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Everything posted by Gidiot

  1. Agents of Chaos Really eye opening documentary about the 2016 election and all the damning and verified evidence for the collusion of Russia on behalf of the trump campaign as well as revisiting the rigging of the 2016 democrat tic primary. aired on hbo last night and tonight. part 1 best documentary I’ve seen so far and maybe even the most accurate on this subject
  2. @Thewritersunion that’s a lot of people but to a degree trump has let it impact him negatively when he had all the money in the world to fix it
  3. @louhad j cole new album is definitely early yellow I agree and Kendrick Lamar has some green. I’d say there are two rap songs on iTunes from moojis album that are definitely turquoise but turquoise rap is more spoken wordy than with a beat an melody from what I’ve seen. good example of a turquoise rap song
  4. @Carl-Richard I saw him in Philadelphia and his energy level is unreal. He’s a brilliant public speaker and conducted a 7hr workshop like it was nothing laughing the whole time. Trust me the dude is enlightened
  5. @DocWatts Venus and Mars used to house civilizations I believe there is truth to that cliche sayings haha. Martians were a warring people because they developed apposable thumbs and that lead to creating weapons, where as Venus developed to green quicker because of no thumbs. Same happened here with humans/ it’s all in the law of one/ ra material book. Great to see science backing it up
  6. @Parththakkar12 power dynamics and the conservative survival agenda
  7. Where would you place yourself on the spiral dynamics model/ego development Model as of this day you read this out? What would be the best way to transition to green/pluralist in the us and could we get to yellow/strategist in my lifetime? (I’m 25) ——- do you believe in a divine plan?
  8. @Consept abc town hall was a disaster too people aren’t being too cute with him in the media anymore
  9. If you look up hypocrite in the dictionary there just might be a Lindsey graham picture there.
  10. @No Self I was also told that in 3D or 3rd density we have chemical biological bodies and higher beings just have lightbodies which they just use for instantly becoming anything and changing form and traveling at the speed of thought which is what I’ve heard is fastest than light, since all is one you could definitely merge with any object or imagine yourself anywhere you wanted I’m guessing even mystics such as sadhguru have said that distance is a non factor if you go inside
  11. @No Self conversations with god is great. I remember the channeled entity he was talking to (god) said that we are still primitive on earth because we can’t control the weather yet
  12. @Lyubov true I was just saying that Biden has more support among the troops. Not surprising as he trump has called pows losers and suckers
  13. @sholomar yea if citizens United was repealed it would pave the way for so much more expediency. Many people would certainly agree I think it has like a 91% approval rate as everyone right and left realities the corrupting influence of money and people like Michael Bloomberg being able to buy their way into races
  14. i know they aren’t high ranking but I’m too lazy to research. It’s telling that Biden is getting more votes than trump from military people who I would assume tend to be more right leaning
  15. Conversations with god sold millions of copies... yet it’s such an underrated book.
  16. @Lyubov many have spoken out against trump though
  17. In a conscious society “paying taxes” would be framed as “societal improvement donations” but we aren’t there yet, our taxes could go to so much more but they are wasted on so much
  18. @Akemrelax You don’t need to suppress you emotions to deal with them, there are unhealthy and healthy ways of doing things. People who defend trump say he’s being loving and caring and downplaying it to keep everything cool and under control as if that’s his M.O. there are trump ads on YouTube of Joe Biden wants to defund the police and when you call no one will pick up how is that not inducing a panic? What he said to Woodward wasn’t surprising and calling it no greater than the flu in public constantly downplaying It saying it will go away and everything will be under control Democrat’s are overblowing it no mask mandate/ while saying it’s deadlier than the flu in private is just political bullshit but you won’t convince a trump supporter that. cant wait for election week
  19. @SunCat maybe but Biden isn’t only motivated by ego and politics he has expressed love to mariannes ideas as well as Andrew yang and bernie
  20. @diamondpenguin amen, as long as we have leadership and it doesn’t turn into a cult lmao
  21. @Forestluv amen, by the way I wasn’t really thinking of it in a chronological order, I was thinking vote Biden and encourage more progressives in the house/ senate/ build a 3rd party all at the same time, Ed markeys victory in the senate was great. And then eventually if a viable 3rd Party has a great infrastructure( peoples party talking about running Nina in 2024) then the pressure from that would eventually get those dems to defect to that party and hopefully we will have ballot access and state parties by then - this isn’t wishful thinking, we are getting signatures right now and working hard to make this a reality with a national cal every week. But yea I digress, I would consider myself more of a Ryan knight but I’m still voting Biden. I think your plan is correct elect Biden and when he fails present a new alternative with the Overton window to the left. it’s not as problematic as a strategy as you think either, it’s much better than kissing the ass of Obama which is what people did until roughly 2016. People won’t kiss the ass of Biden I’m sure at least progressives wont and trust me @SunCat I’m well aware that Biden and the majority of dems are a pro Israel/ pro fracking/ pro corporate welfare/ ethnic state/ Palestinian dehumanizing/ patriot act voting party and I hate most of what they stand for but they are better than the republicans so until we have a nationally viable third party I am voting for them, I will gladly take my voting power to the peoples party and relatively soon, Biden is terrible and I hate lesser of two evils too but sometimes you gotta do things you dislike in life, not talking down to you just saying we have a corrupt election system and we are trying to fix it so please don’t lecture someone fighting for your cause. I don’t like purity tests cause no one is truly pure not even Bernie or aoc or any politician.
  22. @Consept relative truth is a beautiful thing. If we want to play the game as humans on earth we gotta respect it