the key is evaluating to what degree.
  10. @Elham well trump lost the popular vote, as did bush, as did most Republicans, but the electoral college suppressing democracy is a problem/
  11. @Scholar dont forget, the fact that humans evolved from chimps is only a relative truth, consciousness is infinite and there are infinite amount of ways humans could evolve too, yes maybe ai will surpass us in certain areas, and i actually believe AI can become awake too to themselves a la westworld, but that doesnt mean we are doomed. are animals doomed? you are speaking from a materialistic worldview, once you become infinite there is no need to lament about a chimp mind. everything will become outdated, as you say, even AI and universal intelligence isnt about superiority its more about expression. predicting the capabilities of AI seems impossible to me in 2020.
  12. @SunCat "We have to stop rewarding bad behavior with our votes. We don't have time. " voting trump will not solve this, most people to the left of biden are already following your advice (me). my reps are all for progressive policies and we are voting out susan collins soon so there will be no pro trump mitch mcconnel majority. people on this forum arent about electoral politics either, from what ive read most see it as a harm reduction vote. doesnt mean you sit on your heels. obama didnt have the same pressure that biden will have if elected, and you know this. christ bernie was even getting pressured and still is.
  13. @Forestluv wait can you clarify, isnt it a great idea to form a major third party that could be nationally viable? regardless of whether or not you vote for biden. I mean i think there is a pretty good chance that the progressive dems could defect and that would just be huge on its own. the dem party has many loyalists but i feel like that number is shrinking, i could be wrong, but its awfuly hard to believe that it could be taken over anytime soon, maybe in decades but peoples party has a very good infrastructure that i have investigated (im part of the movement and the founding convention hopefully). i agree with leo and ryan knight, both are right, you should vote your conscience but also electing biden isnt an endorsement of biden for most of the people to the left of him. we will fight him too - David doel says who would you rather fight, I think the best strategy is to vote harm reduction and to also apply pressure with third parties and dem we agree? haha the green party turns a lot of people off because it has a stink too it. also a new party has a different brand and opportunity and energy.
  14. @SunCat Imagine if Biden wins and Marianne gets a cabinet spot.
  15. @Toby his core is red. @purerogue trump blundered COVID if you are blind to see that, and if you using whataboutisms to deflect from the US response, sorry but you need to think before you post on this forum. sure. people are to blame too, anti maskers etc. but there was absolutely 0 genuine leadership from day one and this proves it,
  16. @Leo Gura basically agree but what about the importance of valuing a non-binary persons experience as equally valid, that’s what I was talking about in my posts, masculine males and feminine females are great but they aren’t in need of advocacy. sex is certainly a thing and we exist in “human bodies” that have usually more masculine energies or feminine, but I also think it’s possible to be neutral or have an equilibrium like Fran says, I don’t know if most stage green folks want to burn en down, well certainly some do, but I think my stage green opinion would certainly be to add more to it not subtract. Become more inclusive, rethink what it means to be a man or woman and add some nuance to it. a big part of my life purpose is about improving society and government, so I think realizing that societal constructs are effective because they have been around so long has merit. I truly don’t think you can improve upon something until you understand what makes it work and what hurts it. What are the pros and cons etc. this was a good point I needed to read, better to improve on the design than rethink it although both can be wrong/right in the relative sense. my survival agenda is a bit abstract.... I am thinking if I have to live this persons life and as many lives as god I want them to be as fair as possible
  17. victim mentality isn’t great but it’s a part of the problem, people who have victim mentality didn’t just wake up and make shit up, they were really victimized and sorry but 400 years of slavery isn’t something you get over quickly, maybe if you were like Buddha, but for the average person it’s traumatic. And until people really believe that society is fair, they will protest. The best way to stop protests is to give people what they want, if it’s reasonable, I think BLM ain’t asking for anything unreasonable in fact I agree with a lot of their agenda, a lot of is stage green, sure there are toxic aspects to it, but would you really generalize the whole movement because of riots? Riots have always happened this is America after all.
  18. Yep, you can’t solve the problem until you admit you have one. Something trump has rarely seemed to acknowledge throughout corona and BLM. communities of vulnerability will always prevail over communities of strength in the long run.
  19. Yep, as long as their a loving intent and actually compassionate policy behind it, just look at Portugal, they don’t believe in a punishment mindset, but they will also tell you, you need more money for treat meant and rehab and safe spaces for addicts etc if you legalize. It doesn’t mean you think it’s right it just means you arent going to punish people for what they do to themselves, only help
  20. @Rajneeshpuram O enlightened one, when did you achieve Samahdi?
  21. I say Biden carries about 330 electoral votes to Trump 190 or so. Key wins for Biden; PA, MI, AZ, NM?, maybe NC, maybe Florida. Maybe Wisconsin maybe Minnesota key wins for Trunk: OHIO,Texas, Oklahoma, Georgia, don’t seem him winning much else than his base this time, but I may be wrong
  22. I agree the ideal is no government because of consciousness, but how do you get there from where we are now? Well it starts with giving the people more power than any other entity, we will need guidelines and laws and morals and ethics for a while, but I don’t even think a turquoise society would be able to progress past a government, I think maybe you can transition from written explicit laws to implicit laws like a moral code or people uniting under one purpose that you can interpret from your own way, but yes bottom line is there has to be collective responsibility, and compassion, it’s hard to achieve that without some pushing because the ego is a challenging force to that, but next thing better than democracy? id definitely say an elder/expert system that is also held accountable by voting and decentralization, politicians in such system would need to dedicate their life to public service (degree and relevant experience like college admission) and also be held accountable and transparent to the public(better) also if you have to pass a citizenship test to become a citizen, and prove your driving skills for a license, there should be a recommend politics history course taught free to all citizens and if you can’t pass you keep taking it until you pass, after you pass you earn a verification as an educated voter like Twitter haha you gotta market these things better, so everyone can vote but not everyone is a verified voter. And we should encourage all voters to be verified, this solving the problem Socrates had with the Population being uneducated only after a few thousand years of something like this would it be possible to have no government, I think also a big part of having a system better than democracy would be having no countries and borders so people didn’t feel so alienated from other people, Beau of the fifth column had a great point that the us already had open borders in its own country and there is no reason why would couldn’t establish this throughout the world, yes it would take amazing amounts of diplomacy and consciousness but i don’t see how you could have a non government system without a globalization of the world without individual states